Esempio n. 1
/* For visibility testing: if bAbsolute is false, random modifiers must return the
 * minimum possible scroll speed. */
float ArrowEffects::GetYOffset( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float fNoteBeat, float &fPeakYOffsetOut, bool &bIsPastPeakOut, bool bAbsolute )
	// Default values that are returned if boomerang is off.
	fPeakYOffsetOut = FLT_MAX;
	bIsPastPeakOut = true;

	float fYOffset = 0;

	/* Usually, fTimeSpacing is 0 or 1, in which case we use entirely beat spacing or
	 * entirely time spacing (respectively).  Occasionally, we tween between them. */
	if( pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing != 1.0f )
		float fSongBeat = GAMESTATE->m_fSongBeat;
		float fBeatsUntilStep = fNoteBeat - fSongBeat;
		float fYOffsetBeatSpacing = fBeatsUntilStep * ARROW_SPACING;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetBeatSpacing * (1-pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing);

	if( pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing != 0.0f )
		float fSongSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_fMusicSeconds;
		float fNoteSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong->GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(fNoteBeat);
		float fSecondsUntilStep = fNoteSeconds - fSongSeconds;
		float fBPM = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fScrollBPM;
		float fBPS = fBPM/60.f;
		float fYOffsetTimeSpacing = fSecondsUntilStep * fBPS * ARROW_SPACING;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetTimeSpacing * pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fTimeSpacing;

	// don't mess with the arrows after they've crossed 0
	if( fYOffset < 0 )
		return fYOffset * pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fScrollSpeed;

	const float* fAccels = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fAccels;
	//const float* fEffects = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fEffects;

	float fYAdjust = 0;	// fill this in depending on PlayerOptions

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight(pPlayerState);
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * 1.5f / ((fYOffset+fEffectHeight/1.2f)/fEffectHeight); 
		float fAccelYAdjust =	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY:	Clamp this value, or else BOOST+BOOMERANG will draw a ton of arrows on the screen.
		CLAMP( fAccelYAdjust, -400.f, 400.f );
		fYAdjust += fAccelYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight(pPlayerState);
		float fScale = SCALE( fYOffset, 0.f, fEffectHeight, 0, 1.f );
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * fScale; 
		float fBrakeYAdjust = fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY:	Clamp this value the same way as BOOST so that in BOOST+BRAKE, BRAKE doesn't overpower BOOST
		CLAMP( fBrakeYAdjust, -400.f, 400.f );
		fYAdjust += fBrakeYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] != 0 )
		fYAdjust +=	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] * 20.0f*RageFastSin( fYOffset/38.0f );

	fYOffset += fYAdjust;

	// Factor in boomerang
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOMERANG] != 0 )
		float fOriginalYOffset = fYOffset;

		fYOffset = (-1*fOriginalYOffset*fOriginalYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fOriginalYOffset;
		float fPeakAtYOffset = SCREEN_HEIGHT * 0.75f;	// zero point of function above
		fPeakYOffsetOut = (-1*fPeakAtYOffset*fPeakAtYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fPeakAtYOffset;
		bIsPastPeakOut = fOriginalYOffset < fPeakAtYOffset;

	// Factor in scroll speed
	float fScrollSpeed = pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fScrollSpeed;
	if( pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fRandomSpeed > 0 && !bAbsolute )
		int seed = GAMESTATE->m_iStageSeed + ( BeatToNoteRow( fNoteBeat ) << 8 ) + (iCol * 100);

		/* Temporary hack: the first call to RandomFloat isn't "random"; it takes an extra
		 * call to get the RNG rolling. */
		RandomFloat( seed );
		float fRandom = RandomFloat( seed );

		/* Random speed always increases speed: a random speed of 10 indicates [1,11].
		 * This keeps it consistent with other mods: 0 means no effect. */
		fScrollSpeed *=
				SCALE( fRandom,
						0.0f, 1.0f,
						1.0f, pPlayerState->m_CurrentPlayerOptions.m_fRandomSpeed + 1.0f );

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND] != 0 )
		/* Timers can't be global, since they'll be initialized before SDL. */
		static RageTimer timerExpand;
		if( !GAMESTATE->m_bFreeze )
			g_fExpandSeconds += timerExpand.GetDeltaTime();
			timerExpand.GetDeltaTime();	// throw away
		float fExpandMultiplier = SCALE( RageFastCos(g_fExpandSeconds*3), -1, 1, 0.75f, 1.75f );
		fScrollSpeed *=	SCALE( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND], 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, fExpandMultiplier );

	fYOffset *= fScrollSpeed;
	fPeakYOffsetOut *= fScrollSpeed;

	return fYOffset;
Esempio n. 2
/* For visibility testing: if bAbsolute is false, random modifiers must return
 * the minimum possible scroll speed. */
float ArrowEffects::GetYOffset( const PlayerState* pPlayerState, int iCol, float fNoteBeat, float &fPeakYOffsetOut, bool &bIsPastPeakOut, bool bAbsolute )
	// Default values that are returned if boomerang is off.
	fPeakYOffsetOut = FLT_MAX;
	bIsPastPeakOut = true;

	float fYOffset = 0;
	const SongPosition &position = pPlayerState->GetDisplayedPosition();
	float fSongBeat = position.m_fSongBeatVisible;
	Steps *pCurSteps = GAMESTATE->m_pCurSteps[pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber];

	/* Usually, fTimeSpacing is 0 or 1, in which case we use entirely beat spacing or
	 * entirely time spacing (respectively). Occasionally, we tween between them. */
	if( curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing != 1.0f )
		if( GAMESTATE->m_bInStepEditor ) {
			// Use constant spacing in step editor
			fYOffset = fNoteBeat - fSongBeat;
		} else {
			fYOffset = GetDisplayedBeat(pPlayerState, fNoteBeat) - GetDisplayedBeat(pPlayerState, fSongBeat);
			fYOffset *= pCurSteps->GetTimingData()->GetDisplayedSpeedPercent(
								     position.m_fMusicSecondsVisible );
		fYOffset *= 1 - curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing;

	if( curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing != 0.0f )
		float fSongSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_Position.m_fMusicSecondsVisible;
		float fNoteSeconds = pCurSteps->GetTimingData()->GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(fNoteBeat);
		float fSecondsUntilStep = fNoteSeconds - fSongSeconds;
		float fBPM = curr_options->m_fScrollBPM;
		float fBPS = fBPM/60.f / GAMESTATE->m_SongOptions.GetCurrent().m_fMusicRate;
		float fYOffsetTimeSpacing = fSecondsUntilStep * fBPS;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetTimeSpacing * curr_options->m_fTimeSpacing;

	// TODO: If we allow noteskins to have metricable row spacing
	// (per issue 24), edit this to reflect that. -aj

	// Factor in scroll speed
	float fScrollSpeed = curr_options->m_fScrollSpeed;
	if(curr_options->m_fMaxScrollBPM != 0)
		fScrollSpeed= curr_options->m_fMaxScrollBPM /
			(pPlayerState->m_fReadBPM * GAMESTATE->m_SongOptions.GetCurrent().m_fMusicRate);
	// don't mess with the arrows after they've crossed 0
	if( fYOffset < 0 )
		return fYOffset * fScrollSpeed;

	const float* fAccels = curr_options->m_fAccels;
	//const float* fEffects = curr_options->m_fEffects;

	float fYAdjust = 0;	// fill this in depending on PlayerOptions

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight();
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * 1.5f / ((fYOffset+fEffectHeight/1.2f)/fEffectHeight); 
		float fAccelYAdjust =	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY: Clamp this value, or else BOOST+BOOMERANG will draw a ton of arrows on the screen.
		fYAdjust += fAccelYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] != 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight();
		float fScale = SCALE( fYOffset, 0.f, fEffectHeight, 0, 1.f );
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * fScale; 
		float fBrakeYAdjust = fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY: Clamp this value the same way as BOOST so that in BOOST+BRAKE, BRAKE doesn't overpower BOOST
		fYAdjust += fBrakeYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] != 0 )
		fYAdjust +=	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] * WAVE_MOD_MAGNITUDE *RageFastSin( fYOffset/WAVE_MOD_HEIGHT );

	fYOffset += fYAdjust;

	// Factor in boomerang
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOMERANG] != 0 )
		float fPeakAtYOffset = SCREEN_HEIGHT * BOOMERANG_PEAK_PERCENTAGE;	// zero point of boomerang function
		fPeakYOffsetOut = (-1*fPeakAtYOffset*fPeakAtYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fPeakAtYOffset;
		bIsPastPeakOut = fYOffset < fPeakAtYOffset;

		fYOffset = (-1*fYOffset*fYOffset/SCREEN_HEIGHT) + 1.5f*fYOffset;

	if( curr_options->m_fRandomSpeed > 0 && !bAbsolute )
		// Generate a deterministically "random" speed for each arrow.
		unsigned seed = GAMESTATE->m_iStageSeed + ( BeatToNoteRow( fNoteBeat ) << 8 ) + (iCol * 100);

		for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
			seed = ((seed * 1664525u) + 1013904223u) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
		float fRandom = seed / 4294967296.0f;

		/* Random speed always increases speed: a random speed of 10 indicates
		 * [1,11]. This keeps it consistent with other mods: 0 means no effect. */
		fScrollSpeed *=
				SCALE( fRandom,
						0.0f, 1.0f,
						1.0f, curr_options->m_fRandomSpeed + 1.0f );

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND] != 0 )
		// TODO: Don't index by PlayerNumber.
		PerPlayerData &data = g_EffectData[pPlayerState->m_PlayerNumber];
		float fExpandMultiplier = SCALE( RageFastCos(data.m_fExpandSeconds*EXPAND_MULTIPLIER_FREQUENCY),
		fScrollSpeed *=	SCALE( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND], 
				      EXPAND_SPEED_SCALE_TO_LOW, fExpandMultiplier );

	fYOffset *= fScrollSpeed;
	fPeakYOffsetOut *= fScrollSpeed;

	return fYOffset;
Esempio n. 3
float ArrowGetYOffset( PlayerNumber pn, int iCol, float fNoteBeat )
	float fYOffset = 0;

	/* Usually, fTimeSpacing is 0 or 1, in which case we use entirely beat spacing or
	 * entirely time spacing (respectively).  Occasionally, we tween between them. */
	if( GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fTimeSpacing != 1.0f )
		float fSongBeat = GAMESTATE->m_fSongBeat;
		float fBeatsUntilStep = fNoteBeat - fSongBeat;
		float fYOffsetBeatSpacing = fBeatsUntilStep * ARROW_SPACING;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetBeatSpacing * (1-GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fTimeSpacing);

	if( GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fTimeSpacing != 0.0f )
		float fSongSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_fMusicSeconds;
		float fNoteSeconds = GAMESTATE->m_pCurSong->GetElapsedTimeFromBeat(fNoteBeat);
		float fSecondsUntilStep = fNoteSeconds - fSongSeconds;
		float fBPM = GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fScrollBPM;
		float fBPS = fBPM/60.f;
		float fYOffsetTimeSpacing = fSecondsUntilStep * fBPS * ARROW_SPACING;
		fYOffset += fYOffsetTimeSpacing * GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fTimeSpacing;

	// don't mess with the arrows after they've crossed 0
	if( fYOffset < 0 )
		return fYOffset * GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fScrollSpeed;

	const float* fAccels = GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fAccels;
	//const float* fEffects = GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fEffects;

	float fYAdjust = 0;	// fill this in depending on PlayerOptions

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] > 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight(pn);
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * 1.5f / ((fYOffset+fEffectHeight/1.2f)/fEffectHeight); 
		float fAccelYAdjust = fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOST] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY:	Clamp this value, or else BOOST+BOOMERANG will draw a ton of arrows on the screen.
		CLAMP( fAccelYAdjust, -400.f, 400.f );
		fYAdjust += fAccelYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] > 0 )
		float fEffectHeight = GetNoteFieldHeight(pn);
		float fScale = SCALE( fYOffset, 0.f, fEffectHeight, 0, 1.f );
		float fNewYOffset = fYOffset * fScale; 
		float fBrakeYAdjust = fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BRAKE] * (fNewYOffset - fYOffset);
		// TRICKY:	Clamp this value the same way as BOOST so that in BOOST+BRAKE, BRAKE doesn't overpower BOOST
		CLAMP( fBrakeYAdjust, -400.f, 400.f );
		fYAdjust += fBrakeYAdjust;
	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] > 0 )
		fYAdjust +=	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_WAVE] * 20.0f*sinf( fYOffset/38.0f );

	fYOffset += fYAdjust;

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOMERANG] > 0 )
		fYOffset +=	fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_BOOMERANG] * (fYOffset * SCALE( fYOffset, 0.f, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 1.5f, 0.5f )- fYOffset);

	float fScrollSpeed = GAMESTATE->m_CurrentPlayerOptions[pn].m_fScrollSpeed;

	if( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND] > 0 )
		/* Timers can't be global, since they'll be initialized before SDL. */
		static RageTimer timerExpand;
		if( !GAMESTATE->m_bFreeze )
			g_fExpandSeconds += timerExpand.GetDeltaTime();
			timerExpand.GetDeltaTime();	// throw away
		float fExpandMultiplier = SCALE( cosf(g_fExpandSeconds*3), -1, 1, 0.5f, 1.5f );
		fScrollSpeed *=	SCALE( fAccels[PlayerOptions::ACCEL_EXPAND], 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, fExpandMultiplier );

	fYOffset *= fScrollSpeed;

	return fYOffset;