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Up to date (2015-05-12), there are 194 problems on LintCode Online Judge. The number of problems is increasing recently. Here is the classification of all 194 problems. For extra problems and solutions, you can see my LeetCode repo. I'll keep updating for full summary and better solutions. Stay tuned for updates.


##Bit Manipulation

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
1 A + B Problem C++ O(1) O(1) Hard
82 Single Number C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
83 Single Number II C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
84 Single Number III C++ O(n) O(1) Medium CTCI
142 O(1) Check Power of 2 C++ O(1) O(1) Easy
179 Update Bits C++ O(1) O(1) Medium CTCI
181 Convert Integer A to Integer B C++ O(1) O(1) Easy CTCI


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
6 Merge Sorted Array C++ O(m + n) O(1) Easy LeetCode Two Pointers
8 Rotate String C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
9 Fizz Buzz C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
30 Insert Interval C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI
31 Partition Array C++ O(n) O(1) Medium Two Pointers
32 Minimum Window Substring C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
38 Search a 2D Matrix II C++ O(m + n) O(1) Medium EPI
39 Recover Rotated Sorted Array C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
46 Majority Number C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
47 Majority Number II C++ O(n) O(1) Medium EPI
48 Majority Number III C++ O(n) O(k) Medium EPI
49 Sort Letters by Case C++ O(n) O(1) Medium Two Pointers
50 Product of Array Exclude Itself C++ O(n) O(n) Easy
51 Previous Permutation C++ O(n) O(1) Medium
52 Next Permutation C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
57 3 Sum C++ O(n^2) O(1) Medium LeetCode Two Pointers, Sort
59 3 Sum Closest C++ O(n^2) O(1) Medium LeetCode Two Pointers, Sort
64 Merge Sorted Array II C++ O(m + n) O(1) Easy LeetCode Two Pointers
100 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode Two Pointers
101 Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array II C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode Two Pointers
144 Interleaving Positive and Negative Numbers C++ O(n) O(1) Medium Two Pointers
161 Rotate Image C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
162 Set Matrix Zeroes C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
172 Remove Element C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode Two Pointers
185 Matrix Zigzag Traversal C++ O(m * n) O(1) Easy
189 First Missing Positive C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI Hash
363 Trapping Rain Water C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode Two Pointers, Tricky
383 Container With Most Water C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI Two Pointers
388 Permutation Sequence C++ O(n^2) O(n) Medium LeetCode
389 Valid Sudoku C++ O(9^2) O(9) Easy LeetCode


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
13 strStr C++ O(n) O(k) Easy LeetCode KMP Algorithm
53 Reverse Words in a String C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI
54 Convert String to Integer C++ O(n) O(1) Hard LeetCode
55 Compare Strings C++ O(n) O(c) Easy
78 Longest Common Prefix C++ O(n) O(1) Medium
157 Unique Characters C++ O(n) O(1) Easy CTCI
158 Two Strings Are Anagrams C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
171 Anagrams C++ O(n * klogk) O(m) Easy LeetCode, EPI

##Linked List

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
16 Merge Two Sorted Lists C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI
35 Reverse Linked List C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI
36 Reverse Linked List II C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI
96 Partition List C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
98 Sort List C++ O(nlogn) O(logn) Medium LeetCode, EPI
99 Reorder List C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
102 Linked List Cycle C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
103 Linked List Cycle II C++ O(n) O(1) Hard LeetCode
105 Copy List with Random Pointer C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
106 Convert Sorted List to Binary Search Tree C++ O(n) O(logn) Medium LeetCode, EPI
112 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI
113 Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI
166 Nth to Last Node in List C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
167 Two Lists Sum C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
170 Rotate List C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
173 Insertion Sort List C++ O(n^2) O(1) Easy LeetCode
174 Remove Nth Node From End of List C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
85 Insert Node in a Binary Search Tree C++ O(h) O(1) Easy
88 Lowest Common Ancestor C++ O(n) O(h) Medium EPI
127 Max Tree C++ O(n) O(n) Hard


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
12 Min Stack C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI
40 Implement Queue by Two Stacks C++ O(1), amortized O(n) Medium EPI
66 Binary Tree Preorder Traversal C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI Morris Traversal
67 Binary Tree Inorder Traversal C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI Morris Traversal
68 Binary Tree Postorder Traversal C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode, EPI Morris Traversal
122 Largest Rectangle in Histogram C++ O(n) O(n) Hard LeetCode, EPI
367 Expression Tree Build C++ O(n) O(n) Hard
368 Expression evaluation C++ O(n) O(n) Hard
369 Convert Expression to Polish Notation C++ O(n) O(n) Hard
370 Convert Expression to Reverse Polish Notation C++ O(n) O(n) Hard


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
362 Sliding Window Maximum C++ O(n) O(k) Hard EPI Deque, Tricky


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
4 Ugly Number C++ O(k) O(1) Medium CTCI
81 Median in Data Stream C++ O(nlogn) O(n) Hard EPI BST, Heap
104 Merge k Sorted Lists C++ O(n * logk) O(k) Medium LeetCode
130 Heapify C++ O(n) O(1) Medium
364 Trapping Rain Water II C++ O(n^2 * logn) O(n^2) Hard BFS, Heap, Tricky

##Hash Tables

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
56 2 Sum C++ O(n) O(n) Medium LeetCode
58 4 Sum C++ O(n^2 * p) O(n^2 * p) Medium LeetCode Hash
124 Longest Consecutive Sequence C++ O(n) O(n) Medium LeetCode, EPI
128 Hash Function C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
129 Rehashing C++ O(n) O(n) Medium
138 Subarray Sum C++ O(n) O(n) Easy
384 Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI
386 Longest Substring with At Most K Distinct Characters C++ O(n) O(n) Medium

##Data Structure

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
134 LRU Cache C++ O(1) O(c) Hard LeetCode, EPI List, Hash


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
2 Trailing Zeros C++ O(logn) O(1) Easy LeetCode
3 Digit Counts C++ O(logn) O(1) Medium CTCI
114 Unique Paths C++ O(min(m, n)) O(1) Easy LeetCode, CTCI DP, Math
163 Unique Binary Search Trees C++ O(n) O(1) Medium CTCI DP, Math, Catalan Number
180 Binary Represention C++ O(1) O(1) Hard CTCI


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
5 Kth Largest Element C++ O(n) O(1) Medium EPI Two Pointers, Quick Sort
80 Median C++ O(n) O(1) Easy EPI
139 Subarray Sum Closest C++ O(nlogn) O(n) Medium Sort
143 Sort Colors II C++ O(n) O(1) Medium
148 Sort Colors C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
184 Largest Number C++ O(nlogn) O(1) Medium LeetCode
387 The Smallest Difference C++ O(nlogn) O(1) Medium Two Pointers

##Divide and Conquer

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
17 Subsets C++ O(n * 2^n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
18 Subsets II C++ O(n * 2^n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
72 Construct Binary Tree from Inorder and Postorder Traversal C++ O(n) O(h) Medium LeetCode, EPI
73 Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal C++ O(n) O(h) Medium LeetCode, EPI
93 Balanced Binary Tree C++ O(n) O(h) Easy LeetCode
94 Binary Tree Maximum Path Sum C++ O(n) O(h) Medium LeetCode
95 Validate Binary Search Tree C++ O(n) O(h) Medium LeetCode
97 Maximum Depth of Binary Tree C++ O(n) O(h) Easy LeetCode
131 Building Outline C++ O(nlogn) O(n) Hard EPI
140 Fast Power C++ O(logn) O(logn) Medium
155 Minimum Depth of Binary Tree C++ O(n) O(h) Easy LeetCode
164 Unique Binary Search Trees II C++ O(n * 4^n / n^(3/2)) O(n) Medium LeetCode
201 Segment Tree Build C++ O(n) O(h) Medium Segment Tree, BST
202 Segment Tree Query C++ O(h) O(h) Medium Segment Tree, BST
203 Segment Tree Modify C++ O(h) O(h) Medium Segment Tree, BST
205 Interval Minimum Number C++ build tree: O(n), query: (h) O(h) Hard Segment Tree, BST
206 Interval Sum C++ build tree: O(n), query: O(h) O(h) Hard Segment Tree, BST
207 Interval Sum II C++ build tree: O(n), query: O(h), modify: O(h) O(h) Hard Segment Tree, BST
247 Segment Tree Query II C++ O(h) O(h) Hard Segment Tree, BST
248 Count of Smaller Number C++ build tree: O(n), query: O(logn) O(h) Medium Segment Tree, BST

##Binary Search

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
14 Binary Search C++ O(logn) O(1) Easy
28 Search a 2D Matrix C++ O(logm + logn) O(1) Easy LeetCode
60 Search Insert Position C++ O(logn) O(1) Easy LeetCode
61 Search for a Range C++ O(logn) O(1) Medium LeetCode
62 Search in Rotated Sorted Array C++ O(logn) O(1) Hard LeetCode
63 Search in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ O(logn) O(1) Medium LeetCode
65 Median of two Sorted Arrays C++ O(log(min(m, n))) O(1) Hard LeetCode, EPI Tricky
74 First Bad Version C++ O(logn) O(1) Medium
75 Find Peak Element C++ O(logn) O(1) Medium LeetCode
76 Longest Increasing Subsequence C++ O(nlogn) O(n) Medium CTCI
141 Sqrt(x) C++ O(logn) O(1) Easy LeetCode
159 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array C++ O(logn) O(1) Medium LeetCode
160 Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array II C++ O(logn) O(1) Medium LeetCode
183 Wood Cut C++ O(nlogL) O(1) Medium
249 Count of Smaller Number before itself C++ O(nlogn) O(h) Hard
390 Find Peak Element II C++ Python O(m + n) O(1) Hard

##Depth First Search

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
15 Permutations C++ O(n * n!) O(n) Medium LeetCode, EPI
16 Permutations II C++ O(n * n!) O(n) Medium LeetCode, EPI
33 N-Queens C++ O(n * n!) O(n) Medium LeetCode, EPI
34 N-Queens II C++ O(n * n!) O(n) Medium LeetCode, EPI
90 K Sum II C++ O(k * C(n, k)) O(k) Medium
123 Word Search C++ O(m * n * l) O(l) Medium LeetCode
132 Word Search II C++ O(m * n * l) O(l) Hard Trie, DFS
135 Combination Sum C++ O(k * n^k) O(k) Medium LeetCode DFS
136 Palindrome Partitioning C++ O(2^n) O(n) Easy LeetCode, EPI
152 Combinations C++ O(k * n^k) O(k) Medium LeetCode, EPI
153 Combination Sum II C++ O(k * C(n, k)) O(k) Medium LeetCode DFS

##Breadth First Search

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
69 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal C++ O(n) O(n) Medium LeetCode BFS
70 Binary Tree Level Order Traversal II C++ O(n) O(n) Medium LeetCode BFS
71 Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal C++ O(n) O(n) Medium LeetCode BFS
120 Word Ladder C++ O(n * d) O(d) Medium LeetCode BFS
121 Word Ladder II C++ O(n * d) O(d) Hard LeetCode BFS, Back Trace
127 Topological Sorting C++ O(|V|+|E|) O(|E|) Medium DFS, BFS
137 Clone Graph C++ O(|V|+|E|) O(|V|) Medium BFS
176 Route Between Two Nodes in Graph C++ O(n) O(n) Medium DFS, BFS

##Binary Search Trees

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
7 Binary Tree Serialization C++ O(n) O(h) Medium LeetCode
11 Search Range in Binary Search Tree C++ O(n) O(h) Medium EPI
84 Remove Node in Binary Search Tree C++ O(h) O(h) Hard
85 Implement Iterator of Binary Search Tree C++ O(1) O(h) Hard LeetCode
360 Sliding Window Median C++ O(nlogw) O(w) Hard BST, Tricky
391 Number of Airplanes in the Sky C++ O(nlogn) O(1) Easy BST, Heap

##Dynamic Programming

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
29 Interleaving String C++ O(m * b) O(min(m, n)) Medium EPI
43 Maximum Subarray III C++ O(k * n^2) O(k * n) Hard
77 Longest Common Sequence C++ O(m * n) O(min(m, n)) Medium
79 Longest Common Substring C++ O(m * n) O(min(m, n)) Medium
89 K Sum C++ O(k * n * t) O(n * t) Hard
91 Minimum Adjustment Cost C++ O(k * n * t) O(k) Medium
92 Backpack C++ O(m * n) O(m) Easy
107 Word Segmentation C++ O(n^2) O(n) Medium LeetCode, EPI
108 Palindrome Partitioning II C++ O(n^2) O(n) Medium LeetCode, EPI
109 Triangle C++ O(n) O(n) Easy LeetCode, EPI
110 Minimum Path Sum C++ O(m * n) O(min(m, n)) Easy LeetCode, EPI
111 Climbing Stairs C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
115 Unique Paths II C++ O(m * n) O(min(m, n)) Easy LeetCode, CTCI DP, Math
118 Distinct Subsequences C++ O(m * n) O(m) Medium LeetCode DP
119 Edit Distance C++ O(m * n) O(min(m, n)) Medium LeetCode, CTCI DP
125 Backpack II C++ O(m * n) O(m) Medium
149 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI
150 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock II C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI
151 Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock III C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode, EPI
152 Regular Expression Matching C++ O(m * n) O(m) Hard LeetCode DP, Recursion
191 Maximum Product Subarray C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode


# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
41 Maximum Subarray C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
42 Maximum Subarray II C++ O(n) O(n) Medium
44 Minimum Subarray C++ O(n) O(1) Easy
45 Maximum Subarray Difference C++ O(n) O(n) Medium
116 Jump Game C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
117 Jump Game II C++ O(n) O(1) Medium LeetCode
182 Delete Digits C++ O(n) O(n) Medium
187 Gas Station C++ O(n) O(1) Easy LeetCode
192 Wildcard Matching C++ O(m + n) O(1) Hard LeetCode Greedy, DP, Recursion

##Design Pattern

# Title Solution Time Space Difficulty Tag Note
204 Singleton C++ O(1) O(1) Easy


C++ Solutions of All 194 LintCode Problems






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  • C++ 98.2%
  • Python 1.8%