Esempio n. 1
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int p;
    char file[256];
    char demolumpname[9];
    int numiwadlumps;

    I_AtExit(D_Endoom, false);

    // print banner


    DEH_printf("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    // @category net
    // Start a dedicated server, routing packets but not participating
    // in the game itself.

    if (M_CheckParm("-dedicated") > 0)
        printf("Dedicated server mode.\n");

        // Never returns

    // @category net
    // Query the Internet master server for a global list of active
    // servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-search"))

    // @arg <address>
    // @category net
    // Query the status of the server running on the given IP
    // address.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-query", 1);

    if (p)

    // @category net
    // Search the local LAN for running servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-localsearch"))


    // @vanilla
    // Disable monsters.
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters respawn after being killed.

    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters move faster.

    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");

    // @vanilla
    // Developer mode.  F1 saves a screenshot in the current working
    // directory.

    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");


    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch game.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch 2.0 game.  Weapons do not stay in place and
    // all items respawn after 30 seconds.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;

    if (devparm)
    // find which dir to use for config files

#ifdef _WIN32

    // @platform windows
    // @vanilla
    // Save configuration data and savegames in c:\doomdata,
    // allowing play from CD.

    if (M_ParmExists("-cdrom"))

        // Auto-detect the configuration dir.


    // @arg <x>
    // @vanilla
    // Turbo mode.  The player's speed is multiplied by x%.  If unspecified,
    // x defaults to 200.  Values are rounded up to 10 and down to 400.

    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
        DEH_printf("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // init subsystems
    DEH_printf("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    // Load configuration files before initialising other subsystems.
    DEH_printf("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_SetConfigFilenames("default.cfg", PROGRAM_PREFIX "doom.cfg");

    // Save configuration at exit.
    I_AtExit(M_SaveDefaults, false);

    // Find main IWAD file and load it.
    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD(IWAD_MASK_DOOM, &gamemission);

    // None found?

    if (iwadfile == NULL)
        I_Error("Game mode indeterminate.  No IWAD file was found.  Try\n"
                "specifying one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.\n");

    modifiedgame = false;

    DEH_printf("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
    numiwadlumps = numlumps;


    // Now that we've loaded the IWAD, we can figure out what gamemission
    // we're playing and which version of Vanilla Doom we need to emulate.

    // @category mod
    // Disable automatic loading of Dehacked patches for certain
    // IWAD files.
    if (!M_ParmExists("-nodeh"))
        // Some IWADs have dehacked patches that need to be loaded for
        // them to be played properly.

    // Doom 3: BFG Edition includes modified versions of the classic
    // IWADs which can be identified by an additional DMENUPIC lump.
    // Furthermore, the M_GDHIGH lumps have been modified in a way that
    // makes them incompatible to Vanilla Doom and the modified version
    // of doom2.wad is missing the TITLEPIC lump.
    // We specifically check for DMENUPIC here, before PWADs have been
    // loaded which could probably include a lump of that name.

    if (W_CheckNumForName("dmenupic") >= 0)
        printf("BFG Edition: Using workarounds as needed.\n");
        bfgedition = true;

        // BFG Edition changes the names of the secret levels to
        // censor the Wolfenstein references. It also has an extra
        // secret level (MAP33). In Vanilla Doom (meaning the DOS
        // version), MAP33 overflows into the Plutonia level names
        // array, so HUSTR_33 is actually PHUSTR_1.

        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_31, "level 31: idkfa");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_32, "level 32: keen");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(PHUSTR_1, "level 33: betray");

        // The BFG edition doesn't have the "low detail" menu option (fair
        // enough). But bizarrely, it reuses the M_GDHIGH patch as a label
        // for the options menu (says "Fullscreen:"). Why the perpetrators
        // couldn't just add a new graphic lump and had to reuse this one,
        // I don't know.
        // The end result is that M_GDHIGH is too wide and causes the game
        // to crash. As a workaround to get a minimum level of support for
        // the BFG edition IWADs, use the "ON"/"OFF" graphics instead.

        DEH_AddStringReplacement("M_GDHIGH", "M_MSGON");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement("M_GDLOW", "M_MSGOFF");

    // Load Dehacked patches specified on the command line with -deh.
    // Note that there's a very careful and deliberate ordering to how
    // Dehacked patches are loaded. The order we use is:
    //  1. IWAD dehacked patches.
    //  2. Command line dehacked patches specified with -deh.
    //  3. PWAD dehacked patches in DEHACKED lumps.

    // Load PWAD files.
    modifiedgame = W_ParseCommandLine();

    // Debug:
//    W_PrintDirectory();

    // @arg <demo>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Play back the demo named demo.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs ("-playdemo", 1);

    if (!p)
        // @arg <demo>
        // @category demo
        // @vanilla
        // Play back the demo named demo.lmp, determining the framerate
        // of the screen.
	p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);


    if (p)
        char *uc_filename = strdup(myargv[p + 1]);

        // With Vanilla you have to specify the file without extension,
        // but make that optional.
        if (M_StringEndsWith(uc_filename, ".LMP"))
            M_StringCopy(file, myargv[p + 1], sizeof(file));
            DEH_snprintf(file, sizeof(file), "%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);


        if (D_AddFile(file))
            M_StringCopy(demolumpname, lumpinfo[numlumps - 1]->name,
            // If file failed to load, still continue trying to play
            // the demo in the same way as Vanilla Doom.  This makes
            // tricks like "-playdemo demo1" possible.

            M_StringCopy(demolumpname, myargv[p + 1], sizeof(demolumpname));

        printf("Playing demo %s.\n", file);

    I_AtExit(G_CheckDemoStatusAtExit, true);

    // Generate the WAD hash table.  Speed things up a bit.

    // Load DEHACKED lumps from WAD files - but only if we give the right
    // command line parameter.

    // @category mod
    // Load Dehacked patches from DEHACKED lumps contained in one of the
    // loaded PWAD files.
    if (M_ParmExists("-dehlump"))
        int i, loaded = 0;

        for (i = numiwadlumps; i < numlumps; ++i)
            if (!strncmp(lumpinfo[i]->name, "DEHACKED", 8))
                DEH_LoadLump(i, false, false);

        printf("  loaded %i DEHACKED lumps from PWAD files.\n", loaded);

    // Set the gamedescription string. This is only possible now that
    // we've finished loading Dehacked patches.

#ifdef _WIN32
    // In -cdrom mode, we write savegames to c:\doomdata as well as configs.
    if (M_ParmExists("-cdrom"))
        savegamedir = configdir;
        savegamedir = M_GetSaveGameDir(D_SaveGameIWADName(gamemission));

    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8]=
	int i;
	if ( gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error(DEH_String("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
			       "version. Register!"));

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
		    I_Error(DEH_String("\nThis is not the registered version."));

    if (W_CheckNumForName("SS_START") >= 0
     || W_CheckNumForName("FF_END") >= 0)
        printf(" WARNING: The loaded WAD file contains modified sprites or\n"
               " floor textures.  You may want to use the '-merge' command\n"
               " line option instead of '-file'.\n");


    // Freedoom's IWADs are Boom-compatible, which means they usually
    // don't work in Vanilla (though FreeDM is okay). Show a warning
    // message and give a link to the website.
    if (W_CheckNumForName("FREEDOOM") >= 0 && W_CheckNumForName("FREEDM") < 0)
        printf(" WARNING: You are playing using one of the Freedoom IWAD\n"
               " files, which might not work in this port. See this page\n"
               " for more information on how to play using Freedoom:\n"

    DEH_printf("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

    printf ("NET_Init: Init network subsystem.\n");
    NET_Init ();

    // Initial netgame startup. Connect to server etc.

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    // @arg <skill>
    // @vanilla
    // Set the game skill, 1-5 (1: easiest, 5: hardest).  A skill of
    // 0 disables all monsters.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-skill", 1);

    if (p)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    // @arg <n>
    // @vanilla
    // Start playing on episode n (1-4)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-episode", 1);

    if (p)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    timelimit = 0;

    // @arg <n>
    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // For multiplayer games: exit each level after n minutes.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timer", 1);

    if (p)
	timelimit = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Austin Virtual Gaming: end levels after 20 minutes.

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");

    if (p)
	timelimit = 20;

    // @arg [<x> <y> | <xy>]
    // @vanilla
    // Start a game immediately, warping to ExMy (Doom 1) or MAPxy
    // (Doom 2)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-warp", 1);

    if (p)
        if (gamemode == commercial)
            startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
            startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';

            if (p + 2 < myargc)
                startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
                startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;

    // Undocumented:
    // Invoked by setup to test the controls.

    p = M_CheckParm("-testcontrols");

    if (p > 0)
        startepisode = 1;
        startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;
        testcontrols = true;

    // Check for load game parameter
    // We do this here and save the slot number, so that the network code
    // can override it or send the load slot to other players.

    // @arg <s>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the game in slot s.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
        // Not loading a game
        startloadgame = -1;

    DEH_printf("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    DEH_printf("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    DEH_printf("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    DEH_printf("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (sfxVolume * 8, musicVolume * 8);

    DEH_printf("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();


    DEH_printf("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    DEH_printf("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // If Doom II without a MAP01 lump, this is a store demo.
    // Moved this here so that MAP01 isn't constantly looked up
    // in the main loop.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("map01") < 0)
        storedemo = true;

    if (M_CheckParmWithArgs("-statdump", 1))
        I_AtExit(StatDump, true);
        DEH_printf("External statistics registered.\n");

    // @arg <x>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Record a demo named x.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-record", 1);

    if (p)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-playdemo", 1);
    if (p)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);
    if (p)
	G_TimeDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    if (startloadgame >= 0)
        M_StringCopy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame), sizeof(file));
    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop

    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
Esempio n. 2
static void *DEH_TextStart(deh_context_t *context, char *line)
    char *repl_text;
    char *orig_text;
    int orig_offset, repl_len;
    int i;

    if (sscanf(line, "Text %i %i", &orig_offset, &repl_len) != 2)
        DEH_Warning(context, "Parse error on section start");
        return NULL;

    repl_text = malloc(repl_len + 1);

    // read in the "to" text

    for (i=0; i<repl_len; ++i)
        int c;

        c = DEH_GetChar(context);

        repl_text[i] = c;
    repl_text[repl_len] = '\0';

    // We don't support all strings, but at least recognise them:

    if (StringIsUnsupported(orig_offset))
        DEH_Warning(context, "Unsupported string replacement: %i", orig_offset);

    // Find the string to replace:

    else if (!GetStringByOffset(orig_offset, &orig_text))
        DEH_Error(context, "Unknown string offset: %i", orig_offset);

    // Only allow string replacements that are possible in Vanilla Doom.  
    // Chocolate Doom is unforgiving!

    else if (!deh_allow_long_strings
          && repl_len > MaxStringLength(strlen(orig_text)))
        DEH_Error(context, "Replacement string is longer than the maximum "
                           "possible in heretic.exe");
        // Success.

        DEH_AddStringReplacement(orig_text, repl_text);

    // We must always free the replacement text.

    return NULL;
Esempio n. 3
// D_DoomMain
void D_DoomMain (void)
    int             p;
    char            file[256];
    char            demolumpname[9];

    I_AtExit(D_Endoom, false);

    // print banner


    DEH_printf("Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon. \n");
    Z_Init ();

    // @category net
    // Start a dedicated server, routing packets but not participating
    // in the game itself.

    if (M_CheckParm("-dedicated") > 0)
        printf("Dedicated server mode.\n");

        // Never returns

    // @category net
    // Query the Internet master server for a global list of active
    // servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-search"))

    // @arg <address>
    // @category net
    // Query the status of the server running on the given IP
    // address.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-query", 1);

    if (p)

    // @category net
    // Search the local LAN for running servers.

    if (M_CheckParm("-localsearch"))

    printf("DEH_Init: Init Dehacked support.\n");

    iwadfile = D_FindIWAD(IWAD_MASK_DOOM, &gamemission);

    // None found?

    if (iwadfile == NULL)
        I_Error("Game mode indeterminate.  No IWAD file was found.  Try\n"
                "specifying one with the '-iwad' command line parameter.\n");

    modifiedgame = false;

    // @vanilla
    // Disable monsters.
    nomonsters = M_CheckParm ("-nomonsters");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters respawn after being killed.

    respawnparm = M_CheckParm ("-respawn");

    // @vanilla
    // Monsters move faster.

    fastparm = M_CheckParm ("-fast");

    // @vanilla
    // Developer mode.  F1 saves a screenshot in the current working
    // directory.

    devparm = M_CheckParm ("-devparm");


    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch game.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-deathmatch"))
	deathmatch = 1;

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Start a deathmatch 2.0 game.  Weapons do not stay in place and
    // all items respawn after 30 seconds.

    if (M_CheckParm ("-altdeath"))
	deathmatch = 2;

    if (devparm)
    // find which dir to use for config files

#ifdef _WIN32

    // @platform windows
    // @vanilla
    // Save configuration data and savegames in c:\doomdata,
    // allowing play from CD.

    if (M_CheckParm("-cdrom") > 0)

        // Auto-detect the configuration dir.

    // @arg <x>
    // @vanilla
    // Turbo mode.  The player's speed is multiplied by x%.  If unspecified,
    // x defaults to 200.  Values are rounded up to 10 and down to 400.

    if ( (p=M_CheckParm ("-turbo")) )
	int     scale = 200;
	extern int forwardmove[2];
	extern int sidemove[2];
	if (p<myargc-1)
	    scale = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
	if (scale < 10)
	    scale = 10;
	if (scale > 400)
	    scale = 400;
        DEH_printf("turbo scale: %i%%\n", scale);
	forwardmove[0] = forwardmove[0]*scale/100;
	forwardmove[1] = forwardmove[1]*scale/100;
	sidemove[0] = sidemove[0]*scale/100;
	sidemove[1] = sidemove[1]*scale/100;
    // init subsystems
    DEH_printf("V_Init: allocate screens.\n");
    V_Init ();

    // Load configuration files before initialising other subsystems.
    DEH_printf("M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.\n");
    M_SetConfigFilenames("default.cfg", PROGRAM_PREFIX "doom.cfg");

    // Save configuration at exit.
    I_AtExit(M_SaveDefaults, false);

    DEH_printf("W_Init: Init WADfiles.\n");
    modifiedgame = W_ParseCommandLine();

    // Debug:
//    W_PrintDirectory();

    // @arg <demo>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Play back the demo named demo.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs ("-playdemo", 1);

    if (!p)
        // @arg <demo>
        // @category demo
        // @vanilla
        // Play back the demo named demo.lmp, determining the framerate
        // of the screen.
	p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);


    if (p)
        if (!strcasecmp(myargv[p+1] + strlen(myargv[p+1]) - 4, ".lmp"))
            strcpy(file, myargv[p + 1]);
	    sprintf (file,"%s.lmp", myargv[p+1]);

	if (D_AddFile (file))
            strncpy(demolumpname, lumpinfo[numlumps - 1].name, 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';

            printf("Playing demo %s.\n", file);
            // If file failed to load, still continue trying to play
            // the demo in the same way as Vanilla Doom.  This makes
            // tricks like "-playdemo demo1" possible.

            strncpy(demolumpname, myargv[p + 1], 8);
            demolumpname[8] = '\0';


    I_AtExit((atexit_func_t) G_CheckDemoStatus, true);

    // Generate the WAD hash table.  Speed things up a bit.

    savegamedir = M_GetSaveGameDir(D_SaveGameIWADName(gamemission));

    // Check for -file in shareware
    if (modifiedgame)
	// These are the lumps that will be checked in IWAD,
	// if any one is not present, execution will be aborted.
	char name[23][8]=
	int i;
	if ( gamemode == shareware)
	    I_Error(DEH_String("\nYou cannot -file with the shareware "
			       "version. Register!"));

	// Check for fake IWAD with right name,
	// but w/o all the lumps of the registered version. 
	if (gamemode == registered)
	    for (i = 0;i < 23; i++)
		if (W_CheckNumForName(name[i])<0)
		    I_Error(DEH_String("\nThis is not the registered version."));

    if (W_CheckNumForName("SS_START") >= 0
     || W_CheckNumForName("FF_END") >= 0)
        printf(" WARNING: The loaded WAD file contains modified sprites or\n"
               " floor textures.  You may want to use the '-merge' command\n"
               " line option instead of '-file'.\n");


    DEH_printf("I_Init: Setting up machine state.\n");

    printf ("NET_Init: Init network subsystem.\n");
    NET_Init ();

    // Initial netgame startup. Connect to server etc.

    // get skill / episode / map from parms
    startskill = sk_medium;
    startepisode = 1;
    startmap = 1;
    autostart = false;

    // @arg <skill>
    // @vanilla
    // Set the game skill, 1-5 (1: easiest, 5: hardest).  A skill of
    // 0 disables all monsters.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-skill", 1);

    if (p)
	startskill = myargv[p+1][0]-'1';
	autostart = true;

    // @arg <n>
    // @vanilla
    // Start playing on episode n (1-4)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-episode", 1);

    if (p)
	startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';
	startmap = 1;
	autostart = true;
    timelimit = 0;

    // @arg <n>
    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // For multiplayer games: exit each level after n minutes.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timer", 1);

    if (p)
	timelimit = atoi(myargv[p+1]);

    // @category net
    // @vanilla
    // Austin Virtual Gaming: end levels after 20 minutes.

    p = M_CheckParm ("-avg");

    if (p)
	timelimit = 20;

    // @arg [<x> <y> | <xy>]
    // @vanilla
    // Start a game immediately, warping to ExMy (Doom 1) or MAPxy
    // (Doom 2)

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-warp", 1);

    if (p)
        if (gamemode == commercial)
            startmap = atoi (myargv[p+1]);
            startepisode = myargv[p+1][0]-'0';

            if (p + 2 < myargc)
                startmap = myargv[p+2][0]-'0';
                startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;

    // Undocumented:
    // Invoked by setup to test the controls.

    p = M_CheckParm("-testcontrols");

    if (p > 0)
        startepisode = 1;
        startmap = 1;
        autostart = true;
        testcontrols = true;

    // Check for load game parameter
    // We do this here and save the slot number, so that the network code
    // can override it or send the load slot to other players.

    // @arg <s>
    // @vanilla
    // Load the game in slot s.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-loadgame", 1);
    if (p)
        startloadgame = atoi(myargv[p+1]);
        // Not loading a game
        startloadgame = -1;

    DEH_printf("M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.\n");
    M_Init ();

    DEH_printf("R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - ");
    R_Init ();

    DEH_printf("\nP_Init: Init Playloop state.\n");
    P_Init ();

    DEH_printf("S_Init: Setting up sound.\n");
    S_Init (sfxVolume * 8, musicVolume * 8);

    DEH_printf("D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.\n");
    D_CheckNetGame ();


    DEH_printf("HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.\n");
    HU_Init ();

    DEH_printf("ST_Init: Init status bar.\n");
    ST_Init ();

    // If Doom II without a MAP01 lump, this is a store demo.
    // Moved this here so that MAP01 isn't constantly looked up
    // in the main loop.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("map01") < 0)
        storedemo = true;

    // Doom 3: BFG Edition includes modified versions of the classic
    // IWADs. The modified version of doom2.wad does not have a
    // TITLEPIC lump, so detect this so we can apply a workaround.
    // We specifically check for TITLEPIC here, after PWADs have been
    // loaded - this means that we can play with the BFG Edition with
    // PWADs that change the title screen and still see the modified
    // titles.

    if (gamemode == commercial && W_CheckNumForName("titlepic") < 0)
        printf("BFG Edition: Using INTERPIC instead of TITLEPIC.\n");
        bfgedition = true;

        // BFG Edition changes the names of the secret levels to
        // censor the Wolfenstein references. It also has an extra
        // secret level (MAP33). In Vanilla Doom (meaning the DOS
        // version), MAP33 overflows into the Plutonia level names
        // array, so HUSTR_33 is actually PHUSTR_1.

        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_31, "level 31: idkfa");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(HUSTR_32, "level 32: keen");
        DEH_AddStringReplacement(PHUSTR_1, "level 33: betray");

    if (M_CheckParmWithArgs("-statdump", 1))
        I_AtExit(StatDump, true);
        DEH_printf("External statistics registered.\n");

    // @arg <x>
    // @category demo
    // @vanilla
    // Record a demo named x.lmp.

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-record", 1);

    if (p)
	G_RecordDemo (myargv[p+1]);
	autostart = true;

    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-playdemo", 1);
    if (p)
	singledemo = true;              // quit after one demo
	G_DeferedPlayDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    p = M_CheckParmWithArgs("-timedemo", 1);
    if (p)
	G_TimeDemo (demolumpname);
	D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns
    if (startloadgame >= 0)
        strcpy(file, P_SaveGameFile(startloadgame));
	G_LoadGame (file);
    if (gameaction != ga_loadgame )
	if (autostart || netgame)
	    G_InitNew (startskill, startepisode, startmap);
	    D_StartTitle ();                // start up intro loop

    D_DoomLoop ();  // never returns