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Peercoin fork of a fast, quick and dirty bitcoin blockchain parser

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blockparser peercoin fork


    Written by (1ZnortsoStC1zSTXbW6CUtkvqew8czMMG)
    Adapted to peercoin by (PGiNfS4KTmb7W9GDxrA54tYTRhmSK36Pyj)


    A fairly fast, quick and dirty peercoin whole blockchain parser.


    . Few dependencies: openssl-dev, boost

    . Very quickly extract information from the entire blockchain.

    . Code is simple and helps to understand how the data structures underlying bitcoin and peercoin work.

Build it:

    . Turn on your x86-64 linux machine:

    . Make sure you have an up to date peercoin client blockchain in ~/.ppcoin

    . Install these things: 
        libssl-dev build-essential g++-4.4 libboost-all-dev libsparsehash-dev git-core perl
        If on Ubuntu run:
            sudo apt-get install libssl-dev build-essential g++-4.4 libboost-all-dev \
            libsparsehash-dev git-core perl

    . Run this:

        git clone git://
        cd blockparser

    . If you are interested in the Cassandra database syncer:

        Install the datastax cpp cassandra driver:
        git clone git://
        cd blockparser
        make -f Makefile.cassandra

Try it:

    . Show a list of commands

        ./parser help

    . Compute simple blockchain stats, full chain parse (0.173 s)

        ./parser stats

    . Extract all transactions for popular address P99kCfbcBjAmgZiwowLWH8sVf1wsdTeLNb (1.16 s)

        ./parser transactions P99kCfbcBjAmgZiwowLWH8sVf1wsdTeLNb

    . Compute the closure of an address, that is the list of addresses that provably belong to 
      the same person (1.665 s):

        ./parser closure P99kCfbcBjAmgZiwowLWH8sVf1wsdTeLNb

    . Compute and print the balance for all keys ever used in a TX since the beginning of 
      time (1.07 s):

        ./parser balances >balances.txt

    . See how much a random transaction tainted other TX in the chain

        ./parser taint >taint.txt

    . See all the block rewards and fees:

        ./parser rewards >rewards.txt

    . See a greatly detailed dump of a random proof of stake generation transaction

        ./parser show


    . znort987 indicated this would not likely compile on anything but x86-84 ubuntu with
      with at least GCC >= 4.4. I managed to get it to compile on scientific linux with 
      GCC 4.4.6 with a few code tweaks.

    . It used to require alot of RAM with bitcoin, but peercoin has a relatively small 
      blockchain so this doesn't appear to be as big of a problem as of now. 

    . The code isn't particularly clean or well architected. It was just a quick way for 
      znort987 to learn about bitcoin and snakie for peercoin. There isnt much in the way 
      of comments either.

    . OTOH, it is fairly simple, short, and efficient. If you want to understand how the 
      blockchain data structure works, the code in parser.cpp is a solid way to start.

    . There are probably some bugs, but so everything seems to work and has been tested 
      except for the sql dump. 

Hacking the code:

    . parser.cpp contains a generic parser that mmaps the blockchain, parses it and calls
      "user-defined" callbacks as it hits interesting bits of information.

    . util.cpp contains a grab-bag of useful bitcoin/peercoin related routines. 
      Interesting examples include:


    . cb/allBalances.cpp    :   code to all balance of all addresses.
    . cb/closure.cpp        :   code to compute the transitive closure of an address
    . cb/dumpTX.cpp         :   code to display a transaction in very great detail. 
    . cb/help.cpp           :   code to dump detailed help for all other commands
    . cb/pristine.cpp       :   code to show all "pristine" (i.e. unspent) blocks
    . cb/rewards.cpp        :   code to show all block rewards (including fees)
    . cb/simpleStats.cpp    :   code to compute simple stats.
    . cb/peerstats.cpp      :   code to compute peercon specific simple stats.
    . cb/sql.cpp            :   code to product an SQL dump of the blockchain*
    . cb/cassandra.cpp      :   code to sync block information into a cassandra instance.
    . cb/taint.cpp          :   code to compute the taint from a given TX to all TXs.
    . cb/transactions.cpp   :   code to extract all transactions pertaining to an address.
    * untested on Peercoin

    . You can very easily add your own custom command. You can use the existing callbacks in
      directory ./cb/ as a template to build your own:

            cp cb/allBalances.cpp cb/myExtractor.cpp
            Add to Makefile
            Hack away

    . You can also read the file callback.h (the base class from which you derive to implement 
      your own new commands). It has been heavily commented and should provide a good basis to 
      pick what to overload to achieve your goal.

    . The code makes heavy use of the google dense hash maps. You can switch it to use sparse 
      hash maps (see util.h, search for: DENSE, undef it). Sparse hash maps are slower but 
      save quite a bit of RAM.

Observations Peercoin vs Bitcoin:
    . The Peercoin magic number is 0xe5e9e8e6.
    . The Peercoin address prefix (version number) is 55 in decimal or 0x37 in hex. 
    . Peercoin has 2 less decimal places then bitcoin. This can be found by comparing the 
      BitcoinUnits::decimals functions in src/qt/bitcoinunits.cpp of peercoin and bitcoin.
    . Proof of stake blocks are marked with an empty (0 byte) output script in output[0] 
      of the coinbase transaction. The next transaction (always the second transaction) in 
      the block will contain the proof of stake input and reward. There are a few other rules 
      that can be found in the IsCoinStake() function in src/main.h of peercoin.  
    . Transaction have an additional timestamp as compared to bitcoin.
    . Proof of stake minting uses this additional timestamp as part of the hashed data to help 
      avoid pre-computation of proof of stake blocks. 
    . Proof of Stake and Proof of Work both have seperate difficulties.
    . All fees are destroyed, no part of the fee go to miners.

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    Code is in the public domain.
    The Software shall be used for Good, not Evil.


Peercoin fork of a fast, quick and dirty bitcoin blockchain parser






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  • C++ 94.2%
  • C 4.3%
  • Shell 1.5%