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WFVOpenCL is an OpenCL driver for CPUs on the basis of LLVM. This driver employs Whole-Function Vectorization (WFV) in addition to multi-threading to fully exploit the available data-parallelism by executing as many kernel instances in parallel as possible.




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 * @file   README
 * @date   25.07.2010
 * @author Ralf Karrenberg
 * This file is distributed under the University of Illinois Open Source
 * License. See the COPYING file in the root directory for details.
 * Copyright (C) 2010, 2011 Saarland University


- scons (requires python)
- libglew1.5-dev
- glew-utils (?)
- libglut3-dev (?)
- LLVM 2.9 final
- WFV library
- Intel OpenCL Beta
- clc tool from former ATI Stream SDK (included in folder 'bin')

On Windows and Unix, glew/glut are possibly not required with the included libraries.
On Mac OS X, glew has to be downloaded and built in order to get a working libGLEW.a.


IMPORTANT: .bc files can not be generated under windows (clc only works on UNIX)

- build llvm
- build WFV library
- set environment variables $LLVM_INSTALL_DIR and $WFV_INSTALL_DIR appropriately
- install AMD APP SDK
	- Linux: place ICD registration config files in /etc/OpenCL/vendors
		- should be attempted automatically by installer
		-> requires root access!
	- set $AMDAPPSDKROOT to sdk root dir if not done by installer
	- $PATH has to include path to / amdocl64.dll ( for 32bit)
		- should be $AMDAPPSDKROOT/lib/x86_64/ (x86 for 32bit) or Windows\System32
	- building the SDK is not required (only need the libraries)
- install Intel OpenCL SDK
	- Linux: place ICD registration config files in /etc/OpenCL/vendors
		- should be attempted automatically by installer
		-> requires root access!
	- set $INTELOCLSDKROOT to sdk root dir if not done by installer
	- $PATH has to include path to / intelocl.dll
		- should be $INTELOCLSDKROOT/lib/x64/ (x86 for 32bit)
	- building the SDK is not required (only need the libraries)
- run scons
	- options (default shown):
		debug			= 0
		debug-runtime	= 0
		profile			= 0
		wfv				= 0 (enable packetization)
		openmp			= 0 (enable openmp multi threading)
		threads			= 0 (set number of threads to use if openmp is enabled (default: 4))
		split			= 0 (disable mem access optimizations)
		static			= 0 (build static driver library instead of dynamic)

additional step for windows installation:

- copy glut32.dll and glew32.dll from lib to Windows/system32

Installing the OpenCL Installable Client Driver (ICD):
( consider htpp:// )

- Windows:
	1) add DWORD value to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Khronos\OpenCL\Vendors with name "WFVOpenCL.dll"
	2a) make sure ./lib is in your $PATH
	2b) copy lib/WFVOpenCL.dll to %WINDOWS%\system32

- Linux:
	1) copy lib/WFVOpenCL.icd to /etc/OpenCL/vendors/
	2) make sure ./lib/x86_64 is in your $LD_LIBRARY_PATH
	3) make sure ./lib is in your $PATH (?)


- in order to successfully run samples using WFVOpenCL, make sure ./lib and ./lib/x86_64 (x86 for 32bit) are in your $PATH ($LD_LIBRARY_PATH on unix), otherwise the OpenCL ICD will not find the driver and list it as an available platform

- in order to successfully run samples using AMD OpenCL, make sure as.exe and ld.exe from $AMDAPPSDKROOT/bin/x86_64 are used (e.g. MinGW puts its own bin-directories in front of the PATH variable)
- also make sure $AMDAPPSDKROOT is always quoted (directories with spaces)

- switch between WFVOpenCL/AMD/Intel by running the executables with flag "-p X", where X is the number of the appropriate platform (probably 0 = Intel, 1 = AMD, 2 = WFVOpenCL).


- Samples ending with 'Simple' are usually simplified ones. Modifications usually come down to manually replacing vector code by scalar code
  in order to enable use of automatic vectorization.
- Histogram has been modified to take a sharedArray of type uint instead of uchar to allow for packetization
- MatrixTranspose might have problems with OpenMP 3.0 collapse -> check!
- TestConstantIndex: There is an issue with uniformly accessing an input/output array with constant index: WFV creates a vector load/store of indices 0/1/2/3 because the array is varying. In a non-OpenCL-context, this is the desired behaviour, but here we want to access the same value as in the scalar case.
	Example 1:
		float input[128];     -->   __m128 inputV[32];
		float output[128];    -->   __m128 outputV[32];
		float x = input[0];   -->   __m128 xV = inputV[0];
		output[tid] = x;      -->   outputV[tid] = xV;

		-->  effect:     output[tid] = input[0]; output[tid+1] = input[1]; output[tid+2] = input[2]; output[tid+3] = input[3];
		     instead of: output[tid] = input[0]; output[tid+1] = input[0]; output[tid+2] = input[0]; output[tid+3] = input[0];

	Example 2:
		float output[128];  -->  __m128 outputV[32];
		float x = 3;        -->  float x = 3;
		                         __m128 xV = <3, 3, 3, 3>;
		output[0] = x;      -->  outputV[0] = xV;

		-->  effect:     output[0] = 3; output[1] = 3; output[2] = 3; output[3] = 3;
		     instead of: output[0] = 3;


Any System
WFVOpenCL Platform does not appear.
Make sure the ICD is correctly registered and the path to the corresponding library is in your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (Unix) or PATH (Windows).

Linux 64bit
error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
You are missing ./lib/x86_64 (x86 for 32bit) from your LD_LIBRARY_PATH.

Linux 64bit
Error: clGetPlatformIDs failed. Error code : CL_PLATFORM_NOT_FOUND_KHR
validatePlatfromAndDeviceOptions failed.
a) The OpenCL ICD list does not point to the correct AMD APP SDK lib (
b) You are missing the path to the AMD APP SDK libs ( from your LD_LIBRARY_PATH (should be $AMDAPPSDKROOT/lib/x86_64).
This can happen e.g. if you have the ICD of an older SDK installed and the library was renamed.
The error is likely only to appear if you only have that one platform - in cases with other valid platforms, it will be silently ignored


WFVOpenCL is an OpenCL driver for CPUs on the basis of LLVM. This driver employs Whole-Function Vectorization (WFV) in addition to multi-threading to fully exploit the available data-parallelism by executing as many kernel instances in parallel as possible.







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