Esempio n. 1
static int _FS_fat_format(const FS__device_type *pDriver,FS_u32 Unit, char SecPerClus, 
                          FS_u16 RootEntCnt, FS_u16 TotSec16, FS_u32 TotSec32, char Media, 
                          FS_u16 FATSz16, FS_u32 FATSz32, FS_u16 SecPerTrk,FS_u16 NumHeads, 
                          FS_u32 HiddSec, char FSysType) {
  FS__FAT_BPB bpb;
  FS_u32 sector;
  FS_u32 value;
  char *buffer;
  int i;
  int j;
  int n;
  buffer = FS__fat_malloc(FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE);
  if (!buffer) {
    return -1;
  FS__CLIB_memset(buffer, 0x00, (FS_size_t)FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE);
  /* Setup BPB */
  FS__CLIB_memset(&bpb, 0x00, (FS_size_t)sizeof(bpb));
  bpb.BytesPerSec = 0x0200;       /* _512_,1024,2048,4096           */
  bpb.SecPerClus  = SecPerClus;   /* sec in allocation unit         */
  if (FSysType != 2) {
    bpb.RsvdSecCnt  = 0x0001;       /* 1 for FAT12 & FAT16            */
#if (FS_FAT_NOFAT32==0)
  else {
    bpb.RsvdSecCnt  = 0x0020;       /* 32 for FAT32                   */
  /* FAT32 disabled */
  else {
Esempio n. 2
static void *FS_malloc(void) {
  FS_i32 i;

for (i = 0; i < FS_MAX_MEM; i++) {
  if (_FS_memblock[i].status == 0) {
    _FS_memblock[i].status = 1;
    FS__CLIB_memset((void*)&_FS_memblock[i].memory, 0, (FS_size_t)FS_MEM_SIZE);
    return ((void*)&(_FS_memblock[i].memory));
  return 0;
Esempio n. 3
static int _FS_fat_IncDir(int Idx, FS_u32 Unit, FS_u32 DirStart, FS_u32 *pDirSize) {
  FS_u32 i;
  FS_u32 dsec;
  FS_i32 last;
  char *buffer;
  int err;

  if (DirStart == 0) { 
    /* Increase root directory only, if not FAT12/16  */
    i = FS__FAT_aBPBUnit[Idx][Unit].RootEntCnt;
    if (i != 0) {
      return -1;  /* Not FAT32 */
  last = FS__fat_FAT_find_eof(Idx, Unit, DirStart, 0);
  if (last < 0) {
    return -1;  /* No EOF marker found */
  last = FS__fat_FAT_alloc(Idx, Unit, last);  /* Allocate new cluster */
  if (last < 0) {
    return -1;
  *pDirSize = *pDirSize + FS__FAT_aBPBUnit[Idx][Unit].SecPerClus;
  /* Clean new directory cluster */
  buffer = FS__fat_malloc(FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE);
  if (!buffer) {
    return -1;
  FS__CLIB_memset(buffer, 0x00, (FS_size_t)FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE);
  for (i = *pDirSize - FS__FAT_aBPBUnit[Idx][Unit].SecPerClus; i < *pDirSize; i++) {
    dsec = FS__fat_dir_realsec(Idx, Unit, DirStart, i);
    if (dsec == 0) {
      return -1;
    err = FS__lb_write(FS__pDevInfo[Idx].devdriver, Unit, dsec, (void*)buffer);
    if (err < 0) {
      return -1;
  return 1;
Esempio n. 4
static int _FS_fat_create_directory(int Idx, FS_u32 Unit, const char *pDirName,
                                    FS_u32 DirStart, FS_u32 DirSize) {
  char *buffer;
  FS__fat_dentry_type *s;
  FS_u32 dirindex;
  FS_u32 dsec;
  FS_i32 cluster;
  FS_u16 val_time;
  FS_u16 val_date;
  int err;
  int len;
  int j;

  buffer = FS__fat_malloc(FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE);
  if (!buffer) {
    return -1;
  len = FS__CLIB_strlen(pDirName);
  if (len > 11) {
    len = 11;
  /* Read directory */
  for (dirindex = 0; dirindex < DirSize; dirindex++) {
    dsec = FS__fat_dir_realsec(Idx, Unit, DirStart, dirindex);
    if (dsec == 0) {
      /* Translation of relativ directory sector to an absolute sector failed */
      return -1;
    err = FS__lb_read(FS__pDevInfo[Idx].devdriver, Unit, dsec, (void*)buffer); /* Read directory sector */
    if (err < 0) {
      /* Read error */
      return -1;
    /* Scan the directory sector for a free or deleted entry */
    s = (FS__fat_dentry_type*)buffer;
    while (1) {
      if (s >= (FS__fat_dentry_type*)(buffer + FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE)) {
        break;  /* End of sector reached */
      if (s->data[0] == 0x00) {
        break;  /* Found a free entry */
      if (s->data[0] == (unsigned char)0xe5) {
        break;  /* Found a deleted entry */
    if (s < (FS__fat_dentry_type*)(buffer + FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE)) {
      /* Free entry found. Make entry and return 1st block of the file. */
      FS__CLIB_strncpy((char*)s->data, pDirName, len);
       s->data[11] = FS_FAT_ATTR_DIRECTORY;
      cluster = FS__fat_FAT_alloc(Idx, Unit, -1);              /* Alloc block in FAT */
      if (cluster >= 0) {
        s->data[12]     = 0x00;                                /* Res */
        s->data[13]     = 0x00;                                /* CrtTimeTenth (optional, not supported) */
        s->data[14]     = 0x00;                                /* CrtTime (optional, not supported) */
        s->data[15]     = 0x00;
        s->data[16]     = 0x00;                                /* CrtDate (optional, not supported) */
        s->data[17]     = 0x00;
        s->data[18]     = 0x00;                                /* LstAccDate (optional, not supported) */
        s->data[19]     = 0x00;
        val_time        = FS_X_OS_GetTime();
        s->data[22]     = (unsigned char)(val_time & 0xff);   /* WrtTime */
        s->data[23]     = (unsigned char)(val_time / 256);
        val_date        = FS_X_OS_GetDate();
        s->data[24]     = (unsigned char)(val_date & 0xff);   /* WrtDate */
        s->data[25]     = (unsigned char)(val_date / 256);
        s->data[26]     = (unsigned char)(cluster & 0xff);    /* FstClusLo / FstClusHi */ 
        s->data[27]     = (unsigned char)((cluster / 256) & 0xff);
        s->data[20]     = (unsigned char)((cluster / 0x10000L) & 0xff);
        s->data[21]     = (unsigned char)((cluster / 0x1000000L) & 0xff);
        s->data[28]     = 0x00;                                /* FileSize */
        s->data[29]     = 0x00;
        s->data[30]     = 0x00;
        s->data[31]     = 0x00;
        err = FS__lb_write(FS__pDevInfo[Idx].devdriver, Unit, dsec, (void*)buffer); /* Write the modified directory sector */
        if (err < 0) {
          return -1;
        /* Clear new directory and make '.' and '..' entries */
        /* Make "." entry */
        FS__CLIB_memset(buffer, 0x00, (FS_size_t)FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE);
        s = (FS__fat_dentry_type*)buffer;
        FS__CLIB_strncpy((char*)s->data, ".          ", 11);
        s->data[11]     = FS_FAT_ATTR_DIRECTORY;
        s->data[22]     = (unsigned char)(val_time & 0xff);   /* WrtTime */
        s->data[23]     = (unsigned char)(val_time / 256);
        s->data[24]     = (unsigned char)(val_date & 0xff);   /* WrtDate */
        s->data[25]     = (unsigned char)(val_date / 256);
        s->data[26]     = (unsigned char)(cluster & 0xff);    /* FstClusLo / FstClusHi */ 
        s->data[27]     = (unsigned char)((cluster / 256) & 0xff);
        s->data[20]     = (unsigned char)((cluster / 0x10000L) & 0xff);
        s->data[21]     = (unsigned char)((cluster / 0x1000000L) & 0xff);
        /* Make entry ".." */
        FS__CLIB_strncpy((char*)s->data, "..         ", 11);
        s->data[11]     = FS_FAT_ATTR_DIRECTORY;
        s->data[22]     = (unsigned char)(val_time & 0xff);   /* WrtTime */
        s->data[23]     = (unsigned char)(val_time / 256);
        s->data[24]     = (unsigned char)(val_date & 0xff);   /* WrtDate */
        s->data[25]     = (unsigned char)(val_date / 256);
        s->data[26]     = (unsigned char)(DirStart & 0xff);    /* FstClusLo / FstClusHi */ 
        s->data[27]     = (unsigned char)((DirStart / 256) & 0xff);
        s->data[20]     = (unsigned char)((DirStart / 0x10000L) & 0xff);
        s->data[21]     = (unsigned char)((DirStart / 0x1000000L) & 0xff);
        dsec = FS__fat_dir_realsec(Idx, Unit, cluster, 0); /* Find 1st absolute sector of the new directory */
        if (dsec == 0) {
          return -1;
        /* Write "." & ".." entries into the new directory */
        err = FS__lb_write(FS__pDevInfo[Idx].devdriver, Unit, dsec, (void*)buffer);
        if (err < 0) {
          return -1;
        /* Clear rest of the directory cluster */
        FS__CLIB_memset(buffer, 0x00, (FS_size_t)FS_FAT_SEC_SIZE);
        for (j = 1; j < FS__FAT_aBPBUnit[Idx][Unit].SecPerClus; j++) {
          dsec = FS__fat_dir_realsec(Idx, Unit, cluster, j);
          err = FS__lb_write(FS__pDevInfo[Idx].devdriver, Unit, dsec, (void*)buffer);
          if (err < 0) {
            return -1;
        return 1;

      return -1;
  return -2;  /* Directory is full */