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C Unit Test Library

Cut is a C unit testing framework that intends to be easy to use and easy to run. It has a few nice properties:

  • It is simple to write tests.

  • Its output is easy to understand.

  • It is extendable.

  • It is comprised of just two files - cut.h and cut.c.

There are examples provided.

Learning to Use cut

The best way to learn how to use Cut is to take a look at example_unit_test.c and its test suites in example_test.c and example_with_init_test.c.

example_unit_test.c provides command line argument parsing and printing of usage information. It allows Cut to print and handle all the Cut-specific options. It installs the two test suites. Installing consists of calling the test suite's registration function, which in turn registers each test within the suite. Finally, the set of test suites is run using cut_run(), which returns a value suitable for use as a program exit code based on the pass/fail result of the test.

example_test.c shows how to add tests that do not require any setup or teardown steps before and after the tests. It demonstrates a number of assertion types. Note how the registration function, example_test(), does not need to perform a configuration step - by default no setup/teardown routines will be used.

example_with_init_test.c shows how to create tests that require setup and teardown steps around each test. CUT_CONFIG_SUITE() provides for specifying the size of the data buffer to be passed to the test and its setup and teardown functions. The buffer contents are zeroed and it is passed as a void pointer to the setup function (test_init() in example_with_init_test.c), which can then put items into the buffer as required. The test is then called with the same pointer. Finally, the teardown (test_exit()) function is called, also passing the buffer pointer. Note that the teardown function is always called, even if the setup function fails. This allows for cleanup of partially acquired resources.

Building the Examples

To build the examples on Unix-like systems, run 'make':

    $ make
    Makefile:82: Makefile.depend: No such file or directory
    gcc -M   example_unit_test.c | sed 's/\([^ ].*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o \1.d : /g' > example_unit_test.d
    gcc -M   example_simple.c | sed 's/\([^ ].*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o \1.d : /g' > example_simple.d
    gcc -M   example_complex.c | sed 's/\([^ ].*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o \1.d : /g' > example_complex.d
    gcc -M   cut.c | sed 's/\([^ ].*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o \1.d : /g' > cut.d
    g++ -M | sed 's/\([^ ].*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o \1.d : /g' > cc_example_unit_test.d
    g++ -M | sed 's/\([^ ].*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o \1.d : /g' > ccut.d
    Updating Makefile.depend.
    gcc -o example_unit_test.o -g -Wall -Werror    -c example_unit_test.c
    gcc -o example_simple.o -g -Wall -Werror    -c example_simple.c
    gcc -o example_complex.o -g -Wall -Werror    -c example_complex.c
    gcc -o cut.o -g -Wall -Werror    -c cut.c
    gcc -g -Wall -Werror    -o example_unit_test example_unit_test.o example_simple.o example_complex.o cut.o  
    g++ -o cc_example_unit_test.o  -c
    g++ -o ccut.o  -c
    g++  -o cc_example_unit_test cc_example_unit_test.o ccut.o cut.o  

On Windows, bring up vs/cut.sln in Visual Studio 2015 and Build the solution. It will build both example_unit_test.exe and cc_example_unit_test.exe in the appropriate target directory (Debug, Release, x64/Debug, or x64/Release).

Running the Examples

The C example produces the following output:

    $ ./example_unit_test
    17:48:50 ................................ PASS  00:00.000014
    17:48:50 example_simple.two ................................ PASS  00:00.000000
    17:48:50 example_simple.three_internal_skip ................ SKIP  00:00.000000
    17:48:50 example_simple.four ............................... PASS  00:01.258231
    17:48:51 example_simple.fail_me ............................ PASS  00:00.000003
    17:48:51 example_complex.sum ............................... PASS  00:00.000097
    17:48:51 example_complex.product ........................... PASS  00:00.000042

                    PASS    FAIL    SKIP   ERROR    Total
    Assertions        12       0       1       0       13
    Tests              6       0       1       0        7
    Result: PASS

Notice how each test shows the local time that it started, the suite and test names (with any trailing "_test" removed), the result, and the elapsed time for the test. cut is not itself multithreaded and it does not store times anywhere so it cannot show a percent complete as the test is running, but if you've run the test before then you can judge how long you'll need to wait in any subsequent runs.

The meanings of PASS, FAIL, SKIP, and ERROR are explained in the section below, Basics of the Framework.

The C++ example does not include very many tests; it consists of an exception-test:

    $ ./cc_example_unit_test 
    17:50:34 ccut_suite.throw .................................. PASS  00:00.000090

                    PASS    FAIL    SKIP   ERROR    Total
    Assertions         5       0       0       0        5
    Tests              1       0       0       0        1
    Result: PASS

Note that C++ support is minimal - it does not yet wrap the test suites in a C++ object, so basically you write your tests using the C style.

Running Individual Tests and Other Options

cut can allow you to run individual tests, or tests that match a particular pattern. The pattern is not a regular expression; it's a simple substring search. If it matches then it runs that test. Below is a run of the example unit test that runs all tests that contain ".t" or "prod":

    $ ./example_unit_test  .t prod
    14:49:56 ................................ SKIP  00:00.000000
    14:49:56 example_simple.two ................................ PASS  00:00.000001
    14:49:56 example_simple.three_internal_skip ................ SKIP  00:00.000000
    14:49:56 example_simple.four ............................... SKIP  00:00.000000
    14:49:56 example_simple.fail_me ............................ SKIP  00:00.000000
    14:49:56 example_complex.sum ............................... SKIP  00:00.000000
    14:49:56 example_complex.product ........................... PASS  00:00.000043

                    PASS    FAIL    SKIP   ERROR    Total
    Assertions         4       0       1       0        5
    Tests              2       0       5       0        7
    Result: PASS

Note that "example_simple.three_internal_skip" was also run since it matched ".t", but the result of running the test was SKIP - the test is not yet implemented.

A few other options are available, such as listing all assertions, not just the ones that fail. Run 'example_unit_test -h' to see the options.

Basics of the Framework

The framework provides three layers of testing:

  • Assertion - a comparison of a single value or operation produced by the unit under test (UUT) with the value deemed to be proper by the test creator. An assertion might be an exact comparison or a range comparison, etc.

  • Test - set of assertions about the operation of a chunk of code as it moves through multiple phases of operation. If any assertion fails, the test aborts immediately under the assumption that subsequent assertions will also fail due to the conditions left by the failure of the previous operation.

  • Suite - a collection of tests that operate over different aspects of the same UUT. When a setup and teardown procedure are needed they are applied to each test within the corresponding suite.

The full test name consists of the suite name and the individual test name, each with any trailing "[_]test" removed. So if your code adds a suite using CUT_INSTALL_SUITE(funtest) that includes a test via CUT_ADD_TEST(guy_test), the resulting test name would be "fun.guy".

The results of an assertion or test can be PASS, FAIL, SKIP, or ERROR. Here's what those mean:

  • PASS - the assertion or test was performed and all assertions were determined to be true.

  • FAIL - the assertion or test was performed and at least one assertion was determined to be falls.

  • SKIP - the test was explicitly skipped internally (by returning CUT_RESULT_SKIP) or implicitly by selecting a subset of tests to run via cut_include_test(). This is useful for enumerating a series of tests for a UUT and slowly adding functionality.

  • ERROR - the preconditions for a test could not be established. This happens when a test's setup function cannot allocate resources or cannot otherwise create the state necessary for the test to be run.

Currently the test or test setup (init) function will immediately return when an assertion fails. All of the CUT_ASSERT_xxx() assertions eventually call cut_assert(). See the complete list in cut.h.

Creating Custom Assertions

Some of the longer macros - the ones that begin CUT_FL_ASSERT_xxx() and CUT_FLM_ASSERT_xxx() - are provided to allow custom assertions. For example:

    /* These might be in a header file: */

    cut_result_t cut_assert_complex(const char* file, int line, complex_t proper, complex_t actual, double epsilon);

    #define CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(_pr,_pi,_a)                              \
      do {                                                              \
        complex_t _proper = { _pr, _pi };                               \
        complex_t _actual = _a;                                         \
        CUT_RETURN(cut_assert_complex(__FILE__, __LINE__, _proper, _actual, CUT_EPSILON)); \
      } while (0)

    /* And the implementations: */

    cut_result_t cut_assert_complex(const char* file, int line, complex_t proper, complex_t actual, double epsilon) {
      CUT_FLM_ASSERT_DOUBLE_NEAR(file, line, proper.real, actual.real, epsilon, "real");
      CUT_FLM_ASSERT_DOUBLE_NEAR(file, line, proper.imag, actual.imag, epsilon, "imag");
      return CUT_RESULT_PASS;

    static cut_result_t op_test(void) {
      complex_t a = { -1, 3 };
      complex_t b = { 4, 0 };
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(3, 3, complex_add(a, b));
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(3, 3, complex_add(b, a));
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(-5, 3, complex_sub(a, b));
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(5, -3, complex_sub(b, a));
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(-4, 12, complex_mul(a, b));
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(-4, 12, complex_mul(b, a));
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(-0.25, 0.75, complex_div(a, b));
      CUT_ASSERT_COMPLEX(-0.4, -1.2, complex_div(b, a));

If complex_add() has a bug in it - off by 0.5 in the real component, the test output would look like:

    14:37:49 complex.op ........................................ 
    complex_test.c:58: FAIL  
      Lower:  2.999997000000000E+00 (3)
      Actual: 3.500000000000000E+00 (3.5) (> Upper) - real
      Upper:  3.000003000000000E+00 (3)
    14:37:49 complex.op ........................................ FAIL  00:00.000020

Use of CUT_FLM_ASSERT_DOUBLE_NEAR() allows the test assertion function to label the field that caused the failure. Without that ability it would be unclear which field was incorrect since the proper value is 3 for both of them.

Using cut with C++

Wrappers are provided for use with C++. See ccut.hh and Currently the wrappers provide nothing more than assertions that may be used to capture expected and unexpected exceptions.

A reasonable to-do item for cut would be to create a test suite class that performs all the registrations automatically like Google's gtest or CppUnit, but using cut as the backend in order to maintain the same look-and-feel as the C version.

Building the Documentation

This file and the source code itself are probably enough to understand how to use cut, but API documentation is also available using doxygen, which must be installed separately. Use the following command to build the API documentation:

    $ make doc

To-Do Items

The following are TODO items:

  • Allow for continuation on failure?

  • Create a C++ class wrapper for test suites.

  • Automatically add C++ test suites during run-time initialization.


Copyright (c) 2003-2019 Doug Rogers under the Zero Clause BSD License. You are free to do whatever you want with this software. See LICENSE.txt.

Note that the terms listed in LICENSE.txt apply to all files in this repository, even those lacking a copyright mark.



C Unit Test library







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