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Clemson FCT Facial Recognition

This repository contains the code for a face recognition system that combines three popular algorithms: PCA, LDA, and ICA.

Getting Started

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Usage for the face recognition system:

Usage: ./face-rec [options]
  --train DIRECTORY  create a database from a training set
  --rec DIRECTORY    test a set of images against a database
  --lda              run PCA, LDA
  --ica              run PCA, ICA2
  --all              run PCA, LDA, ICA2

To run an automated test (k-fold cross-validation) with the ORL face database:

# test once with 1.pgm removed from each class
./ 1 1

# repeat with each index removed (takes much longer)
./ 1 10

To test MATLAB code with ORL database:

./ 1 10
./ test_images orl_faces_ppm pgm ppm
# run MATLAB/LDA/example.m
# run MATLAB/PCA/example.m

The Image Library

This software currently supports a subset of the Netpbm format, particularly with PGM and PPM images.

Images should not be stored in this repository! Instead, images should be downloaded separately. Face databases are widely available on the Internet, such as here and here. I am currently using the ORL database.

To convert JPEG images to PGM with ImageMagick: [src-folder] [dst-folder] jpeg pgm

The Matrix Library

Function Name PCA LDA ICA Verification Status
Constructors, Destructor
m_initialize x x x Verified
m_identity x Verified
m_zeros x Verified
m_copy x Verified
m_free x x x Verified
m_fprint x Verified
m_fwrite x Verified
m_fscan Verified
m_fread x Verified
m_image_read x Verified
m_image_write x Verified
m_covariance x Verified w/ BLAS
m_eigen x x Verified w/ BLAS
m_eigen2 (x) Not Verified
m_inverse x x Verified w/ BLAS
m_mean_column x x x Verified
m_product x x x Verified w/ BLAS
m_sqrtm x Verified w/ BLAS
m_transpose x x x Verified
m_add x x Verified
m_elem_mult x x Verified
m_shuffle_columns x Verified
m_subtract x x Verified
m_subtract_columns x Verified


Much of the code in this project depends on BLAS and LAPACK. In order to run it properly, it is necessary to install the following libraries:

libblas-dev (1.2.20110419-5)
libblas3 (1.2.20110419-5)
libgfortran3 (4.8.1-10ubuntu9)
liblapack-dev (3.4.2+dfsg-2)
liblapack3 (3.4.2+dfsg-2)
liblapacke (3.4.2+dfsg-2)
liblapacke-dev (3.4.2+dfsg-2)

Documentation for BLAS and LAPACK consists mostly of the documentation for each function. For any given BLAS/LAPACK function, you will want to reference two documents:

  1. The Fortran source file
  2. The cblas/lapacke header

The Fortran source provides documentation for function parameters, and the C headers show how to order those arguments with the C interface.

sudo apt-get install libblas-dev liblapacke-dev

Confirmed to run on Mac OS 10.11.1

Download LAPACK 3.5.0

Download BLAS 3.5.0

(10.10 - 10.11) Download gfortran 5.2

(10.7 - 10.9) Download gfortran 4.8.2

# in BLAS directory
sudo cp blas-LINUX.a /usr/local/lib/libblas.a

# in LAPACK directory
# set BLASLIB in line 68 equal to ‘/usr/local/lib/libblas.a’
sudo cp liblapack.a /usr/local/lib

The Algorithms

Here is the working flow graph for the combined algorithm:

m = number of dimensions per image
n = number of images

train: X -> (a, W', P)
    X = [X_1 ... X_n] (image matrix) (m-by-n)
    a = sum(X_i, 1:i:n) / n (mean face) (m-by-1)
    X = [(X_1 - a) ... (X_n - a)] (mean-subtracted image matrix) (m-by-n)
    W_pca' = PCA(X) (PCA projection matrix) (n-by-m)
    P_pca = W_pca' * X (PCA projected image matrix) (n-by-n)
    W_lda' = LDA(W_pca, P_pca) (LDA projection matrix) (n-by-m)
    P_lda = W_lda' * X (LDA projected image matrix) (n-by-n)
    W_ica' = ICA2(W_pca, P_pca) (ICA2 projection matrix) (n-by-m)
    P_ica = W_ica' * X (ICA2 projected image matrix) (n-by-n)

recognize: X_test -> P_match
    a = mean face (m-by-1)
    (W_pca, W_lda, W_ica) = projection matrices (m-by-n)
    (P_pca, P_lda, P_ica) = projected image matrices (n-by-n)
    X_test = test image (m-by-1)
    P_test_pca = W_pca' * (X_test - a) (n-by-1)
    P_test_lda = W_lda' * (X_test - a) (n-by-1)
    P_test_ica = W_ica' * (X_test - a) (n-by-1)
    P_match_pca = nearest neighbor of P_test_pca (n-by-1)
    P_match_lda = nearest neighbor of P_test_lda (n-by-1)
    P_match_ica = nearest neighbor of P_test_ica (n-by-1)

PCA: X -> W_pca'
    X = [X_1 ... X_n] (image matrix) (m-by-n)
    L = X' * X (surrogate matrix) (n-by-n)
    L_ev = eigenvectors of L (n-by-n)
    W_pca = X * L_ev (eigenfaces) (m-by-n)

LDA: (W_pca, P_pca) -> W_lda'
    X = P_pca (n-by-n)
    c = number of classes
    n_i = size of class i
    U_i = sum(X_j, j in class i) / n_i (n-by-1)
    u = sum(U_i, 1:i:c) / c (n-by-1)
    S_b = sum((U_i - u) * (U_i - u)', 1:i:c) (n-by-n)
    S_w = sum(sum((X_j - U_i) * (X_j - U_i)', j in class i), 1:i:c) (n-by-n)
    W_fld = eigenvectors of (S_b, S_w) (n-by-n)
    W_lda' = W_fld' * W_pca' (n-by-m)

ICA2: (W_pca, P_pca) -> W_ica'
    X = P_pca (n-by-n)
    W_z = 2 * Cov(X)^(-1/2) (n-by-n)
    X_sph = W_z * X (n-by-n)
    W = (train with sep96) (n-by-n)
    W_I = W * W_z (n-by-n)
    W_ica' = W_I * W_pca' (n-by-m)


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  • C 72.3%
  • MATLAB 21.8%
  • C++ 4.1%
  • Other 1.8%