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This is derived from the official Gerrit repo, created for experimentation. If you want the real thing, you should obtain it from the official Iotivity site.

Status: Darwin port seems to be working.


  • more testing of darwin port

  • make sure it still compiles on Linux, Tizen, etc.

  • clean up: make it strictly darwin, w/o dependencies on os x

  • add a separate project to support an OS X Framework

  • get it into official codebase

java support

  • support for TARGET_OS=JVM. A variant on the generic-java branch that is under development.

  • make android a separate thing, something like TARGET_OS=JVM TARGET_ENV=ANDROID

    • android depends on jvm target === building

$ scons

To see what’s happening: $ scons VERBOSE=true 2>&1 | tee build.log

You can give it an OS X version: $ scons SYS_VERSION=10.11.


The iotivity-master branch cleanly tracks the official Gerrit master branch. At least it does when I get around to pulling in the changes.

Branch darwin is where darwin development takes place.

Branch master pulls in changes from branch darwin. So that’s what you get by default if you fork/clone this repo.


I’ve marked the edits I made to port to Darwin with GAR, e.g. //GAR, #GAR, etc. So you can find them all (I hope) by running $ grep -R GAR ./ from the root of a clean repo.

Edits include not only changes needed to get running on darwin, but also some changes to eliminate warnings.

One major change: in service/resource-encapsulation/include/RCSResourceObject.h I had to reorganize the code to eliminate an "incomplete type" error. I pulled an embedded class (WeakGuard) out and made it a peer friend class. related changes also in RCSResource.cpp

I also took the liberty of doing a little renaming where called for. E.g. some of the samples were called "linux sample foo …​" but they’re not linux specific so I fixed that. e.g.



clock_gettime is unsupported on os x; see service/easy-setup/mediator/richsdk/src/RemoteEnrolleeResource.cpp

Remove dependency on xcode and OS X version etc. This should be a strictly Darwin build. An OS X specific build - e.g. to support an OS X Framework - should be a separate project.

  • don’t use 'xcodebuild -showsdks' to get config info - darwin could be used with other toolchains

  • use uname -r rather than SYS_VERSION

  • use <sys/param.h> (a BSD feature?)


Some darwin-specific tools you may find useful along the way:

  • otool - object file displaying tool


For Ubuntu, you would use apt-get to install dependencies. On OS X, the best bet is probably brew, the homebrew command. Try brew search foo and brew info foo to get a feel for what’s what for package foo.

Some of this stuff (e.g. libffi, uuid) comes bundled with OS X. The problem is that such bundled libraries do not come with pkg-config files, which the Iotivity build scripts use. So either you have to install a third-party package that includes a pkg-config file, or you have to create and install the appropriate pkg-config file. And the problem with that is that you do not want to install such in the system /usr/lib/pkgconfig dir, while if you install to /usr/local/lib/pkgconfig they will not be picked up by the build scripts. That’s because scons, the build tool, does not pull in environment vars, so it only uses the default search path for pkg-config, which is /usr/lib/pkgconfig.
  • xcode - gcc/g++ compilers. Starting from xcode 4.2 OS X uses clang.

  • xcode command line tools Just do a web search on "install os x command line tools" or similar to get lots of guidance.

Apparently you can install the command line tools, including the compilers, without also installing xcode, by doing $ xcode-select --install.
  • pkg-config

    • Not bundled. $ brew install pkg-config

  • bzip2 - preinstalled in OS X

  • tinycbor - see below

  • Google Test - see below

  • libicu

    • brew says "OS X provides libicucore.dylib (but nothing else).". The brew package is icu4c.

  • libpcre

    • /usr/lib/libpcre.* bundled with OS X, but may not be enough

    • $ brew install pcre

    • Must be compiled with Unicode support. To verify, run $ pcretest -C.

  • libffi. bundled

    • $ brew install libffi

  • uuid Preinstalled on OS X.

  • glib-2.0 - required by Bluetooth LE (only?)

    • The build scripts use pkg-config to check for gio-unix-2.0, which in turn depends on:

      • gobject-2.0

      • gio-2.0, which in turn requires

        • glib-2.0

        • gobject-2.0

    • All of that stuff gets installed with glib-2.0

      • $ brew install glib (NB: not glib2)

  • boost $ brew install boost

  • scons $brew install scons

  • doxygen $ brew install doxygen


When you first build, you’ll get this:


Iotivity Experimentation fork







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