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About Voxie

Voxie is a volume viewer with support for plugins and external scripts. It was initially developed as a student project at the Computational Imaging Systems (CIS) department of the University of Stuttgart.

The main author of Voxie is Steffen Kieß, other contributors are mostly students at the University of Stuttgart. The full list of authors can be found in doc/software.json.

Compiling from source on Linux

First, install the packages required to run Voxie. On Ubuntu 20.04 this can be done using:

sudo apt-get install build-essential meson ninja-build pkg-config libqt5opengl5-dev libqt5x11extras5-dev qtwebengine5-dev opencl-headers libhdf5-dev libboost-all-dev liblapacke-dev python3-pycodestyle python3-numpy python3-scipy python3-pyqt5 ca-certificates git

Then you can either use qtcreator (with meson) for compiling the code or run


(If the meson version is too old, you also can run tools/ --unpack-meson to download and use a newer meson version.)

After compiling, you can run voxie with:


Compiling from source on Windows

For compiling on Windows you need to install Qt5 + QtCreator, HDF5 (binarys needed) and Boost (for Boost, only the headers or sources are needed).

For running external python filters or scripts you also will need DBus for Windows:

IDE Setup

To find out how to setup IDEs for development check out /doc/

Style Guide


All c++ files (cpp, hpp, ...) must follow the CLANG format with the Google Style. When you are using QtCreator enable the Beautifier plugin and configure it in such as way, that saved files are automatically formatted. To do that enable Beautifier under Help->Plugins in QtCreator. Download Pre-Built Binaries for Clang-fomat from LLVM Website and install it. Under Extras->Properties->Beautifier select the Clang Fromat tap and choose clang-format in LLVM install dir. Under Style choose File.

If you prefer other editors you can call clang-format directly:

clang-format -i -style=file path/to/file.cpp

One could use this command (or something similar) to format all files changed and not merged into master:

git diff master --name-only | grep -i '.hpp\|.cpp' | xargs clang-format -i -style=file


Python files must obey PEP8. To make sure your code is compliant to PEP8 run:

autopep8 -i -a -a --global-config /foo path-to-python-file

Make sure to use the default PEP8, namely use --global-config and let it point to a non-existing file. Note that -a -a is required to force some line breaks.

One could again use something like this to ensure compliance with PEP8:

git diff master --name-only | grep -i .py | xargs autopep8 -i -a -a --global-config /foo

Downloading binaries for Linux or Windows

You can also download a binary version of Voxie for Linux or Windows (64-bit) from

The Linux binaries in voxie-...-lin64.tar.gz require Qt5, the OpenCL ICD and DBus to be available. To install Qt5 and the OpenCL ICD under Ubuntu, type:

sudo apt-get install libqt5opengl5 libqt5x11extras5 ocl-icd-libopencl1

The Windows binaries in have all required libraries bundled.

The MacOS binaries in voxie-...-mac64.dmg are alpha quality and might not work.

Plugins / Scripting

You can extend Voxie by writing plugins or scripts.

  • Plugins will be loaded into the same address space as Voxie and can access all the internals of Voxie.
  • External scripts can be written in an arbitrary language and can communicate with Voxie over DBus. The can also access the data directly using shared memory. There are some examples in the directory scripts and one in src/ScriptGetAverage.

Additional plugins can be put into ~/.config/voxie/plugins on Linux or C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\voxie\plugins on Windows. Additional scripts can be put into ~/.config/voxie/scripts on Linux or C:\Users\...\AppData\Roaming\voxie\scripts on Windows.