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Our repository for the 2011 Zero Robotics competition.

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\f0\fs28\fsmilli14400 \cf0 README\
Vinay and Rene's submission: Comprehensive_Strategy.c (Github),\
orbit bot optimizing further (IDE)\
Mikhail's Orbit Bot Best, plus spinning, if the opponent is revolving at\
the asteroid you are on at 61 or 66 seconds.\
Communication to decide which mining station, which asteroid, with a\
limit to the number of times it can switch (bombardment-proof), and\
fully functional without receiving communication.  Is always honest.\
Uses leaveOrbit and timeToMS to exit orbit/spin, while using tractor\
beam to repel opponent.\
Switches asteroids only if opponent is spinning properly on Opulens\
and you are on Indigens.\
Gets laser->disruptor upgrade->shield if possible at the beginning.\
Problems: loses charge quickly, loses fuel if collision avoidance\
activates a lot.\
The current code size is 107%, but we have not optimized any of the\
new code. \'a0We will most likely simplify leaveOrbit, or get rid of it if there\
is something else we need to add.}


Our repository for the 2011 Zero Robotics competition.






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