Esempio n. 1
// Purpose: calculate intensity ratio for a worldlight by distance
// Author: Valve Software
static float Engine_WorldLightDistanceFalloff( const dworldlight_t *wl, const Vector& delta )
	float falloff;
	switch (wl->type)
	case emit_surface:
		// Cull out stuff that's too far
		if(wl->radius != 0)
			if(DotProduct( delta, delta ) > (wl->radius * wl->radius))
				return 0.0f;
		return InvRSquared(delta);
	case emit_skylight:
		return 1.f;
	case emit_quakelight:
		// X - r;
		falloff = wl->linear_attn - FastSqrt( DotProduct( delta, delta ) );
		if(falloff < 0)
			return 0.f;
		return falloff;
	case emit_skyambient:
		return 1.f;
	case emit_point:
	case emit_spotlight:	// directional & positional
			float dist2, dist;
			dist2 = DotProduct(delta, delta);
			dist = FastSqrt(dist2);
			// Cull out stuff that's too far
			if(wl->radius != 0 && dist > wl->radius)
				return 0.f;
			return 1.f / (wl->constant_attn + wl->linear_attn * dist + wl->quadratic_attn * dist2);
	return 1.f;
Esempio n. 2
BaseZone::GenerateSlopeMap_ (float32* slopeMap, uint32 lengthX, uint32 lengthY)
	// Note- this generate slope map method differs from the world gen generate slope map in that it does not sample neighboring height maps. In addition no max_ slope value needs to be enforced.
	const int32 townSlopeSampDist = 4;
	int32 x;
	int32 y;
	for (y = 0; y < (int32)lengthY; ++y)
		for (x = 0; x < (int32)lengthX; ++x)
			float32 divisor = 0.0f;
			float32 sum = 0.0f;
			for (int32 yOff = -townSlopeSampDist; yOff <= townSlopeSampDist; ++yOff)
				for (int32 xOff = -townSlopeSampDist; xOff <= townSlopeSampDist; ++xOff)
					if ((Square (xOff) + Square (yOff)) > Square(townSlopeSampDist + 1)) // keeps sample locations in a circular pattern rather than a square one.
					if (x + xOff < 0 || x + xOff > (int32)lengthX || y + yOff < 0 || y + yOff > (int32)lengthY)
					if (xOff == 0 && yOff == 0)
					divisor += 1.0f;
					sum += Abs(heightMap_[x + y * lengthX] - heightMap_[(x + lengthX + xOff) % lengthX + ((y + lengthY + yOff) % lengthY) * lengthX]) 
						/ FastSqrt (float32 (Square (xOff) + Square (yOff))); // PERFORMANCE: use lookup table
			slopeMap[x + y * lengthX] = sum / divisor;
// Purpose:
void CASWInput::CalculateCameraShift( C_ASW_Player *pPlayer, float flDeltaX, float flDeltaY, float &flShiftX, float &flShiftY )
	// Init.
	flShiftX = 0.0f;
	flShiftY = 0.0f;

	if ( !asw_cam_marine_shift_enable.GetBool() )

	if ( m_bCameraFixed || Holdout_Resupply_Frame::HasResupplyFrameOpen() || g_asw_iPlayerListOpen > 0 || ( pPlayer && pPlayer->GetSpectatingMarine() ) )
		m_fShiftFraction = Approach( 0.0f, m_fShiftFraction, gpGlobals->frametime );
		m_fShiftFraction = Approach( 1.0f, m_fShiftFraction, gpGlobals->frametime );

	if ( ASWGameRules() )
		m_fShiftFraction = m_fShiftFraction * ( 1.0f - ASWGameRules()->GetMarineDeathCamInterp() );

	flShiftX = flDeltaX * asw_cam_marine_shift_maxx.GetFloat() * m_fShiftFraction;
	float camshifty = (flDeltaY < 0) ? asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy.GetFloat() : asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy_south.GetFloat();
	flShiftY = flDeltaY * camshifty * m_fShiftFraction;


	// Calculate the shift, spherically, based on the cursor distance from the player.
	float flDistance = FastSqrt( flDeltaX * flDeltaX + flDeltaY * flDeltaY );
	if ( flDistance > asw_cam_marine_sphere_min.GetFloat() )
		flDistance -= asw_cam_marine_sphere_min.GetFloat();

		float flRatio = 1.0f;
		if ( m_flCurrentCameraDist < asw_cam_marine_dist.GetFloat() )
			flRatio = ( m_flCurrentCameraDist / asw_cam_marine_dist.GetFloat() ) * 0.8f;

		float flTemp = flDistance / ( asw_cam_marine_sphere_max.GetFloat() * flRatio );
		flTemp = clamp( flTemp, 0.0f, 1.0f );

		float flAngle = atan2( (float)flDeltaY, (float)flDeltaX );
		flShiftX = cos( flAngle ) * flTemp * ( asw_cam_marine_shift_maxx.GetFloat() * flRatio );
		if ( flDeltaY < 0 )
			flShiftY = sin( flAngle ) * flTemp * ( asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy.GetFloat() * flRatio );
			flShiftY = sin( flAngle ) * flTemp * ( asw_cam_marine_shift_maxy_south.GetFloat() * flRatio );
Esempio n. 4
void FP_EKF_IMUInit(float *accel, float *gyro)
	//NED coordinate system unit vector
	float nedVector[3] = {0, 0 , -1.0f};
	float accelVector[3] = {0, 0 , 0};
	float norm;
	float crossVector[3];
	float sinwi, cosw, sinhalfw, coshalfw;
	float q[4];

	//unit accel
	norm = FastSqrtI(accel[0] * accel[0] + accel[1] * accel[1] + accel[2] * accel[2]);
	accelVector[0] = accel[0] * norm;
	accelVector[1] = accel[1] * norm;
	accelVector[2] = accel[2] * norm;

	//cross product between accel and reference
	crossVector[0] = accelVector[1] * nedVector[2] - accelVector[2] * nedVector[1];
	crossVector[1] = accelVector[2] * nedVector[0] - accelVector[0] * nedVector[2];
	crossVector[2] = accelVector[0] * nedVector[1] - accelVector[1] * nedVector[0];
	sinwi = FastSqrtI(crossVector[0] * crossVector[0] + crossVector[1] * crossVector[1] + crossVector[2] * crossVector[2]);
	crossVector[0] *= sinwi;
	crossVector[1] *= sinwi;
	crossVector[2] *= sinwi;

	//the angle between accel and reference is the dot product of the two vectors
	cosw = accelVector[0] * nedVector[0] + accelVector[1] * nedVector[1] + accelVector[2] * nedVector[2];
	coshalfw = FastSqrt(0.5f + 0.5f * cosw);
	sinhalfw = FastSqrt(0.5f - 0.5f * cosw);

	q[0] = coshalfw;
	q[1] = crossVector[0] * sinhalfw;
	q[2] = crossVector[1] * sinhalfw;
	q[3] = crossVector[2] * sinhalfw;

	X[0] = FT_Q16(q[0]);
	X[1] = FT_Q16(q[1]);
	X[2] = FT_Q16(q[2]);
	X[3] = FT_Q16(q[3]);
Esempio n. 5
    bool IsPrime(UInt32 inNumber, const std::vector<UInt32> & inPrecedingPrimes)
        UInt32 squaredNumber = FastSqrt(inNumber);
        for (size_t idx = 1; idx < inPrecedingPrimes.size(); ++idx)
            const UInt32 & primeFactor = inPrecedingPrimes[idx];

            if (primeFactor > squaredNumber)
                return true;

            if (inNumber % primeFactor == 0)
                return false;
        return true;
// Purpose: 
float ReadDamageTable( impactentry_t *pTable, int tableCount, float impulse, bool bDebug )
	if ( pTable )
		int i;
		for ( i = 0; i < tableCount; i++ )
			if ( impulse < pTable[i].impulse )
		if ( i > 0 )
			if ( bDebug )
				Msg("Damage %.0f, energy %.0f\n", pTable[i].damage, FastSqrt(impulse) );
			return pTable[i].damage;
	return 0;
Esempio n. 7
bool CAI_PlaneSolver::GenerateCircleObstacleSuggestions( const AILocalMoveGoal_t &moveGoal, float probeDist )
	bool result = false;
	Vector npcLoc = m_pNpc->WorldSpaceCenter();
	Vector mins, maxs;

	m_pNpc->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &mins, &maxs );
	float radiusNpc = (mins.AsVector2D() - maxs.AsVector2D()).Length() * 0.5;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Obstacles.Count(); i++ )
		CBaseEntity *pObstacleEntity = NULL;

		float zDistTooFar;
		if ( m_Obstacles[i].hEntity && m_Obstacles[i].hEntity->CollisionProp() )
			pObstacleEntity = m_Obstacles[i].hEntity.Get();

			if( pObstacleEntity == moveGoal.pMoveTarget && (pObstacleEntity->IsNPC() || pObstacleEntity->IsPlayer()) )
				// HEY! I'm trying to avoid the very thing I'm trying to get to. This will make we wobble like a drunk as I approach. Don't do it.

			pObstacleEntity->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &mins, &maxs );
			zDistTooFar = ( maxs.z - mins.z ) * 0.5 + GetNpc()->GetHullHeight() * 0.5;
			zDistTooFar = GetNpc()->GetHullHeight();
		if ( fabs( m_Obstacles[i].center.z - npcLoc.z ) > zDistTooFar )

		Vector vecToNpc 		= npcLoc - m_Obstacles[i].center;
		vecToNpc.z = 0;
		float distToObstacleSq 	= sq(vecToNpc.x) + sq(vecToNpc.y);
		float radius = m_Obstacles[i].radius + radiusNpc;

		if ( distToObstacleSq > 0.001 && distToObstacleSq < sq( radius + probeDist ) )
			Vector vecToObstacle = vecToNpc * -1;
			float distToObstacle = VectorNormalize( vecToObstacle );
			float weight;
			float arc;
			float radiusSq = sq(radius);

			float flDot = DotProduct( vecToObstacle, moveGoal.dir );

			// Don't steer around to avoid obstacles we've already passed, unless we're right up against them.
			// That is, do this computation without the probeDist added in.
			if( flDot < 0.0f && distToObstacleSq > radiusSq )

			if ( radiusSq < distToObstacleSq )
				Vector vecTangent;
				float distToTangent = FastSqrt( distToObstacleSq - radiusSq );

				float oneOverDistToObstacleSq = 1 / distToObstacleSq;

				vecTangent.x = ( -distToTangent * vecToNpc.x + radius * vecToNpc.y ) * oneOverDistToObstacleSq;
				vecTangent.y = ( -distToTangent * vecToNpc.y - radius * vecToNpc.x ) * oneOverDistToObstacleSq;
				vecTangent.z = 0;

				float cosHalfArc = vecToObstacle.Dot( vecTangent );
				arc = RAD2DEG(acosf( cosHalfArc )) * 2.0;
				weight = 1.0 - (distToObstacle - radius) / probeDist;
				if ( weight > 0.75 )
					arc += (arc * 0.5) * (weight - 0.75) / 0.25;
				Assert( weight >= 0.0 && weight <= 1.0 );

				// -------------------------
				Msg( "Adding arc %f, w %f\n", arc, weight );

				Vector pointTangent = npcLoc + ( vecTangent * distToTangent );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( npcLoc - Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), npcLoc + Vector(0,0,64), 0,255,0, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( center - Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), center + Vector(0,0,64), 0,255,0, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( pointTangent - Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), pointTangent + Vector(0,0,64), 0,255,0, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( npcLoc + Vector(0,0,64), center + Vector(0,0,64), 0,0,255, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( center + Vector(0,0,64), pointTangent + Vector(0,0,64), 0,0,255, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( pointTangent + Vector(0,0,64), npcLoc + Vector(0,0,64), 0,0,255, false, 0.1 );
				arc = 210;
				weight = 1.0;

			if ( m_Obstacles[i].hEntity != NULL )
				weight = AdjustRegulationWeight( m_Obstacles[i].hEntity, weight );
			AI_MoveSuggestion_t suggestion( m_Obstacles[i].type, weight, UTIL_VecToYaw(vecToObstacle), arc );
			m_Solver.AddRegulation( suggestion );
			result = true;
	return result;

void TokenChannels_t::Tokenize( const char *string )
	if ( !string || !*string )

	if ( Q_strlen( string ) > 128 )
		iActiveChannels = 1;
		bHasAnyValues = true;
		bReady = true;
		bChannelAsValue[0] = true;

	while ( *string == ' ' )
	const bool bNormalize = string && (*string == 'n' || *string == 'N' );
	if ( bNormalize )
	while ( *string == ' ' )

	char localString[ MAX_OPERATION_C ];
	Q_snprintf( localString, sizeof(localString), "%s\0", string );

	char *MakeUpper = localString;
	while( MakeUpper && *MakeUpper )
		if ( *MakeUpper == 'e' )
			*MakeUpper = 'E';
		else if ( *MakeUpper == 'p' )
			*MakeUpper = 'P';
		else if ( *MakeUpper == 'i' )
			*MakeUpper = 'I';

	const char *stringtest = localString;
	while (stringtest && *stringtest)
		if ( ISSTRING_LITERAL( localString, stringtest ) || ISSTRING_VALUE( localString, stringtest ) )
			bHasAnyValues = true;

	char *cleanupReader = localString;
	while ( *cleanupReader )
		if ( !ISSTRING_VALUE( localString, cleanupReader ) &&
				*cleanupReader != ' ' &&
				!ISSTRING_OPERATOR( cleanupReader ) &&
				GetChannelNumFromChar( cleanupReader ) < 0 &&
				!ISSTRING_LITERAL( localString, cleanupReader ) &&
				!ISCHAR_BRACKET( *cleanupReader ) &&
				*cleanupReader != '$'
			SnipCharFromString( cleanupReader );

	char cleanupString[MAX_OPERATION_C];
	cleanupReader = cleanupString;
	Q_strcpy( cleanupString, localString );
	Q_memset( localString, 0, sizeof( localString ) );

#define STEST_VALUE 0

	while( *cleanupReader )
		if ( *cleanupReader == ' ' )
			const char *searchfront = cleanupReader;
			const char *searchback = cleanupReader;

			int priorToSpace = -1;
			int afterSpace = -1;
			while ( searchfront >= cleanupString )
				if ( ISSTRING_VALUE( cleanupString, searchfront ) ||
					ISSTRING_LITERAL( cleanupString, searchfront ) || *searchfront == '$' )
					priorToSpace = STEST_VALUE;
				else if ( ISSTRING_OPERATOR( searchfront ) )
					priorToSpace = STEST_OPERATOR;
				else if ( ISCHAR_BOPEN( *searchfront ) )
					priorToSpace = STEST_BRACKET_OPEN;
				else if ( ISCHAR_BCLOSE( *searchfront ) )
					priorToSpace = STEST_BRACKET_CLOSE;
				else if ( GetChannelNumFromChar( searchfront ) >= 0 )
				if ( priorToSpace >= 0 )
			while ( *searchback )
				if ( ISSTRING_VALUE( cleanupString, searchback ) ||
					ISSTRING_LITERAL( cleanupString, searchback ) || *searchback == '$' )
					afterSpace = STEST_VALUE;
				else if ( ISSTRING_OPERATOR( searchback ) )
					afterSpace = STEST_OPERATOR;
				else if ( ISCHAR_BOPEN( *searchback ) )
					afterSpace = STEST_BRACKET_OPEN;
				else if ( ISCHAR_BCLOSE( *searchback ) )
					afterSpace = STEST_BRACKET_CLOSE;
				else if ( GetChannelNumFromChar( searchback ) >= 0 )
				if ( afterSpace >= 0 )
			//			1 * ( 2 + 1 ) ( 3 ) + 1
			//			1 ( 10 ) 0
			if (
				( !STEST_BRACKET(priorToSpace) &&
				!STEST_BRACKET(afterSpace) &&
				priorToSpace != afterSpace &&
				priorToSpace >= 0 &&
				afterSpace >= 0) ||
				priorToSpace == STEST_BRACKET_OPEN ||
				afterSpace == STEST_BRACKET_CLOSE ||
				(STEST_BRACKET(priorToSpace) && afterSpace == STEST_OPERATOR ) || //!STEST_BRACKET(afterSpace)) ||
				(STEST_BRACKET(afterSpace) && priorToSpace == STEST_OPERATOR ) //!STEST_BRACKET(priorToSpace))
				SnipCharFromString( cleanupReader );

	Q_strcpy( localString, cleanupString );

	char *GlobalExpression = localString;
	while( *GlobalExpression )
		if ( *GlobalExpression == '$' )
			*GlobalExpression = '\0';
			while ( *GlobalExpression == ' ' )

			char *SetEnd = GlobalExpression;
			while ( *SetEnd )
				if ( *SetEnd == '$' )
					*SetEnd = '\0';

#if 0
	cleanupReader = localString;
	while( *cleanupReader )
		if ( ISCHAR_BRACKET( *cleanupReader ) )
			SnipCharFromString( cleanupReader );

	iActiveChannels = 0;

	if ( !bHasAnyValues && bAllowChars )
		int slotWrite = 0;
		const char *walk = localString;
		while (walk && *walk && slotWrite < 4)
			if ( GetChannelNumFromChar( walk ) >= 0 )
				bChannelAsValue[ slotWrite ] = false;
				cChannel[ slotWrite ] = *walk;
		SimpleTokenize _tokens;
		_tokens.Tokenize( localString );
		//CCommand args;
		//args.Tokenize( localString );
		for ( int i = 0; i < min( _tokens.Count(), 4 ); i++ )
		//for ( int i = 0; i < min( args.ArgC(), 4 ); i++ )
			const char *token = _tokens.GetToken( i );
			//const char *token = args[i];
			if ( GetChannelNumFromChar( token ) >= 0 && bAllowChars )
				bChannelAsValue[ i ] = false;
				cChannel[ i ] = *token;
				bChannelAsValue[ i ] = true;

				const bool bDoGlExp = (GlobalExpression && *GlobalExpression);
				char tmp[ MAX_OPERATION_C ];
				char *target = tmp;
				if ( bDoGlExp )
					*target = '(';

				Q_strcpy( target, token );

				if ( bDoGlExp )
					Q_strcat( tmp, ")", MAX_OPERATION_C );
					Q_strcat( tmp, GlobalExpression, MAX_OPERATION_C );
				flValue[ i ] = PerformSolve( tmp );

	bReady = !!iActiveChannels;
	Assert( iActiveChannels >= 0 && iActiveChannels <= 4 );
	iChannelDepth = 0;

	for ( int i = 0; i < iActiveChannels; i++ )
		if ( bChannelAsValue[ i ] )
			bHasAnyValues = true;

	for ( int i = 0; i < iActiveChannels; i++ )
		iChannel[ i ] = 0;
		if ( bChannelAsValue[i] )

		iChannel[ i ] = GetChannelNumFromChar( &cChannel[i] );
		int num = iChannel[ i ] + 1;
		iChannelDepth = max( num, iChannelDepth );

// manual normalize
	if ( bNormalize )
		float flVec[4];
		Q_memset( flVec, 0, sizeof(flVec) );

		for ( int i = 0; i < iActiveChannels; i++ )
			if ( bChannelAsValue[ i ] )
				flVec[ i ] = flValue[ i ];

		double vecSize = 0;
		for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			vecSize += Sqr( flVec[i] );

		if ( vecSize == 0 )
			vecSize = 1;
		vecSize = FastSqrt( vecSize );
		vecSize = 1.0f / vecSize;

		for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
			if ( bChannelAsValue[ i ] )
				flValue[ i ] *= vecSize;
Esempio n. 9
bool CAI_PlaneSolver::GenerateCircleObstacleSuggestions( float probeDist )
	bool result = false;
	Vector npcLoc = m_pNpc->WorldSpaceCenter();
	Vector mins, maxs;
	m_pNpc->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &mins, &maxs );
	float radiusNpc = (mins.AsVector2D() - maxs.AsVector2D()).Length() * 0.5;
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_Obstacles.Count(); i++ )
		float zDistTooFar;
		if ( m_Obstacles[i].hEntity && m_Obstacles[i].hEntity->CollisionProp() )
			m_Obstacles[i].hEntity->CollisionProp()->WorldSpaceSurroundingBounds( &mins, &maxs );
			zDistTooFar = ( maxs.z - mins.z ) * 0.5 + GetNpc()->GetHullHeight() * 0.5;
			zDistTooFar = GetNpc()->GetHullHeight();
		if ( fabs( m_Obstacles[i].center.z - npcLoc.z ) > zDistTooFar )

		Vector vecToNpc 		= npcLoc - m_Obstacles[i].center;
		vecToNpc.z = 0;
		float distToObstacleSq 	= sq(vecToNpc.x) + sq(vecToNpc.y);
		float radius = m_Obstacles[i].radius + radiusNpc;

		if ( distToObstacleSq > 0.001 && distToObstacleSq < sq(radius + probeDist))
			Vector vecToObstacle = vecToNpc * -1;
			float distToObstacle = VectorNormalize( vecToObstacle );
			float weight;
			float arc;
			float radiusSq = sq(radius);
			if ( radiusSq < distToObstacleSq )
				Vector vecTangent;
				float distToTangent = FastSqrt( distToObstacleSq - radiusSq );

				float oneOverDistToObstacleSq = 1 / distToObstacleSq;

				vecTangent.x = ( -distToTangent * vecToNpc.x + radius * vecToNpc.y ) * oneOverDistToObstacleSq;
				vecTangent.y = ( -distToTangent * vecToNpc.y - radius * vecToNpc.x ) * oneOverDistToObstacleSq;
				vecTangent.z = 0;

				float cosHalfArc = vecToObstacle.Dot( vecTangent );
				arc = RAD2DEG(acosf( cosHalfArc )) * 2.0;
				weight = 1.0 - (distToObstacle - radius) / probeDist;
				if ( weight > 0.75 )
					arc += (arc * 0.5) * (weight - 0.75) / 0.25;
				Assert( weight >= 0.0 && weight <= 1.0 );

				// -------------------------
				Msg( "Adding arc %f, w %f\n", arc, weight );

				Vector pointTangent = npcLoc + ( vecTangent * distToTangent );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( npcLoc - Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), npcLoc + Vector(0,0,64), 0,255,0, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( center - Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), center + Vector(0,0,64), 0,255,0, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( pointTangent - Vector( 0, 0, 64 ), pointTangent + Vector(0,0,64), 0,255,0, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( npcLoc + Vector(0,0,64), center + Vector(0,0,64), 0,0,255, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( center + Vector(0,0,64), pointTangent + Vector(0,0,64), 0,0,255, false, 0.1 );
				NDebugOverlay::Line( pointTangent + Vector(0,0,64), npcLoc + Vector(0,0,64), 0,0,255, false, 0.1 );
				arc = 210;
				weight = 1.0;

			if ( m_Obstacles[i].hEntity != NULL )
				weight = AdjustRegulationWeight( m_Obstacles[i].hEntity, weight );
			AI_MoveSuggestion_t suggestion( m_Obstacles[i].type, weight, UTIL_VecToYaw(vecToObstacle), arc );
			m_Solver.AddRegulation( suggestion );
			result = true;
	return result;
