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TFE 1.0

There are three patches of source available - src-gc the original source from greyclaw... this does not compile as is, but is kept for reference

src-msvc the original source hacked (by Seltha) to compile under Windows using MS Visual C++ 6.0 ... compile as a console application and don't forget to add the wsock32.lib file to your project settings.

src-unix the original source hacked (by Marsupilami and Seltha) to compile under Linux using gcc version egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)

An executable for Windows is included for quick access, and a god is thrown in for good measure:

Connect (via Zmud/telnet) to 'localhost' on port '23' or '4000'.

Log in as: newimmortal Password: newimmortal

Create your new character... and in the newimmortal session: trust 99 advance 99

Now save with your new player, then reboot the MUD and you should be good to go.

If you want others to be able to create accounts, you can try using the softmail utility for Windows that is also included. To get it set up, you need to edit the sendmail.ini file and place it in the windows directory.

Be careful, I think there are some issues with \r\n and \n\r in this current version (especially when running under windows). You should keep a backup of your working files just in case.

Enjoy, -- Seltha []

PS: you may need to delete the "create.dir" files after extracting the files, they are just there to make sure the folders are created.


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