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Calculator which has been written on C++ using re2c and lemon. Currently implemented simple operation on four different types:

  1. integer
  2. float
  3. boolean
  4. string

Also calculator makes possible to use variables. One predefined constant is 'pi'

At this time implemented following operations:

  1. add (+)
  2. sub (-)
  3. division (/)
  4. mod (%)
  5. times (*)
  6. All relationship operations (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=)
  7. Negative (-)
  8. logical AND, OR and NOT
  9. Assignment ([variable name]=[variable value])


For building project usually you need only cmake. But if you want to regenerate scanner and syntax analyzer, you should have re2c and lemon utilities accordingly.


Just type following commands from root of project directory:

$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make

To perform tests, from build directory run test/

$ ../test/

You must see something like:

$ ../test/
(Expressions parser) Escape string                                     [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Constants test                                    [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Sum test                                          [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Escape string                                           [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Constants test                                          [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Compare test                                            [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Unary minus and NOT                                     [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) LIKE operator                                           [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Booleans test                                           [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Sum test                                                [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Mul test                                                [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Div test                                                [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Null test                                               [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) IS and IS NOT test                                      [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Compare test                                      [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Unary minus and NOT                               [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Booleans test                                     [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Mul test                                          [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Variable test                                     [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Div test                                          [PASSED]
(Expressions parser) Fake assignment test                              [PASSED]
(WHERE parser) Variable test                                           [PASSED]

build status

vim: set ts=2 sw=2 tw=0 et syntax=markdown :


Calculator which has been written on C++ using re2c and lemon






No packages published


  • C++ 74.1%
  • C 22.4%
  • Yacc 1.9%
  • Other 1.6%