Esempio n. 1
    * Function Name: I2S_DisableRx
    * Summary:
    *  Disables the Rx direction of the I2S interface.
    * Parameters:
    *  None.
    * Return:
    *  None.
    void I2S_DisableRx(void) 
        uint8 enableInterrupts;

        I2S_CONTROL_REG &= ((uint8) ~I2S_RX_EN);

        enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();
        I2S_RX_STATUS_AUX_CONTROL_REG &= ((uint8) ~I2S_RX_INT_EN);
Esempio n. 2
* Function Name: UART_SCB_IRQ_SetPriority
* Summary:
*   Sets the Priority of the Interrupt. 
*   Note calling UART_SCB_IRQ_Start or UART_SCB_IRQ_StartEx will 
*   override any effect this API would have had. This API should only be called
*   after UART_SCB_IRQ_Start or UART_SCB_IRQ_StartEx has been called. 
*   To set the initial priority for the component, use the Design-Wide Resources
*   Interrupt Editor.
*   Note This API has no effect on Non-maskable interrupt NMI).
* Parameters:
*   priority: Priority of the interrupt, 0 being the highest priority
*             PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP: Priority is from 0 to 7.
*             PSoC 4: Priority is from 0 to 3.
* Return:
*   None
void UART_SCB_IRQ_SetPriority(uint8 priority)
	uint8 interruptState;
    uint32 priorityOffset = ((UART_SCB_IRQ__INTC_NUMBER % 4u) * 8u) + 6u;
	interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
                                    ((uint32)priority << priorityOffset);
Esempio n. 3
    * Function Name: I2S_EnableRx
    * Summary:
    *  Enables the Rx direction of the I2S interface.  At the next word
    *  select falling edge reception of data will begin.
    * Parameters:
    *  None.
    * Return:
    *  None.
    void I2S_EnableRx(void) 
        uint8 enableInterrupts;

        I2S_CONTROL_REG |= I2S_RX_EN;

        enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();
Esempio n. 4
* Function Name: isr_Rx_1_SetPriority
* Summary:
*   Sets the Priority of the Interrupt. 
*   Note calling isr_Rx_1_Start or isr_Rx_1_StartEx will 
*   override any effect this API would have had. This API should only be called
*   after isr_Rx_1_Start or isr_Rx_1_StartEx has been called. 
*   To set the initial priority for the component, use the Design-Wide Resources
*   Interrupt Editor.
*   Note This API has no effect on Non-maskable interrupt NMI).
* Parameters:
*   priority: Priority of the interrupt, 0 being the highest priority
*             PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP: Priority is from 0 to 7.
*             PSoC 4: Priority is from 0 to 3.
* Return:
*   None
void isr_Rx_1_SetPriority(uint8 priority)
	uint8 interruptState;
    uint32 priorityOffset = ((isr_Rx_1__INTC_NUMBER % 4u) * 8u) + 6u;
	interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    *isr_Rx_1_INTC_PRIOR = (*isr_Rx_1_INTC_PRIOR & (uint32)(~isr_Rx_1__INTC_PRIOR_MASK)) |
                                    ((uint32)priority << priorityOffset);
Esempio n. 5
* Function Name: I2S_Enable
* Summary:
*  Enables I2S interface.
* Parameters:
*  None.
* Return:
*  None.
void I2S_Enable(void) 
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

Esempio n. 6
* Function Name: start_int_SetPriority
* Summary:
*   Sets the Priority of the Interrupt. 
*   Note calling start_int_Start or start_int_StartEx will 
*   override any effect this API would have had. This API should only be called
*   after start_int_Start or start_int_StartEx has been called. 
*   To set the initial priority for the component, use the Design-Wide Resources
*   Interrupt Editor.
*   Note This API has no effect on Non-maskable interrupt NMI).
* Parameters:
*   priority: Priority of the interrupt, 0 being the highest priority
*             PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP: Priority is from 0 to 7.
*             PSoC 4: Priority is from 0 to 3.
* Return:
*   None
void start_int_SetPriority(uint8 priority)
	uint8 interruptState;
    uint32 priorityOffset = ((start_int__INTC_NUMBER % 4u) * 8u) + 6u;
	interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    *start_int_INTC_PRIOR = (*start_int_INTC_PRIOR & (uint32)(~start_int__INTC_PRIOR_MASK)) |
                                    ((uint32)priority << priorityOffset);
Esempio n. 7
* Function Name: Filter_Reset_ISR_SetPriority
* Summary:
*   Sets the Priority of the Interrupt. 
*   Note calling Filter_Reset_ISR_Start or Filter_Reset_ISR_StartEx will 
*   override any effect this API would have had. This API should only be called
*   after Filter_Reset_ISR_Start or Filter_Reset_ISR_StartEx has been called. 
*   To set the initial priority for the component, use the Design-Wide Resources
*   Interrupt Editor.
*   Note This API has no effect on Non-maskable interrupt NMI).
* Parameters:
*   priority: Priority of the interrupt, 0 being the highest priority
*             PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP: Priority is from 0 to 7.
*             PSoC 4: Priority is from 0 to 3.
* Return:
*   None
void Filter_Reset_ISR_SetPriority(uint8 priority)
	uint8 interruptState;
    uint32 priorityOffset = ((Filter_Reset_ISR__INTC_NUMBER % 4u) * 8u) + 6u;
	interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    *Filter_Reset_ISR_INTC_PRIOR = (*Filter_Reset_ISR_INTC_PRIOR & (uint32)(~Filter_Reset_ISR__INTC_PRIOR_MASK)) |
                                    ((uint32)priority << priorityOffset);
* Function Name: Count7_Stop
* Summary:
*  Disables the software enable of the counter.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
void Count7_Stop(void) 
    uint8 interruptState;

    interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    /* Clear the counter start bit in auxiliary control. */
    Count7_AUX_CONTROL_REG &= (uint8) ~((uint8) Count7_COUNTER_START);

* Function Name: BLE_1_bless_isr_SetPriority
* Summary:
*   Sets the Priority of the Interrupt. 
*   Note calling BLE_1_bless_isr_Start or BLE_1_bless_isr_StartEx will 
*   override any effect this API would have had. This API should only be called
*   after BLE_1_bless_isr_Start or BLE_1_bless_isr_StartEx has been called. 
*   To set the initial priority for the component, use the Design-Wide Resources
*   Interrupt Editor.
*   Note This API has no effect on Non-maskable interrupt NMI).
* Parameters:
*   priority: Priority of the interrupt, 0 being the highest priority
*             PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP: Priority is from 0 to 7.
*             PSoC 4: Priority is from 0 to 3.
* Return:
*   None
void BLE_1_bless_isr_SetPriority(uint8 priority)
	uint8 interruptState;
    uint32 priorityOffset = ((BLE_1_bless_isr__INTC_NUMBER % 4u) * 8u) + 6u;
	interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    *BLE_1_bless_isr_INTC_PRIOR = (*BLE_1_bless_isr_INTC_PRIOR & (uint32)(~BLE_1_bless_isr__INTC_PRIOR_MASK)) |
                                    ((uint32)priority << priorityOffset);
Esempio n. 10
* Function Name: XBEE_RX_INT_SetPriority
* Summary:
*   Sets the Priority of the Interrupt. 
*   Note calling XBEE_RX_INT_Start or XBEE_RX_INT_StartEx will 
*   override any effect this API would have had. This API should only be called
*   after XBEE_RX_INT_Start or XBEE_RX_INT_StartEx has been called. 
*   To set the initial priority for the component, use the Design-Wide Resources
*   Interrupt Editor.
*   Note This API has no effect on Non-maskable interrupt NMI).
* Parameters:
*   priority: Priority of the interrupt, 0 being the highest priority
*             PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP: Priority is from 0 to 7.
*             PSoC 4: Priority is from 0 to 3.
* Return:
*   None
void XBEE_RX_INT_SetPriority(uint8 priority)
	uint8 interruptState;
    uint32 priorityOffset = ((XBEE_RX_INT__INTC_NUMBER % 4u) * 8u) + 6u;
	interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
                                    ((uint32)priority << priorityOffset);
Esempio n. 11
void Tuner_RunTuner(void)
    uint8 interruptState;
    uint8 suspended = 0;
    uint16 command;
    uint16 previousCompleteBit; /* COMPLETE_BIT in tunerCmd at time of last send to tuner host */


    /* Handle suspend command to avoid deadlock later in CapSense_RunTuner */
        interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();  /* Avoid ints between read and modify tunerCmd */
        command = CapSense_dsRam.tunerCmd;
        switch (command)
            case CapSense_TU_CMD_SUSPEND_E:
                suspended = 1;
                CapSense_dsRam.tunerCmd |= CapSense_TU_CMD_COMPLETE_BIT;
                CyExitCriticalSection(interruptState); /* Enable ints during SendBuffer */
                Tuner_SendBuffer(); /* Send buffer with updated COMPLETE_BIT to tuner host */
                interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
            case CapSense_TU_CMD_RESUME_E:    
            case CapSense_TU_CMD_RESTART_E:
            case CapSense_TU_CMD_RUN_SNR_TEST_E:
                suspended = 0;
    } while (suspended); 

    previousCompleteBit = CapSense_dsRam.tunerCmd & CapSense_TU_CMD_COMPLETE_BIT;
    if ( previousCompleteBit != (CapSense_dsRam.tunerCmd & CapSense_TU_CMD_COMPLETE_BIT) )
        Tuner_SendBuffer(); /* Send buffer with updated COMPLETE_BIT to tuner host */
Esempio n. 12
* Function Name: TimerDelay_Interrupt_SetPriority
* Summary:
*   Sets the Priority of the Interrupt. 
*   Note calling TimerDelay_Interrupt_Start or TimerDelay_Interrupt_StartEx will 
*   override any effect this API would have had. This API should only be called
*   after TimerDelay_Interrupt_Start or TimerDelay_Interrupt_StartEx has been called. 
*   To set the initial priority for the component, use the Design-Wide Resources
*   Interrupt Editor.
*   Note This API has no effect on Non-maskable interrupt NMI).
* Parameters:
*   priority: Priority of the interrupt, 0 being the highest priority
*             PSoC 3 and PSoC 5LP: Priority is from 0 to 7.
*             PSoC 4: Priority is from 0 to 3.
* Return:
*   None
void TimerDelay_Interrupt_SetPriority(uint8 priority)
	uint8 interruptState;
    uint32 priorityOffset = ((TimerDelay_Interrupt__INTC_NUMBER % 4u) * 8u) + 6u;
	interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
    *TimerDelay_Interrupt_INTC_PRIOR = (*TimerDelay_Interrupt_INTC_PRIOR & (uint32)(~TimerDelay_Interrupt__INTC_PRIOR_MASK)) |
                                    ((uint32)priority << priorityOffset);
Esempio n. 13
int main()
    uint8 interruptState;

    CyGlobalIntEnable; /* Enable global interrupts */
    EZI2C_Start(); /* Start EZI2C component */
    * Set up communication and initialize data buffer to CapSense data structure
    * to use Tuner application
    EZI2C_EzI2CSetBuffer1(sizeof(CapSense_dsRam), sizeof(CapSense_dsRam),
                            (uint8 *)&CapSense_dsRam);

    CapSense_Start(); /* Initialize component */

    Tuner_Init(BleHandler_RefreshBuffer, BleHandler_SendBuffer);

    CapSense_ScanAllWidgets(); /* Scan all widgets */

        /* Do this only when a scan is done */
        interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();
        if(CapSense_NOT_BUSY == CapSense_IsBusy())
            CapSense_ProcessAllWidgets(); /* Process all widgets */

            if (CapSense_IsAnyWidgetActive()) /* Scan result verification */
                /* add custom tasks to execute when touch detected */
            CapSense_ScanAllWidgets(); /* Start next scan */
        CySysPmSleep(); /* Sleep until scan is finished */
Esempio n. 14
* Function Name: TILT_SetCounterMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the counter mode.  Applicable to all modes except Quadrature Decoder
*  and PWM with pseudo random output.
* Parameters:
*  counterMode: Enumerated couner type values
*   Values:
*     - TILT_COUNT_UP       - Counts up
*     - TILT_COUNT_DOWN     - Counts down
*     - TILT_COUNT_UPDOWN0  - Counts up and down. Terminal count
*                                         generated when counter reaches 0
*     - TILT_COUNT_UPDOWN1  - Counts up and down. Terminal count
*                                         generated both when counter reaches 0
*                                         and period
* Return:
*  None
void TILT_SetCounterMode(uint32 counterMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    TILT_CONTROL_REG |= counterMode;

Esempio n. 15
* Function Name: TILT_SetCompareSwap
* Summary:
*  Writes the register that controls whether the compare registers are
*  swapped. When enabled in Timer/Counter mode(without capture) the swap occurs
*  at a TC event. In PWM mode the swap occurs at the next TC event following
*  a hardware switch event.
* Parameters:
*  swapEnable
*   Values:
*     - 0 - Disable swap
*     - 1 - Enable swap
* Return:
*  None
void TILT_SetCompareSwap(uint32 swapEnable)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    TILT_CONTROL_REG |= (swapEnable & TILT_1BIT_MASK);

Esempio n. 16
* Function Name: TILT_SetPWMInvert
* Summary:
*  Writes the bits that control whether the line and line_n outputs are
*  inverted from their normal output values.  This functionality is only
*  applicable to the three PWM modes.
* Parameters:
*  mask: Mask of outputs to invert.
*   Values:
*         - TILT_INVERT_LINE   - Inverts the line output
*         - TILT_INVERT_LINE_N - Inverts the line_n output
* Return:
*  None
void TILT_SetPWMInvert(uint32 mask)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    TILT_CONTROL_REG |= mask;

Esempio n. 17
* Function Name: TILT_SetPrescaler
* Summary:
*  Sets the prescaler value that is applied to the clock input.  Not applicable
*  to PWM with dead time mode or Quadrature Decoder mode.
* Parameters:
*  prescaler: Prescaler divider value
*   Values:
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY1    - Divide by 1 (no prescaling)
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY2    - Divide by 2
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY4    - Divide by 4
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY8    - Divide by 8
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY16   - Divide by 16
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY32   - Divide by 32
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY64   - Divide by 64
*         - TILT_PRESCALE_DIVBY128  - Divide by 128
* Return:
*  None
void TILT_SetPrescaler(uint32 prescaler)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    TILT_CONTROL_REG |= prescaler;

Esempio n. 18
* Function Name: TILT_SetCaptureMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the capture trigger mode. For PWM mode this is the switch input.
*  This input is not applicable to the Timer/Counter without Capture and
*  Quadrature Decoder modes.
* Parameters:
*  triggerMode: Enumerated trigger mode value
*   Values:
*     - TILT_TRIG_LEVEL     - Level
*     - TILT_TRIG_RISING    - Rising edge
*     - TILT_TRIG_FALLING   - Falling edge
*     - TILT_TRIG_BOTH      - Both rising and falling edge
* Return:
*  None
void TILT_SetCaptureMode(uint32 triggerMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    TILT_TRIG_CONTROL1_REG |= triggerMode;

Esempio n. 19
* Function Name: CySpcStart
* Summary:
*  Starts the SPC.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
void CySpcStart(void) 
    /* Save current global interrupt enable and disable it */
    uint8 interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();


    /* Restore global interrupt enable state */
Esempio n. 20
* Function Name: Backlight_PWM_SetQDMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the the Quadrature Decoder to one of 3 supported modes.
*  Is functionality is only applicable to Quadrature Decoder operation.
* Parameters:
*  qdMode: Quadrature Decoder mode
*   Values:
*         - Backlight_PWM_MODE_X1 - Counts on phi 1 rising
*         - Backlight_PWM_MODE_X2 - Counts on both edges of phi1 (2x faster)
*         - Backlight_PWM_MODE_X4 - Counts on both edges of phi1 and phi2
*                                        (4x faster)
* Return:
*  None
void Backlight_PWM_SetQDMode(uint32 qdMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG &= (uint32)~Backlight_PWM_QUAD_MODE_MASK;
    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG |= qdMode;

Esempio n. 21
* Function Name: Backlight_PWM_SetCountMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the count trigger mode. For Quadrature Decoder mode this is the phiA
*  input.
* Parameters:
*  triggerMode: Enumerated trigger mode value
*   Values:
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_LEVEL     - Level
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_RISING    - Rising edge
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_FALLING   - Falling edge
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_BOTH      - Both rising and falling edge
* Return:
*  None
void Backlight_PWM_SetCountMode(uint32 triggerMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    Backlight_PWM_TRIG_CONTROL1_REG &= (uint32)~Backlight_PWM_COUNT_MASK;
    Backlight_PWM_TRIG_CONTROL1_REG |= ((uint32)(triggerMode << Backlight_PWM_COUNT_SHIFT));

Esempio n. 22
* Function Name: Backlight_PWM_SetPWMInvert
* Summary:
*  Writes the bits that control whether the line and line_n outputs are
*  inverted from their normal output values.  This functionality is only
*  applicable to the three PWM modes.
* Parameters:
*  mask: Mask of outputs to invert.
*   Values:
*         - Backlight_PWM_INVERT_LINE   - Inverts the line output
*         - Backlight_PWM_INVERT_LINE_N - Inverts the line_n output
* Return:
*  None
void Backlight_PWM_SetPWMInvert(uint32 mask)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG &= (uint32)~Backlight_PWM_INV_OUT_MASK;
    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG |= mask;

Esempio n. 23
* Function Name: Backlight_PWM_SetPrescaler
* Summary:
*  Sets the prescaler value that is applied to the clock input.  Not applicable
*  to PWM with dead time mode or Quadrature Decoder mode.
* Parameters:
*  prescaler: Prescaler divider value
*   Values:
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY1    - Divide by 1 (no prescaling)
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY2    - Divide by 2
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY4    - Divide by 4
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY8    - Divide by 8
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY16   - Divide by 16
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY32   - Divide by 32
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY64   - Divide by 64
*         - Backlight_PWM_PRESCALE_DIVBY128  - Divide by 128
* Return:
*  None
void Backlight_PWM_SetPrescaler(uint32 prescaler)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG &= (uint32)~Backlight_PWM_PRESCALER_MASK;
    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG |= prescaler;

Esempio n. 24
* Function Name: Backlight_PWM_SetCompareSwap
* Summary:
*  Writes the register that controls whether the compare registers are
*  swapped. When enabled in Timer/Counter mode(without capture) the swap occurs
*  at a TC event. In PWM mode the swap occurs at the next TC event following
*  a hardware switch event.
* Parameters:
*  swapEnable
*   Values:
*     - 0 - Disable swap
*     - 1 - Enable swap
* Return:
*  None
void Backlight_PWM_SetCompareSwap(uint32 swapEnable)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG &= (uint32)~Backlight_PWM_RELOAD_CC_MASK;
    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG |= (swapEnable & Backlight_PWM_1BIT_MASK);

Esempio n. 25
* Function Name: Backlight_PWM_SetCounterMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the counter mode.  Applicable to all modes except Quadrature Decoder
*  and PWM with pseudo random output.
* Parameters:
*  counterMode: Enumerated couner type values
*   Values:
*     - Backlight_PWM_COUNT_UP       - Counts up
*     - Backlight_PWM_COUNT_DOWN     - Counts down
*     - Backlight_PWM_COUNT_UPDOWN0  - Counts up and down. Terminal count
*                                         generated when counter reaches 0
*     - Backlight_PWM_COUNT_UPDOWN1  - Counts up and down. Terminal count
*                                         generated both when counter reaches 0
*                                         and period
* Return:
*  None
void Backlight_PWM_SetCounterMode(uint32 counterMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG &= (uint32)~Backlight_PWM_UPDOWN_MASK;
    Backlight_PWM_CONTROL_REG |= counterMode;

Esempio n. 26
* Function Name: CyEEPROM_Stop
* Summary:
*  Disable the EEPROM.
* Parameters:
*  None
* Return:
*  None
void CyEEPROM_Stop (void) 
    uint8 interruptState;

    interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    CY_FLASH_PM_ACT_CFG12_REG    &= ((uint8)(~CY_FLASH_PM_ACT_CFG12_EN_EE));

Esempio n. 27
* Function Name: Backlight_PWM_SetCaptureMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the capture trigger mode. For PWM mode this is the switch input.
*  This input is not applicable to the Timer/Counter without Capture and
*  Quadrature Decoder modes.
* Parameters:
*  triggerMode: Enumerated trigger mode value
*   Values:
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_LEVEL     - Level
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_RISING    - Rising edge
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_FALLING   - Falling edge
*     - Backlight_PWM_TRIG_BOTH      - Both rising and falling edge
* Return:
*  None
void Backlight_PWM_SetCaptureMode(uint32 triggerMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    Backlight_PWM_TRIG_CONTROL1_REG &= (uint32)~Backlight_PWM_CAPTURE_MASK;
    Backlight_PWM_TRIG_CONTROL1_REG |= triggerMode;

Esempio n. 28
* Function Name: TILT_SetCountMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the count trigger mode. For Quadrature Decoder mode this is the phiA
*  input.
* Parameters:
*  triggerMode: Enumerated trigger mode value
*   Values:
*     - TILT_TRIG_LEVEL     - Level
*     - TILT_TRIG_RISING    - Rising edge
*     - TILT_TRIG_FALLING   - Falling edge
*     - TILT_TRIG_BOTH      - Both rising and falling edge
* Return:
*  None
void TILT_SetCountMode(uint32 triggerMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    TILT_TRIG_CONTROL1_REG |= ((uint32)(triggerMode << TILT_COUNT_SHIFT));

Esempio n. 29
* Function Name: TILT_SetQDMode
* Summary:
*  Sets the the Quadrature Decoder to one of 3 supported modes.
*  Is functionality is only applicable to Quadrature Decoder operation.
* Parameters:
*  qdMode: Quadrature Decoder mode
*   Values:
*         - TILT_MODE_X1 - Counts on phi 1 rising
*         - TILT_MODE_X2 - Counts on both edges of phi1 (2x faster)
*         - TILT_MODE_X4 - Counts on both edges of phi1 and phi2
*                                        (4x faster)
* Return:
*  None
void TILT_SetQDMode(uint32 qdMode)
    uint8 enableInterrupts;

    enableInterrupts = CyEnterCriticalSection();

    TILT_CONTROL_REG |= qdMode;

Esempio n. 30
    * Function Name: CySysPmSetWakeupPolarity
    * Summary:
    *  Wake up from the stop mode is performed by toggling the wakeup pin,
    *  causing a normal boot procedure to occur. This function assigns
    *  the wakeup pin active level. Setting the wakeup pin to this level will cause
    *  the wakeup from stop mode. The wakeup pin is active low by default.
    * Parameters:
    *  polarity: Wakeup pin active level:
    *   Value    Define                          Level
    *    0        CY_PM_STOP_WAKEUP_ACTIVE_LOW    Logical zero will wakeup the chip
    *    1        CY_PM_STOP_WAKEUP_ACTIVE_HIGH   Logical one will wakeup the chip
    * Return:
    *  None
    void CySysPmSetWakeupPolarity(uint32 polarity)
        uint8 interruptState;

        interruptState = CyEnterCriticalSection();

                            (CY_PM_PWR_STOP_REG | CY_PM_PWR_STOP_POLARITY) :
                            (CY_PM_PWR_STOP_REG & (uint32) (~CY_PM_PWR_STOP_POLARITY));
