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Microsoft ActiveDirectory to OpenLDAP bridge/sync


On ActiveDirectory-server

  • Clone this repo
  • Copy files from repo's windows-folder to any path you like :)
  • Edit the ADump/ADHashes.bat file. Set HOST (OpenLDAP-server), USER (SSH User on OpenLDAP-server) and REMOT_PATH (Path to OpenLDAP on that server)
  • Create task, that will sync AD to OpenLDAP perhaps every day or every hour. As source file for the task you have to search the ADHashes.bat in your filesystem. Be aware that the task has to run under priviledged permissions.
  • generate SSH-Keys with puttygen.exe, save to ADump/id_dsa.ppk and ADump/
  • If LDAP Server is the same as the AD Server, you have to change the ADHashes.bat to not use scp rather than standard copy command
  • Now you are ready for creating OpenLDAP

On OpenLDAP-server

  • Also clone this repo
  • switch to openldap/openldap-2.4.40 folder
  • Now you have to compile it from source. If you use openldap from another source, you have to rewrite the file libraries/liblutil/passwd.c. You can find a passwd.c.diff-file inside the repo, with this you can edit the file to required format (Little technical note: OpenLDAP doesn't 'understand' ActiveDirectory's NTLM-Hashes, so we have to insert code, that will add this feature to OpenLDAP)
  • Compilation:
    • ./configure --prefix=/installation/path/to/openldap/ --sysconfdir=/installation/path/to/openldap --enable-slapd --enable-debug --with-tls=openssl
    • make depend
    • make
    • make install
  • Copy and to OpenLDAP's installation path and edit Set path, ldap_base (The same you use in config file from next step), host and port as the local hostname/ip and OpenLDAP-port, root and root_pw has to be an user, who has the permissions to import LDIF-files to OpenLDAP.
  • Now edit OpenLDAP config slapd.conf, be aware, that the base-dn is exactly the same as the one, ActiveDirectory uses. An example for such a file is delivered with this repo. You only have to change the paths, base_dn, root_dn and root_pw
  • execute libexec/slapd maybe with command line option -h "ldap:// ldaps://". Now your standalone-OpenLDAP-server should be running. If there are any problems, use option -d 4 for debug mode
  • Copy content from to ~/.ssh/known_hosts to allow ActiveDirectory-server to connect via SSH
  • Now you AD-server executes the task, that dumps ActiveDirectory, sends dump to OpenLDAP-server, executes the to change format to OpenLDAP-conform format, calls and deletes all temporary file. That's it

Requirements (All of them for the OpenLDAP-server)

  • gcc, make
  • openssl-dev
  • libdb-dev > v4.1
  • perl
  • python
  • ssh-server


Microsoft ActiveDirectory to OpenLDAP bridge/sync







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