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MicroCash: promoting equality and a fair economy

Coin parameters:
Grøstl PoW/PoS hybrid
50,000,000 premined coins
Flat 6%/year minting reward, halving every year until baseline of 1.5%
21/90 days min/max weight
5 minutes block target for PoW
10 minutes block target for PoS
3.33 minutes in total

Dark Gravity Well version 3 difficulty re-targeting

Flat 0.000001 coin mining reward Mining is only ment to support the network no to distribute coins

Default P2P Port: 46392
Default RPC Port: 46393

Sample MicroCash.conf file:



Build instructions:

./configure --prefix=/usr --disable-maintainer-mode --with-incompatible-bdb --disable-tests  

This will build MicroCashd and MicroCash-qt client.