static void GUI_Security_DrawText(char *text) { Screen oldScreenID; oldScreenID = GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_2); GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, SCREEN_0, SCREEN_2); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 0, 0, 160, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, SCREEN_2, SCREEN_2); GUI_Mentat_SplitText(text, 304); GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(text, 4, 1, g_curWidgetFGColourBlink, 0, 0x32); GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, SCREEN_2, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); GFX_Screen_SetActive(oldScreenID); }
/** * Draw a text button widget to the display, relative to its parent. * * @param w The widget (which is a button) to draw. */ void GUI_Widget_TextButton_Draw(Widget *w) { Screen oldScreenID; uint16 positionX, positionY; uint16 width, height; uint16 state; uint8 colour; if (w == NULL) return; oldScreenID = GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_1); positionX = w->offsetX + (g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].xBase << 3); positionY = w->offsetY + g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].yBase; width = w->width; height = w->height; g_widgetProperties[19].xBase = positionX >> 3; g_widgetProperties[19].yBase = positionY; g_widgetProperties[19].width = width >> 3; g_widgetProperties[19].height = height; state = (w->state.s.selected) ? 0 : 2; colour = (w->state.s.hover2) ? 231 : 232; GUI_Widget_DrawBorder(19, state, 1); if (w->stringID == STR_CANCEL || w->stringID == STR_PREVIOUS || w->stringID == STR_YES || w->stringID == STR_NO) { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(w->stringID), positionX + (width / 2), positionY + 2, colour, 0, 0x122); } else { GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(GUI_String_Get_ByIndex(w->stringID), positionX + 3, positionY + 2, colour, 0, 0x22); } if (oldScreenID == SCREEN_0) { GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(positionX, positionY, positionX + width, positionY + height); GUI_Screen_Copy(positionX >> 3, positionY, positionX >> 3, positionY, width >> 3, height, SCREEN_1, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); }
static void GUI_Widget_Undraw(Widget *w, uint8 colour) { uint16 offsetX; uint16 offsetY; uint16 width; uint16 height; if (w == NULL) return; offsetX = w->offsetX + (g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].xBase << 3); offsetY = w->offsetY + g_widgetProperties[w->parentID].yBase; width = w->width; height = w->height; if (g_screenActiveID == SCREEN_0) { GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + width, offsetY + height); } GUI_DrawFilledRectangle(offsetX, offsetY, offsetX + width, offsetY + height, colour); if (g_screenActiveID == SCREEN_0) { GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); } }
/** * Draw sprites and handle mouse in a mentat screen. * @param speakingMode If \c 1, the mentat is speaking. */ void GUI_Mentat_Animation(uint16 speakingMode) { static uint32 movingEyesTimer = 0; /* Timer when to change the eyes sprite. */ static uint16 movingEyesSprite = 0; /* Index in _mentatSprites of the displayed moving eyes. */ static uint16 movingEyesNextSprite = 0; /* If not 0, it decides the movingEyesNextSprite */ static uint32 movingMouthTimer = 0; static uint16 movingMouthSprite = 0; static uint32 movingOtherTimer = 0; static int16 otherSprite = 0; bool partNeedsRedraw; uint16 i; if (movingOtherTimer < g_timerGUI && !g_disableOtherMovement) { if (movingOtherTimer != 0) { uint8 *sprite; if (s_mentatSprites[2][1 + abs(otherSprite)] == NULL) { otherSprite = 1 - otherSprite; } else { otherSprite++; } sprite = s_mentatSprites[2][abs(otherSprite)]; GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(s_otherLeft, s_otherTop, s_otherLeft + Sprite_GetWidth(sprite), s_otherTop + Sprite_GetHeight(sprite)); GUI_DrawSprite(SCREEN_0, sprite, s_otherLeft, s_otherTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); } switch (g_playerHouseID) { case HOUSE_HARKONNEN: movingOtherTimer = g_timerGUI + 300 * 60; break; case HOUSE_ATREIDES: movingOtherTimer = g_timerGUI + 60 * Tools_RandomLCG_Range(1,3); break; case HOUSE_ORDOS: if (otherSprite != 0) { movingOtherTimer = g_timerGUI + 6; } else { movingOtherTimer = g_timerGUI + 60 * Tools_RandomLCG_Range(10, 19); } break; default: break; } } if (speakingMode == 1) { if (movingMouthTimer < g_timerGUI) { uint8 *sprite; movingMouthSprite = Tools_RandomLCG_Range(0, 4); sprite = s_mentatSprites[1][movingMouthSprite]; GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(s_mouthLeft, s_mouthTop, s_mouthLeft + Sprite_GetWidth(sprite), s_mouthTop + Sprite_GetHeight(sprite)); GUI_DrawSprite(SCREEN_0, sprite, s_mouthLeft, s_mouthTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); switch (movingMouthSprite) { case 0: movingMouthTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(7, 30); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: movingMouthTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(6, 10); break; case 4: movingMouthTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(5, 6); break; default: break; } } } else { partNeedsRedraw = false; if (Input_Test(0x41) == 0 && Input_Test(0x42) == 0) { if (movingMouthSprite != 0) { movingMouthSprite = 0; movingMouthTimer = 0; partNeedsRedraw = true; } } else if (Mouse_InsideRegion(s_mouthLeft, s_mouthTop, s_mouthRight, s_mouthBottom) != 0) { if (movingMouthTimer != 0xFFFFFFFF) { movingMouthTimer = 0xFFFFFFFF; movingMouthSprite = Tools_RandomLCG_Range(1, 4); partNeedsRedraw = true; } } else { if (movingMouthSprite != 0) { movingMouthSprite = 0; movingMouthTimer = 0; partNeedsRedraw = true; } } if (partNeedsRedraw) { uint8 *sprite; sprite = s_mentatSprites[1][movingMouthSprite]; GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(s_mouthLeft, s_mouthTop, s_mouthLeft + Sprite_GetWidth(sprite), s_mouthTop + Sprite_GetHeight(sprite)); GUI_DrawSprite(SCREEN_0, sprite, s_mouthLeft, s_mouthTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); } } partNeedsRedraw = false; if (Input_Test(0x41) != 0 || Input_Test(0x42) != 0) { if (Mouse_InsideRegion(s_eyesLeft, s_eyesTop, s_eyesRight, s_eyesBottom) != 0) { if (movingEyesSprite != 0x4) { partNeedsRedraw = true; movingEyesSprite = (movingEyesSprite == 3) ? 4 : 3; movingEyesNextSprite = 0; movingEyesTimer = 0; } if (partNeedsRedraw) { uint8 *sprite; sprite = s_mentatSprites[0][movingEyesSprite]; GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(s_eyesLeft, s_eyesTop, s_eyesLeft + Sprite_GetWidth(sprite), s_eyesTop + Sprite_GetHeight(sprite)); GUI_DrawSprite(SCREEN_0, sprite, s_eyesLeft, s_eyesTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); } return; } } if (Mouse_InsideRegion((int16)s_eyesLeft - 16, (int16)s_eyesTop - 8, s_eyesRight + 16, s_eyesBottom + 24) != 0) { if (Mouse_InsideRegion((int16)s_eyesLeft - 8, s_eyesBottom, s_eyesRight + 8, SCREEN_HEIGHT - 1) != 0) { i = 3; } else { if (Mouse_InsideRegion(s_eyesRight, (int16)s_eyesTop - 8, s_eyesRight + 16, s_eyesBottom + 8) != 0) { i = 2; } else { i = (Mouse_InsideRegion((int16)s_eyesLeft - 16, (int16)s_eyesTop - 8, s_eyesLeft, s_eyesBottom + 8) == 0) ? 0 : 1; } } if (i != movingEyesSprite) { partNeedsRedraw = true; movingEyesSprite = i; movingEyesNextSprite = 0; movingEyesTimer = g_timerGUI; } } else { if (movingEyesTimer >= g_timerGUI) return; partNeedsRedraw = true; if (movingEyesNextSprite != 0) { movingEyesSprite = movingEyesNextSprite; movingEyesNextSprite = 0; if (movingEyesSprite != 4) { movingEyesTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(20, 180); } else { movingEyesTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(12, 30); } } else { i = 0; switch (speakingMode) { case 0: i = Tools_RandomLCG_Range(0, 7); if (i > 5) { i = 1; } else { if (i == 5) { i = 4; } } break; case 1: if (movingEyesSprite != ((!g_interrogation) ? 0 : 3)) { i = 0; } else { i = Tools_RandomLCG_Range(0, 17); if (i > 9) { i = 0; } else { if (i >= 5) { i = 4; } } } break; default: i = Tools_RandomLCG_Range(0, 15); if (i > 10) { i = 2; } else { if (i >= 5) { i = 4; } } break; } if ((i == 2 && movingEyesSprite == 1) || (i == 1 && movingEyesSprite == 2)) { movingEyesNextSprite = i; movingEyesSprite = 0; movingEyesTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(1, 5); } else { if (i != movingEyesSprite && (i == 4 || movingEyesSprite == 4)) { movingEyesNextSprite = i; movingEyesSprite = 3; movingEyesTimer = g_timerGUI; } else { movingEyesSprite = i; if (i != 4) { movingEyesTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(15, 180); } else { movingEyesTimer = g_timerGUI + Tools_RandomLCG_Range(6, 60); } } } if (g_interrogation && movingEyesSprite == 0) movingEyesSprite = 3; } } if (partNeedsRedraw) { uint8 *sprite; sprite = s_mentatSprites[0][movingEyesSprite]; GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(s_eyesLeft, s_eyesTop, s_eyesLeft + Sprite_GetWidth(sprite), s_eyesTop + Sprite_GetHeight(sprite)); GUI_DrawSprite(SCREEN_0, sprite, s_eyesLeft, s_eyesTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); } }
uint16 GUI_Mentat_Loop(const char *wsaFilename, char *pictureDetails, char *text, bool arg12, Widget *w) { Screen oldScreenID; uint16 old07AE; void *wsa; uint16 descLines; bool dirty; bool done; bool textDone; uint16 frame; uint32 descTick; uint16 mentatSpeakingMode; uint16 result; uint32 textTick; uint32 textDelay; uint16 lines; uint16 textLines; uint16 step; dirty = false; textTick = 0; textDelay = 0; old07AE = Widget_SetCurrentWidget(8); oldScreenID = GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_2); wsa = NULL; if (wsaFilename != NULL) { wsa = WSA_LoadFile(wsaFilename, GFX_Screen_Get_ByIndex(SCREEN_1), GFX_Screen_GetSize_ByIndex(SCREEN_1), false); } step = 0; if (wsa == NULL) { Widget_PaintCurrentWidget(); step = 1; } GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x31); descLines = GUI_SplitText(pictureDetails, (g_curWidgetWidth << 3) + 10, '\0'); GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0x32); textLines = GUI_Mentat_SplitText(text, 304); mentatSpeakingMode = 2; lines = 0; frame = 0; g_timerTimeout = 0; descTick = g_timerGUI + 30; Input_History_Clear(); textDone = false; result = 0; for (done = false; !done; sleepIdle()) { uint16 key; GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_0); key = GUI_Widget_HandleEvents(w); GUI_PaletteAnimate(); if (key != 0) { if ((key & 0x800) == 0) { if (w != NULL) { if ((key & 0x8000) != 0 && result == 0) result = key; } else { if (textDone) result = key; } } else { key = 0; } } switch (step) { case 0: if (key == 0) break; step = 1; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 1: if (key != 0) { if (result != 0) { step = 5; break; } lines = descLines; dirty = true; } else { if (g_timerGUI > descTick) { descTick = g_timerGUI + 15; lines++; dirty = true; } } if (lines < descLines && lines <= 12) break; step = (text != NULL) ? 2 : 4; lines = descLines; break; case 2: GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 0, 0, 160, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, SCREEN_0, SCREEN_2); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); step = 3; key = 1; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 3: if (mentatSpeakingMode == 2 && textTick < g_timerGUI) key = 1; if ((key != 0 && textDone) || result != 0) { GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 160, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, SCREEN_2, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); step = 4; mentatSpeakingMode = 0; break; } if (key != 0) { GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 160, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, SCREEN_2, SCREEN_2); if (textLines-- != 0) { GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_2); GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(text, 4, 1, g_curWidgetFGColourBlink, 0, 0x32); mentatSpeakingMode = 1; textDelay = (uint32)strlen(text) * 4; textTick = g_timerGUI + textDelay; if (textLines != 0) { while (*text++ != '\0') {} } else { textDone = true; } GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_0); } GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, SCREEN_2, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); break; } if (mentatSpeakingMode == 0 || textTick > g_timerGUI) break; mentatSpeakingMode = 2; textTick += textDelay + textDelay / 2; break; case 4: if (result != 0 || w == NULL) step = 5; break; case 5: dirty = true; done = true; break; default: break; } GUI_Mentat_Animation(mentatSpeakingMode); if (wsa != NULL && g_timerTimeout == 0) { g_timerTimeout = 7; do { if (step == 0 && frame > 4) step = 1; if (!WSA_DisplayFrame(wsa, frame++, g_curWidgetXBase << 3, g_curWidgetYBase, SCREEN_2)) { if (step == 0) step = 1; if (arg12 != 0) { frame = 0; } else { WSA_Unload(wsa); wsa = NULL; } } } while (frame == 0); dirty = true; } if (!dirty) continue; GUI_Mentat_DrawInfo(pictureDetails, (g_curWidgetXBase << 3) + 5, g_curWidgetYBase + 3, 8, 0, lines, 0x31); GUI_DrawSprite(SCREEN_2, g_sprites[397 + g_playerHouseID * 15], g_shoulderLeft, g_shoulderTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Hide_InWidget(g_curWidgetIndex); GUI_Screen_Copy(g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetWidth, g_curWidgetHeight, SCREEN_2, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InWidget(); dirty = false; } if (wsa != NULL) WSA_Unload(wsa); GFX_Screen_SetActive(SCREEN_2); GUI_DrawSprite(SCREEN_2, g_sprites[397 + g_playerHouseID * 15], g_shoulderLeft, g_shoulderTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Hide_InWidget(g_curWidgetIndex); GUI_Screen_Copy(g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetWidth, g_curWidgetHeight, SCREEN_2, SCREEN_0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InWidget(); Widget_SetCurrentWidget(old07AE); GFX_Screen_SetActive(oldScreenID); Input_History_Clear(); return result; }
void async_GUI_Mentat_Loop() { uint16 key; GFX_Screen_SetActive(0); key = GUI_Widget_HandleEvents(asyncMentatLoop.w); GUI_PaletteAnimate(); if (key != 0) { if ((key & 0x800) == 0) { if (asyncMentatLoop.w != NULL) { if ((key & 0x8000) != 0 && asyncMentatLoop.result == 0) asyncMentatLoop.result = key; } else { if (asyncMentatLoop.textDone) asyncMentatLoop.result = key; } } else { key = 0; } } switch (asyncMentatLoop.step) { case 0: if (key == 0) break; asyncMentatLoop.step = 1; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 1: if (key != 0) { if (asyncMentatLoop.result != 0) { asyncMentatLoop.step = 5; break; } asyncMentatLoop.lines = asyncMentatLoop.descLines; asyncMentatLoop.dirty = true; } else { if (g_timerGUI > asyncMentatLoop.descTick) { asyncMentatLoop.descTick = g_timerGUI + 15; asyncMentatLoop.lines++; asyncMentatLoop.dirty = true; } } if (asyncMentatLoop.lines < asyncMentatLoop.descLines && asyncMentatLoop.lines <= 12) break; asyncMentatLoop.step = (asyncMentatLoop.text != NULL) ? 2 : 4; asyncMentatLoop.lines = asyncMentatLoop.descLines; break; case 2: GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 0, 0, 160, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, 0, 4); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); asyncMentatLoop.step = 3; key = 1; /* FALL-THROUGH */ case 3: if (asyncMentatLoop.mentatSpeakingMode == 2 && asyncMentatLoop.textTick < g_timerGUI) key = 1; if ((key != 0 && asyncMentatLoop.textDone) || asyncMentatLoop.result != 0) { GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 160, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, 4, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); asyncMentatLoop.step = 4; asyncMentatLoop.mentatSpeakingMode = 0; break; } if (key != 0) { GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 160, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, 4, 4); if (asyncMentatLoop.textLines-- != 0) { GFX_Screen_SetActive(4); GUI_DrawText_Wrapper(asyncMentatLoop.text, 4, 1, g_curWidgetFGColourBlink, 0, 0x32); asyncMentatLoop.mentatSpeakingMode = 1; asyncMentatLoop.textDelay = strlen(asyncMentatLoop.text) * 4; asyncMentatLoop.textTick = g_timerGUI + asyncMentatLoop.textDelay; if (asyncMentatLoop.textLines != 0) { while (*asyncMentatLoop.text++ != '\0') {} } else { asyncMentatLoop.textDone = true; } GFX_Screen_SetActive(0); } GUI_Mouse_Hide_InRegion(0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH, 40); GUI_Screen_Copy(0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_WIDTH / 8, 40, 4, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InRegion(); break; } if (asyncMentatLoop.mentatSpeakingMode == 0 || asyncMentatLoop.textTick > g_timerGUI) break; asyncMentatLoop.mentatSpeakingMode = 2; asyncMentatLoop.textTick += asyncMentatLoop.textDelay + asyncMentatLoop.textDelay / 2; break; case 4: if (asyncMentatLoop.result != 0 || asyncMentatLoop.w == NULL) asyncMentatLoop.step = 5; break; case 5: asyncMentatLoop.dirty = true; asyncMentatLoop.done = true; break; default: break; } GUI_Mentat_Animation(asyncMentatLoop.mentatSpeakingMode); if (asyncMentatLoop.wsa != NULL && g_timerTimeout == 0) { g_timerTimeout = 7; do { if (asyncMentatLoop.step == 0 && asyncMentatLoop.frame > 4) asyncMentatLoop.step = 1; if (!WSA_DisplayFrame(asyncMentatLoop.wsa, asyncMentatLoop.frame++, g_curWidgetXBase << 3, g_curWidgetYBase, 4)) { if (asyncMentatLoop.step == 0) asyncMentatLoop.step = 1; if (asyncMentatLoop.arg12 != 0) { asyncMentatLoop.frame = 0; } else { WSA_Unload(asyncMentatLoop.wsa); asyncMentatLoop.wsa = NULL; } } } while (asyncMentatLoop.frame == 0); asyncMentatLoop.dirty = true; } if (!asyncMentatLoop.dirty) { sleepIdle(); return; } GUI_Mentat_DrawInfo(asyncMentatLoop.pictureDetails, (g_curWidgetXBase << 3) + 5, g_curWidgetYBase + 3, 8, 0, asyncMentatLoop.lines, 0x31); GUI_DrawSprite(4, g_sprites[397 + g_playerHouseID * 15], g_shoulderLeft, g_shoulderTop, 0, 0); GUI_Mouse_Hide_InWidget(g_curWidgetIndex); GUI_Screen_Copy(g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetXBase, g_curWidgetYBase, g_curWidgetWidth, g_curWidgetHeight, 4, 0); GUI_Mouse_Show_InWidget(); asyncMentatLoop.dirty = false; sleepIdle(); }