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A rogue like game.


This game uses allegro. To install it, just run (delivered in this repo)


There are different dungeons with different difficulty levels who each yield a token for reaching each 5th level, but only when reaching it for the first time (so token are unrenewable). Tokens can be crafted or equipped. There are 3 default tokens who can be aquired:

  • water
  • ground
  • air

There are 3 equip slots: passive, attack and invoke. Each token gives a different skill dependent on the slot it is equipped in


the 3 default tokens can be crafted to a leveling token. This leveling token can be used to craft 2 lv1 tokens to a level 2 token. The level 2 tokens are the following:

water + ground -> life
water +  air   -> cold
air + ground   -> heat

The total cost of a level2 token is 5

5 leveling token can be combined to a super leveling token. A super leveling token can be used to combine a level 1 adn a level 2 token to a level 3 token.

        ground       ocean        sky
life    plants       blood        light
heat    magma        clouds       lightning
cold    metal        ice          storm

the total cost of a level 3 token is 21

Super leveling tokens can also be used to craft 3 level 3 tokens to a level 4 token.

plants + clouds + storm     -> nature
metal  + blood  + lightning -> machine
magma  + ice    +  light    -> star

the total cost of a level 4 token is 78


clock turn-based

All actions take time.

All units have a clock. When they perform an action, the time needed is added to the clock. The unit with the lowest clock can move.

Status effects also use this clock.

default: move:60 attack:100


Attack always hits -> default 10 dam Default 100 hp

Only changed by statchanges and buffs.

Also: actions (for data-driven healing) ??

Every skill knows:

  • list of stat changes
    • amounts
  • list of actions
    • multipliers
  • list of buffs
    • time
  • invoke type (if invoke skill)
    • target/ self / area / surround
    • cooldown
  • passive type
    • cooldown

Applied when/to

skill_type stat action buff
passive create/self on tick /self create/self (always inf)
attack create/self on attack/target on attack/target
invoke N/A on invoke/depends on invoke/depends




Code: array+ENUM + dinamix testing losing status effect is a functor in the game_loop (binary heap)

Different status effects:

Effect description Tags
Snare user can attack but not move I
Silence user can move but not attack/invoke I
NoHeal user cannot regen I
Flaming enemies attacking user get half damage *
Clouded No collision with entities *
Immume Disable some other status effects *
Swim Can move trough water *
Walk No slowdown from rough terrain/ ice *
Jump Can jump over cliffs *
Nimble No damage from spikes *
Confused ??? EI
Bastion High defense , no movement *
Growth High healing, no movement, no attack *
Lighthouse All enemies know your position P
Vampire Lose health over time but heal damage *


  • I: immume prevents this effect
  • E: enemies only
  • P: player only


Action description multipliers Tags
Bomb damage surrounding area damage amount *
Damage damage target damage amount *
Heal heal target hp *
LifeSteal do normal damage percent regen (0-100) *
Knockback move the enemy away distance *
Place places wall time stays T
Healing ring places healing ring 3x3 time stays T
Spike places spikes none T


  • T: doesn't need target

Actions contain the invoker and the target, to make sure things like life_steal and knockback work correctly


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