Esempio n. 1
 * Handle options which can be either /option- to disable or /option to
 * enable.  Option-specific information is passed as parameters.  Returns
 * non-zero if the option should be enabled or zero if it should be disabled.
static int handle_on_off_option( int *hasBeenCalled, char *optName, int isOn )
    int                 rc = isOn;

    if( *hasBeenCalled ) {
        /*** Warn when one of /option and /option- overrides the other ***/
        if( isOn ) {
            if( GetCharContext() == '-' ) {
                Warning( "Overriding /%s with /%s-", optName, optName );
                rc = 0;
            } else {
        } else {
            if( GetCharContext() != '-' ) {
                Warning( "Overriding /%s- with /%s", optName, optName );
                rc = 1;
            } else {
    } else {
        /*** Handle /option- for the first time ***/
        *hasBeenCalled = 1;
        if( GetCharContext() == '-' ) {
            rc = 0;
        } else {

    return( rc );
Esempio n. 2
 * Parse the command string contained in the current context.
void CmdStringParse( OPT_STORAGE *cmdOpts, int *itemsParsed )
    int                 ch;
    char *              filename;

    for( ;; ) {
        /*** Find the start of the next item ***/
        ch = GetCharContext();
        if( ch == '\0' )  break;
        MarkPosContext();               /* mark start of switch */

        /*** Handle switches, command files, and input files ***/
        if( ch == '-'  ||  ch == '/' ) {        /* switch */
            if( OPT_PROCESS( cmdOpts ) != 0 ) {
        } else if( ch == '@' ) {                /* command file */
            filename = CmdScanFileNameWithoutQuotes();
            if( OpenFileContext( filename ) ) {
                FatalError( "Cannot open '%s'.", filename );
            FreeMem( filename );
            CmdStringParse( cmdOpts, itemsParsed );
        } else if( ch == '"' ) {                /* quoted option or file name */
            ch = GetCharContext();
            if( ch == '-' ) {
                Quoted = 1;
                if( OPT_PROCESS( cmdOpts ) != 0 ) {
            } else {
                filename = CmdScanFileName();
                AddFile( TYPE_DEFAULT_FILE, filename );
                FreeMem( filename );
        } else {                                /* input file */
            filename = CmdScanFileName();
            AddFile( TYPE_DEFAULT_FILE, filename );
            FreeMem( filename );
Esempio n. 3
 * Scan a number.  No leading whitespace is allowed.  Returns true if a
 * number was successfully parsed, or zero on error.
int CmdScanNumber( unsigned *num )
    int                 digit;
    int                 numberScanned = 0;
    unsigned            value = 0;
    unsigned            base = 10;

    /* figure out if this is a hex number */
    digit = GetCharContext();
    if( digit == '0' ) {
        digit = GetCharContext();
        if( digit == 'x' || digit == 'X' ) {
            digit = GetCharContext();
            if( isxdigit( digit ) ) {
                base = 16;
            } else {
        } else {
    } else {

    /* convert the string to an integer */
    for( ;; ) {
        digit = GetCharContext();
        if( isdigit( digit ) ) {
            value *= base;
            value += digit - '0';
            numberScanned = 1;
        } else if( base == 16 && isxdigit( digit ) ) {
            value *= base;
            value += tolower( digit ) - 'a' + 10;
            numberScanned = 1;
        } else {

    if( numberScanned )  *num = value;
    return( numberScanned );
Esempio n. 4
 * Parse the command string contained in the current context.
void CmdStringParse( OPT_STORAGE *cmdOpts, int *itemsParsed )
    char                ch;
    char *              filename;
    char *              str;

    for( ;; ) {
        /*** Find the start of the next item ***/
        ch = GetCharContext();
        if( ch == '\0' )  break;
        MarkPosContext();               /* mark start of switch */

        /*** Handle switches, command files, and input files ***/
        if( ch == '-'  ||  ch == '/' ) {        /* switch */
            if( OPT_PROCESS( cmdOpts ) ) {
                 * Switch didn't match, if user entered empty switch,
                 * just be silent like MS's nmake does.

                ch = GetCharContext();
                if( ch != '\0' && !isspace( ch ) ) {
        } else if( ch == '@' ) {                /* command file */
            filename = CmdScanFileNameWithoutQuotes();
            if( OpenFileContext( filename ) ) {
                FatalError( "Cannot open '%s'.", filename );
            FreeMem( filename );
            CmdStringParse( cmdOpts, itemsParsed );
        } else {                                /* targets and macros */
            str = CmdScanString();
            add_string( &(cmdOpts->t010101010101_value), str, '\0' );
            cmdOpts->t010101010101 = 1;
Esempio n. 5
 * If the next character is ch, it is consumed and a non-zero value is
 * returned; otherwise, it is not consumed and zero is returned.
int CmdScanRecogCharExact( int ch )
    if( GetCharContext() == ch ) {
        return( 1 );
    } else {
        return( 0 );
Esempio n. 6
 * If the next character is ch (in either uppercase or lowercase form), it
 * is consumed and a non-zero value is returned; otherwise, it is not
 * consumed and zero is returned.
int CmdScanRecogChar( int ch )
    if( tolower( GetCharContext() )  ==  tolower( ch ) ) {
        return( 1 );
    } else {
        return( 0 );
Esempio n. 7
 * Skip all whitespace characters, such that the next read will retrieve the
 * first non-whitespace character.
void CmdScanWhitespace( void )
    int                 ch;

    do {
        ch = GetCharContext();
    } while( isspace( ch )  &&  ch != '\0' );
    if( ch != '\0' )  UngetCharContext();
Esempio n. 8
 * Parse combining parameters
static int parse_combining( OPT_STORAGE *cmdOpts, int x )
    char    ch;

    x = x;

     * Make sure -L is translated correctly to -NOLOGO if it is
     * a first (or the only) parameter
    if( cmdOpts->l ) {
        cmdOpts->nologo = 1;

    /* scan for combined options */
    do {
        /* get next character */
        ch = (char)toupper( (unsigned char)GetCharContext() );

        switch( ch ) {
        case 'A':  cmdOpts->a = 1; break;      /* gml-option: A */
        case 'B':  cmdOpts->b = 1; break;      /* gml-option: B */
        case 'C':  cmdOpts->c = 1; break;      /* gml-option: C */
        case 'D':  cmdOpts->d = 1; break;      /* gml-option: D */
        case 'E':  cmdOpts->e = 1; break;      /* gml-option: E */
        case 'I':  cmdOpts->i = 1; break;      /* gml-option: I */
        case 'K':  cmdOpts->k = 1; break;      /* gml-option: K */
        case 'L':  cmdOpts->nologo = 1; break; /* gml-option: L */
        case 'N':  cmdOpts->n = 1; break;      /* gml-option: N */
        case 'P':  cmdOpts->p = 1; break;      /* gml-option: P */
        case 'Q':  cmdOpts->q = 1; break;      /* gml-option: Q */
        case 'R':  cmdOpts->r = 1; break;      /* gml-option: R */
        case 'S':  cmdOpts->s = 1; break;      /* gml-option: S */
        case 'T':  cmdOpts->t = 1; break;      /* gml-option: T */
        case 'U':  cmdOpts->u = 1; break;      /* gml-option: U */
        case 'Y':  cmdOpts->y = 1; break;      /* gml-option: Y */
        case '\0': break;
            /* if character is space, return without an error */
            if( isspace( ch ) )
                return 1;

            return 0;
    } while( ch != '\0' );

    /* all went nicely, return success */
    return 1;
Esempio n. 9
 * Is this the end of an option chain?
static int OPT_END( void )
    int ch;

    ch = GetCharContext();
    if( ch == '\0' )  return( 1 );
    if( isspace( ch ) ) return( 1 );
    if( ch == '/' ) return( 1 );
    if( ch == '-' ) return( 1 );
    if( ch == '@' ) return( 1 );
    if( ch == '"' ) return( 1 );
    if( ch == '\'' ) return( 1 );
    return( 0 );
Esempio n. 10
 * Scan an optional number.  No leading whitespace is permitted.
static int OPT_GET_NUMBER_DEFAULT( unsigned *p, unsigned value )
    int ch;

    *p = value;
    ch = GetCharContext();
    if( isdigit( ch ) ) {
        if( CmdScanNumber( &value ) ) {
            *p = value;
            return( 1 );
        } else {
            return( 0 );
    return( 1 );
Esempio n. 11
 * Scan a string.  No leading whitespace is allowed.  Returns a pointer
 * to newly allocated memory containing the string.  If leading whitespace
 * is found, returns NULL.  Quotes embedded within a string must be escaped
 * by a preceding backslash; two consecutive backslashes are reduced to one.
char *CmdScanString( void )
    const char          quotechar = '"';
    int                 ch;
    int                 inQuote = Quoted;   /* true if inside a quoted string */
    int                 backslash = 0;      /* true if last char was a '\\' */
    int                 start;              /* context offset of string start */
    char *              buf = DupStrMem( "" );
    size_t              bufsize = 0;
    size_t              offset = 0;

    /*** Return NULL if there's leading whitespace or no more data ***/
    ch = GetCharContext();
    if( !Quoted && isspace( ch ) ) {
        return( NULL );
    } else if( ch != '\0' ) {
    } else {
        return( NULL );

    /*** Count the number of characters in the string ***/
    start = GetPosContext();
    for( ;; ) {
        ch = GetCharContext();
        if( ch == 0 )  break;
        if( !inQuote && isspace( ch ) )  break;
        if( ch == quotechar ) {
            if( backslash ) {
                backslash = 0;          /* handle \" within a string */
            } else if( inQuote ) {
                if( Quoted ) {
                    Quoted = 0;
                    return( buf );
                inQuote = 0;            /* end of a quoted portion */
            } else {
                inQuote = 1;            /* start of a quoted portion */
            buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, ch );
        } else if( ch == '\\' ) {
            if( backslash ) {
                buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, ch );
                backslash = 0;      /* second '\\' of a pair */
                if( GetCharContext() == quotechar )
                    buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset++, '\\' );
            } else {
                backslash = 1;      /* first '\\' of a pair */
        } else {
            if( backslash ) {
                buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, '\\' );
                backslash = 0;
            buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, ch );
    if( backslash ) {                   /* store any leftover backslash */
        buf = got_char( buf, &bufsize, offset, '\\' );

    if( ch != 0 )  UngetCharContext();
    return( buf );
Esempio n. 12
 * Return the next character (forced to lowercase since LINK's options are
 * not case-sensitive) and advance to the next one.
int OPT_GET_LOWER( void )
    return( tolower( (unsigned char)GetCharContext() ) );
Esempio n. 13
 * Return the next character and advance to the next one.
static int OPT_GET_LOWER( void )
    return( GetCharContext() );