Esempio n. 1
void CDownload::OnDownloaded()
	ASSERT( m_bComplete == false );

	theApp.Message( MSG_NOTICE, IDS_DOWNLOAD_COMPLETED, GetDisplayName() );
	m_tCompleted = GetTickCount();
	m_bDownloading = false;




	if ( GetTaskType() == dtaskMergeFile || GetTaskType() == dtaskPreviewRequest )

//	LibraryBuilder.m_bBusy = true;	// ?



void CDownloadWithSources::RemoveOverlappingSources(QWORD nOffset, QWORD nLength)
	CQuickLock pLock( Transfers.m_pSection );

	for ( POSITION posSource = GetIterator() ; posSource ; )
		CDownloadSource* pSource = GetNext( posSource );

		if ( pSource->TouchedRange( nOffset, nLength ) )
			if ( GetTaskType() == dtaskMergeFile )
				// Merging process can produce corrupted blocks, retry connection after 30 seconds
				pSource->m_nFailures = 0;
				pSource->Close( 30 );
					(LPCTSTR)CString( inet_ntoa( pSource->m_pAddress ) ), (LPCTSTR)pSource->m_sServer, (LPCTSTR)m_sName, nOffset, nOffset + nLength - 1 );
				pSource->Remove( TRUE, FALSE );
Esempio n. 3
 void TCatboostOptions::SetMetricDefaults(const TLossDescription& lossFunction) {
     if (GetTaskType() == ETaskType::CPU) {
         auto& evalMetric = MetricOptions->EvalMetric;
         if (evalMetric.IsSet()) {
         } else {
             evalMetric = lossFunction;
Esempio n. 4
const char* CTaskSA::GetTaskName()
    DEBUG_TRACE("char * CTaskSA::GetTaskName()");
    int iTaskType = GetTaskType();
    if (iTaskType != NO_TASK_TYPE)
        if (TaskNames[iTaskType].szName)
            return TaskNames[iTaskType].szName;
            return "";

    return sNoTaskName;
Esempio n. 5
    void TCatboostOptions::ValidateCtr(const TCtrDescription& ctr, ELossFunction lossFunction, bool isTreeCtrs) const {
        if (ctr.TargetBinarization->BorderCount > 1) {
            CB_ENSURE(lossFunction == ELossFunction::RMSE || lossFunction == ELossFunction::Quantile ||
                          lossFunction == ELossFunction::LogLinQuantile || lossFunction == ELossFunction::Poisson ||
                          lossFunction == ELossFunction::MAPE || lossFunction == ELossFunction::MAE,
                      "target-border-cnt is not supported for loss function " << lossFunction);
        CB_ENSURE(ctr.GetPriors().size(), "Provide at least one prior for CTR" << ToString(*this));

        const ETaskType taskType = GetTaskType();
        const ECtrType ctrType = ctr.Type;

        if (taskType == ETaskType::GPU) {
                      "Ctr type " << ctrType << " is not implemented on GPU yet");
            CB_ENSURE(ctr.TargetBinarization.IsDefault(), "Error: GPU doesn't not support target binarization per CTR description currently. Please use target_borders option instead");
        } else {
            CB_ENSURE(taskType == ETaskType::CPU);
                      "Ctr type " << ctrType << " is not implemented on CPU yet");
            CB_ENSURE(ctr.PriorEstimation == EPriorEstimation::No, "Error: CPU doesn't not support prior estimation currently");

        const EBorderSelectionType borderSelectionType = ctr.CtrBinarization->BorderSelectionType;
        if (taskType == ETaskType::CPU) {
            CB_ENSURE(borderSelectionType == EBorderSelectionType::Uniform,
                      "Error: custom ctr binarization is not supported on CPU yet");
        } else {
            CB_ENSURE(taskType == ETaskType::GPU);
            if (isTreeCtrs) {
                EBorderSelectionType borderType = borderSelectionType;
                CB_ENSURE(borderType == EBorderSelectionType::Uniform || borderType == EBorderSelectionType::Median,
                          "Error: GPU supports Median and Uniform combinations-ctr binarization only");

                CB_ENSURE(ctr.CtrBinarization->BorderCount <= GetMaxTreeCtrBinarizationForGpu(), "Error: max combinations-ctr binarization for GPU is " << GetMaxTreeCtrBinarizationForGpu());
                CB_ENSURE(ctr.PriorEstimation == EPriorEstimation::No, "Error: prior estimation is not available for combinations-ctr");
            } else {
                switch (ctrType) {
                    case ECtrType::Borders: {
                    default: {
                        CB_ENSURE(ctr.PriorEstimation == EPriorEstimation::No, "Error: prior estimation is not available for ctr type " << ctrType);

        if ((ctrType == ECtrType::FeatureFreq) && borderSelectionType == EBorderSelectionType::Uniform) {
            MATRIXNET_WARNING_LOG << "Uniform ctr binarization for featureFreq ctr is not good choice. Use MinEntropy for simpleCtrs and Median for combinations-ctrs instead" << Endl;
Esempio n. 6
    void TCatboostOptions::Validate() const {

        ELossFunction lossFunction = LossFunctionDescription->GetLossFunction();
            const ui32 classesCount = DataProcessingOptions->ClassesCount;
            if (classesCount != 0 ) {
                CB_ENSURE(IsMultiClassError(lossFunction), "classes_count parameter takes effect only with MultiClass/MultiClassOneVsAll loss functions");
                CB_ENSURE(classesCount > 1, "classes-count should be at least 2");
            const auto& classWeights = DataProcessingOptions->ClassWeights.Get();
            if (!classWeights.empty()) {
                CB_ENSURE(lossFunction == ELossFunction::Logloss || IsMultiClassError(lossFunction),
                          "class weights takes effect only with Logloss, MultiClass and MultiClassOneVsAll loss functions");
                CB_ENSURE(IsMultiClassError(lossFunction) || (classWeights.size() == 2),
                          "if loss-function is Logloss, then class weights should be given for 0 and 1 classes");
                CB_ENSURE(classesCount == 0 || classesCount == classWeights.size(), "class weights should be specified for each class in range 0, ... , classes_count - 1");

        ELeavesEstimation leavesEstimation = ObliviousTreeOptions->LeavesEstimationMethod;
        if (lossFunction == ELossFunction::Quantile ||
            lossFunction == ELossFunction::MAE ||
            lossFunction == ELossFunction::LogLinQuantile ||
            lossFunction == ELossFunction::MAPE)
            CB_ENSURE(leavesEstimation != ELeavesEstimation::Newton,
                      "Newton leave estimation method is not supported for " << lossFunction << " loss function");
            CB_ENSURE(ObliviousTreeOptions->LeavesEstimationIterations == 1U,
                      "gradient_iterations should equals 1 for this mode");

        if (GetTaskType() == ETaskType::CPU) {
            CB_ENSURE(!(IsQuerywiseError(lossFunction) && leavesEstimation == ELeavesEstimation::Newton),
                      "This leaf estimation method is not supported for querywise error for CPU learning");

            CB_ENSURE(!(IsPairwiseError(lossFunction) && leavesEstimation == ELeavesEstimation::Newton),
                      "This leaf estimation method is not supported for pairwise error");

        ValidateCtrs(CatFeatureParams->SimpleCtrs, lossFunction, false);
        for (const auto& perFeatureCtr : CatFeatureParams->PerFeatureCtrs.Get()) {
            ValidateCtrs(perFeatureCtr.second, lossFunction, false);
        ValidateCtrs(CatFeatureParams->CombinationCtrs, lossFunction, true);
Esempio n. 7
 TCtrDescription TCatboostOptions::CreateDefaultCounter(EProjectionType projectionType) const {
     if (GetTaskType() == ETaskType::CPU) {
         return TCtrDescription(ECtrType::Counter, GetDefaultPriors(ECtrType::Counter));
     } else {
         CB_ENSURE(GetTaskType() == ETaskType::GPU);
         EBorderSelectionType borderSelectionType;
         switch (projectionType) {
             case EProjectionType::TreeCtr: {
                 borderSelectionType = EBorderSelectionType::Median;
             case EProjectionType::SimpleCtr: {
                 borderSelectionType = EBorderSelectionType::MinEntropy;
             default: {
                 ythrow TCatboostException() << "Unknown projection type " << projectionType;
         return TCtrDescription(ECtrType::FeatureFreq,
                                TBinarizationOptions(borderSelectionType, 15));
Esempio n. 8
void Config::Set(const std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string>& params) {

  // generate seeds by seed.
  if (GetInt(params, "seed", &seed)) {
    Random rand(seed);
    int int_max = std::numeric_limits<short>::max();
    data_random_seed = static_cast<int>(rand.NextShort(0, int_max));
    bagging_seed = static_cast<int>(rand.NextShort(0, int_max));
    drop_seed = static_cast<int>(rand.NextShort(0, int_max));
    feature_fraction_seed = static_cast<int>(rand.NextShort(0, int_max));

  GetTaskType(params, &task);
  GetBoostingType(params, &boosting);
  GetMetricType(params, &metric);
  GetObjectiveType(params, &objective);
  GetDeviceType(params, &device_type);
  GetTreeLearnerType(params, &tree_learner);


  if (valid_data_initscores.size() == 0 && valid.size() > 0) {
    valid_data_initscores = std::vector<std::string>(valid.size(), "");
  CHECK(valid.size() == valid_data_initscores.size());

  // check for conflicts

  if (verbosity == 1) {
  } else if (verbosity == 0) {
  } else if (verbosity >= 2) {
  } else {
Esempio n. 9
BOOL CTaskPropMgr::ReadTaskFromData(CTaskLineProp* poTaskLineProp, const CHAR* pszData, const UINT32 dwDataLen)
    UINT32 dwLastTaskIdx = 0;
    SGDP::CSDXMLFile xmlFile;
    if(FALSE == xmlFile.LoadData(pszData, dwDataLen))
        // XML文件解析失败
        return FALSE;
    CSDXMLNode rootNode = xmlFile.GetRootNode();
    if(rootNode == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    CSDXMLNode xmlNode = rootNode["Tasks"];
    if(xmlNode == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    CHAR* pszNodeName = "Task";
    CSDXMLNode xmlNodePropTask = xmlNode[pszNodeName];
    while(xmlNodePropTask != NULL)
        STaskProp* pstTaskProp = SDNew STaskProp;
        pstTaskProp->byTaskLineIdx = poTaskLineProp->byTaskLineIdx;
        pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx = xmlNodePropTask("Idx").AsInteger();
        pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx = xmlNodePropTask("Idx").AsInteger();
        if((pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx <= dwLastTaskIdx) || (poTaskLineProp->mapTaskProp.end() != poTaskLineProp->mapTaskProp.find(pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx)))
            SYS_CRITICAL(_SDT("[%s: %d]: ReadTaskAcceptCondition failed, Idx invalid! LineIdx[%d], TaskIdx[%d]!"), MSG_MARK, pstTaskProp->byTaskLineIdx, pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx);
            SDDelete pstTaskProp;
            pstTaskProp = NULL;
            return FALSE;
        dwLastTaskIdx = pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx;
        if(0 == poTaskLineProp->dwFirstTaskIdx)
            poTaskLineProp->dwFirstTaskIdx = dwLastTaskIdx;

        string strTmp = xmlNodePropTask("Type").AsString();
        pstTaskProp->eTaskType = GetTaskType(strTmp);
        if(INVALID == pstTaskProp->eTaskType)
            SYS_CRITICAL(_SDT("[%s: %d]: task type is invalid! LineIdx[%d], TaskIdx[%d]!"), MSG_MARK, pstTaskProp->byTaskLineIdx, pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx);
            SDDelete pstTaskProp;
            pstTaskProp = NULL;
            return FALSE;
        pstTaskProp->strDispName = xmlNodePropTask("DispName").AsString();
        pstTaskProp->strDesc = xmlNodePropTask("Desc").AsString();

        CSDXMLNode xmlNodeTmp = xmlNodePropTask["AcceptCondition"];
        if(!ReadTaskAcceptCondition(xmlNodeTmp, pstTaskProp))
            SYS_CRITICAL(_SDT("[%s: %d]: ReadTaskAcceptCondition failed! LineIdx[%d], TaskIdx[%d]!"), MSG_MARK, pstTaskProp->byTaskLineIdx, pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx);
            SDDelete pstTaskProp;
            pstTaskProp = NULL;
            return FALSE;

        xmlNodeTmp = xmlNodePropTask["FinishCondition"];
        if(!ReadTaskFinishCondition(xmlNodeTmp, pstTaskProp))
            SYS_CRITICAL(_SDT("[%s: %d]: ReadTaskFinishCondition failed! LineIdx[%d], TaskIdx[%d]!"), MSG_MARK, pstTaskProp->byTaskLineIdx, pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx);
            SDDelete pstTaskProp;
            pstTaskProp = NULL;
            return FALSE;

        xmlNodeTmp = xmlNodePropTask["Encourage"];
        if(!ReadTaskEncourage(xmlNodeTmp, pstTaskProp))
            SYS_CRITICAL(_SDT("[%s: %d]: ReadTaskEncourage failed! LineIdx[%d], TaskIdx[%d]!"), MSG_MARK, pstTaskProp->byTaskLineIdx, pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx);
            SDDelete pstTaskProp;
            pstTaskProp = NULL;
            return FALSE;

        if(MAIN_LINE_TASK == poTaskLineProp->byTaskLineIdx)
            xmlNodeTmp = xmlNodePropTask["UnlockInstance"];
            if(!ReadTaskUnlockInstance(xmlNodeTmp, pstTaskProp))
                SYS_CRITICAL(_SDT("[%s: %d]: ReadTaskUnlockBuild failed! LineIdx[%d], TaskIdx[%d]!"), MSG_MARK, pstTaskProp->byTaskLineIdx, pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx);
                SDDelete pstTaskProp;
                pstTaskProp = NULL;
                return FALSE;

        poTaskLineProp->mapTaskProp[pstTaskProp->dwTaskIdx] = pstTaskProp;
        xmlNodePropTask = xmlNodePropTask.Sibling(pszNodeName);

    return TRUE;
Esempio n. 10
CString CDownload::GetDownloadStatus() const
	CString strText;

	if ( m_bClearing )	// Briefly marked for removal
		LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_CLEARING );
	else if ( IsPaused() )
		if ( GetFileError() == ERROR_SUCCESS || IsSeeding() )
			LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_PAUSED );
			LoadString( strText, IsMoving() ? IDS_STATUS_CANTMOVE : IDS_STATUS_FILEERROR );
	else if ( IsCompleted() )
		if ( IsSeeding() )
			LoadString( strText, m_bTorrentTrackerError ? IDS_STATUS_TRACKERDOWN : IDS_STATUS_SEEDING );
			LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_COMPLETED );
	else if ( IsMoving() )
		LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_MOVING );
	else if ( IsStarted() && GetProgress() == 100.0f )
		LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_VERIFYING );
	else if ( ! IsTrying() )
		LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_QUEUED );
	else if ( IsDownloading() )
		const DWORD nTime = GetTimeRemaining();

		if ( nTime == 0xFFFFFFFF )
		else if ( nTime == 0 )
			LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_DOWNLOADING );
		else if ( nTime > 86400 )
			strText.Format( L"%u:%.2u:%.2u:%.2u", nTime / 86400, ( nTime / 3600 ) % 24, ( nTime / 60 ) % 60, nTime % 60 );
			strText.Format( L"%u:%.2u:%.2u", nTime / 3600, ( nTime / 60 ) % 60, nTime % 60 );
	else if ( GetEffectiveSourceCount() > 0 )
		LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_PENDING );
	else if ( IsTorrent() )
		if ( GetTaskType() == dtaskAllocate )
			LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_CREATING );
		else if ( m_bTorrentTrackerError )
			LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_TRACKERDOWN );
			LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_TORRENT );
	else // Inactive
		LoadString( strText, IDS_STATUS_QUEUED );

	return strText;