Esempio n. 1
  /*! set the affinity of a given thread */
  void setAffinity(HANDLE thread, ssize_t affinity)
#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0601) // FIXME: use getProcAddress to activate this feature only if supported by Windows
    int groups = GetActiveProcessorGroupCount();
    int totalProcessors = 0, group = 0, number = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i<groups; i++) {
      int processors = GetActiveProcessorCount(i);
      if (totalProcessors + processors > affinity) {
        group = i;
        number = (int)affinity - totalProcessors;
      totalProcessors += processors;

    GROUP_AFFINITY groupAffinity;
    groupAffinity.Group = (WORD)group;
    groupAffinity.Mask = (KAFFINITY)(uint64(1) << number);
    groupAffinity.Reserved[0] = 0;
    groupAffinity.Reserved[1] = 0;
    groupAffinity.Reserved[2] = 0;
    if (!SetThreadGroupAffinity(thread, &groupAffinity, NULL))
      THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR("cannot set thread group affinity");

    PROCESSOR_NUMBER processorNumber;
    processorNumber.Group = group;
    processorNumber.Number = number;
    processorNumber.Reserved = 0;
    if (!SetThreadIdealProcessorEx(thread, &processorNumber, NULL))
      THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR("cannot set ideal processor");
    if (!SetThreadAffinityMask(thread, DWORD_PTR(uint64(1) << affinity)))
      THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR("cannot set thread affinity mask");
    if (SetThreadIdealProcessor(thread, (DWORD)affinity) == (DWORD)-1)
      THROW_RUNTIME_ERROR("cannot set ideal processor");
Esempio n. 2
  /*! set the affinity of a given thread */
  void setAffinity(HANDLE thread, ssize_t affinity)
#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0601)
    int groups = GetActiveProcessorGroupCount();
    int totalProcessors = 0, group = 0, number = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i<groups; i++) {
      int processors = GetActiveProcessorCount(i);
      if (totalProcessors + processors > affinity) {
        group = i;
        number = (int)affinity - totalProcessors;
      totalProcessors += processors;

    GROUP_AFFINITY groupAffinity;
    groupAffinity.Group = (WORD)group;
    groupAffinity.Mask = (KAFFINITY)(uint64(1) << number);
    groupAffinity.Reserved[0] = 0;
    groupAffinity.Reserved[1] = 0;
    groupAffinity.Reserved[2] = 0;
    if (!SetThreadGroupAffinity(thread, &groupAffinity, NULL))
      throw std::runtime_error("cannot set thread group affinity");

    PROCESSOR_NUMBER processorNumber;
    processorNumber.Group = group;
    processorNumber.Number = number;
    processorNumber.Reserved = 0;
    if (!SetThreadIdealProcessorEx(thread, &processorNumber, NULL))
      throw std::runtime_error("cannot set thread ideal processor");
    if (!SetThreadAffinityMask(thread, DWORD_PTR(uint64(1) << affinity)))
      throw std::runtime_error("cannot set thread affinity mask");
    if (SetThreadIdealProcessor(thread, (DWORD)affinity) == (DWORD)-1)
      throw std::runtime_error("cannot set thread ideal processor");