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John Grossmann jg3538
Project 2

I chose the setuid option for this assignment.

Everything is already installed, but if you were to start from scratch, go to the /home/tinyvm/src directory and run the command:

The make command compiles all of the programs needed. Then, run the command:
sudo ./

The install script moves the compiled executables to the /bin/ directory, changes the program owners to user01:user01, changes permissions to 600, and adds setuid with chmod u+s. It also creates the /home/user01/queue directory as the protected spooler queue directory. The permissions are set to 700 for this directory.

The spooler user is user01. The sudo user is tinyvm. 

To run the spooler programs, switch to the user you wish to test, then run the commands like stated in the project directions, or run make test from the /home/tinyvm/src directory.

In order to copy files into the protected directory, the addqueue program starts setuid for user01. To open a file to copy, the program changes setuid to that of the running user. Then, switches setuid back to user01 to copy the contents into the spooler queue directory. 

The rmqueue and showqueue programs start setuid as user01 and remain like that. 

The user IDs of the original file owner for each file in the queue are contained in /home/user01/queue/index.txt. This file contains on each line:
where fileName is the name of the file in the queue directory, and the userID is the user ID of the original file owner. 

**NOTE make test assumes a fresh spooler environment. This is achieved by running sudo ./ to clear the spooler queue directory and ensure all 3 programs are in the /bin directory.


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