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This repository contains source code used in the following paper. This readme file provides a summary on the repository directory structures and code functionalities.
D. Zhang, and J. Liang, “View Synthesis Distortion Estimation with Graphical Model and Recursive Calculation of Probability Distribution,” IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, Vol. 25, No. 5, pp. 827-840, May 2015.

I.Synthesized view distortion estimation with random depth error:

SynthDisEstError: Contains distortion estimation(SynthDisEstError\estimation) and verification(SynthDisEstError\verification) code for estimating synthesized view distortion given uniform depth errors.

I.a Estimation:

SynthDisEstError\estimation\VSRS3_5_DE_1D_uniform: contains distortion estimation code for the 1D parallel method.

SynthDisEstError\estimation\VSRS3_5_DE_GEN_uniform: contains distortion estimation code for the general method.

I.b Verification:

SynthDisEstError\verification\VSRS3_5_CORRUPT_DEPTH_child_uniform: VSRS version 3.5 with uniform random error added to the depth images. This is the child process used by “corrupt_vs”.

SynthDisEstError\verification\corrupt_vs: This is the master controller for the verification code. It uses the binary from “VSRS3_5_CORRUPT_DEPTH_child_uniform” to perform view synthesis for a specified number of iterations and then calculates the average distortion to compare with the estimation results.

II.Synthesized view distortion estimation with packet loss in depth and texture bitstreams:

SynthDisEstLoss: Contains distortion estimation(SynthDisEstLoss\estimation) and verification(SynthDisEstLoss\verification) code for estimating synthesized view distortion given random packet loss.

II.a Estimation:

SynthDisEstLoss\estimation\full_system\jm18_RODE_signaled_lowMem: Child process which uses RODE to calculate pixel level PMF.

SynthDisEstLoss\estimation\full_system\VSRS3_5_DE_1D_signaled:  Child process which receives pixel level PMF from RODE calculation and calculate the distortion in the synthesized view.

SynthDisEstLoss\estimation\full_system\oldesv: Master controller which relays estimated PMF from “jm18_RODE_signaled_lowMem” to “VSRS3_5_DE_1D_signaled” so that the synthesized virtual view distortion can be calculated.

SynthDisEstLoss\estimation\RODE_only\jm18_RODE_standalone_lowMem: This modified JM reference code contains RODE algorithm and is used to estimate single video stream packet loss distortion.

II.b Verification:

SynthDisEstLoss\verification\jm18.0_slice_loss: JM reference code which contains modifications to allow slice loss. Error concealment algorithm is the simple last frame copy algorithm.

SynthDisEstLoss\verification\RODE_only: Master controller which introduces packet loss in the encoded texture video stream and uses “jm18.0_slice_loss” to decode the lossy bitstream. This process is repeated for a specific number of iterations. Average PSNR is collected at the frame level to compare with estimation results produced by RODE.

SynthDisEstLoss\verification\full_system: Master controller which introduces packet loss in the encoded texture and depth streams. “jm18.0_slice_loss” is used to decode the corrupted bistreams and then VSRS is used for view synthesis. This process is repeated for a specified number of iterations. Average PSNR for the virtual view is collected at the frame level to compare with estimation results produced by “oldesv”.


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