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                The Dazzler Database Library

                            Author:  Gene Myers
                            First:   July 17, 2013
                            Current: April 13, 2014

  To facilitate the multiple phases of the dazzler assembler, we organize all the read
data into what is effectively a "database" of the reads and their meta-information.
The design goals for this data base are as follows:

(1) The database stores the source Pacbio read information in such a way that it can
       recreate the original input data, thus permitting a user to remove the
       (effectively redundant) source files.  This avoids duplicating the same data,
       once in the source file and once in the database.

(2) The data base can be built up incrementally, that is new sequence data can be added
       to the data base over time.

(3) The data base flexibly allows one to store any meta-data desired for reads.  This
       is accomplished with the concept of *tracks* that implementors can add as they
       need them.

(4) The data is held in a compressed form equivalent to the .dexta and .dexqv files of
       the data extraction module.  Both the .fasta and .quiva information for each
       read is held in the data base and can be recreated from it.  The .quiva
       information can be added separately and later on if desired.

(5) To facilitate job parallel, cluster operation of the phases of our assembler, the
       data base has a concept of a *current partitioning* in which all the reads that
       are over a given length and optionally unique to a well, are divided up into
       *blocks* containing roughly a given number of bases, except possibly the last
       block which may have a short count.  Often programs con be run on blocks or
       pairs of blocks and each such job is reasonably well balanced as the blocks are
       all the same size.  One must be careful about changing the partition during an
       assembly as doing so can void the structural validity of any interim
       block-based results.

  A Dazzler DB consists of one named, *visible* file, e.g. FOO.db, and several
*invisible* secondary files encoding various elements of the DB.  The secondary files
are "invisible" to the UNIX OS in the sense that they begin with a "." and hence are
not listed by "ls" unless one specifies the -a flag.  We chose to do this so that when
a user lists the contents of a directory they just see a single name, e.g. FOO.db, that
is the one used to refer to the DB in commands.  The files associated with a database
named, say FOO,  are as follows:

(a) "FOO.db": a text file containing
                 (i)  the list of input files added to the database so far, and
                 (ii) how to partition the database into blocks (if the partition
                       parameters have been set).

(b) ".FOO.idx": a binary "index" of all the meta-data about each read allowing, for
                  example, one to randomly access a read's sequence (in the store
                  ".FOO.bps").  It is 28N + 88 bytes in size where N is the number of
                  reads in the database.

(c) ".FOO.bps": a binary compressed "store" of all the DNA sequences.  It is M/4 bytes
                  in size where M is the total number of base pairs in the database.

(d) ".FOO.qvs": a binary compressed "store" of the 5 Pacbio quality value streams for
                  the reads.  Its size is roughly 5/3M bytes depending on the
                  compression acheived.  This file only exists if .quiva files have
                  been added to the database.

(e) ".FOO.<track>.anno": a *track* containing customized meta-data for each read.  For
    ".FOO.<track>.data"  example, the DBdust command annotates low complexity intervals
                         of reads and records the intervals for each read in two files
                         .FOO.dust.anno &  Any kind of information
                         about a read can be recorded, such as micro-sats, repeat
                         intervals, corrected sequence, etc.  Specific tracks will be
                         described as modules that produce them are released.

If one does not like the convention of the secondary files being invisible, then
un-defining the constant HIDE_FILES in DB.h before compiling the library, creates
commands that do not place a prefixing "." before secondary file names, e.g. FOO.idx
instead of .FOO.idx.  One then sees all the files realizing a DB when listing the
contents of a directory with ls.

  The command DBsplit sets or resets the current partition for a database which is
determined by 3 parameters: (i) the total number of basepairs to place in each block,
(ii) the minimum read length of reads to include within a block, and (iii) whether or
not to only include the longest read from a given well or all reads from a well (NB:
several reads of the same insert in a given well can be produced by the Pacbio
instrument).  Note that the length and uniqueness parameters effectively select a
subset of the reads that contribute to the size of a block.  We call this subset the
*trimmed* data base.  Some commands operate on the entire database, others on the
trimmed database, and yet others have an option flag that permits them to operate on
either at the users discretion.  Therefore, one should note carefully to which version
of the database a command refers to.  This is especially important for any command that
identifies reads by their index (ordinal position) in the database.

Once the database has been split into blocks, the commands DBshow, DBstats, and DBdust
below and commands yet to come, such as the local alignment finder dalign, can take a
block or blocks as arguments.  On the command line this is indicated by supplying the
name of the DB followed by a period and then a block number, e.g. FOO.3.db or simply
FOO.3, refers to the 3'rd block of DB FOO (assuming of course it has a current
partition and said partition has a 3rd block).  One should note carefully that a block
is a contiguous range of reads such that once it is trimmed has a given size in base
pairs (as set by DBsplit).  Thus like an entire database, a block can be either
untrimmed  or trimmed and one needs to again be careful when giving a read index to
a command such as DBshow.

All programs add suffixes (e.g. .db) as needed.  The commands of the database library
are currently as follows:

1. fasta2DB [-v] <path:db> <input:fasta> ...

Builds an initial data base, or adds to an existing database, the list of .fasta files
following the database name argument.  A given .fasta file can only be added once to
the DB (this is checked by the command).  The .fasta headers must be in the "Pacbio"
format (i.e. the output of the Pacbio tools or our dextract program) and the well,
pulse interval, and read quality are extracted from the header and kept with each read
record.  If the files are being added to an existing database, and the partition
settings of the DB have already been set (see DBsplit below), then the partitioning of
the database is updated to include the new data.

2. DB2fasta [-vU] [-w<int(80)>] <path:db>

The set of .fasta files for the given DB are recreated from the DB exactly as they were
input.  That is, this is a perfect inversion, including the reconstitution of the
proper .fasta headers.  Because of this property, one can, if desired, delete the
.fasta source files once they are in the DB as they can always be recreated from it.
By default the output sequences are in lower case and 80 chars per line.  The -U option
specifies upper case should be used, and the characters per line, or line width, can be
set to any positive value with the -w option.

3. quiva2DB [-vl] <path:db> <input:quiva> ...

Adds the given .quiva files to an existing DB "path".  The input files must be added in
the same order as the .fasta files were and have the same root names, e.g. FOO.fasta
and FOO.quiva.  The files can be added incrementally but must be added in the same
order as the .fasta files.  This is enforced by the program.  With the -l option set
the compression scheme is a bit lossy to get more compression (see the description of
dexqv in the DEXTRACTOR module).

4. DB2quiva [-vU] <path:db>

The set of .quiva files within the given DB are recreated from the DB exactly as they
were input.  That is, this is a perfect inversion, including the reconstitution of the
proper .quiva headers.  Because of this property, one can, if desired, delete the
.quiva source files once they are in the DB as they can always be recreated from it.
By .fastq convention each QV vector is output as a line without new-lines, and by
default the Deletion Tag entry is in lower case letters.  The -U option specifies
upper case letters should be used instead.

5. DBsplit [-a] [-x<int>] [-s<int(400)>] <path:db>

Divide the database <path>.db conceptually into a series of blocks referable to on the
command line as <path>.1.db, <path>.2.db, ...  If the -x option is set then all reads
less than the given length are ignored, and if the -a option is not set then secondary
reads from a given well are also ignored.  The remaining reads, constituting what we
call the trimmed DB, are split amongst the blocks so that each block is of size
-s * 1Mbp except for the last which necessarily contains a smaller residual.  The
default value for -s is 400Mbp because blocks of this size can be compared by our
"overlapper" dalign in roughly 16Gb of memory.  The blocks are very space efficient in
that their sub-index of the master .idx is computed on the fly when loaded, and the
.bps and .qvs files of base pairs and quality values, respectively, is shared with the
master DB.  Any relevant portions of tracks associated with the DB are also computed
on the fly when loading a database block.

6. DBdust [-b] [-w<int(64)>] [-t<double(2.)>] [-m<int(10)>] <path:db>

Runs the symmetric DUST algorithm over the reads in the untrimmed DB, say <path>.db,
producing a track .<path>.dust[.anno,.data] that marks all intervals of low complexity
sequence, where the scan window is of size -w, the threshold for being a low-complexity
interval is -t, and only perfect intervals of size greater than -m are recorded.  If
the -b option is set then the definition of low complexity takes into account the
frequency of a given base.  The command is incremental if given a DB to which new data
has been added since it was last run on the DB, then it will extend the track to
include the new reads.  It is important to set this flag for genomes with a strong
AT/GC bias, albeit the code is a tad slower.  The dust track, if present, is understood
and used by DBshow, DBstats, and dalign.

DBdust can also be run over an untriimmed DB block in which case it outputs a track
encoding where the trace file names contain the block number, e.g. .FOO.3.dust.anno
and, given FOO.3 on the command line.  We call this a *block track*.
This permits job parallelism in block-sized chunks, and the resulting sequence of
block tracks can then be merged into a track for the entire untrimmed DB with Catrack.

7. Catrack [-v] <path:db> <track:name>

Find all block tracks of the form .<path>.#.<track>... and merge them into a single
track, .<path>.<track>..., for the given DB.   The block track files must all encode
the same kind of track data (this is checked), and the files must exist for block
1, 2, 3, ... up to the last block number.

8. DBshow [-udqUQ] [-w<int(80)>] <path:db> [ <reads:range> ... ]

Displays the reads requested in the database <path>.db.  By default the command
applies to the trimmed database, but if -u is set then the entire DB is used.  If no
read arguments are given then every read in the database or database block is
displayed.  Otherwise the list of supplied integer ranges give the ordinal positions
in the actively loaded portion of the db.  A read range is either a lone integer or
the symbol #, in which case the read range consists of just that read (the last read in
the database if #).  One may also give two positive integers separated by a dash to
indicate a range of integers, where again a # represents the index of the last read in
the actively loaded db.  For example, 1 3-5 # displays reads 1, 3, 4, 5, and the last
read in the active db.  As another example, 1-# displays every read in the active db
(the default).

By default a .fasta file of the read sequences is displayed.  If the -q option is
set, then the QV streams are also displayed in a non-standard modification of the
fasta format.  If the -Q option is set, then a .quiva file of just the relevant
QV entries is displayed.

If the -d option is set then the .dust track intervals are also displayed in an
additional header line and the low complexity bases within a sequence are displayed in
the case opposite that used for all the other bases.  By default the output sequences
are in lower case and 80 chars per line.  The -U option specifies upper case should be
used, and the characters per line, or line width, can be set to any positive value
with the -w option.

The .fasta or .quiva files that are output can be converted into a DB by fasta2DB
and quiva2DB (if the -d option is not set), providing a simple way to make a DB of a
subset of the reads for testing purposes.

9. DBstats [-a] [-x<int>] [-b<int(1000)] <path:db>

Show overview statistics for all the reads in the data base <path>.db that are not
shorter than the length given by the -x option (if given).   A histogram of read
lengths is also included where the bucket size can be controlled with the -b option.
Normally, if several reads are all from the same well (insert), then only the longest
read from the well is reported in the statistics.  If the -a flag is set then all
reads are reported.

10. DBrm <path:db> ...

Delete all the files for the given data bases.  Do not use rm to remove a database, as
there are at least two and often several secondary files for each DB including track
files, and all of these are removed by DBrm.

11. simulator <genlen:double> [-c<double(20.)>] [-b<double(.5)] [-r<int>]
                              [-m<int(10000)>]  [-s<int(2000)>]
                              [-x<int(4000)>]   [-e<double(.15)>]

In addition to the DB commands we include here, somewhat tangentially, a simple
simulator that generates synthetic reads for a random genome.  simulator first
generates a fake genome of size genlen*1Mb long, that has an AT-bias of -b.  It then
generates sample reads of mean length -m from a log-normal length distribution with
standard deviation -s, but ignores reads of length less than -x.  It collects enough
reads to cover the genome -c times and introduces -e fraction errors into each read
where the ratio of insertions, deletions, and substitutions are set by defined
constants INS_RATE (default 73%) and DEL_RATE (default 20%) within generate.c.  One
can also control the rate at which reads are picked from the forward and reverse
strands by setting the defined constant FLIP_RATE (default 50/50).  The -r option seeds
the random number generator for the generation of the genome so that one can
reproducibly generate the same underlying genome to sample from.  If this parameter is
missing, then the job id of the invocation seeds the random number generator.  The
output is sent to the standard output (i.e. it is a UNIX pipe).  The output is in
Pacbio .fasta format suitable as input to fasta2DB.  Finally, the -M option requests
that the coordinates from which each read has been sampled are written to the indicated
file, one line per read, ASCII encoded.  This "map" file essentially tells one where
every read belongs in an assembly and is very useful for debugging and testing
purposes.  If a read pair is say b,e then if b < e the read was sampled from [b,e] in
the forward direction, and if b > e from [e,b] in the reverse direction.


     A small complete example of most of the commands above. 

> simulator 1.0 >G.fasta   //  Generate a 20x data sets of a 1Mb genome
> fasta2DB G G.fasta       //  Create a compressed data base of the reads, G.db
> rm G.fasta               //  Redundant, recreate any time with "DB2fasta G"
> DBsplit -s11 G           //  Split G into 2 parts of size ~ 11MB each
> DBdust G.1               //  Produce a "dust" track on each part (just to illustrate)
> DBdust G.2
> Catrack G dust           //  Create one track for the entire DB from the 2 sub-tracks
> rm .G.*.dust.*           //  Clean up the sub-tracks
> DBstats G                //  Take a look at the statistics for the database

Statistics for all wells in the data set

          1,862 reads       out of           1,862     0.0% loss
     20,001,184 base pairs  out of      20,001,184     0.0% loss

Base composition: 0.250(A) 0.250(C) 0.250(G) 0.250(T)

         10,741 average read length
          2,167 standard deviation

Distribution of Read Lengths (Bin size = 1,000)

    Bin:      Count  % Reads  % Bases   Average
 21,000:          2      0.1      0.2    21397
 20,000:          0      0.1      0.2    21397
 19,000:          2      0.2      0.4    20541
 18,000:          1      0.3      0.5    20189
 17,000:         10      0.8      1.4    18495
 16,000:         15      1.6      2.6    17503
 15,000:         30      3.2      4.9    16444
 14,000:         81      7.6     10.8    15300
 13,000:        140     15.1     20.2    14381
 12,000:        202     25.9     32.8    13589
 11,000:        286     41.3     49.2    12796
 10,000:        345     59.8     67.3    12084
  9,000:        351     78.7     84.0    11472
  8,000:        248     92.0     94.6    11045
  7,000:        106     97.7     98.6    10842
  6,000:         40     99.8     99.9    10749
  5,000:          3    100.0    100.0    10741

136 low-complexity intervals totaling 1,985 bases

> ls -al
total 8832576
drwxr-xr-x  28 myersg  staff         952 Jun 24 15:46 .
drwxr-xr-x  10 myersg  staff         340 Jun 16 15:45 ..
-rw-r--r--   1 myersg  staff     5000992 Jun 24 15:46 .G.bps
-rw-r--r--   1 myersg  staff        7460 Jun 24 15:46 .G.dust.anno
-rw-r--r--   1 myersg  staff        1088 Jun 24 15:46
-rw-r--r--   1 myersg  staff       59696 Jun 24 15:46 .G.idx
-rw-r--r--   1 myersg  staff         162 Jun 24 13:03 G.db
> cat G.db
files =         1
       1862 G Sim
blocks =         2
size =        11 cutoff =         0 all = 0
         0         0
      1024      1024
      1862      1862


The Dazzler Data Base






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