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This is an application written that exploits an interface between Oculus Code written in C++ and a client script running in matlab. As of now, this is still under development so do not expect everything to run straight out of the box when cloned and installed. The project setup and a lot of Macros have been adapted from this amazing book Oculus Rift in Action, whose main example repo can be found at OculusRiftInAction


This application is designed to use static linking throughout. This means static linking against the C/C++ runtimes on windows (to avoid issues with missing Visual Studio redistributables) and static linking against all of the included submodules. Dynamic linking is only used for system libraries (other than the C++ runtime on Windows) and for the resource DLL on windows. In order to avoid having each executable contain a distinct copy of the (currently 30MB) resource files, a single DLL is created to hold them, and the common library functionality has utility methods to load them.

Instructions for building (all platforms)

Before Starting, check if you have the lastest version of the Oculus SDK built or not.

  • On linux Run the following in a seperate terminal


If you dont, go to the Oculus developer site and follow instructions to setup the SDK and the basic demos/services

Checking out

git clone --recursive

If you have already downloaded the repository before, but need the updates that came in later - simply use git pull. This command is likely to take a while. It's a big project with lots of submodules

Install Boost and other essentials on your system (if it isn't already installed)

  • For Linux

       	 sudo apt-get install build-essential cmake libboost-all-dev libudev-dev

NOTE! The following steps MIGHT not work if you do not have boost installed in your system. I will soon add instructions on what to do about that on a windows system

Creating project files

cd OculusMatlab
mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. [-G <your preferred toolset>]

CMake will create project files for a given toolset. What toolset you use depends on your platform, and there's usually a default. On a Windows machine, it defaults to Visual Studio, although if you have more than one version installed it may require you to specify which one you want. You can specify a specific platform using -G.

cmake -h

Will show you a list of supported generators on your platform.


Depends on your build tool. If you're using Visual Studio or XCode you can just say 'File, Open Project' or something to that effect and point it at the OculusRiftInAction/build directory. On Linux I like make, so i can simple run 'make' from the build directory after the 'cmake..' command

Supported platforms

On Windows 8 with Visual Studio 2013 Desktop Edition

The following generators have all been found to work

Suitable generators

  • "Visual Studio 12"
  • "Visual Studio 12 Win64"

Note that "Visual Studio 12" actually corresponds to Visual Studio 2013.

It's worthwhile to note that CMake may not show the Win64 options in the list of generators, even if they're supported. Win64 refers to the creation of projects that produce 64 bit binaries, NOT the version of Visual Studio itself.

The libraries needed to build the core examples are included and built as part of the project, but some examples will only be built if additional libraries are present, such as OpenCV. If you want to build these, it's important to make sure you match up the 32/64 bit nature of the project you create with the installed version of OpenCV, etc.

On OSX with XCode

  • "Xcode"

On Ubuntu using Eclipse (Kepler)

Suitable generators

  • "Eclipse CDT4 - Unix Makefiles"
  • "Eclipse CDT4 - Ninja"
  • "Unix Makefiles"
  • "Ninja"

Note that the CMake Eclipse generators will complain about a build directory that is a child of the source directory, but I have not experienced any issues with this.

I highly recommend using the Ninja builder instead of makefiles. It's dramatically faster. Note that the Ubuntu package for the ninja builder is ninja-build not ninja, which is an unrelated tool.

Running the code

Once the binaries are built, they can be located in the build/output folder. The two main binaries used for the electrolocation demo are MainApp and SimulatedMainApp. The other binaries are just for development tests. By default, all communication occurs on port 1700 - but this can be changed very easily.

##MainApp This application creates a listener to a tcp client and works only when a tcp connection is found and accepted. If it doesn't run with a "Failed to initialise Oculus SDK", rerun the application after launching the headset management interface (ovrd in Linux). Once communication begins - it sends the headset's translational X, translational Y and angular Yaw data (or any other message you want) across the connection. It also listens for data coming in from the tcp client. For a simple working demo use the matlab script quickDemo located in /mscripts. This script recieves data from the tcp server (the c++ application in this case) and relays the first message (yaw) back to the application. This can easily be upgraded to work with the NxR 4DOF sensorpod similar to the matlab scripts demoGantry, or demoGantryTraj

##SimulatedMainApp This works in a simlar way as MainApp except that only one message is currently sent from the c++ application to the tcp client. Using the matlab script SimulatedDataDemo, we can visualise previously collected data.


A quick interface between matlab and Oculus code written in C++







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Contributors 4

