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Userland - Windows 10 IoT Core

This repository contains the source code for the ARM side libraries used on Raspberry Pi ported to Windows IoT Core. This repository originated from and provides various interface (EGL, mmal, GLESv2, vcos) on ARM side. Only a subset of interface has been ported to Windows IoT Core. This repository is made available so user can access Raspberry Pi feature that is expose through VCHIQ driver. VCHIQ driver is available for reference here.

The original userland repository uses CMAKE a cross platform build tool that is compiler independent. The following are tools required to compile on Windows IoT CORE.


Latest Microsoft Visual Studio (

Latest version of Windows CMAKE (

##Compilation Steps

  1. Run "GenerateVSproject.bat" batch file. This will generate all project and solution in the "build_win32" folder.

  2. Go to "build_win32" folder and open vmcs_host_apps.sln solution file.

  3. There are 2 options to build all project. (1) Build the solution or (2) build the ALL_BUILD project.


Not all components are ported to Windows IoT Core, TODO comment can be found in various CMAKELists.txt file documenting what is component is omitted.

There are substantial warnings during compilation that is not fixed to minimize code difference from the original repository.

The OS abstraction layer (VCOS) is not complete for Windows, only the minimum required interface is supported.

For more information about Windows 10 IoT Core, see our online documentation here

This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact with any additional questions or comments.