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This is the readme file for the picdok program version 0.4.3.

Description: picdok is a simple program for helping the management and
documentation of jpeg picture files. It works assuming that all the pictures of
interest are in a single directory. E.g. ~/Pictures/Holiday2012

It can:-
1. Rename all the files based on a string containing constant characters and
   tokens for date parts, to which is appended a serial number whose length and
   step are user controlled. The serial number resets when the 'root' part
   changes. This was created to allow pictures from more than one camera to be
   merged into a sensible order to allow selection etc.
   The date on which the renaming is based is the DateTimeOriginal in the EXIF
   data of the picture. The merging of pictures from more than one camera is
   dependant on the clocks in both cameras being synchronised!
2. Add and update the 'UserComment' EXIF data field with required information.
3. Rename individual files to allow user control of directory sequence.
4. Deselect individual files. This puts the current file into a sub-diretory
   of the current directory named 'deselected'. This allows the user to change
   their mind later.
4. Delete individual files.
5. Move individual files to another directoruy.
6. Select the directory for processing.
7. Generate a simple html page with the file-name, DateTimeOriginal and
   UserComment as an index for the directory. For this a user may enter:
    a) Title for the page.
    b) A description of the content.
    c) A series of topic strings which get output as an unordered list.
   which are output above the table containing the picture information. A
   preview of the generated page is available at the time of generation. The
   fixed html for this page is held in Qt resource files embedded in the
8. Show pictures full screen using left/right arrows, space/backspace to move
   forward and backward through the directory and "Q" or <Esc> to close the
   show. If a second screen is attached the output is directed to that screen.
9. A facility to browse thumbnails of the pictures in a directory has been
   added. This process is now multi-threaded and will utilise all the processor
   cores available. Generating thumbnails for ~300 pictures takes 20s on a
   dual-processor hyperthreading cpu chip.
10.When a subset of the pictures are wanted for presentation using picdok a
   new facility has been added to create a sub-directory named "ShortShow" 
   and populate it with links to the main picture source. Removal of this
   new sub-directory and its contents has been left to standard file system

Program options:
1. Set the cursor in the UserComment field if it is empty.
2. Confirm deselect actions.
3. Confirm delete actions.
4. Move to the next picture when the comment is saved.
5. Supress warning if no EXIF data exists in a picture.

  It is now a Qt 5 program using the libexiv2 library and was originally developed
using the QtCreator IDE v. 4.3.0 based on Qt version 5.6.2.



  picdok accepts a single parameter of a path to a directory. If it exists the
program will start there, if not and it is the first use of the program then it
will start in the run-time directory. By default it starts with the last
directory accessed.

Files created and used by the program:

  Holds the global settings for the program:
    The last accessed directory.
    The last used parameters for renaming files.
    The currently saved program options.
  Created in the directory with the pictures. It holds the additional user text
  entered for the index page and the output html file name.


  GNU C++ compiler (g++) and associated libraries.
  QT development libraries (including qmake-qt5, uic, rcc, and moc).
  libexiv2 library and development headers.


  Unpack the archive into its own directory, cd to that directory
  and then type:

    qmake-qt5 ## Creates the required Makefile
    make      ## compiles the program running pre-processors first.


  After compiling the program enter:

    sudo make install

  This will put the program into /usr/local/bin and
  a menu file (picdok.desktop) into /usr/share/applications and
  an icon file (picdok.png) into /usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps .
  A man page is inserted into /usr/share/man/man1.

  The menu item should appear in the menu in the Graphics / Photography

Author: John Carrick Smith
License: LGPL
Contact: jcarricksmith |at| gmail |dot| com


Picture documentation and presentation program






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