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Last updated: 2013-04-29
Release version: 0.6

Table of contents
1.0) About
2.0) Content
3.0) Compiling
 3.1) Dependencies
 3.2) Makefile targets
4.0) Usage
5.0) Troubleshooting
6.0) Credits
7.0) License and copyrights
8.0) Contact

1.0) About
The MathWebSearch system (MWS) is a content-based search engine for mathematical
formulae. It indexes  OpenMath and  MathML formulae, using a technique derived
from automated theorem proving: Substitution Tree Indexing. The software is
licensed under the  GNU General Public License.

2.0) Content
LICENSE         copy of the license under which this software is distributed
README          this file, containing general information
TODO            file containing present TODOs

CMakeLists.txt  cmake template for the Makefile

data/           data used for static runs (generally xml harvest files)
doc/            documentation and design
scripts/        utilitary scripts to help building and configuring
src/            source code
test/           test sources and data
third_party/    third party sources

3.0) Compiling and Testing
Compiling of the source tree is automated via cmake. You can build the sources
using the following commands
> mkdir build
> cd build
> cmake ..
> make all

To run the tests, use the standard test target
> make test

For more details about these targets, see 3.2

3.1) Dependencies
The core executable (mwsd) requires:

  - g++ (with pthread) (>= 4.4)
  - cmake              (>= 2.6)
  - make               (>= 3)
  - pkg-config
  - libxml2            (>= 2.7)
  - libdb              (>= 4.6)

The RESTful interface (restd) requires:

  - libmicrohttpd      (>= 0.4)

The Crawler executables (crawlerd/xhtml2harvest) requires:

  - libhtmlcxx-dev
  - libicu-dev
  - libcurl3 
  - libcurl4-gnutls-dev

The doc target requires:

  - doxygen

3.2) Makefile targets
a) all              builds all the binaries of the project and tests
b) clean            clears the binaries of the project and the documentation
c) doc              generates the documentation of the project
d) help             display all the targets (main and service)
e) mwsd             builds the mwsd binary (main MWS process)
f) restd            builds the restd binary (MWS restful interface)
h) test             runs the unit tests (using ctest)

4.0) Usage
The main server will start by running the generated executable "mwsd". The
server will run on port MWS_PORT. The harvest include path is not necessarily
required. All files of MWS_HARVEST_EXT extension are loaded from the respective
paths (without recursion). The respective values are defined in
To use the Crawler, one needs to start the crawler with the defined website, 
the count of sites to crawl and optionaly: the start of the crawling and links
to be skipped when crawling.
To be able to use RESTful communication, one needs to also start the REST-Daemon
with the desired RESTful port as argument.

> mwsd -I <harvest include dir>
> restd -p|--port <arg>
> crawlerd -p <arg>

The Crawlerd uses the MWS_PORT to talk with the MWSD, in order to send it 
harvest paths.
Having done that, the machine running the mwsd/restd stack is ready to receive
HTTP POST requests on port <arg> (with MwsQueries [1] as POST data).

To setup or remove mwsd/restd as a global SysV service, use (as root):

> scripts/sysv/ config/mws_services.conf
> scripts/sysv/ config/mws_services.conf

The provided config file [2] sets up MathWebSearch to use the ArxivDemo
harvests [3]. To start/stop services, use

> service mwsd_arxivdemo [start|stop|status|...]
> service restd_arxivdemo [start|stop|status|...]

Output is logged to /var/log/[mwsd|restd]_*.log To serve different harvest
paths, create your own configuration file similar to [2] and deploy the

[2] config/mws_services.conf
[3] data/arxivdemo

5.0) Troubleshooting
Always check src/mws/config/* macros to see if garbage from previous runs
is present. Check variables like:

6.0) Copyright
The software in this project (binaries and sources) is released "as is",
under the GNU Public License version 3.
A copy of this license can be found in the root of this project,
under the file name LICENSE.

7.0) Credits
Most of the code in the core repository was developed by Corneliu-Claudiu
Prodescu <>, under the supervision of Prof.
Michael Kohlhase <>.
For a complete list of developers visit

8.0) Contact
The easiest way to contact the developers is using the MathWebSearch trac [1]
or the mailing list [2].



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