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Wargaming Tools Framework

WGTF stands for "Wargaming Tools Framework" It is a global tools initiative to rebuild Wargaming tools on a new framework that is driven by a plug-in based architecture. This architecture would allow for greater flexibility in sharing code and common functionality across multiple projects as well as supporting cross-platform development. The project uses a combination of C++ and Qt.


This guide is for building and running the WGTF test app.

Step-by-Step Guide

After pulling down the repository, you will need to add several dependancies. The version of Qt you plan to use must be in the wgtf/src/core/third_party/Qt directory and cmake must be in the wgtf/src/core/third_party/cmake directory

On Windows

  1. Run wgtf/build/wg_cmake.bat

    a. Select Visual Studio [version] [arch] - [Qt version]

    The version of Qt depends on the age of the branch. As of writing VS2012, Win64, Qt 5.6.0 is used on develop. VS2013 and Win32 should also work. The deploy targets are for packaging relevant sources into the bin folder to give to other people. E.g. QA or consumers. The deploy target does not require a git clone, only bin. The non-deploy targets should be used for development.

    b. The solution will be generated to wgtf/build_generic_app_test_vc11_win64_qt5.6.0/generic_app_test_win64.sln

    If you want an out-of-tree build, pass in the desired output path to wg_cmake.bat E.g. Edit wg_cmake.bat

    @python D:/build/wgtf
    Qt and cmake are required to build WGTF. Read wgtf/src/core/third_party/qt_readme.txt and
    wgtf/src/core/third_party/cmake_readme.txt for instructions on using them.

    Some projects will be ignored if 3rd party libraries are not available.
    Add any other 3rd party dependencies if needed. For Python support, follow
    the instructions in wgtf/src/core/third_party/python_readme.txt, for Perforce
    support, read wgtf/src/core/third_party/perforce_readme.txt
  1. Open the generated solution (generic_app_test_win64.sln) in Visual Studio 2012 Update 4.

  2. Selet the Hybrid (release) build configuration

  3. Go to BUILD -> Build Solution or press F7.

  4. In the Solution Explorer, right click on the Executables/generic_app project and select Set As Startup Project.

  5. Select the plugins config you want to run. The plugins configs can be found in wgtf/bin/generic_app_test/win64/plugins. For this example we will use plugins_ui.txt.

  6. In the Solution Explorer, right click on the Executables/generic_app project and select Properties

  7. In the generic_app Property Pages dialog, find Configuration Properties -> Debugging -> Command Arguments and enter

    --config plugins_ui.txt
  1. Press OK

  2. Select Debug -> Start Debugging or press F5.

  3. If it asks about building ZERO_CHECK press OK

    Building ZERO_CHECK basically re-runs the CMake script with some cached
    settings. You can build it if you have added/deleted a file and want to
    update the sln.  Sometimes Visual Studio isn't very good at detecting
    if it should build it.
  1. The Generic App UI Test should start. It has all of the features core to the WGTF framework.

  2. Log output should appear in the Visual Studio Output window. To view logs without debugging, open Debug View


  1. Run wgtf/build/

    a. Select XCode

    b. Select [Qt version]

    The version of Qt depends on the age of the branch. As of writing Qt 5.6.0 is used on develop.

    c. Select the non-deploy target. The deploy targets are for packaging relevant sources into the bin folder to give to other people. E.g. QA or consumers. The deploy target does not require a git clone, only bin. The non-deploy targets should be used for development.

    d. The Xcode project will be generated to wgtf/build_generic_app_test_xcode_qt5.6.0/generic_app_test_mac.xcodeproj (depending on the selected Qt version).

    Qt and cmake are required to build WGTF. Read wgtf/src/core/third_party/qt_readme.txt and
    wgtf/src/core/third_party/cmake_readme.txt for instructions on using them.

    Some projects will be ignored if 3rd party libraries are not available.
    Add any other 3rd party dependencies if needed. For Python support, follow
    the instructions in wgtf/src/core/third_party/python_readme.txt, for Perforce
    support, read wgtf/src/core/third_party/perforce_readme.txt
  1. Open the generated solution (generic_app_test_mac.xcodeproj) in OSX El Capitan 10.11.1 Xcode Version 7.1 (7B91b) by double clicking it in the finder.

  2. Select the Automatically Create Schemes at the prompt.

  3. Select the ALL_BUILD scheme from the Scheme menu in the toolbar at the top.

  4. Make sure the target is My Mac (64-bit).

    a. The target might fail to build if the wrong SDK is selected. Follow these steps if it says "The run destination My Mac is not valid" when you go to build.

    b. Double-click on the generic_app_test_mac project in the Navigation area on the left of the window.

    c. Select Build Settings and the All and Levels filters.

    d. Make sure Base SDK is set to Latest OS X (OS X 10.11) for ALL_BUILD and generic_app_test

  5. Press CMD+B or select Product->Build to build.

  6. Change schemes to generic_app

  7. Find the plugins config you want to run. The plugins configs can be found in wgtf/bin/generic_app_test/mac/ (Show Package Contents in Finder). For this example we will use plugins_ui.txt.

  8. Edit the scheme

    a. In the Product|Scheme menu, scroll down to the bottom, Edit Scheme...

    b. In the Edit Scheme dialog, find Run -> Arguments -> Arguments -> Arguments Passed On Launch and enter

    --config plugins_ui.txt
  1. Press Close.

  2. Start debugging by pressing the little play icon in the toolbar next to the scheme.

  3. If it asks for permissions, get permissions.

  4. The Generic App UI Test should start. It has all of the features core to the WGTF framework.

Maya Plugin

Building the Maya Plug-in

  1. Go to the wgtf/build folder.

  2. Double click on wg_cmake.bat.

  3. Select maya_plugin -> Visual Studio 2012 Win64 -> Maya 2014.

  4. Go to the build folder located in wgtf.

  5. Select the solution file and open with VS2012.

  6. Build the Hybrid solution.

Running the Maya Plug-in

  1. Start Maya 2014.

  2. Go to window -> settings/preference -> Plug-in Manager.

  3. Select Browse at the bottom of the Plug-in Manager window.

  4. Browse to wgtf/bin/generic_app_test/win64 folder and select wgtf_maya_plugin.mll

  5. Select Open

The WGTF Maya plug-in should open on the right side of the viewport.

The behavior of WGTF Maya Plugin should be the same as WGTF stand alone Generic_app.exe --config plugins_ui.txt. The features and panels should all work as in the stand-alone version.