Esempio n. 1
array_remove(struct array *a, unsigned index)
	unsigned num_to_move;

	ARRAYASSERT(a->num <= a->max);
	ARRAYASSERT(index < a->num);

	num_to_move = a->num - (index + 1);
	memmove(a->v + index, a->v + index+1, num_to_move*sizeof(void *));
Esempio n. 2
// PROCEDURE: _GetReadMode
// PURPOSE:   Retrieves synch entries from the virtualized array.
BOOL CSynch::_GetReadMode( UINT uFirstEntry, Synch *pSynch, UINT uEntries )
   ASSERT(uEntries > 0);
   ARRAYASSERT(pSynch, uEntries);
   ASSERT(uFirstEntry+uEntries <= m_uSynchCount);
   ASSERT(m_eMode == eREADMODE);

   // Loop until the get() has been satisfied.
   while (uEntries)
      // If the first entry is not in the cache, reload the cache.
      if ((uFirstEntry < m_uCacheStart) || (uFirstEntry >= m_uCacheStart + m_uCacheCount))
         m_uCacheStart = uFirstEntry - (uFirstEntry % SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE);
         m_uCacheCount  = m_uSynchCount - m_uCacheStart;
         if (m_uCacheCount > SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE)
            m_uCacheCount = SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE;
         Read( m_SynchBuffer, m_uCacheStart, m_uCacheCount );

      // Calculate how many entries intersect the cache.

      UINT uCount = min(uEntries, m_uCacheCount);

      // Copy the entries out of the cache.
      memcpy(pSynch, m_SynchBuffer+uFirstEntry-m_uCacheStart, uCount*sizeof(Synch));
      uFirstEntry += uCount;
      pSynch      += uCount;
      uEntries    -= uCount;
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 3
// FUNCTION: GetDACFileSweep
// PURPOSE:  Reads a sweep from the DAC file array.
BOOL CFileDescriptor::GetDACFileSweep(UINT uDACChannel, UINT uSweep, DAC_VALUE *pnData, UINT uMaxLength)

   ARRAYASSERT( pnData, uMaxLength );

   return m_DACFile[uDACChannel].GetSweep( uSweep, pnData, uMaxLength );
Esempio n. 4
array_cleanup(struct array *a)
	 * Require array to be empty - helps avoid memory leaks since
	 * we don't/can't free anything any contents may be pointing
	 * to.
	ARRAYASSERT(a->num == 0);
	a->v = NULL;
Esempio n. 5
// PROCEDURE: _GetWriteMode
// PURPOSE:   Retrieves synch entries from the virtualized array.
BOOL CSynch::_GetWriteMode( UINT uFirstEntry, Synch *pSynch, UINT uEntries )
   ASSERT(uFirstEntry+uEntries <= m_uSynchCount);
   ASSERT(uEntries > 0);
   ARRAYASSERT(pSynch, uEntries);
   ASSERT(m_eMode == eWRITEMODE);

   // If just the last entry is required, return it and get out.
   if (uFirstEntry == m_uSynchCount-1)
      *pSynch = m_LastEntry;
      return TRUE;

   // If the block requested is not contained completely in the cache, 
   // read the file for it, reading straight into the passed buffer.
   if (m_uSynchCount - uFirstEntry > SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE)
      // Rather than checking whether the file has been opened in this case
      // we will just assert that this is so here. This means that it is the
      // responsibility of the caller to ensure that synch entries are not
      // requested outside the synch buffer if the cache is not backed by a file.
      ASSERT(m_hfSynchFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);

      // Calculate how many entries there are from the requested first entry until
      // we hit the ones currently in the cache.
      UINT uCount = m_uSynchCount - uFirstEntry - SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE;
      // Limit the count to no greater than the requested amount.
      if (uCount > uEntries)
         uCount = uEntries;
      // Read the data out of the file.
      if( !Read( pSynch, uFirstEntry, uCount) )
         return FALSE;

      // Update pointers and counters.
      pSynch      += uCount;
      uFirstEntry += uCount;
      uEntries    -= uCount;

      if (uEntries == 0)
         return TRUE;
   // Transfer the part of the buffer that is "invalidated", i.e. about to be overwritten.
   if (uFirstEntry < m_uCacheStart)
      UINT uCount = m_uCacheStart - uFirstEntry;
      ASSERT(uCount <= SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE - m_uCacheCount);
      Synch *pS = m_SynchBuffer + SYNCH_BUFFER_SIZE - uCount;
      if (uCount > uEntries)
         uCount = uEntries;
      memcpy(pSynch, pS, uCount*sizeof(Synch));
      pSynch      += uCount;
      uFirstEntry += uCount;
      uEntries    -= uCount;
      if (uEntries == 0)
         return TRUE;

   // Transfer the more recently written part of the cache.
   ASSERT(uFirstEntry >= m_uCacheStart);
   ASSERT(uFirstEntry - m_uCacheStart + uEntries <= m_uCacheCount);
   memcpy(pSynch, m_SynchBuffer + uFirstEntry - m_uCacheStart, uEntries*sizeof(Synch));
   return TRUE;
Esempio n. 6
// FUNCTION: ReadDeltas
// PURPOSE:  Reads a sub section of the Delta array.
BOOL CFileDescriptor::ReadDeltas( UINT uFirstDelta, ABFDelta *pDeltaArray, UINT uNumDeltas)
   ARRAYASSERT( pDeltaArray, uNumDeltas );
   return m_Deltas.Get( uFirstDelta, pDeltaArray, uNumDeltas );
Esempio n. 7
// FUNCTION: ReadTags
// PURPOSE:  Reads a sub section of the tag array.
BOOL CFileDescriptor::ReadTags( UINT uFirstTag, ABFTag *pTagArray, UINT uNumTags)
   ARRAYASSERT( pTagArray, uNumTags );
   return m_Tags.Get( uFirstTag, pTagArray, uNumTags );