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A repository to host LAIG projects.

###How to open project on eclipse:

  1. Open eclipse;
  2. Open the C/C++ perspective;
  3. Create new "Makefile Project with Existing Code":
  • Name your project;
  • Select the project folder;
  • Select Linux GCC toolchain.
  1. Press finish.

###How to install CGFLib on Ubuntu:

  1. Run the following command:
    sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev libglew-dev

  2. Install these package:

###Important notes: Do not erase neither the project-template folder. The folder is required to create new projects easily using that script.

If you want to use the script, you just need to download and extract the contents.

###How to run the script:

  1. Open the terminal;
  2. Navigate to the script folder;
  3. Run the command:
  • sh newProjectName.