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x86 OS, from metal to C++, w/ usermode exercises

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I started this project as an exercise in brushing up on systems programming. I needed to review assembly syntax, calling conventions, memory maps, segmentation (of the system memory and executable varieties), etc. The goal was to have a clear view of everything from a line of C fed to the compiler on the host, to the OS's interaction with the underlying hardware. (Or, in other words, how to get from that first BIOS thunk at 0x7c00 to running a nice C program!)

This project implements a (very) limited 32-bit operating system that can run on an x86 processor. After some time, it's now advanced enough to run some user-mode programs (which I have been using for exercises a bit further up the stack) compiled with plain-old gcc.

I tried to steer clear of too much inspiration material when building this, and forge through problems by reading the hardware manuals -- or online resources of equivalent clarity -- and not simply copy-pasting code. The result was a lot of time spent solving already-solved problems -- the world doesn't need another x86 OS -- but there's no substitute for getting your hands dirty. (This is, after all, why we are expected to know sorting algorithms, for example, which are already widely implemented in standard libraries in nearly every language.)

Quick facts

  • The generated output of make is disk_image, a small disk image with a valid boot sector which contains everything -- the MBR, the kernel, the filesystem.
  • The magic starts in boot16.asm at memory address 0x7c00.
  • From a few instructions into boot32.asm until the end of time, we run in 32-bit protected mode, with paging enabled.
  • We handle exceptions (all of the Intel defined and reserved ones, from 0x00 to 0x1f) by printing the state of the registers and permanently halting.
  • Virtual memory is enabled, to give user-mode programs a separate page for their code and data, and to protect the kernel code from being modified by user-mode programs. User-mode programs get a 4MB stack because we're using large pages.
  • The loader reads ELF files, but with a lot of limitations.
  • On boot, after everything is set up, we load one program from our "filesystem", and if it's a valid ELF in our world (which is a tighter definition than the actual ELF spec), start executing it.
  • The loader supports the .text, .data, .rodata, and .bss sections, but only to a point -- 4MB cumulative for .text and .rodata, 2MB cumulative for .rodata and .bss.
  • The exit system call is implemented by halting the processor. Once we run that one user-mode program, we're done!

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x86 OS, from metal to C++, w/ usermode exercises






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