Esempio n. 1
namespace sprite
  typedef boost::uint_t<32>::exact uint32;
  typedef boost::int_t<64>::exact int64;

  // Note: The constructors for a given type are numbered CTOR, CTOR+1, ...
  enum Tag { FAIL= -4, FWD= -3, CHOICE= -2, OPER= -1, CTOR=0 };
  typedef signed char tag_type;
  typedef uint32 refcnt_type;
  typedef unsigned char mark_type;
  struct RuntimeError : std::exception
    RuntimeError(std::string const & msg = std::string())
      : m_msg("Runtime error: " + msg)
    virtual char const * what() const throw() { return m_msg.c_str(); }
    virtual ~RuntimeError() throw() {}
    std::string m_msg;

  // Indicates an eager evaluation produced a failure.
  struct ComputationFailed {};

  // The node requires space for 2 pointers (vptr + tag fields) plus
  // extra to hold the children.  The extra space must be at least one
  // pointer (to hold a pointer to the list of children), and must be
  // large enough to hold all of the inplace children.
  size_t const NODE_BYTES =
    * sizeof(void *);
Esempio n. 2
        template<typename R BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(N, typename A)>
        struct is_applyable<R(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, A))>
          : mpl::true_

        template<typename R BOOST_PP_ENUM_TRAILING_PARAMS(N, typename A)>
        struct is_applyable<R(*)(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(N, A))>
          : mpl::true_

        template<typename T, typename A>
        struct construct_<proto::expr<T, A, N>, true>
            typedef proto::expr<T, A, N> result_type;

            template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_MAX(N, 1), typename A)>
            result_type operator ()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_MAX(N, 1), A, &a)) const
                return result_type::make(BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_MAX(N, 1), a));

        template<typename T, typename A>
        struct construct_<proto::basic_expr<T, A, N>, true>
            typedef proto::basic_expr<T, A, N> result_type;

            template<BOOST_PP_ENUM_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_MAX(N, 1), typename A)>
            result_type operator ()(BOOST_PP_ENUM_BINARY_PARAMS(BOOST_PP_MAX(N, 1), A, &a)) const