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### instructions to run the scripts of the Fit model ###

Each workspace directory (under FitModel/workspaces/) includes the following two scripts:

0. step0

	Description: this script reads 2D histograms from files and creates from them a file with rebinned 1D histograms for all of the channels (for each jet selection, for each l1pt selection, EM & ME histograms for Data, Fakes, Fake systematics, Signal, and Base Bkg - average of EM and ME). The output is at "data/simple.root". It also calculated and prints out the scale factors associated with the systematics.
	* Change INPUT DIR to where the root files are
	* You may also want to change the binning and the jet selection
	* The script assumes the Signal histograms are normalized to 1% BR

	COMMAND: python -i step0

1. step1

	Description: this script defines the components of the model. It uses the scripts '' and '' to generate .xml files for each channel and for the combination, and creates a workspace file. The .xml files are put under "config/". The workspace file is under "results/".

	* You may need to change the values for the systematics scale factors, if they do not match the print out of the previous script.

	COMMAND: python -i step1

After the first steps there is a workspace root file under "results/ws_LFV_combined_AllSYS_model.root" on which you can run several standard scripts.

For Limits:  

go to FitModel/scripts

COMMAND example (change the workspace dir):  
root -l 
.x runAsymptoticsCLs.C+("../workspaces/Data_unconstrainedFpt_withJets/results/ws_LFV_combined_AllSYS_model.root","combined","ModelConfig","obsData","","FOLDERNAME","126",0.95)


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