Esempio n. 1
std::pair<bool, MACAddressType> GetPrimaryMacAddress() {
  kern_return_t  kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS; // on PowerPC this is an int (4 bytes)
   *  error number layout as follows (see mach/error.h and IOKit/IOReturn.h):
   *  hi                lo
   *  | system(6) | subsystem(12) | code(14) |

  io_iterator_t  intfIterator;
  MACAddressType mac_address = {0};

  kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator, "en0");

  if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
    //printf("FindEthernetInterfaces returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
    (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);  // Release the iterator.
    return std::pair<bool, MACAddressType>(false, mac_address);
  else {
    kernResult = GetMACAddress(intfIterator, mac_address.array, sizeof(MACAddressType));

    if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
      kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator, "en1");
      if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
        //printf("FindEthernetInterfaces returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
        (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);  // Release the iterator.
        return std::pair<bool, MACAddressType>(false, mac_address);
      else {
        kernResult = GetMACAddress(intfIterator, mac_address.array, sizeof(MACAddressType));
        if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
          //printf("GetMACAddress returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
          (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);  // Release the iterator.
          return std::pair<bool, MACAddressType>(false, mac_address);
        else {
          (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);  // Release the iterator.
          return std::pair<bool, MACAddressType>(true, mac_address);
    else {
      (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);  // Release the iterator.
      return std::pair<bool, MACAddressType>(true, mac_address);
Esempio n. 2
NSString *getMACAddressString()
	static NSString *addressString = nil;
	if (!addressString) {
		kern_return_t  kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS; // on PowerPC this is an int (4 bytes)
		 *  error number layout as follows (see mach/error.h and IOKit/IOReturn.h):
		 *  hi                lo
		 *  | system(6) | subsystem(12) | code(14) |
		io_iterator_t  intfIterator;
		UInt8      MACAddress[kIOEthernetAddressSize];
		kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator);
		if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
			printf("FindEthernetInterfaces returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
		else {
			kernResult = GetMACAddress(intfIterator, MACAddress, sizeof(MACAddress));
			if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
				printf("GetMACAddress returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
			else {
				addressString = [[NSString alloc] initWithFormat:@"%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x",
					MACAddress[0], MACAddress[1], MACAddress[2], MACAddress[3], MACAddress[4], MACAddress[5] ];
		(void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);  // Release the iterator.
int NetworkInterface::SetLocalMAC()
	if( !GetMACAddress(adapter.lpAdapter, srcMAC) )
		LastErrCode = 0x00;
		strcpy_s(LastErrStr, "Failed to Set the MAC Address!");
		return -1;
	return 0;
bool CSysInfoJob::DoWork()
  m_info.systemUptime      = GetSystemUpTime(false);
  m_info.systemTotalUptime = GetSystemUpTime(true);
  m_info.internetState     = GetInternetState();
  m_info.videoEncoder      = GetVideoEncoder();
  m_info.cpuFrequency      = GetCPUFreqInfo();
  m_info.kernelVersion     = CSysInfo::GetKernelVersion();
  m_info.macAddress        = GetMACAddress();
  return true;
Esempio n. 5
bool CSysInfoJob::DoWork()
  m_info.systemUptime      = GetSystemUpTime(false);
  m_info.systemTotalUptime = GetSystemUpTime(true);
  m_info.internetState     = GetInternetState();
  m_info.videoEncoder      = GetVideoEncoder();
  m_info.cpuFrequency      = GetCPUFreqInfo();
  m_info.osVersionInfo     = CSysInfo::GetOsPrettyNameWithVersion() + " (kernel: " + CSysInfo::GetKernelName() + " " + CSysInfo::GetKernelVersionFull() + ")";
  m_info.macAddress        = GetMACAddress();
  m_info.batteryLevel      = GetBatteryLevel();
  return true;
Esempio n. 6
 * Function:        BOOL SetSecurityKey(INPUT BYTE index, INPUT NETWORK_KEY_INFO newSecurityKey)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           BYTE 	index: the index to the security key, usually either 0 or 1
 *					NETWORK_KEY_INFO: the network key information to be saved in external NVM
 * Output:          BOOL to indicate if operation is successful
 * Side Effects:    The security keys will be encrypted and stored in the external NVM
 * Overview:        This function is used to encrypt the security key and store it in the external
 * 					NVM.
BOOL SetSecurityKey(INPUT BYTE index, INPUT NETWORK_KEY_INFO newSecurityKey)
    SECURITY_INPUT SecurityInput;
    BYTE Counter;
    BYTE i;
    BYTE EncryptedLen;
    BYTE tmpBuf[16];
    LONG_ADDR myAddr;

    plainSecurityKey[index] = newSecurityKey;

    SecurityInput.cipherMode = 0x01;
    SecurityInput.FrameCounter.Val = 0;
    SecurityInput.SecurityControl.Val = nwkSecurityLevel;
    SecurityInput.SecurityKey = (BYTE *)defaultMasterKey;
    SecurityInput.KeySeq = 0;
    SecurityInput.SourceAddress = &myAddr;
    SecurityInput.Header = NULL;
    SecurityInput.HeaderLen = 0;

    Counter = CIPHER_RETRY;
        SecurityInput.InputText = newSecurityKey.NetKey.v;
        SecurityInput.TextLen = 16;
        PHYCipher(MODE_ENCRYPTION, SecurityInput, tmpBuf, &EncryptedLen);

        SecurityInput.InputText = tmpBuf;
        SecurityInput.TextLen = EncryptedLen;
        if( PHYCipher(MODE_DECRYPTION, SecurityInput, newSecurityKey.NetKey.v, &i) == CIPHER_SUCCESS )

    if( Counter )
        for(i = 0; i < 16; i++)
            currentNetworkKeyInfo.NetKey.v[i] = tmpBuf[i];

        currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber.v[0] = newSecurityKey.SeqNumber.v[0];
        currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber.v[1] = nwkMAGICResSeq;

        PutNwkKeyInfo((networkKeyInfo+index*sizeof(NETWORK_KEY_INFO)), &currentNetworkKeyInfo);

        return TRUE;

    return FALSE;
bool CWHService::GetMachineID(TCHAR szMachineID[LEN_MACHINE_ID])



	return true;
bool NetworkInterface::GetMACAddress(char *adapterName, u_char *localMAC)
	LPADAPTER lpAdapter = PacketOpenAdapter(adapterName);
	if (!adapter.lpAdapter || (adapter.lpAdapter->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE))
		LastErrCode = GetLastError();
		strcpy_s(LastErrStr, "Unable to open the adapter!");
		return false;
	GetMACAddress(lpAdapter, localMAC);
	return true;

Esempio n. 9
 * Function:        BOOL InitSecurityKey(void)
 * PreCondition:    None
 * Input:           None
 * Output:          BOOL to indicate if operation is successful
 * Side Effects:    The security keys stored in external NVM encrypted get decrypted and
 *					stored in the RAM
 * Overview:        This function is used in the system start up to retrieve security key
 *					stored in external NVM encrypted and decrypt them and store in the
 *					RAM for future security operation use
BOOL InitSecurityKey(void)
    SECURITY_INPUT SecurityInput;
    BYTE i,j;
    BYTE DataLen;
    LONG_ADDR myAddr;

    for(i = 0; i < 2; i++)
        GetNwkKeyInfo(&currentNetworkKeyInfo, (networkKeyInfo+i*sizeof(NETWORK_KEY_INFO)));
        //ConsolePutROMString((ROM char *)"\r\nStored key:");
        //for(j=0;j<16;j++) PrintChar(currentNetworkKeyInfo.NetKey.v[j]);
        plainSecurityKey[i].SeqNumber.Val = currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber.Val;
        if( currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber.v[1] != nwkMAGICResSeq )
            plainSecurityKey[i].SeqNumber = currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber;

        SecurityInput.cipherMode = 0x01;
        SecurityInput.FrameCounter.Val = 0;
        SecurityInput.SecurityControl.Val = nwkSecurityLevel;
        SecurityInput.SecurityKey = (BYTE *)defaultMasterKey;
        SecurityInput.KeySeq = 0;
        SecurityInput.SourceAddress = &myAddr;
        SecurityInput.Header = NULL;
        SecurityInput.HeaderLen = 0;
        SecurityInput.InputText = currentNetworkKeyInfo.NetKey.v;
        SecurityInput.TextLen = 16;

        if( PHYCipher(MODE_DECRYPTION, SecurityInput, plainSecurityKey[i].NetKey.v, &DataLen) != CIPHER_SUCCESS )
            return FALSE;
        plainSecurityKey[i].SeqNumber = currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber;
        //	BYTE j;
        //	ConsolePutROMString((ROM char *)"\r\nRecovered Key: ");
        //	for(j = 0; j < DataLen; j++)
        //		PrintChar(plainSecurityKey[i].NetKey.v[j]);


    return TRUE;
static psych_bool GetPrimaryEthernetAddress(UInt8 *MACAddress)
	psych_bool			errorReturn;
    kern_return_t	kernResult; 
    io_iterator_t	intfIterator;
    kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator);
	if(kernResult != KERN_SUCCESS)
        kernResult = GetMACAddress(intfIterator, MACAddress);
        if(kernResult != KERN_SUCCESS)
    (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);  // Release the iterator.
Esempio n. 11
	void			IAndroid::GetClientSerial(tagClientSerial & ClientSerial)

		WORD wMacSize=GetMACAddress((BYTE *)ClientSerial.dwComputerID,sizeof(ClientSerial.dwComputerID));

		WORD wIndex=(wMacSize+sizeof(DWORD)-1)/sizeof(DWORD);
		LPCTSTR pszHardDisk[]={TEXT("C:\\"),TEXT("D:\\"),TEXT("E:\\")};
		for (WORD i=wIndex;i<CountArray(ClientSerial.dwComputerID);i++)

Esempio n. 12
static CFStringRef
	io_iterator_t intfIterator;
    UInt8 MAC[kIOEthernetAddressSize];
	CFStringRef macAddress = NULL;
    kern_return_t kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator);
    if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
        DbgLog( kLogError, "FindEthernetInterfaces returned 0x%08x", kernResult );
    } else {
        kernResult = GetMACAddress(intfIterator, MAC, sizeof(MAC));
        if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
            DbgLog( kLogError, "GetMACAddress returned 0x%08x", kernResult );
        } else {
			macAddress = CFStringCreateWithFormat(NULL, NULL, CFSTR("[%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x]"), MAC[0], MAC[1], MAC[2], MAC[3], MAC[4], MAC[5]);

	return macAddress;
Esempio n. 13
int get_macaddr(const char *ifname, U8 *addr)
#if defined(__NBR_OSX__)
    kern_return_t	kernResult = KERN_SUCCESS;
    io_iterator_t	intfIterator;
    UInt8			MACAddress[kIOEthernetAddressSize];

    kernResult = FindEthernetInterfaces(&intfIterator);

    if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
        //OSDEP_ERROUT(ERROR,SYSCALL,"FindEthernetInterfaces returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
        return NBR_ESYSCALL;
    else {
        kernResult = GetMACAddress(intfIterator, addr, sizeof(MACAddress));

        if (KERN_SUCCESS != kernResult) {
            //OSDEP_ERROUT(ERROR,SYSCALL,"GetMACAddress returned 0x%08x\n", kernResult);
		else {
			TRACE("This system's built-in MAC address is %02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x.\n",
					addr[0], addr[1], addr[2], addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);

    (void) IOObjectRelease(intfIterator);	// Release the iterator.

    return kernResult == KERN_SUCCESS ? NBR_OK : NBR_ESYSCALL;
#elif defined(__NBR_IOS__)
    int                 mib[6];
    size_t              len;
    char                *buf;
    unsigned char       *ptr;
    struct if_msghdr    *ifm;
    struct sockaddr_dl  *sdl;
    mib[0] = CTL_NET;
    mib[1] = AF_ROUTE;
    mib[2] = 0;
    mib[3] = AF_LINK;
    mib[4] = NET_RT_IFLIST;
    if ((mib[5] = if_nametoindex(ifname)) == 0) {
        TRACE("Error: if_nametoindex error\n");
        return NBR_ESYSCALL;
    if (sysctl(mib, 6, NULL, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
        TRACE("Error: sysctl, take 1\n");
        return NBR_ESYSCALL;
    if ((buf = (char *)util::mem::alloc(len)) == NULL) {
        TRACE("Could not allocate memory. error!\n");
        return NBR_EMALLOC;
    if (sysctl(mib, 6, buf, &len, NULL, 0) < 0) {
        TRACE("Error: sysctl, take 2");
        return NBR_ESYSCALL;
    ifm = (struct if_msghdr *)buf;
    sdl = (struct sockaddr_dl *)(ifm + 1);
    ptr = (unsigned char *)LLADDR(sdl);

    util::mem::copy(addr, ptr, 6);
	TRACE("MAC ADDRESS (%s): [%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X]\n", ifname,
          *addr, *(addr+1), *(addr+2), *(addr+3), *(addr+4), *(addr+5));
    return NBR_OK;
	int				soc, ret;
	struct ifreq	req;

	if ((soc = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) {
		TRACE("socket fail: ret=%d,errno=%d",soc,errno);
		ret = soc;
		goto error;
	util::str::copy(req.ifr_name, ifname, sizeof(req.ifr_name));
	req.ifr_addr.sa_family = AF_INET;

	if ((ret = ioctl(soc, SIOCGIFHWADDR, &req)) < 0) {
		TRACE("ioctl fail: soc=%d,ret=%d,errno=%d",soc,ret,errno);
		goto error;
	util::mem::copy(addr, &(req.ifr_addr.sa_data), 6);
	ret = 0;
	TRACE("MAC ADDRESS (%s): [%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X]\n", ifname,
		*addr, *(addr+1), *(addr+2), *(addr+3), *(addr+4), *(addr+5));
	if (soc >= 0) {
	return ret;
Esempio n. 14
boolean SMSC951xDeviceConfigure (TUSBDevice *pUSBDevice)
	TSMSC951xDevice *pThis = (TSMSC951xDevice *) pUSBDevice;
	assert (pThis != 0);

	if (GetMACAddress (MACAddress))
		MACAddressSet (&pThis->m_MACAddress, MACAddress);
		LogWrite (FromSMSC951x, LOG_ERROR, "Cannot get MAC address");

		return FALSE;
	TString MACString;
	String (&MACString);
	MACAddressFormat (&pThis->m_MACAddress, &MACString);
	LogWrite (FromSMSC951x, LOG_DEBUG, "MAC address is %s", StringGet (&MACString));

	const TUSBConfigurationDescriptor *pConfigDesc =
		(TUSBConfigurationDescriptor *) USBDeviceGetDescriptor (&pThis->m_USBDevice, DESCRIPTOR_CONFIGURATION);
	if (   pConfigDesc == 0
	    || pConfigDesc->bNumInterfaces != 1)
		USBDeviceConfigurationError (&pThis->m_USBDevice, FromSMSC951x);

		_String (&MACString);

		return FALSE;

	const TUSBInterfaceDescriptor *pInterfaceDesc =
		(TUSBInterfaceDescriptor *) USBDeviceGetDescriptor (&pThis->m_USBDevice, DESCRIPTOR_INTERFACE);
	if (   pInterfaceDesc == 0
	    || pInterfaceDesc->bInterfaceNumber	 != 0x00
	    || pInterfaceDesc->bAlternateSetting != 0x00
	    || pInterfaceDesc->bNumEndpoints	 != 3)
		USBDeviceConfigurationError (&pThis->m_USBDevice, FromSMSC951x);

		_String (&MACString);

		return FALSE;

	const TUSBEndpointDescriptor *pEndpointDesc;
	while ((pEndpointDesc = (TUSBEndpointDescriptor *) USBDeviceGetDescriptor (&pThis->m_USBDevice, DESCRIPTOR_ENDPOINT)) != 0)
		if ((pEndpointDesc->bmAttributes & 0x3F) == 0x02)		// Bulk
			if ((pEndpointDesc->bEndpointAddress & 0x80) == 0x80)	// Input
				if (pThis->m_pEndpointBulkIn != 0)
					USBDeviceConfigurationError (&pThis->m_USBDevice, FromSMSC951x);

					_String (&MACString);

					return FALSE;

				pThis->m_pEndpointBulkIn = (TUSBEndpoint *) malloc (sizeof (TUSBEndpoint));
				assert (pThis->m_pEndpointBulkIn);
				USBEndpoint2 (pThis->m_pEndpointBulkIn, &pThis->m_USBDevice, pEndpointDesc);
			else							// Output
				if (pThis->m_pEndpointBulkOut != 0)
					USBDeviceConfigurationError (&pThis->m_USBDevice, FromSMSC951x);

					_String (&MACString);

					return FALSE;

				pThis->m_pEndpointBulkOut = (TUSBEndpoint *) malloc (sizeof (TUSBEndpoint));
				assert (pThis->m_pEndpointBulkOut);
				USBEndpoint2 (pThis->m_pEndpointBulkOut, &pThis->m_USBDevice, pEndpointDesc);

	if (   pThis->m_pEndpointBulkIn  == 0
	    || pThis->m_pEndpointBulkOut == 0)
		USBDeviceConfigurationError (&pThis->m_USBDevice, FromSMSC951x);

		_String (&MACString);

		return FALSE;

	if (!USBDeviceConfigure (&pThis->m_USBDevice))
		LogWrite (FromSMSC951x, LOG_ERROR, "Cannot set configuration");

		_String (&MACString);

		return FALSE;

	u8 MACAddressBuffer[MAC_ADDRESS_SIZE];
	MACAddressCopyTo (&pThis->m_MACAddress, MACAddressBuffer);
	u16 usMACAddressHigh = *(u16 *) &MACAddressBuffer[4];
	u32 nMACAddressLow   = *(u32 *) &MACAddressBuffer[0];
	if (   !SMSC951xDeviceWriteReg (pThis, ADDRH, usMACAddressHigh)
	    || !SMSC951xDeviceWriteReg (pThis, ADDRL, nMACAddressLow))
		LogWrite (FromSMSC951x, LOG_ERROR, "Cannot set MAC address");

		_String (&MACString);

		return FALSE;

	if (   !SMSC951xDeviceWriteReg (pThis, LED_GPIO_CFG,   LED_GPIO_CFG_SPD_LED
							     | LED_GPIO_CFG_LNK_LED
							     | LED_GPIO_CFG_FDX_LED)
	    || !SMSC951xDeviceWriteReg (pThis, MAC_CR,  MAC_CR_RCVOWN
						       //| MAC_CR_PRMS		// promiscous mode
						       | MAC_CR_TXEN
						       | MAC_CR_RXEN)
	    || !SMSC951xDeviceWriteReg (pThis, TX_CFG, TX_CFG_ON))
		LogWrite (FromSMSC951x, LOG_ERROR, "Cannot start device");

		_String (&MACString);

		return FALSE;

	// TODO: check if PHY is up (wait for it)

	TString DeviceName;
	String (&DeviceName);
	StringFormat (&DeviceName, "eth%u", s_nDeviceNumber++);
	DeviceNameServiceAddDevice (DeviceNameServiceGet (), StringGet (&DeviceName), pThis, FALSE);

	_String (&DeviceName);
	_String (&MACString);

	return TRUE;
Esempio n. 15
// Function which receives packets from the Radius server
void *ListenToRadius(void *args) {

	int bytesReceived, position;
	BYTE packet[PACKET_LENGTH], *mac;
	struct sockaddr radiusAddr;
	socklen_t addrlen = sizeof(radiusAddr);

	RESPONSE response;
	response.length = 0;
	response.packet = malloc(PACKET_LENGTH);
	bzero(response.packet, PACKET_LENGTH);

	// Get the MAC address of subscriber-facing interface
	if ((mac = GetMACAddress(subscriberInterface, rawSocket)) == NULL) {
		syslog(LOG_ERR, "Unable to get MAC address of Radius-facing interface");
		return NULL;

	// Log start of thread
	syslog(LOG_INFO, "Listening for incoming Radius packets on %s", radiusInterface);

	// Listen to incoming packets from Radius server
	while (1) {

		bzero(packet, PACKET_LENGTH);
		bytesReceived = recvfrom(radiusSocket, &packet, PACKET_LENGTH, 0, &radiusAddr, &addrlen);
		if (bytesReceived == -1) {
			syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "No packets received from the Internet");
		memcpy(radiusData, packet, bytesReceived);

		// Discard packets that are not Access-Accept or Access-Reject
		if ( (radiusData->code != ACCESS_ACCEPT) && (radiusData->code != ACCESS_REJECT) ) continue;

		// Find subscriber for who the Radius response is received; if not found, continue
		sub = GetSubscriberRadius(&subscriberList, radiusData);
		if (sub == NULL) continue;

		// Create reply packet for subscriber
		position = 0;
		// Add destination MAC
		memcpy(response.packet, sub->mac_array, MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH); position += MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
		// Add source MAC
		Append(response.packet, position,  mac, MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH); position += MAC_ADDRESS_LENGTH;
		// Add ethertype
		Append(response.packet, position, "\x88\x64", ETHERTYPE_LENGTH); position += ETHERTYPE_LENGTH;
		// Add PPPoE header
		Append(response.packet, position, "\x11", 1); position++;
		Append(response.packet, position, "\x00", 1); position++;
		response.packet[position] = sub->session_id % 256; position++;
		response.packet[position] = sub->session_id / 256; position++;
		// Add payload length
		if (radiusData->code == ACCESS_ACCEPT)
		{ Append(response.packet, position, "\x00\x07", 2); position += 2; }
		else {
			Append(response.packet, position, "\x00\x0a", 2); position += 2;
		// Add PPP protocol
		Append(response.packet, position, "\xc0\x23", 2); position += 2;
		// Add code for Auth-Ack or Auth-Nak
		if (radiusData->code == ACCESS_ACCEPT)
		{ response.packet[position] = 0x02; position++; }
		{ response.packet[position] = 0x03; position++; }
		// Add identifier
		response.packet[position] = sub->auth_ppp_identifier; position++;
		// Add length
		if (radiusData->code == ACCESS_ACCEPT) {
			response.packet[position] = 0x00; position++;
			response.packet[position] = 0x05; position++;
		else {
			response.packet[position] = 0x00; position++;
			response.packet[position] = 0x08; position++;
			// Add Msg-Length
			response.packet[position] = 0x03; position++;
		// Add data
		if (radiusData->code == ACCESS_ACCEPT)
			response.packet[position] = 0x00; position++;
		else {
			Append(response.packet, position, "\x4e\x4f\x4b", 3); position += 3;

		// Send packet to subscriber
		response.length = position;
		if ((sendto(rawSocket, response.packet, response.length, 0, NULL, sizeof(struct sockaddr_ll))) == -1) {
			syslog(LOG_NOTICE, "Error sending response to PPPoE discover message");
Esempio n. 16
 * Function:        BOOL DataEncrypt(IOPUT BYTE *Input, IOPUT BYTE *DataLen, INPUT BYTE *Header, INPUT BYTE HeaderLen, INPUT KEY_IDENTIFIER KeyIdentifier, BOOL bExtendedNonce)
 * PreCondition:    Input and Header has been filled
 * Input:           BYTE *Header                 - Point to MiWi header
 *                  BYTE HeaderLen               - MiWi header length
 *                  KEY_IDENTIFIER KeyIdentifier - Identifier to specify key type. reserved for commercial mode
 *                  BOOL bExtendedNonce          - if extended nonce being used.
 * Output:          BOOL           - If data encryption successful
 * Input/Output:    BYTE *Input    - Pointer to the data to be encrypted. The encrypted data will be write back to the pointer
 *                  BYTE *DataLen  - Input as the length of the data to be encrypted. The encrypted data length (including MICs) will be written back
 * Side Effects:    Input data get encrypted and written back to the input pointer
 * Overview:        This is the function that call the hardware cipher to encrypt input data
BOOL DataEncrypt(IOPUT BYTE *Input, IOPUT BYTE *DataLen, INPUT BYTE *Header, INPUT BYTE HeaderLen, INPUT KEY_IDENTIFIER KeyIdentifier, BOOL bExtendedNonce)
    SECURITY_INPUT SecurityInput;
    BYTE EncryptedLen;
    BYTE i;
    BYTE Counter;
    BYTE ActiveKeyIndex;
    LONG_ADDR myAddress;
    // reserve space for multiple try of encryption
    BYTE *tmpBuf = (BYTE *)SRAMalloc(*DataLen + 18);
    if( tmpBuf == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    // get the IEEE 802.15.4 security mode
    SecurityInput.cipherMode = SecurityLevel_ZIGBEE_2_IEEE(nwkSecurityLevel);

    // get security key
    if( ActiveKeyIndex != 0x01 && ActiveKeyIndex != 0x02 ) // no valid key
        return FALSE;

    // handle the frame counter
    SecurityInput.FrameCounter = (OutgoingFrameCount[ActiveKeyIndex-1]);

    // fill the secuirty input
    SecurityInput.SecurityControl.Val = nwkSecurityLevel | (KeyIdentifier << 3);
    if( bExtendedNonce )
        SecurityInput.SecurityControl.Val |= 0x20;
    currentNetworkKeyInfo = plainSecurityKey[ActiveKeyIndex-1];
    GetNwkKeyInfo( &currentNetworkKeyInfo, &(networkKeyInfo[ActiveKeyIndex-1]) );

    SecurityInput.SecurityKey = currentNetworkKeyInfo.NetKey.v;
    SecurityInput.KeySeq = currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber.v[0];
    SecurityInput.SourceAddress = &myAddress;
    SecurityInput.Header = Header;
    SecurityInput.HeaderLen = HeaderLen;

    // in rare cases, the hardware encryption engine may not suceed for the
    // first time. Retry a few times will solve the problem
    Counter = CIPHER_RETRY;
        // fill the input data and data length
        SecurityInput.InputText = Input;
        SecurityInput.TextLen = *DataLen;
        // call hardware cipher and store the output to the temporary buffer
        PHYCipher(MODE_ENCRYPTION, SecurityInput, tmpBuf, &EncryptedLen);

        // try to decrypt the buffer to make sure that encryption is correct
        SecurityInput.InputText = tmpBuf;
        SecurityInput.TextLen = EncryptedLen;
        if( PHYCipher(MODE_DECRYPTION, SecurityInput, Input, &i) == CIPHER_SUCCESS )

    // fill the auxilary header
    Input[0] = SecurityInput.SecurityControl.Val & 0xF8; // set security level
    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        Input[i+1] = SecurityInput.FrameCounter.v[i];
    Counter = i+1;
    if( bExtendedNonce )
        for(i = 0; i < 8; i++)
            Input[Counter++] = SecurityInput.SourceAddress->v[i];

    if( KeyIdentifier == ID_NetworkKey )
        Input[Counter++] = currentNetworkKeyInfo.SeqNumber.v[0];

    // fill the encrypted data
    for(i = 0; i < EncryptedLen; i++)
        Input[Counter++] = tmpBuf[i];


    *DataLen = Counter;

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 17
int pcap_io_init(char *adapter)
	int dlt;
	char *dlt_name;
	emu_printf("Opening adapter '%s'...",adapter);
	u16 checksum;
	//Near copy of the host mac, butchered slightly, should be pretty good!
	eeprom[0] = host_mac.bytes[0];
	eeprom[1] = host_mac.bytes[1];
	eeprom[2] = host_mac.bytes[2];
	eeprom[3] = host_mac.bytes[2];
	eeprom[4] = host_mac.bytes[5];
	eeprom[5] = host_mac.bytes[4];

	virtual_mac.bytes[0] = host_mac.bytes[0];
	virtual_mac.bytes[1] = host_mac.bytes[1];
	virtual_mac.bytes[2] = host_mac.bytes[2];
	virtual_mac.bytes[3] = host_mac.bytes[3];
	virtual_mac.bytes[4] = host_mac.bytes[4];
	virtual_mac.bytes[5] = host_mac.bytes[5];
	//The checksum seems to be all the values of the mac added up in 16bit chunks
	checksum = dev9.eeprom[0] + dev9.eeprom[1] + dev9.eeprom[2] & 0xffff;

	dev9.eeprom[3] = checksum;

	//emu_printf("eeprom Mac set to %x %x %x %x %x %x", eeprom[0], eeprom[1], eeprom[2], eeprom[3], eeprom[4], eeprom[5]);
	//emu_printf("Checksum %x %x", eeprom[6], eeprom[7]);
	/* Open the adapter */
	if ((adhandle= pcap_open_live(adapter,	// name of the device
							 65536,			// portion of the packet to capture. 
											// 65536 grants that the whole packet will be captured on all the MACs.
		pcap_mode==switched?1:0,				// promiscuous mode (nonzero means promiscuous)
							 1,			// read timeout
							 errbuf			// error buffer
							 )) == NULL)
		fprintf(stderr,"\nUnable to open the adapter. %s is not supported by WinPcap\n", adapter);
		return -1;

	dlt = pcap_datalink(adhandle);
	dlt_name = (char*)pcap_datalink_val_to_name(dlt);

	fprintf(stderr,"Device uses DLT %d: %s\n",dlt,dlt_name);
	case DLT_EN10MB :
	//case DLT_IEEE802_11:
		SysMessage("ERROR: Unsupported DataLink Type (%d): %s",dlt,dlt_name);
		return -1;

		fprintf(stderr,"WARNING: Error setting non-blocking mode. Default mode will be used.\n");

	//Changing the LogSetting might not affect logging
	//directory of winPcap logs if done after Open()
	const std::string pfile(s_strLogPath + "/packet.log");
	packet_log = fopen(pfile.c_str(), "w");

	const std::string plfile(s_strLogPath + "/pkt_log.pcap");
	dump_pcap = pcap_dump_open(adhandle, plfile.c_str());

	return 0;