Esempio n. 1
static void
zwfnTZERRORD_WriteErrorListToFile( zVIEW vTZERROR, zLONG  FileHandle,
                                   zPCHAR szTool, zPCHAR szName, zLONG lLen )
   zSHORT nRC;
   zCHAR  szMsg[500];
   zCHAR  szTemp[ 255 ];
   zLONG  i;

   // write Tool and DateTime
   zstrcpy( szMsg, "Zeidon:  " );
   zstrcat( szMsg, szTool );
   zstrcat( szMsg, " Error List from " );
   GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szTemp, vTZERROR, "ErrorList",
                                    "DateTime", "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS", 20 );
   zstrcat( szMsg, szTemp );
   SysWriteLine( FileHandle, szMsg );
   SysWriteLine( FileHandle, "" );

   // write LPLR Name
   GetStringFromAttribute( szTemp, vTZERROR, "ErrorList", "LPLR_Name" );
   if ( szTemp[ 0 ] )
      zstrcpy( szMsg, "Project: " );
      zstrcat( szMsg, szTemp );
      SysWriteLine( FileHandle, szMsg );
      SysWriteLine( FileHandle, "" );

   // write Error Message
   for ( nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( vTZERROR, "ErrorMsg", "" );
         nRC >= zCURSOR_SET;
         nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( vTZERROR, "ErrorMsg", "" ) )
      GetStringFromAttribute( szTemp, vTZERROR, "ErrorMsg", "Name" );
      if ( zstrcmp( szTemp, "" ) != 0 )
         zstrcpy( szMsg, szName );
         zstrcat( szMsg, ": " );
         zstrcat( szMsg, szTemp );
         for ( i = zstrlen( szTemp ); i < lLen; i++ )
            zstrcat( szMsg, " " );

      zstrcat( szMsg, "  " );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szTemp, vTZERROR, "ErrorMsg", "ErrorText" );
      zstrcat( szMsg, szTemp );
      SysWriteLine( FileHandle, szMsg );

   SysWriteLine( FileHandle, "" );
   SysWriteLine( FileHandle, "End of Error List" );
Esempio n. 2
//:   VIEW            SourceView
oKZXMLPGO_AddWebControlSubobject( zVIEW     vKZXMLPGO,
                                  zPCHAR    ControlName,
                                  zPCHAR    ControlType,
                                  zPCHAR    ControlContext,
                                  zPCHAR    SourceViewName,
                                  zPCHAR    SourceEntity,
                                  zPCHAR    SourceAttribute,
                                  zPCHAR    AutoComboBoxExternalValue )
   zVIEW     SourceView = 0; 
   //:VIEW            SourceView2
   zVIEW     SourceView2 = 0; 
   //:SHORT           nRC
   zSHORT    nRC = 0; 
   //:INTEGER         CursorPos
   zLONG     CursorPos = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 2000 ) ExternalValue
   zCHAR     ExternalValue[ 2001 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 200 )  CurrentValue
   zCHAR     CurrentValue[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_0[ 255 ]; 
   zCHAR     szTempString_1[ 32001 ]; 

   //:// Create a Control entity for the data passed.
   //:// If the Control is a ListBox or ComboBox, also create the SubControl entries for each list value.

   RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", zPOS_AFTER );
   //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.Name = ControlName
   SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Name", ControlName );
   //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = ControlType
   SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", ControlType );

   //:// If the Named View does not exist or the EntityName doesn't exist, simply return.
   //:GET VIEW SourceView NAMED SourceViewName
   RESULT = GetViewByName( &SourceView, SourceViewName, vKZXMLPGO, zLEVEL_TASK );
   //:IF RESULT < 0
   if ( RESULT < 0 )
      //:// There is no mapping, so return having just created the entity, with Name and Type,
      //:// unless the Control is Text, in which case we'll add the Text value, which is passed as
      //:// AutoComboBoxExternalValue.
      //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Text" OR
      //:   vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "PushBtn"
      if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "Text" ) == 0 || CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "PushBtn" ) == 0 )

         //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = AutoComboBoxExternalValue
         SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", AutoComboBoxExternalValue );

      return( 0 );

   //:IF SourceEntity != ""
   if ( ZeidonStringCompare( SourceEntity, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 33 ) != 0 )
      //:nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity )
      nRC = CheckExistenceOfEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity );
      //:IF nRC < 0
      if ( nRC < 0 )
         return( 0 );



   //:// If there is mapping, process according to Control Type
   //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "EditBox" OR
   //:   vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Text" OR
   //:   vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "CheckBox"
   if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "EditBox" ) == 0 || CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "Text" ) == 0 || CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "CheckBox" ) == 0 )

      //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue,
      //:                                 SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 2000 )
      GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 2000 );
      //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = ExternalValue
      SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", ExternalValue );

      //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "MLEdit"
      if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "MLEdit" ) == 0 )
         //:SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue",
         //:                        SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute )
         SetAttributeFromAttribute( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute );

         //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ComboBox"
         if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "ComboBox" ) == 0 )
            //:// Build the list of selection values from the Domain table entries.
            //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue,
            //:                           SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 200 )
            GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, 200 );
            //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = CurrentValue
            SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", CurrentValue );
            //:nRC = GetFirstTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue,
            //:                                SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute,
            //:                                ControlContext, CursorPos )
            nRC = GetFirstTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, &CursorPos );
            //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= 0
            while ( nRC >= 0 )
               //:CREATE ENTITY vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue
               RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", zPOS_AFTER );
               //:vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue.ExternalValue = ExternalValue
               SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", "ExternalValue", ExternalValue );
               //:IF ExternalValue = CurrentValue
               if ( ZeidonStringCompare( ExternalValue, 1, 0, CurrentValue, 1, 0, 2001 ) == 0 )
                  //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 )
                  SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 );
                  //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 )
                  SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 );

               //:nRC = GetNextTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue,
               //:                               SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute,
               //:                               ControlContext, CursorPos )
               nRC = GetNextTableEntryForAttribute( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, ControlContext, &CursorPos );


            //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ComboBoxAuto"
            if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "ComboBoxAuto" ) == 0 )
               //:// Build the list of selection values from the list of entities.
               //:// Note that the entry selected is defined by the AutoComboBoxExternalValue passed, which
               //:// was set from the value of the Edit Mapping.
               //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = AutoComboBoxExternalValue
               SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", AutoComboBoxExternalValue );
               //:nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" )
               nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" );
               //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= 0
               while ( nRC >= 0 )
                  //:CREATE ENTITY vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue
                  RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", zPOS_AFTER );
                  //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue,
                  //:                        SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 )
                  GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 );
                  //:vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue.ExternalValue = ExternalValue
                  SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", "ExternalValue", ExternalValue );
                  //:IF ExternalValue = AutoComboBoxExternalValue
                  if ( ZeidonStringCompare( ExternalValue, 1, 0, AutoComboBoxExternalValue, 1, 0, 2001 ) == 0 )
                     //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 )
                     SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 );
                     //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 )
                     SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 );

                  //:nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" )
                  nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView, SourceEntity, "" );


               //:IF vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ComboBoxList"
               if ( CompareAttributeToString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type", "ComboBoxList" ) == 0 )
                  //:// Build the list of selection values from the list of entities.
                  //:// Note that the entry selected is defined by the cursor position.
                  //:CreateViewFromViewForTask( SourceView2, SourceView, vKZXMLPGO )
                  CreateViewFromViewForTask( &SourceView2, SourceView, vKZXMLPGO );
                  //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue,
                  //:                     SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 )
                  GetStringFromAttributeByContext( CurrentValue, SourceView, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 );
                  //:vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue = CurrentValue
                  SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue", CurrentValue );
                  //:nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" )
                  nRC = SetCursorFirstEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" );
                  //:LOOP WHILE nRC >= 0
                  while ( nRC >= 0 )
                     //:CREATE ENTITY vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue
                     RESULT = CreateEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", zPOS_AFTER );
                     //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue,
                     //:                     SourceView2, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 )
                     GetStringFromAttributeByContext( ExternalValue, SourceView2, SourceEntity, SourceAttribute, "", 2000 );
                     //:vKZXMLPGO.ComboValue.ExternalValue = ExternalValue
                     SetAttributeFromString( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", "ExternalValue", ExternalValue );
                     //:IF ExternalValue = CurrentValue
                     if ( ZeidonStringCompare( ExternalValue, 1, 0, CurrentValue, 1, 0, 2001 ) == 0 )
                        //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 )
                        SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 1 );
                        //:SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 )
                        SetSelectStateOfEntity( vKZXMLPGO, "ComboValue", 0 );

                     //:nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" )
                     nRC = SetCursorNextEntity( SourceView2, SourceEntity, "" );

                  //:DropView( SourceView2 )
                  DropView( SourceView2 );






   //:TraceLineS( "AddWebControlSubobject Type: ", vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type )
   GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_0, vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "Type" );
   TraceLineS( "AddWebControlSubobject Type: ", szTempString_0 );
   //:TraceLineS( "      =============== Value: ", vKZXMLPGO.Control.CurrentValue )
   GetStringFromAttribute( szTempString_1, vKZXMLPGO, "Control", "CurrentValue" );
   TraceLineS( "      =============== Value: ", szTempString_1 );
   return( 0 );
//    /* vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "EditBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ListBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Text" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "CheckBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "ListBox" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "MLE" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "Outliner" OR
//       vKZXMLPGO.Control.Type = "RadioBtnGroup" */
// END
Esempio n. 3
zwTZCMRPTD_ExportTextAUX( zVIEW vSubtask,
                          zPCHAR pszFileName )
   zLONG   lfFile;
   zCHAR   szMsg[ 256 ];
   zCHAR   szText[ 1000 ];
   zPCHAR  szAttr;

   if ( GetViewByName( &vTZBRAU3O, "TZBRAU3O", vSubtask, zLEVEL_TASK ) > 0 )
      lfFile = SysOpenFile( vSubtask, pszFileName, COREFILE_WRITE );

      if ( lfFile < 0 )
         strcpy( szMsg, "Error writing the File '" );
         strcat( szMsg, pszFileName );
         strcat( szMsg, "'." );
         MessageSend( vSubtask, "CM00xxx", "Configuration Management",
                      szMsg, zMSGQ_OBJECT_CONSTRAINT_ERROR, zBEEP );

      strcpy( szText, "AuditTrail Print created with (c) Zeidon 1997" );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szText );

      strcpy( szText, "---------------------------------------------" );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szText );

      // save the CPLR-Name:
      strcpy( szText, "CPLR:\t\t" );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szMsg, vTZBRAU3O, "CPLR", "Name" );
      strcat( szText, szMsg );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szText );

      // save the DateTime:
      strcpy( szText, "Date:\t\t" );
      GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szMsg, vTZBRAU3O, "AuditTrail", "TimeStamp",
                                       "DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS", 20);
      strcat( szText, szMsg );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szText );

      // save the User:
      strcpy( szText, "User:\t\t" );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szMsg, vTZBRAU3O, "AuditTrail", "UserName" );
      strcat( szText, szMsg );
      strcat( szText, " " );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szMsg, vTZBRAU3O, "AuditTrail", "UserDesc" );
      strcat( szText, szMsg );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szText );

      // save the ShortDesc:
      strcpy( szText, "ShortDesc:\t" );
      GetStringFromAttribute( szMsg, vTZBRAU3O, "AuditTrail", "ShortDesc" );
      strcat( szText, szMsg );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szText );

      strcpy( szText, "---------------------------------------------" );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szText );

      GetAddrForAttribute( &szAttr, vTZBRAU3O, "AuditTrail", "Desc" );
      SysWriteLine( vSubtask, lfFile, szAttr );

      // Close the template file.
      SysCloseFile( vSubtask, lfFile, 0 );
      IssueError( vSubtask, 0, 0,
                  "Object TZCMAU3O does not exist (zwTZCMRPTD_ExportTextAUX)" );

   return( 0 );
Esempio n. 4
//:   VIEW vMappingOI
static zSHORT
oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( zVIEW     vReportDef,
                                 zVIEW     vSourceOI,
                                 zPCHAR    szDrivingObjectViewName,
                                 zPCHAR    szOutputLine,
                                 zLONG     lFileHandle,
                                 zPCHAR    szIndentationValue )
   zVIEW     vMappingOI = 0; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szEntityName
   zCHAR     szEntityName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szAttributeName
   zCHAR     szAttributeName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szMappingName
   zCHAR     szMappingName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 32 )   szContextName
   zCHAR     szContextName[ 33 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 5000 ) szReturnedAttributeValue
   zCHAR     szReturnedAttributeValue[ 5001 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 5000 ) szConvertedAttributeValue
   zCHAR     szConvertedAttributeValue[ 5001 ] = { 0 }; 
   //:STRING ( 200 )  szMsg
   zCHAR     szMsg[ 201 ] = { 0 }; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_0; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_1; 
   zSHORT    lTempInteger_2; 

   //:// Generate an attribute entry for each attribute with mapping in the GroupSet. Note that these are all at the same
   //:// hierarchical level since we're assuming no tables within a GroupSet. However, the controls in the GroupSet may well be
   //:// organized hierarchically and must thus be processed recursively.

   //:// Sort the Controls in position order so they will be in the same order as in the XSLT. (This probably isn't
   //:// necessary, but it will simply debugging.)
   //:OrderEntityForView( vReportDef, "Control", "PSDLG_Y A PSDLG_X A" )
   OrderEntityForView( vReportDef, "Control", "PSDLG_Y A PSDLG_X A" );

   //:// Process each Control. The processing rule is simple:
   //:// If the control has mapping, build an XML node.
   //:// If the control doesn't have mapping, ignore it.
   //:// The only issue is that we must step down a level if the Control has a subcontrol.

   //:FOR EACH vReportDef.Control
   RESULT = SetCursorFirstEntity( vReportDef, "Control", "" );
      //:IF vReportDef.CtrlCtrl EXISTS
      lTempInteger_0 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "CtrlCtrl" );
      if ( lTempInteger_0 == 0 )
         //:SetViewToSubobject( vReportDef, "CtrlCtrl" )
         SetViewToSubobject( vReportDef, "CtrlCtrl" );
         //:GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingObjectViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue )
         oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXML_CtlRecurs( vReportDef, vSourceOI, szDrivingObjectViewName, szOutputLine, lFileHandle, szIndentationValue );
         //:ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDef )
         ResetViewFromSubobject( vReportDef );

         //:IF vReportDef.CtrlMapER_Attribute EXISTS
         lTempInteger_1 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "CtrlMapER_Attribute" );
         if ( lTempInteger_1 == 0 )
            //:// Format XML Line for Attribute.
            //:szReturnedAttributeValue = ""
            ZeidonStringCopy( szReturnedAttributeValue, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:szConvertedAttributeValue = ""
            ZeidonStringCopy( szConvertedAttributeValue, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:szAttributeName = vReportDef.CtrlMapER_Attribute.Name
            GetVariableFromAttribute( szAttributeName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapER_Attribute", "Name", "", 0 );
            //:szEntityName    = vReportDef.CtrlMapRelatedEntity.Name
            GetVariableFromAttribute( szEntityName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapRelatedEntity", "Name", "", 0 );
            //:szContextName = ""
            ZeidonStringCopy( szContextName, 1, 0, "", 1, 0, 33 );
            //:IF vReportDef.CtrlMapContext EXISTS
            lTempInteger_2 = CheckExistenceOfEntity( vReportDef, "CtrlMapContext" );
            if ( lTempInteger_2 == 0 )
               //:szContextName = vReportDef.CtrlMapContext.Name  
               GetVariableFromAttribute( szContextName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapContext", "Name", "", 0 );

            //:IF vReportDef.CtrlMapView.Name = szDrivingObjectViewName   // Check if mapping if from Driving Object View.
            if ( CompareAttributeToString( vReportDef, "CtrlMapView", "Name", szDrivingObjectViewName ) == 0 )
               //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 )
               GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vSourceOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 );
               //:// Mapping is from separate view.
               //:szMappingName = vReportDef.CtrlMapView.Name
               GetVariableFromAttribute( szMappingName, 0, 'S', 33, vReportDef, "CtrlMapView", "Name", "", 0 );
               //:GET VIEW vMappingOI NAMED szMappingName
               RESULT = GetViewByName( &vMappingOI, szMappingName, vReportDef, zLEVEL_TASK );
               //:GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vMappingOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 )
               GetStringFromAttributeByContext( szReturnedAttributeValue, vMappingOI, szEntityName, szAttributeName, szContextName, 5000 );


            //:ConvertXML_SpecialCharacters( vReportDef, szConvertedAttributeValue, szReturnedAttributeValue, 5000 )
            ConvertXML_SpecialCharacters( vReportDef, szConvertedAttributeValue, szReturnedAttributeValue, 5000 );

            //:szOutputLine = szIndentationValue + "  " + "<" + szEntityName + "." + szAttributeName + ">" + szConvertedAttributeValue
            ZeidonStringCopy( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szIndentationValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "  ", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "<", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ".", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szAttributeName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szConvertedAttributeValue, 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:szOutputLine = szOutputLine + "</" + szEntityName + "." + szAttributeName + ">"
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, "</", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szEntityName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ".", 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, szAttributeName, 1, 0, 5001 );
            ZeidonStringConcat( szOutputLine, 1, 0, ">", 1, 0, 5001 );
            //:GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine )
            oTZRPSRCO_GenerateXMLLine( vReportDef, lFileHandle, szOutputLine );


      RESULT = SetCursorNextEntity( vReportDef, "Control", "" );

   return( 0 );
// END