// our OS version is the same in non GUI and GUI cases
wxOperatingSystemId wxGetOsVersion(int *majorVsn, int *minorVsn)
    // This returns 10 and 6 for OS X 10.6, consistent with behaviour on
    // other platforms.
    SInt32 maj, min;
    Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMajor, &maj);
    Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMinor, &min);

    if ( majorVsn != NULL )
        *majorVsn = maj;

    if ( minorVsn != NULL )
        *minorVsn = min;

    return wxOS_MAC_OSX_DARWIN;
Esempio n. 2
OSStatus InitMenubar( void )
	// set menu bar
	Handle	menuBar;

	long result;
	if ((Gestalt(gestaltMenuMgrAttr, &result) == noErr) && (result & gestaltMenuMgrAquaLayoutMask))
		menuBar = GetNewMBar( kMenuXBaseID);
		menuBar = GetNewMBar( kMenuBaseID );
	SetMenuBar( menuBar );

	// get menu references
	appleMenu	= GetMenuRef( kAppleMenu );
	fileMenu	= GetMenuRef( kFileMenu );
	editMenu	= GetMenuRef( kEditMenu );
	findMenu	= GetMenuRef( kFindMenu );
	optionsMenu	= GetMenuRef( kOptionsMenu );
	colorMenu	= GetMenuRef( kColorMenu );
	windowMenu	= GetMenuRef( kWindowMenu );

	AppendResMenu( appleMenu, 'DRVR' );
	AppendResMenu( colorMenu, 'HEct' );	// LR: add color scheme menu

	return noErr;
Esempio n. 3
WELS_THREAD_ERROR_CODE    WelsQueryLogicalProcessInfo (WelsLogicalProcessInfo* pInfo) {
#ifdef LINUX

#define   CMD_RES_SIZE    2048
  str_t pBuf[CMD_RES_SIZE];

  SystemCall ("cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep \"processor\" | wc -l", pBuf, CMD_RES_SIZE);

  pInfo->ProcessorCount = atoi (pBuf);

  if (pInfo->ProcessorCount == 0) {
    pInfo->ProcessorCount = 1;

#undef   CMD_RES_SIZE


  SInt32 cpunumber;
  Gestalt (gestaltCountOfCPUs, &cpunumber);

  pInfo->ProcessorCount	= cpunumber;


Esempio n. 4
static pascal void ListBoxDrawProc( ControlRef browser , DataBrowserItemID item , DataBrowserPropertyID property ,
    DataBrowserItemState itemState , const Rect *itemRect , SInt16 depth , Boolean isColorDevice )

    CFStringRef      cfString;
    long        systemVersion;

    cfString  = CFStringCreateWithFormat( NULL, NULL, CFSTR("Row %d"), item );
    ThemeDrawingState themeState ;
    GetThemeDrawingState( &themeState ) ;
    if ( itemState == kDataBrowserItemIsSelected )      //  In this sample we handle the "selected" state, all others fall through to our "active" state
        Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersion, &systemVersion );
        if ( (systemVersion >= 0x00001030) && (IsControlActive( browser ) == false) )  //  Panther DB starts using kThemeBrushSecondaryHighlightColor for inactive browser hilighting
            SetThemePen( kThemeBrushSecondaryHighlightColor, 32, true );
            SetThemePen( kThemeBrushPrimaryHighlightColor, 32, true );

        PaintRect( itemRect );                //  First paint the hilite rect, then the text on top
        SetThemeDrawingState( themeState , false ) ;
    DrawThemeTextBox( cfString, kThemeApplicationFont, kThemeStateActive, true, itemRect, teFlushDefault, NULL );
    if ( cfString != NULL )  
        CFRelease( cfString );
    SetThemeDrawingState( themeState , true ) ;
Esempio n. 5
static VALUE rb_GetQTVersion(VALUE self){
	long version = 0L;
	if(Gestalt(gestaltQuickTime, &version) == noErr){
    char version_str[8];
    sprintf(version_str, "%x", ((version >> 16) & 0xFFFF));
    return INT2FIX(atoi(version_str));
	PlatformBinding::PlatformBinding(KObjectRef global) :
		std::string os_name = Poco::Environment::osName();
#ifdef OS_OSX
		NSString *str;
		SInt32 major, minor, bugfix;
		OSErr err1 = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMajor, &major);
		OSErr err2 = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMinor, &minor);
		OSErr err3 = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionBugFix, &bugfix);
		if (!err1 && !err2 && !err3)
		    str = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d.%d.%d", major, minor, bugfix];
Esempio n. 7
wxVideoMode wxDisplay::GetCurrentMode() const
    unsigned long dwDMVer;
    wxVideoMode RetMode;
    Gestalt(gestaltDisplayMgrVers, (long*) &dwDMVer);    
    //Check DM version (for backward compatibility only - 7.5.3+ use 2.0)
    if (dwDMVer >= 0x020000) //version 2?
    	VDSwitchInfoRec sMode; //Note - csMode member also contains the bit depth
    	if (DMGetDisplayMode(m_priv->m_hndl, &sMode) == noErr) 
    	    DMListIndexType nNumModes;
    	    DMListType pModes;
    		DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP uppMLI;
    	    DisplayIDType nDisplayID;

    	    wxASSERT(DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice(m_priv->m_hndl, &nDisplayID, false) == noErr);
    	    //Create a new list...
    	    wxASSERT_MSG(DMNewDisplayModeList(nDisplayID, NULL, NULL, &nNumModes, &pModes) == noErr,
    				  wxT("Could not create a new display mode list") );
    		uppMLI = NewDMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP(DMModeTransProc);

    		DMModeTransRec sModeInfo;
    		sModeInfo.bMatched = false;
    		sModeInfo.psMode = &sMode;
    		for (DMListIndexType i = 0; i < nNumModes; ++i)
    			wxASSERT(DMGetIndexedDisplayModeFromList(pModes, i, NULL,
    											uppMLI, &sModeInfo) == noErr);

    			if ( sModeInfo.bMatched == true )
    				RetMode = sModeInfo.Mode;

    	    wxASSERT(DMDisposeList(pModes) == noErr);
    	else //Can't get current mode?
    		wxLogSysError(wxString::Format(wxT("Couldn't obtain current display mode!!!\ndwDMVer:%u"),
    								(unsigned int) dwDMVer));
    else //DM ver 1
    	wxLogSysError(wxString::Format(wxT("Display Manager Version %u Not Supported!  Present? %s"),
    				(unsigned int) dwDMVer / 0x10000,
    				(dwDMVer & (1 << gestaltDisplayMgrPresent) ? wxT("Yes") : wxT("No")) )
    return RetMode;
Esempio n. 8
OSErr RVRequestVideoSetting (VideoRequestRecPtr requestRecPtr)
	Boolean							displayMgrPresent;
	short							iCount = 0;					// just a counter of GDevices we have seen
	DMDisplayModeListIteratorUPP	myModeIteratorProc = nil;	// for DM2.0 searches
	SpBlock							spBlock;
	Boolean							suppliedGDevice;	
	DisplayIDType					theDisplayID;				// for DM2.0 searches
	DMListIndexType					theDisplayModeCount;		// for DM2.0 searches
	DMListType						theDisplayModeList;			// for DM2.0 searches
	long							value = 0;
	GDHandle						walkDevice = nil;			// for everybody

	displayMgrPresent=displayMgrPresent && (SVersion(&spBlock)==noErr);	// need slot manager
	if (displayMgrPresent)
		// init the needed data before we start
		if (requestRecPtr->screenDevice)							// user wants a specifc device?
			walkDevice = requestRecPtr->screenDevice;
			suppliedGDevice = true;
			walkDevice = DMGetFirstScreenDevice (dmOnlyActiveDisplays);			// for everybody
			suppliedGDevice = false;
		myModeIteratorProc = NewDMDisplayModeListIteratorProc(ModeListIterator);	// for DM2.0 searches
		// Note that we are hosed if somebody changes the gdevice list behind our backs while we are iterating....
		// ...now do the loop if we can start
		if( walkDevice && myModeIteratorProc) do // start the search
			iCount++;		// GDevice we are looking at (just a counter)
			if( noErr == DMGetDisplayIDByGDevice( walkDevice, &theDisplayID, false ) )	// DM1.0 does not need this, but it fits in the loop
				theDisplayModeCount = 0;	// for DM2.0 searches
				if (noErr == DMNewDisplayModeList(theDisplayID, 0, 0, &theDisplayModeCount, &theDisplayModeList) )
					// search NuBus & PCI the new kool way through Display Manager 2.0
					GetRequestTheDM2Way (requestRecPtr, walkDevice, myModeIteratorProc, theDisplayModeCount, &theDisplayModeList);
					DMDisposeList(theDisplayModeList);	// now toss the lists for this gdevice and go on to the next one
					// search NuBus only the old disgusting way through the slot manager
					GetRequestTheDM1Way (requestRecPtr, walkDevice);
		} while ( !suppliedGDevice && nil != (walkDevice = DMGetNextScreenDevice ( walkDevice, dmOnlyActiveDisplays )) );	// go until no more gdevices
		if( myModeIteratorProc )
		return (noErr);	// we were able to get the look for a match
	return (-1);		// return a generic error
Esempio n. 9

quint64 RunInfo::installedMemory()
    SInt32 mb = 0;
    Gestalt(gestaltPhysicalRAMSizeInMegabytes, &mb);
    return quint64(static_cast<quint64>(mb) * 1024LL * 1024LL);
Esempio n. 10
static Boolean SystemVersionRequired(int version)
    SInt32 result;
    Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersion, &result );
    gOnPanther = (result >= 0x1030);
    gOnTiger =  (result >= 0x1040);
    return (result >= version);
Esempio n. 11
Boolean IsQuickTimeInstalled(void) 
	OSErr	err;
	long	lResult;

	err = Gestalt(gestaltQuickTime, &lResult);
	return (err == noErr);
Esempio n. 12
pascal OSErr PBCatSearchSyncCompat(CSParamPtr paramBlock)
	static Boolean			fullExtFSDispatchingtested = false;
	static Boolean			hasFullExtFSDispatching = false;
	OSErr 					result;
	Boolean					supportsCatSearch;
	long					response;
	GetVolParmsInfoBuffer	volParmsInfo;
	long					infoSize;

	result = noErr;

	/* See if File Manager will pass CatSearch requests to external file systems */
	/* we will store the results in a static variable so we do NOT have to call Gestalt */
	/* everytime we are called. */
	if ( !fullExtFSDispatchingtested )
		fullExtFSDispatchingtested = true;
		if ( Gestalt(gestaltFSAttr, &response) == noErr )
			hasFullExtFSDispatching = ((response & (1L << gestaltFullExtFSDispatching)) != 0);

	/* CatSearch is a per volume attribute, so we have to check each time we are */
	/* called to see if it is available on the volume specified. */
	supportsCatSearch = false;
	if ( hasFullExtFSDispatching )
		infoSize = sizeof(GetVolParmsInfoBuffer);
		result = HGetVolParms(paramBlock->ioNamePtr, paramBlock->ioVRefNum,
							&volParmsInfo, &infoSize);
		if ( result == noErr )
			supportsCatSearch = hasCatSearch(volParmsInfo);

	/* noErr or paramErr is OK here. */
	/* paramErr just means that GetVolParms is NOT supported by this volume */
	if ( (result == noErr) || (result == paramErr) )
		if ( supportsCatSearch )
			/* Volume supports CatSearch so use it. */
			/* CatSearch is faster than an indexed search. */
			result = PBCatSearchSync(paramBlock);
			/* Volume does NOT support CatSearch so */
			/* search using IndexedSearch from root directory. */
			result = IndexedSearch(paramBlock, fsRtDirID);

	return ( result );
Esempio n. 13
Word BURGERCALL GetQuickTimeVersion(void)
	long gestaltAnswer;

	if (!Gestalt(gestaltQuickTimeVersion,&gestaltAnswer)) {
		return (gestaltAnswer >> 16)&0xFFFF;	/* Major version */
	return 0;		/* No quicktime */
Esempio n. 14
int macosx_version()
    SInt32 gestalt_version;
    static int ver = 0; // cached
    if (0 == ver && (Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &gestalt_version) == noErr)) {
        ver = gestalt_version;
    return ver;
Esempio n. 15
int __stdcall QuickTimeVersion() {
    long version;
    OSErr result;

    // Call the Gestalt manager and ask for QuickTime.  If we're lucky,
    // this should work even in the absence of the QuickTime DLL.
    result = Gestalt(gestaltQuickTime, &version);
    return (result == noErr) ? version : 0;
Esempio n. 16
bool Sys_LoadOpenAL( void ) {
	OSErr	err;
	long gestaltOSVersion;
	err = Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersion, &gestaltOSVersion );
	if( err || gestaltOSVersion < 0x1040 ) {
		return false;
	return true;
Esempio n. 17
long UMAGetSystemVersion()
    static SInt32 sUMASystemVersion = 0 ;
    if ( sUMASystemVersion == 0 )
        verify_noerr(Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &sUMASystemVersion));
    return sUMASystemVersion ;
Esempio n. 18
void MCScreenDC::boundrect(MCRectangle &rect, Boolean title, Window_mode mode)
	MCRectangle srect;

	if (mode >= WM_MODAL)
		const MCDisplay *t_display;
		t_display = getnearestdisplay(rect);
		srect = t_display -> workarea;
		srect = MCwbr;

	uint2 sr, sw, sb, sh;
	Rect screenRect;
	SetRect(&screenRect, srect . x, srect . y, srect . x + srect . width, srect . y + srect . height);

	if (title && mode <= WM_SHEET && mode != WM_DRAWER)
		if (mode == WM_PALETTE)
			screenRect.top += 13;
			long osversion;
			Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &osversion);
			if (osversion >= 0x00000800)
				screenRect.top += 22;
				screenRect.top += 19;
		sr = sb = 10;
		sw = 20;
		sh = 12;
		sr = sw = sb = sh = 0;

	if (rect.x < screenRect.left)
		rect.x = screenRect.left;
	if (rect.x + rect.width > screenRect.right - sr)
		if (rect.width > screenRect.right - screenRect.left - sw)
			rect.width = screenRect.right - screenRect.left - sw;
		rect.x = screenRect.right - rect.width - sr;

	if (rect.y < screenRect.top)
		rect.y = screenRect.top;
	if (rect.y + rect.height > screenRect.bottom - sb)
		if (rect.height > screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top - sh)
			rect.height = screenRect.bottom - screenRect.top - sh;
		rect.y = screenRect.bottom - rect.height - sb;
Esempio n. 19
// -figure out if we're running OS-X or not
void checkMacOSVersion()
	UInt32 response;
	if(Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (SInt32 *) &response) == noErr){
		if (response >= 0x1000)
			gRunningOSX = true;
			gRunningOSX = false;
static Boolean _checkOSXVersion(void) {
	long OSXVersion = 0L;
	OSStatus err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &OSXVersion);
	if (err != noErr) {
		NSLog(CFSTR("WARNING in GrowlInstallationPrompt: could not get Mac OS X version (selector = %x); got error code %li (will show the installation prompt anyway)"), (unsigned)gestaltSystemVersion, (long)err);
		//we proceed anyway, on the theory that it is better to show the installation prompt when inappropriate than to suppress it when not.
		OSXVersion = minimumOSXVersionForGrowl;
	return (OSXVersion >= minimumOSXVersionForGrowl);
Esempio n. 21
extern pascal Boolean MoreRunningOnClassic(void)
    UInt32 response;
    return (Gestalt(gestaltMacOSCompatibilityBoxAttr, 
                    (SInt32 *) &response) == noErr)
                && ((response & 
                    (1 << gestaltMacOSCompatibilityBoxPresent))
                    != 0);
Esempio n. 22
void SetUpQD(void)
    ProcessSerialNumber PSN;
    FSSpec              myFSSpec;
    Str63               name;
    ProcessInfoRec      infoRec;
    OSErr               result = noErr;
    CFragConnectionID   connID;
    Str255              errName;

    // Memorize the plugin¹s resource file refnum for later use.
    gResFile = CurResFile();

    // Ask the system if CFM is available.
    long response;
    OSErr err = Gestalt(gestaltCFMAttr, &response);
    Boolean hasCFM = BitTst(&response, 31-gestaltCFMPresent);

    if (hasCFM) {
        // GetProcessInformation takes a process serial number and
        // will give us back the name and FSSpec of the application.
        // See the Process Manager in IM.
        infoRec.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
        infoRec.processName = name;
        infoRec.processAppSpec = &myFSSpec;

        PSN.highLongOfPSN = 0;
        PSN.lowLongOfPSN = kCurrentProcess;

        result = GetProcessInformation(&PSN, &infoRec);
    } else {
        // If no CFM installed, assume it must be a 68K app.
        result = -1;

    if (result == noErr) {
        // Now that we know the app name and FSSpec, we can call
        // GetDiskFragmentto get a connID to use in a subsequent call
        // to FindSymbol (it will also return the address of ³main² in
        // app, which we ignore). If GetDiskFragment returns an
        // error, we assume the app must be 68K.
        Ptr mainAddr;
        result =  GetDiskFragment(infoRec.processAppSpec, 0L, 0L,
                                  infoRec.processName, kReferenceCFrag,
                                  &connID, (Ptr*)&mainAddr, errName);

    if (result == noErr) {
        // The app is a PPC code fragment, so call FindSymbol
        // to get the exported ³qd² symbol so we can access its
        // QuickDraw globals.
        CFragSymbolClass symClass;
        result = FindSymbol(connID, "\pqd", (Ptr*)&gQDPtr, &symClass);
    } else {
Esempio n. 23
void Traverso::init_sse( )
	bool generic_mix_functions = true;
	FPU fpu;

#if (defined (ARCH_X86) || defined (ARCH_X86_64)) && defined (SSE_OPTIMIZATIONS)

	if (fpu.has_sse()) {

		printf("Using SSE optimized routines\n");

		// SSE SET
		Mixer::compute_peak		= x86_sse_compute_peak;
		Mixer::apply_gain_to_buffer 	= x86_sse_apply_gain_to_buffer;
		Mixer::mix_buffers_with_gain 	= x86_sse_mix_buffers_with_gain;
		Mixer::mix_buffers_no_gain 	= x86_sse_mix_buffers_no_gain;

		generic_mix_functions = false;


#elif defined (__APPLE__) && defined (BUILD_VECLIB_OPTIMIZATIONS)
	long sysVersion = 0;

	if (noErr != Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &sysVersion))
		sysVersion = 0;

	if (sysVersion >= 0x00001040) { // Tiger at least
		Mixer::compute_peak           = veclib_compute_peak;
		Mixer::apply_gain_to_buffer   = veclib_apply_gain_to_buffer;
		Mixer::mix_buffers_with_gain  = veclib_mix_buffers_with_gain;
		Mixer::mix_buffers_no_gain    = veclib_mix_buffers_no_gain;

		generic_mix_functions = false;

		printf("Apple VecLib H/W specific optimizations in use\n");

	/* consider FPU denormal handling to be "h/w optimization" */

	setup_fpu ();

	if (generic_mix_functions) {
		Mixer::compute_peak 		= default_compute_peak;
		Mixer::apply_gain_to_buffer 	= default_apply_gain_to_buffer;
		Mixer::mix_buffers_with_gain 	= default_mix_buffers_with_gain;
		Mixer::mix_buffers_no_gain 	= default_mix_buffers_no_gain;

		printf("No Hardware specific optimizations in use\n");

Esempio n. 24
* main (argc, argv) 
* Purpose:  main program entry point
* Notes:	   You might want to change this to something more verbose
* Inputs:   argc     - the number of elements in the argv array
*				argv     - an array of pointers to the parameters to this application
* Returns:  int      - error code (0 == no error) 
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	OSStatus status;
	// Can we run this particular demo application?
	long response;
	status = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &response);
	Boolean ok = ((noErr == status) && (response >= 0x00001030));
	if (!ok)
		DialogRef theAlert;
		CreateStandardAlert(kAlertStopAlert, CFSTR("Mac OS X 10.3 (minimum) is required for this application"), NULL, NULL, &theAlert);
		RunStandardAlert(theAlert, NULL, NULL);
	// Create a Nib reference passing the name of the nib file (without the .nib extension)
	// CreateNibReference only searches into the application bundle.
	status = CreateNibReference(CFSTR("main"), &gIBNibRef);
	require_noerr(status, CantGetNibRef);
	// Once the nib reference is created, set the menu bar. "MainMenu" is the name of the menu bar
	// object. This name is set in InterfaceBuilder when the nib is created.
	status = SetMenuBarFromNib(gIBNibRef, CFSTR("MenuBar"));
	require_noerr(status, CantSetMenuBar);
	// Adding a Font menu
	MenuRef fontMenu = GetMenuRef(3);
	require(fontMenu != NULL, CantSetMenuBar);
	status = CreateStandardFontMenu(fontMenu, 0, 0, 0, NULL);
	require_noerr(status, CantSetMenuBar);
	// Enabling Preferences menu item
	EnableMenuCommand(NULL, kHICommandPreferences);
	// Let's react to User's commands.
	EventTypeSpec eventTypeCP = {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandProcess};
	InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(), Handle_CommandProcess, 1, &eventTypeCP, NULL, NULL);
	EventTypeSpec eventTypeCUS = {kEventClassCommand, kEventCommandUpdateStatus};
	InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(), Handle_CommandUpdateStatus, 1, &eventTypeCUS, NULL, NULL);
	EventTypeSpec eventTypeAA = {kEventClassApplication,  kEventAppActivated};
	InstallEventHandler(GetApplicationEventTarget(), Handle_AppActivated, 1, &eventTypeAA, NULL, NULL);
	// Call the event loop
	return status;
	}   // main
Esempio n. 25
static short local_AppearanceMgrVersion( void )
{	static short	apMgrVersion = -1;

	if ( apMgrVersion == -1 ) {
		// The first time through, we'll check Gestalt.
		OSErr		err;
		long			result;

		err = Gestalt( gestaltAppearanceAttr, &result );
		if ( ( err == noErr ) && ( result & (1 << gestaltAppearanceExists) ) ) {
			err = Gestalt( gestaltAppearanceVersion, &result );
			if ( err == noErr )
				apMgrVersion = LoWord( result );
				apMgrVersion = 0x0100;	// Version 1.0 didn't advertise it's version number.
		} else
			apMgrVersion = 0x0000;

	return apMgrVersion;
Esempio n. 26
//Determines whether version 4 of QT is installed
Boolean wxIsQuickTime4Installed (void)
#ifdef __WXMAC__
    short error;
    long result;

    error = Gestalt (gestaltQuickTime, &result);
    return (error == noErr) && (((result >> 16) & 0xffff) >= 0x0400);
    return true;
Esempio n. 27
pascal UInt32 MoreGetSystemVersion (void)
	// See comment in header.
	if (gSystemVersion == 0) {
		OSStatus junk;
		junk = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, (SInt32 *) &gSystemVersion);
		assert(junk == noErr);

	return gSystemVersion;
Esempio n. 28
// [static]
bool XMacSystem::IsSystemVersionOrAbove( SystemVersion inSystemVersion)
	SInt32 versionMajor, versionMinor, versionBugFix;
	OSErr macError;
	macError = Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersionMajor, &versionMajor);
	macError = Gestalt( gestaltSystemVersionMinor, &versionMinor);

	xbox_assert( versionMajor >= 10);

	switch( inSystemVersion)
		case MAC_OSX_10_4:	return ((versionMajor == 10) && (versionMinor >= 4)) || (versionMajor > 10);
		case MAC_OSX_10_5:	return ((versionMajor == 10) && (versionMinor >= 5)) || (versionMajor > 10);
		case MAC_OSX_10_6:	return ((versionMajor == 10) && (versionMinor >= 6)) || (versionMajor > 10);
		case MAC_OSX_10_7:	return ((versionMajor == 10) && (versionMinor >= 7)) || (versionMajor > 10);
		case MAC_OSX_10_8:	return ((versionMajor == 10) && (versionMinor >= 8)) || (versionMajor > 10);
		case MAC_OSX_10_9:	return ((versionMajor == 10) && (versionMinor >= 9)) || (versionMajor > 10);
		case MAC_OSX_10_10:	return ((versionMajor == 10) && (versionMinor >= 10)) || (versionMajor > 10);
		default:			return true;
Esempio n. 29
// disables time machine
static OSStatus DoDisableTM (AuthorizationRef		auth,
							 const void *			userData,
							 CFDictionaryRef		request,
							 CFMutableDictionaryRef	response,
							 aslclient				asl,
							 aslmsg					aslMsg) {
	assert(auth     != NULL);
	assert(request  != NULL);
	assert(response != NULL);
	char command[256];
	int retValue = 0;
	// get system version
	SInt32 major = 0, minor = 0;
	Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMajor, &major);
    Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMinor, &minor);
	// if Lion or greater
	if ((major == 10 && minor >= 7) || major >= 11) {
		sprintf(command,"/usr/bin/tmutil disable");
		retValue = system(command);
        // disabling local backups causes any stored local backups
        // to be deleted, this option is left here in case someone
        // actually wants to do that
		if (!retValue) {
			sprintf(command,"/usr/bin/tmutil disablelocal");
			retValue = system(command);
	} else {	// Snow leopard
		sprintf(command,"/usr/bin/defaults write /Library/Preferences/com.apple.TimeMachine.plist %s %s %s", "AutoBackup", "-boolean", "FALSE");
		retValue = system(command);
	return retValue;
Esempio n. 30
    static OpenMSOSInfo getOSInfo()
      OpenMSOSInfo info;
#if defined(WIN32)  // Windows
      info.os = OS_WINDOWS;
      info.arch = getArchOnWin();
      info.os_version = getWinOSVersion();
#elif (defined(__MACH__) && defined(__APPLE__)) // MacOS
      info.os = OS_MACOS;

// check if we can use QSysInfo
#if defined(Q_WS_MAC)

      // query gestalt for detailed osx version information
      // NOTE: Gestalt will be deprecated at some point in the future where we
      //       have to look for a better solution
      SInt32 majorVersion,minorVersion,bugFixVersion;
      Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMajor, &majorVersion);
      Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionMinor, &minorVersion);
      Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersionBugFix, &bugFixVersion);
      info.os_version = String(majorVersion) + "." + String(minorVersion) + String(".") + String(bugFixVersion);

      // identify architecture
      if (QSysInfo::WordSize == 32)
        info.arch = ARCH_32BIT;
        info.arch = ARCH_64BIT;

#else //Linux
      info.os = OS_LINUX;

      return info;