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Parallel and extendable cellular automata library


Currently, there are two working examples in the test directory. To build:

cd /path/to/Celluhs_root
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Note that the parallel processing is implemented using OpenMP. In order to specify the number of threads that you would like to use, you can set the environmental variable OMP_NUM_THREADS; e.g.,


Fredkin's game

usage: bin/test_fredkin

Fredkin's game has simple rules which leads to self-replication. Each cell with an even number of live neighbors will be dead at next time level and alive otherwise. An initial pattern of live cells will reproduce itself four times after 2^n iterations. For the 'F' pattern in the example, n=2. This example was adapted from D.A. Wolf-Gladrow, Lattice-Gas Cellular Automata and Lattice Boltzmann Models, 2000.

Conway's game of life

usage: bin/test_conway [iterations [rows cols [seed]]]

Conway's game of life hardly needs an introduction. This test binary has a simple command-line interface for running simulations. The number of iterations, the number of rows and columns in the grid, and a seed for the C standard psuedo-random number generator can all be specified.

Also provided is an alternative version, bin/test_conway_quiet, that does not print the grid after each time step but instead only prints the initial configuration and final result.


After building the library, it can be installed in /usr/local/lib and the headers in /usr/local/include/celluhs using the command:

make install


The examples in the test directory provide good starting points for creating and running a simulation. In order to create your own rules for CA simulations, use an interface that is consistent with the rules provided in src/rules.c. A very basic file structure may be as follows:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <celluhs/celluhs.h>

int main() {
  struct cuz_err_t err;
  struct cuz_grid gd, temp_gd;
  struct cuz_rule rules[5];

  cuz_init_gd (&gd, rows, cols, &err);
  cuz_init_gd (&temp_gd, rows, cols, &err2);
  // some more initialization ...

  // simulate 100 iterations
  for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
    cuz_step_gd (&gd, &temp_gd, rules, 5, 5, &err);
    if (err.code != CUZ_SUCCESS)
      fprintf (stderr, "Failed step %u\n", k);
      fputs (err.msg, stderr);

  // some post processing / visualization

  cuz_destroy_gd (&gd);
  cuz_destroy_gd (&temp_gd);

  return 0;


Fast and extendable cellular automata library







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