Esempio n. 1
int WideCharToMultiByte(UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar,
		LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, LPCSTR lpDefaultChar, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar)
	int length;
	BYTE* targetStart;
	const WCHAR* sourceStart;
	ConversionResult result;

	/* If cchWideChar is 0, the function fails */

	if (cchWideChar == 0)
		return 0;

	/* If cchWideChar is -1, the string is null-terminated */

	if (cchWideChar == -1)
		cchWideChar = _wcslen(lpWideCharStr) + 1;

	 * if cbMultiByte is 0, the function returns the required buffer size
	 * in bytes for lpMultiByteStr and makes no use of the output parameter itself.

	if (cbMultiByte == 0)
		sourceStart = (WCHAR*) lpWideCharStr;
		targetStart = (BYTE*) NULL;

		result = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourceStart, &sourceStart[cchWideChar],
				&targetStart, NULL, strictConversion);

		length = targetStart - ((BYTE*) NULL);
		cbMultiByte = length;
		sourceStart = (WCHAR*) lpWideCharStr;
		targetStart = (BYTE*) lpMultiByteStr;

		result = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourceStart, &sourceStart[cchWideChar],
				&targetStart, &targetStart[cbMultiByte], strictConversion);

		length = targetStart - ((BYTE*) lpMultiByteStr);
		cbMultiByte = length;

	return cbMultiByte;
Esempio n. 2
std::string *
keymagic_driver::U16toU8(const std::wstring& u16)
	unsigned int length = u16.length() * 2;

	const UTF16 * source = (UTF16*)u16.c_str();
	const UTF16 * sourceStart = source;
	const UTF16 * sourceEnd = source + length;
	UTF8 * target = new UTF8[length];
	UTF8 * targetStart = target;
	UTF8 * targetEnd = target + length;
	ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourceStart, sourceEnd, &targetStart, targetEnd, lenientConversion);
	char * cs = new char[length];
	memset(cs, 0, length * sizeof (wchar_t));
	for (int i = 0; i < targetStart - target; i++) {
		cs[i] = target[i];

	std::string * s = new std::string(cs);

	delete[] cs;
	delete[] target;

	return s;
Esempio n. 3
AnsiString  WStoUTF8(const std::wstring& s){
	AnsiString Value;

	if (s.size()==0)
		return Value;

	int32 len = 3 * s.size() + 1;

	UTF8* DestStart = (UTF8*)(&Value[0]);
	UTF8* DestEnd = DestStart + len;

#ifdef WIN32
	const UTF16* Start = (const UTF16*)s.c_str();
	const UTF16* End = Start + s.size();
	ConversionResult ret = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&Start,End,&DestStart,DestEnd, strictConversion);
	const UTF32* Start = (const UTF32*)s.c_str();
	const UTF32* End = Start + s.size();

	ConversionResult ret = ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&Start,End,&DestStart,DestEnd, strictConversion);
	if (ret != conversionOK)
		//throw std::exception("UFT8 Convert Fail.");这种工具函数扔出例外似乎只会对宿主程序构成骚扰
		Value = "UFT16TO8 Convert Fail:";
		return Value += (const char*)s.c_str();
	return Value.c_str();
Esempio n. 4
	inline int wchar_utf8(const std::wstring &wide, std::string &utf8)
		// allocate space for worst-case
		utf8.resize(wide.size() * 6);
		if (wide.empty()) return 0;
		char* dst_start = &utf8[0];
		wchar_t const* src_start = wide.c_str();
		ConversionResult ret;
		if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF32))
			ret = ConvertUTF32toUTF8((const UTF32**)&src_start, (const UTF32*)src_start
				+ wide.size(), (UTF8**)&dst_start, (UTF8*)dst_start + utf8.size()
				, lenientConversion);
			utf8.resize(dst_start - &utf8[0]);
			return ret;
		else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF16))
			ret = ConvertUTF16toUTF8((const UTF16**)&src_start, (const UTF16*)src_start
				+ wide.size(), (UTF8**)&dst_start, (UTF8*)dst_start + utf8.size()
				, lenientConversion);
			utf8.resize(dst_start - &utf8[0]);
			return ret;
			return sourceIllegal;
// String16ToUTF8
bool String16ToUTF8(const char16 *in, int len, std::string *out8) {
  assert(len >= 0);

  if (len <= 0) {
    *out8 = "";
    return true;

  const UTF16 *source_ptr = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>(in);
  const UTF16 *source_end_ptr = source_ptr + len;  // should point 'beyond last'

  // UTF8 string has at most 4 times as many 'characters' as UTF16 one.
  if (len > INT_MAX / 4) {  // overflow check
    *out8 = "";
    return false;
  int out_len = len * 4;

  UTF8 *target_ptr = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(&(*out8)[0]);
  UTF8 *target_ptr_original = target_ptr;
  UTF8 *target_end_ptr = target_ptr + out_len;
  ConversionResult result = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&source_ptr, source_end_ptr,
                                               &target_ptr, target_end_ptr,

  // Resize to be the size of the # of converted characters.
  // Note that stl strings always account for \0 end-of-line character
  // automatically, so no need to do "+1" here.
  out8->resize(result == conversionOK ? target_ptr - target_ptr_original : 0);

  return result == conversionOK;
Esempio n. 6
/* C Strings {{{ */
CYUTF8String CYPoolUTF8String(CYPool &pool, CYUTF16String utf16) {
    // XXX: this is wrong
    size_t size(utf16.size * 5);
    char *temp(new(pool) char[size]);

    const uint16_t *lhs(;
    uint8_t *rhs(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(temp));
    _assert(ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&lhs, lhs + utf16.size, &rhs, rhs + size, lenientConversion) == conversionOK);

    *rhs = 0;
    return CYUTF8String(temp, reinterpret_cast<char *>(rhs) - temp);
Esempio n. 7
// Convert a UTF16 string into a UTF8 representation using the
// supplied C algorithms, which are now contained within the ANTLR3 C runtime
// as permitted by the Unicode license (within the source code antlr3convertutf.c/.h
// UCS2 has the same encoding as UTF16 so we can use UTF16 converter.
toUTF8_UTF16	(pANTLR3_STRING string)

    UTF8	      * outputEnd;
    UTF16	      * inputEnd;
    pANTLR3_STRING	utf8String;

    ConversionResult	cResult;

    // Allocate the output buffer, which needs to accommodate potentially
    // 3X (in bytes) the input size (in chars).
    utf8String	= string->factory->newStr8(string->factory, (pANTLR3_UINT8)"");

    if	(utf8String != NULL)
        // Free existing allocation

        // Reallocate according to maximum expected size
        utf8String->size	= string->len *3;
        utf8String->chars	= (pANTLR3_UINT8)ANTLR3_MALLOC(utf8String->size +1);

        if	(utf8String->chars != NULL)
            inputEnd  = (UTF16 *)	(string->chars);
            outputEnd = (UTF8 *)	(utf8String->chars);

            // Call the Unicode converter
            cResult =  ConvertUTF16toUTF8
                           (const UTF16**)&inputEnd,
                           ((const UTF16 *)(string->chars)) + string->len,
                           outputEnd + utf8String->size - 1,

            // We don't really care if things failed or not here, we just converted
            // everything that was vaguely possible and stopped when it wasn't. It is
            // up to the grammar programmer to verify that the input is sensible.
            utf8String->len = ANTLR3_UINT32_CAST(((pANTLR3_UINT8)outputEnd) - utf8String->chars);

            *(outputEnd+1) = '\0';		// Always null terminate
    return utf8String;
Esempio n. 8
intp StringParser::ConvertToBuffer(const wchar_t* str, size_t length, HeapString& outBuffer)
	if (length == 0)
		return 0;

	constexpr bool isUTF16 = sizeof(wchar_t) == 2;
	if (isUTF16)
		size_t utf8Size = length * 3 + 1;

		const UTF16* sourceStart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>(str);
		const UTF16* sourceEnd = sourceStart + length;
		UTF8* targetStart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(outBuffer.MutableBuffer());
		UTF8* targetEnd = targetStart + utf8Size;
		ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourceStart, sourceEnd, &targetStart, targetEnd, strictConversion);
		*targetStart = 0;
		if (res == conversionOK)
			intp count = targetStart - reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(outBuffer.MutableBuffer());
			return count;
		size_t utf8Size = length * 4 + 1;

		const UTF32* sourceStart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>(str);
		const UTF32* sourceEnd = sourceStart + length;
		UTF8* targetStart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(outBuffer.MutableBuffer());
		UTF8* targetEnd = targetStart + utf8Size;
		ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&sourceStart, sourceEnd, &targetStart, targetEnd, strictConversion);
		*targetStart = 0;
		if (res == conversionOK)
			intp count = targetStart - reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(outBuffer.MutableBuffer());
			return count;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 9
			static utf8_errors::error_code_enum convert(wchar_t const** src_start
				, wchar_t const* src_end
				, std::string& utf8)
				char* dst_start = &utf8[0];
				int ret = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(
					reinterpret_cast<UTF16 const**>(src_start)
					, reinterpret_cast<UTF16 const*>(src_end)
					, reinterpret_cast<UTF8**>(&dst_start)
					, reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(dst_start + utf8.size())
					, lenientConversion);
				utf8.resize(aux::numeric_cast<std::size_t>(dst_start - &utf8[0]));
				return static_cast<utf8_errors::error_code_enum>(ret);
	String StringUtils::wideString2utf8String( const WideString& wideString )
		size_t widesize = wideString.length();
		String returnString;

		if ( sizeof( wchar_t ) == 2 )
			size_t utf8size = MAX_UTF8_CHAR_LENGTH * widesize + 1;
			returnString.resize( utf8size, '\0' );
			const UTF16* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>( wideString.c_str() );
			const UTF16* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
			UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>( &((returnString)[ 0 ]) );
			UTF8* thisFirstWChar = targetstart;
			UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
			ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF16toUTF8( &sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion );

			if ( res != conversionOK )
				throw Exception(Exception::ERROR_WIDE_2_UTF8, String("Could not convert from wide string to UTF8."));

			returnString.resize(targetstart - thisFirstWChar);

		else if ( sizeof( wchar_t ) == 4 )
			size_t utf8size = MAX_UTF8_CHAR_LENGTH * widesize + 1;
			returnString.resize( utf8size, '\0' );
			const UTF32* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>( wideString.c_str() );
			const UTF32* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
			UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>( &((returnString)[ 0 ]) );
			UTF8* thisFirstWChar = targetstart;
			UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
			ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF32toUTF8( &sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion );

			if ( res != conversionOK )
				throw Exception(Exception::ERROR_WIDE_2_UTF8, String("Could not convert from wide string to UTF8."));

			returnString.resize(targetstart - thisFirstWChar);

			throw Exception(Exception::ERROR_WIDE_2_UTF8, String("Could not convert from wide string to UTF8."));
		return returnString;
Esempio n. 11
	inline String w2u(const wchar_t* wstr, size_t len) {
		String result;

		result.resize(len * AX_UTF8_LEN_MAX);
		if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF16)) {
			const UTF16* srcstart = (UTF16*)&wstr[0];
			const UTF16* srcend = srcstart + len;
			UTF8* dststart = (UTF8*)&result[0];
			UTF8* dstend = dststart + result.size();
			ConversionResult cr = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&srcstart, srcend, &dststart, dstend, strictConversion);
			result.resize(dststart - (UTF8*)&result[0]);

		return result;
Esempio n. 12
bool convertUTF16ToUTF8String(ArrayRef<char> SrcBytes, std::string &Out) {

  // Error out on an uneven byte count.
  if (SrcBytes.size() % 2)
    return false;

  // Avoid OOB by returning early on empty input.
  if (SrcBytes.empty())
    return true;

  const UTF16 *Src = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16 *>(SrcBytes.begin());
  const UTF16 *SrcEnd = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16 *>(SrcBytes.end());

  // Byteswap if necessary.
  std::vector<UTF16> ByteSwapped;
    ByteSwapped.insert(ByteSwapped.end(), Src, SrcEnd);
    for (unsigned I = 0, E = ByteSwapped.size(); I != E; ++I)
      ByteSwapped[I] = llvm::sys::SwapByteOrder_16(ByteSwapped[I]);
    Src = &ByteSwapped[0];
    SrcEnd = &ByteSwapped[ByteSwapped.size() - 1] + 1;

  // Skip the BOM for conversion.

  // Just allocate enough space up front.  We'll shrink it later.  Allocate
  // enough that we can fit a null terminator without reallocating.
  Out.resize(SrcBytes.size() * UNI_MAX_UTF8_BYTES_PER_CODE_POINT + 1);
  UTF8 *Dst = reinterpret_cast<UTF8 *>(&Out[0]);
  UTF8 *DstEnd = Dst + Out.size();

  ConversionResult CR =
      ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&Src, SrcEnd, &Dst, DstEnd, strictConversion);
  assert(CR != targetExhausted);

  if (CR != conversionOK) {
    return false;

  Out.resize(reinterpret_cast<char *>(Dst) - &Out[0]);
  return true;
Esempio n. 13
    static std::string ToUtf8(const std::wstring& widestring)
        size_t widesize = widestring.length();

        if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)
            size_t utf8size = 3 * widesize + 1;
            char* utf8stringnative = new char[utf8size];
            const UTF16* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>(widestring.c_str());
            const UTF16* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
            UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(utf8stringnative);
            UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
            ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
            if (res != conversionOK)
                delete [] utf8stringnative;
                throw std::exception();
            *targetstart = 0;
            std::string resultstring(utf8stringnative);
            delete [] utf8stringnative;
            return resultstring;
        else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
            size_t utf8size = 4 * widesize + 1;
            char* utf8stringnative = new char[utf8size];
            const UTF32* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>(widestring.c_str());
            const UTF32* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
            UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(utf8stringnative);
            UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
            ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
            if (res != conversionOK)
                delete [] utf8stringnative;
                throw std::exception();
            *targetstart = 0;
            std::string resultstring(utf8stringnative);
            delete [] utf8stringnative;
            return resultstring;
            throw std::exception();
        return "";
Esempio n. 14
    std::string ToUtf8(const std::wstring& widestring)
        size_t widesize = widestring.length();

        if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)
            size_t utf8size = 3 * widesize + 1;
            std::string resultstring;
            resultstring.resize(utf8size, '\0');
            const UTF16* sourcestart = 
		reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>(widestring.c_str());
            const UTF16* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
            UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(&resultstring[0]);
            UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
            ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF16toUTF8
		(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
            if (res != conversionOK)
                throw std::exception("La falla!");
            *targetstart = 0;
            return resultstring;
        else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
            size_t utf8size = 4 * widesize + 1;
            std::string resultstring;
            resultstring.resize(utf8size, '\0');
            const UTF32* sourcestart = 
		reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>(widestring.c_str());
            const UTF32* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
            UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(&resultstring[0]);
            UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
            ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF32toUTF8
		(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
            if (res != conversionOK)
                throw std::exception("La falla!");
            *targetstart = 0;
            return resultstring;
            throw std::exception("La falla!");
        return "";
Esempio n. 15
// void System.Console.WriteLine(string)
extern "C" void System_Console__WriteLine_System_String_(String* str)
	if (str == NULL)
		//printf("%.*s\n", str->length, str->value);
		uint32_t bufferLength = str->length * UNI_MAX_UTF8_BYTES_PER_CODE_POINT;
		uint8_t* buffer = (uint8_t*)malloc(bufferLength);
		const uint16_t* src = (const uint16_t*)str->value;
		uint8_t* dest = buffer;
		ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&src, src + str->length, &dest, dest + bufferLength, strictConversion);
		printf("%.*s\n", dest - buffer, buffer);
Esempio n. 16
    bool convertUTF16ToUTF8String(const CCWideString& utf16, std::string &Out) {
        // Avoid OOB by returning early on empty input.
        if (utf16.empty())
            return true;
        const UTF16 *Src = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16 *>(;
        const UTF16 *SrcEnd = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16 *>( + utf16.length());
        // Byteswap if necessary.
        std::vector<UTF16> ByteSwapped;
        if (Src[0] == UNI_UTF16_BYTE_ORDER_MARK_SWAPPED) {
            ByteSwapped.insert(ByteSwapped.end(), Src, SrcEnd);
            for (size_t I = 0, E = ByteSwapped.size(); I != E; ++I)
                ByteSwapped[I] = SwapByteOrder_16(ByteSwapped[I]);
            Src = &ByteSwapped[0];
            SrcEnd = &ByteSwapped[ByteSwapped.size() - 1] + 1;
        // Skip the BOM for conversion.
        if (Src[0] == UNI_UTF16_BYTE_ORDER_MARK_NATIVE)
        // Just allocate enough space up front.  We'll shrink it later.
        Out.resize(utf16.length() * UNI_MAX_UTF8_BYTES_PER_CODE_POINT + 1);
        UTF8 *Dst = reinterpret_cast<UTF8 *>(&Out[0]);
        UTF8 *DstEnd = Dst + Out.size();
        ConversionResult CR =
        ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&Src, SrcEnd, &Dst, DstEnd, strictConversion);
        assert(CR != targetExhausted);
        if (CR != conversionOK) {
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200
            return false;
        Out.resize(reinterpret_cast<char *>(Dst) - &Out[0]);
        return true;
Esempio n. 17
std::string StringUtils::wstring_To_Utf8(const std::wstring& widestring)
   size_t widesize = widestring.length();

   if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)
      size_t utf8size = 3 * widesize + 1;
      std::string resultstring;
      resultstring.resize(utf8size, '\0');
      const UTF16* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF16*>(widestring.c_str());
      const UTF16* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
      UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(&resultstring[0]);
      UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
      ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
      if (res != conversionOK)
         return std::string(widestring.begin(), widestring.end());
      *targetstart = 0;
      return std::string(resultstring.c_str());
   else if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 4)
      size_t utf8size = 4 * widesize + 1;
      std::string resultstring;
      resultstring.resize(utf8size, '\0');
      const UTF32* sourcestart = reinterpret_cast<const UTF32*>(widestring.c_str());
      const UTF32* sourceend = sourcestart + widesize;
      UTF8* targetstart = reinterpret_cast<UTF8*>(&resultstring[0]);
      UTF8* targetend = targetstart + utf8size;
      ConversionResult res = ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&sourcestart, sourceend, &targetstart, targetend, strictConversion);
      if (res != conversionOK)
         return std::string(widestring.begin(), widestring.end());
      *targetstart = 0;
      return std::string(resultstring.c_str());
   return "";
Esempio n. 18
	String w2u(const WString& wstr) {
		return w2u(wstr.c_str(), wstr.size());
#if 0
		size_t len = wstr.size();
		String result;

		result.resize(len * AX_UTF8_LEN_MAX);
		if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(UTF16)) {
			const UTF16* srcstart = (UTF16*)&wstr[0];
			const UTF16* srcend = srcstart + len;
			UTF8* dststart = (UTF8*)&result[0];
			UTF8* dstend = dststart + result.size();
			ConversionResult cr = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&srcstart, srcend, &dststart, dstend, strictConversion);
			result.resize(dststart - (UTF8*)&result[0]);

		return result;
Esempio n. 19
string X3fPropertyCollection::getString( ByteStream *bytes ) {
  uint32 max_len = bytes->getRemainSize() / 2;
  const UTF16* start = (const UTF16*)bytes->getData();
  const UTF16* src_end = start;
  uint32 i = 0;
  for (; i < max_len && start == src_end; i++) {
    if (start[i] == 0) {
      src_end = &start[i];
  if (start != src_end) {
    UTF8* dest = new UTF8[i * 4 + 1];
    memset(dest, 0, i * 4 + 1);
    if (ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&start, src_end, &dest, &dest[i * 4 - 1])) {
      string ret((const char*)dest);
      delete[] dest;
      return ret;
    delete[] dest;
  return "";
Esempio n. 20
const bool ToUTF8(const std::wstring &wcstring, std::string &utf8string)
		return true;

	std::vector<std::wstring::value_type> source(wcstring.begin(),wcstring.end());

	if(sizeof(std::wstring::value_type)==2 && sizeof(UTF16)==2)
		std::vector<std::string::value_type> dest(wcstring.size()*2,0);
		const UTF16 *sourcestart=reinterpret_cast<const UTF16 *>(&source[0]);
		const UTF16 *sourceend=sourcestart+source.size();
		UTF8 *deststart=reinterpret_cast<UTF8 *>(&dest[0]);
		UTF8 *destend=deststart+dest.size();
		ConversionResult rval=ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourcestart,sourceend,&deststart,destend,lenientConversion);
			return false;
	else if(sizeof(std::wstring::value_type)==4 && sizeof(UTF32)==4)
		std::vector<std::string::value_type> dest(wcstring.size()*4,0);
		const UTF32 *sourcestart=reinterpret_cast<const UTF32 *>(&source[0]);
		const UTF32 *sourceend=sourcestart+source.size();
		UTF8 *deststart=reinterpret_cast<UTF8 *>(&dest[0]);
		UTF8 *destend=deststart+dest.size();
		ConversionResult rval=ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&sourcestart,sourceend,&deststart,destend,lenientConversion);
			return false;
		std::vector<UTF32> source2(wcstring.begin(),wcstring.end());
		std::vector<std::string::value_type> dest(wcstring.size()*sizeof(std::wstring::value_type),0);
		const UTF32 *sourcestart=reinterpret_cast<const UTF32 *>(&source2[0]);
		const UTF32 *sourceend=sourcestart+source2.size();

		UTF8 *deststart=reinterpret_cast<UTF8 *>(&dest[0]);
		UTF8 *destend=deststart+dest.size();

		ConversionResult rval=ConvertUTF32toUTF8(&sourcestart,sourceend,&deststart,destend,lenientConversion);

			return false;



	return true;
Esempio n. 21
static int decode_unicode_char(JSON_parser jc)
    const unsigned chars = jc->utf16_decode_buffer[0] ? 2 : 1;
    int i;
    UTF16 *uc = chars == 1 ? &jc->utf16_decode_buffer[0] : &jc->utf16_decode_buffer[1];
    UTF16 x;
    char* p;
    assert(jc->parse_buffer_count >= 6);
    p = &jc->parse_buffer[jc->parse_buffer_count - 4];
    for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i, ++p) {
        x = *p;
        if (x >= 'a') {
            x -= ('a' - 10);
        } else if (x >= 'A') {
            x -= ('A' - 10);
        } else {
            x &= ~((UTF16) 0x30);
        assert(x < 16);
        *uc |= x << ((3u - i) << 2);
    /* clear UTF-16 char form buffer */
    jc->parse_buffer_count -= 6;
    jc->parse_buffer[jc->parse_buffer_count] = 0;
    /* attempt decoding ... */
        UTF8* dec_start = (UTF8*)&jc->parse_buffer[jc->parse_buffer_count];
        UTF8* dec_start_dup = dec_start;
        UTF8* dec_end = dec_start + 6;
        const UTF16* enc_start = &jc->utf16_decode_buffer[0];
        const UTF16* enc_end = enc_start + chars;
        const ConversionResult result = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(
            &enc_start, enc_end, &dec_start, dec_end, strictConversion);
        const size_t new_chars = dec_start - dec_start_dup;
        /* was it a surrogate UTF-16 char? */
        if (chars == 1 && result == sourceExhausted) {
            return true;
        if (result != conversionOK) {
            return false;
        /* NOTE: clear decode buffer to resume string reading,
           otherwise we continue to read UTF-16 */
        jc->utf16_decode_buffer[0] = 0;
        assert(new_chars <= 6);
        jc->parse_buffer_count += new_chars;
        jc->parse_buffer[jc->parse_buffer_count] = 0;
    return true;
Esempio n. 22
	StringData(const std::u16string &u16) {
		m_pU16 = new std::u16string(u16);
		if (conversionOK != ConvertUTF16toUTF8(u16, m_str, lenientConversion)) {
			throw TeamstudioException("Unable to convert text to UTF-8");
Esempio n. 23
int WideCharToMultiByte(UINT CodePage, DWORD dwFlags, LPCWSTR lpWideCharStr, int cchWideChar,
                        LPSTR lpMultiByteStr, int cbMultiByte, LPCSTR lpDefaultChar, LPBOOL lpUsedDefaultChar)
#if !defined(WITH_ICU)
	int length;
	const WCHAR* sourceStart;
	ConversionResult result;
	BYTE* targetStart;
	char* targetStart;

	/* If cchWideChar is 0, the function fails */

	if ((cchWideChar == 0) || (cchWideChar < -1))
		return 0;

	/* If cchWideChar is -1, the string is null-terminated */

	if (cchWideChar == -1)
		size_t len = _wcslen(lpWideCharStr);
		if (len >= INT32_MAX)
			return 0;
		cchWideChar = (int)len + 1;

	 * if cbMultiByte is 0, the function returns the required buffer size
	 * in bytes for lpMultiByteStr and makes no use of the output parameter itself.
#if defined(WITH_ICU)
		UErrorCode error;
		int32_t targetLength;
		int32_t targetCapacity;

		switch (CodePage)
			case CP_ACP:
			case CP_UTF8:

				WLog_ERR(TAG, "Unsupported encoding %u", CodePage);
				return 0;

		targetStart = lpMultiByteStr;
		targetCapacity = cbMultiByte;
		error = U_ZERO_ERROR;

		if (cbMultiByte == 0)
			u_strToUTF8(NULL, 0, &targetLength,
			            lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, &error);
			cbMultiByte = targetLength;
			u_strToUTF8(targetStart, targetCapacity, &targetLength,
			            lpWideCharStr, cchWideChar, &error);
			cbMultiByte = U_SUCCESS(error) ? targetLength : 0;

	if (cbMultiByte == 0)
		sourceStart = (WCHAR*) lpWideCharStr;
		targetStart = (BYTE*) NULL;
		result = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourceStart, &sourceStart[cchWideChar],
		                            &targetStart, NULL, strictConversion);
		length = targetStart - ((BYTE*) NULL);
		sourceStart = (WCHAR*) lpWideCharStr;
		targetStart = (BYTE*) lpMultiByteStr;
		result = ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&sourceStart, &sourceStart[cchWideChar],
		                            &targetStart, &targetStart[cbMultiByte], strictConversion);
		length = targetStart - ((BYTE*) lpMultiByteStr);

	cbMultiByte = (result == conversionOK) ? length : 0;
	return cbMultiByte;
Esempio n. 24
 * If len>=0, wp is an array of <len> wide characters without a
 * termination character.
 * If len==-1, wp is a null-terminated wide string
static SV * _dosvwv(SV * sv, UTF16 * wp, STRLEN len, new_cat_set_t mode)
    char * p=NULL;
    STRLEN svlen;

#ifdef WIN32
    int bytes;
    Newz(0,p,1+bytes,char);	/* allocate bytes+1 chars - ptr to p */
    if (bytes!=0) {
        if(!WideCharToMultiByte(CP_UTF8,0,wp,len,p,bytes,NULL,NULL)) {
            int err=GetLastError();
            switch (err) {
                croak("_dosvwv: WideCharToMultiByte() failed: insufficient buffer");
              case ERROR_INVALID_FLAGS:
                croak("_dosvwv: WideCharToMultiByte() failed: invalid flags");
              case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER:
                croak("_dosvwv: WideCharToMultiByte() failed: invalid parameter");
                croak("_dosvwv: WideCharToMultiByte() failed: error code %i",err);
    svlen=(len==-1 ? strlen(p) : bytes);
    unsigned int bytes;
    if (len == -1) {
        len = utf16_len(wp);
    if (len > 0) {
      ConversionResult ret;
      UTF16 *source_start = wp;
      UTF16 *source_end = source_start + len;
      UTF8 *target_start;
      UTF8 *target_end;

      /* Test conversion and find size UTF* of buffer we need */
      ret = ConvertUTF16toUTF8((const UTF16 **)&source_start, source_end,
			       NULL, NULL, strictConversion, &bytes);
      /*printf("Bytes Required = %d\n", bytes);*/
      if (ret != conversionOK) {
	if (ret == sourceExhausted) {
	  croak("_dosvwc: Partial character in input");
	} else if (ret == targetExhausted) {
	  croak("_dosvwc: target buffer exhausted");
	} else if (ret == sourceIllegal) {
	  croak("_dosvwc: malformed/illegal source sequence");
	} else {
	  croak("_dosvwc: unknown ConvertUTF16toUTF8 error");
      Newz(0, p, bytes + 1, char);
      /* convert UTF16 to UTF8 */
      target_start = p;
      target_end = p + bytes;
      source_start = (UTF16 *)wp;
      source_end = source_start + len;
      ret = ConvertUTF16toUTF8((const UTF16 **)&source_start, source_end,
			       &target_start, target_end,
			       strictConversion, &bytes);
      /*fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", p);*/

      if (ret != conversionOK) {
	croak("_dosvwc: second call to ConvertUTF16toUTF8 failed (%d)", ret);
      svlen = bytes;
    } else {
Esempio n. 25
int MDFNConsole::Event(const SDL_Event *event)
   case SDL_KEYDOWN:
                    if(event->key.keysym.mod & KMOD_ALT)
		     case SDLK_HOME:
			kb_cursor_pos = 0;
		     case SDLK_END:
			kb_cursor_pos = kb_buffer.size();
	             case SDLK_LEFT:
	             case SDLK_RIGHT:
	                if(kb_cursor_pos < kb_buffer.size())

		     case SDLK_UP: Scroll(1); break;
		     case SDLK_DOWN: Scroll(-1); break;

                     case SDLK_RETURN:
                      std::string concat_str;
                      for(unsigned int i = 0; i < kb_buffer.size(); i++)
                       concat_str += kb_buffer[i];

		      kb_cursor_pos = 0;
	           case SDLK_BACKSPACE:
	                if(kb_buffer.size() && kb_cursor_pos)
	                  kb_buffer.erase(kb_buffer.begin() + kb_cursor_pos - 1, kb_buffer.begin() + kb_cursor_pos);
  	            case SDLK_DELETE:
	                if(kb_buffer.size() && kb_cursor_pos < kb_buffer.size())
	                 kb_buffer.erase(kb_buffer.begin() + kb_cursor_pos, kb_buffer.begin() + kb_cursor_pos + 1);
		     if(event->key.keysym.unicode >= 0x20)
                      uint8 utf8_buffer[8];
                      UTF8 *dest_ptr = utf8_buffer;
                      memset(utf8_buffer, 0, sizeof(utf8_buffer));
                      const UTF16 *start_utf16 = &event->key.keysym.unicode;
                      ConvertUTF16toUTF8(&start_utf16, (UTF16 *)&event->key.keysym.unicode + 1, &dest_ptr, &utf8_buffer[8], lenientConversion);
	              kb_buffer.insert(kb_buffer.begin() + kb_cursor_pos, std::string((char *)utf8_buffer));