static IntersectionType intersection(const SkPoint& p1, const SkPoint& p2,
                                     const SkPoint& p3, const SkPoint& p4,
                                     SkPoint& res) {
    // Store the values for fast access and easy
    // equations-to-code conversion
    SkScalar x1 = p1.x(), x2 = p2.x(), x3 = p3.x(), x4 = p4.x();
    SkScalar y1 = p1.y(), y2 = p2.y(), y3 = p3.y(), y4 = p4.y();

    SkScalar d = SkScalarMul(x1 - x2, y3 - y4) - SkScalarMul(y1 - y2, x3 - x4);
    // If d is zero, there is no intersection
    if (SkScalarNearlyZero(d)) {
        return kNone_IntersectionType;

    // Get the x and y
    SkScalar pre  = SkScalarMul(x1, y2) - SkScalarMul(y1, x2),
             post = SkScalarMul(x3, y4) - SkScalarMul(y3, x4);
    // Compute the point of intersection
    res.set(SkScalarDiv(SkScalarMul(pre, x3 - x4) - SkScalarMul(x1 - x2, post), d),
            SkScalarDiv(SkScalarMul(pre, y3 - y4) - SkScalarMul(y1 - y2, post), d));

    // Check if the x and y coordinates are within both lines
    return (res.x() < GrMin(x1, x2) || res.x() > GrMax(x1, x2) ||
            res.x() < GrMin(x3, x4) || res.x() > GrMax(x3, x4) ||
            res.y() < GrMin(y1, y2) || res.y() > GrMax(y1, y2) ||
            res.y() < GrMin(y3, y4) || res.y() > GrMax(y3, y4)) ?
            kOut_IntersectionType : kIn_IntersectionType;
void GrAAHairLinePathRenderer::drawPath(GrDrawState::StageMask stageMask) {

    if (!this->createGeom(stageMask)) {

    GrDrawState* drawState = fTarget->drawState();

    GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr;
    if (!drawState->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective()) {
        GrMatrix ivm;
        if (drawState->getViewInverse(&ivm)) {
            drawState->preConcatSamplerMatrices(stageMask, ivm);

    // TODO: See whether rendering lines as degenerate quads improves perf
    // when we have a mix
    int lines = 0;
    int nBufLines = fLinesIndexBuffer->maxQuads();
    while (lines < fLineSegmentCnt) {
        int n = GrMin(fLineSegmentCnt-lines, nBufLines);
                             kVertsPerLineSeg*lines,    // startV
                             0,                         // startI
                             kVertsPerLineSeg*n,        // vCount
                             kIdxsPerLineSeg*n);        // iCount
        lines += n;

    int quads = 0;
    while (quads < fQuadCnt) {
        int n = GrMin(fQuadCnt-quads, kNumQuadsInIdxBuffer);
                             4*fLineSegmentCnt + kVertsPerQuad*quads, // startV
                             0,                                       // startI
                             kVertsPerQuad*n,                         // vCount
                             kIdxsPerQuad*n);                         // iCount
        quads += n;

Esempio n. 3
uint32_t GrPathUtils::cubicPointCount(const GrPoint points[],
                                           GrScalar tol) {
    if (tol < gMinCurveTol) {
        tol == gMinCurveTol;
    GrAssert(tol > 0);

    GrScalar d = GrMax(
        points[1].distanceToLineSegmentBetweenSqd(points[0], points[3]),
        points[2].distanceToLineSegmentBetweenSqd(points[0], points[3]));
    d = SkScalarSqrt(d);
    if (d <= tol) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        int temp = SkScalarCeil(SkScalarSqrt(SkScalarDiv(d, tol)));
        int pow2 = GrNextPow2(temp);
        // Because of NaNs & INFs we can wind up with a degenerate temp
        // such that pow2 comes out negative. Also, our point generator
        // will always output at least one pt.
        if (pow2 < 1) {
            pow2 = 1;
        return GrMin(pow2, MAX_POINTS_PER_CURVE);
Esempio n. 4
uint32_t GrPathUtils::quadraticPointCount(const GrPoint points[],
                                          GrScalar tol) {
    if (tol < gMinCurveTol) {
        tol == gMinCurveTol;
    GrAssert(tol > 0);

    GrScalar d = points[1].distanceToLineSegmentBetween(points[0], points[2]);
    if (d <= tol) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        // Each time we subdivide, d should be cut in 4. So we need to
        // subdivide x = log4(d/tol) times. x subdivisions creates 2^(x)
        // points.
        // 2^(log4(x)) = sqrt(x);
        int temp = SkScalarCeil(SkScalarSqrt(SkScalarDiv(d, tol)));
        int pow2 = GrNextPow2(temp);
        // Because of NaNs & INFs we can wind up with a degenerate temp
        // such that pow2 comes out negative. Also, our point generator
        // will always output at least one pt.
        if (pow2 < 1) {
            pow2 = 1;
        return GrMin(pow2, MAX_POINTS_PER_CURVE);
Esempio n. 5
void GrDrawTarget::drawIndexedInstances(GrPrimitiveType type,
                                        int instanceCount,
                                        int verticesPerInstance,
                                        int indicesPerInstance) {
    if (!verticesPerInstance || !indicesPerInstance) {

    int instancesPerDraw = this->indexCountInCurrentSource() /
    if (!instancesPerDraw) {

    instancesPerDraw = GrMin(instanceCount, instancesPerDraw);
    int startVertex = 0;
    while (instanceCount) {
                          verticesPerInstance * instancesPerDraw,
                          indicesPerInstance * instancesPerDraw);
        startVertex += verticesPerInstance;
        instanceCount -= instancesPerDraw;
 size_t release(size_t bytes) {
     GrAssert(bytes > 0);
     size_t free = GrMin(bytes, fBytesTotal - fBytesFree);
     fBytesFree += free;
     fPtr -= free;
     return bytes - free;
Esempio n. 7
static uint32_t cubic_point_count(const GrPoint points[], GrScalar tol) {
    GrScalar d = GrMax(points[1].distanceToLineSegmentBetweenSqd(points[0], points[3]),
                       points[2].distanceToLineSegmentBetweenSqd(points[0], points[3]));
    d = sqrtf(d);
    if (d < tol) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        d = ceilf(sqrtf(d/tol));
        return GrMin(GrNextPow2((uint32_t)d), MAX_POINTS_PER_CURVE);
Esempio n. 8
int GrInOrderDrawBuffer::concatInstancedDraw(const DrawInfo& info) {

    const GeometrySrcState& geomSrc = this->getGeomSrc();
    const GrDrawState& drawState = this->getDrawState();

    // we only attempt to concat the case when reserved verts are used with a client-specified index
    // buffer. To make this work with client-specified VBs we'd need to know if the VB was updated
    // between draws.
    if (kReserved_GeometrySrcType != geomSrc.fVertexSrc ||
        kBuffer_GeometrySrcType != geomSrc.fIndexSrc) {
        return 0;
    // Check if there is a draw info that is compatible that uses the same VB from the pool and
    // the same IB
    if (kDraw_Cmd != fCmds.back()) {
        return 0;

    DrawRecord* draw = &fDraws.back();
    GeometryPoolState& poolState = fGeoPoolStateStack.back();
    const GrVertexBuffer* vertexBuffer = poolState.fPoolVertexBuffer;

    if (!draw->isInstanced() ||
        draw->verticesPerInstance() != info.verticesPerInstance() ||
        draw->indicesPerInstance() != info.indicesPerInstance() ||
        draw->fVertexBuffer != vertexBuffer ||
        draw->fIndexBuffer != geomSrc.fIndexBuffer) {
        return 0;
    // info does not yet account for the offset from the start of the pool's VB while the previous
    // draw record does.
    int adjustedStartVertex = poolState.fPoolStartVertex + info.startVertex();
    if (draw->startVertex() + draw->vertexCount() != adjustedStartVertex) {
        return 0;

    GrAssert(poolState.fPoolStartVertex == draw->startVertex() + draw->vertexCount());

    // how many instances can be concat'ed onto draw given the size of the index buffer
    int instancesToConcat = this->indexCountInCurrentSource() / info.indicesPerInstance();
    instancesToConcat -= draw->instanceCount();
    instancesToConcat = GrMin(instancesToConcat, info.instanceCount());

    // update the amount of reserved vertex data actually referenced in draws
    size_t vertexBytes = instancesToConcat * info.verticesPerInstance() *
    poolState.fUsedPoolVertexBytes = GrMax(poolState.fUsedPoolVertexBytes, vertexBytes);

    return instancesToConcat;
Esempio n. 9
static uint32_t quadratic_point_count(const GrPoint points[], GrScalar tol) {
    GrScalar d = points[1].distanceToLineSegmentBetween(points[0], points[2]);
    if (d < tol) {
        return 1;
    } else {
        // Each time we subdivide, d should be cut in 4. So we need to
        // subdivide x = log4(d/tol) times. x subdivisions creates 2^(x)
        // points.
        // 2^(log4(x)) = sqrt(x);
        d = ceilf(sqrtf(d/tol));
        return GrMin(GrNextPow2((uint32_t)d), MAX_POINTS_PER_CURVE);
void GrDrawTarget::drawIndexedInstances(GrPrimitiveType type,
                                        int instanceCount,
                                        int verticesPerInstance,
                                        int indicesPerInstance,
                                        const SkRect* devBounds) {
    if (!verticesPerInstance || !indicesPerInstance) {

    int maxInstancesPerDraw = this->indexCountInCurrentSource() / indicesPerInstance;
    if (!maxInstancesPerDraw) {

    DrawInfo info;
    info.fPrimitiveType = type;
    info.fStartIndex = 0;
    info.fStartVertex = 0;
    info.fIndicesPerInstance = indicesPerInstance;
    info.fVerticesPerInstance = verticesPerInstance;

    // Set the same bounds for all the draws.
    if (NULL != devBounds) {
    // TODO: We should continue with incorrect blending.
    if (!this->setupDstReadIfNecessary(&info)) {

    while (instanceCount) {
        info.fInstanceCount = GrMin(instanceCount, maxInstancesPerDraw);
        info.fVertexCount = info.fInstanceCount * verticesPerInstance;
        info.fIndexCount = info.fInstanceCount * indicesPerInstance;

        if (this->checkDraw(type,
                            info.fIndexCount)) {
        info.fStartVertex += info.fVertexCount;
        instanceCount -= info.fInstanceCount;
Esempio n. 11
const GrGLCaps::MSAACoverageMode& GrGLCaps::getMSAACoverageMode(int desiredSampleCount) const {
    static const MSAACoverageMode kNoneMode = {0, 0};
    if (0 == fMSAACoverageModes.count()) {
        return kNoneMode;
    } else {
        GrAssert(kNone_CoverageAAType != fCoverageAAType);
        int max = (fMSAACoverageModes.end() - 1)->fCoverageSampleCnt;
        desiredSampleCount = GrMin(desiredSampleCount, max);
        MSAACoverageMode desiredMode = {desiredSampleCount, 0};
        int idx = SkTSearch<MSAACoverageMode>(&fMSAACoverageModes[0],
        if (idx < 0) {
            idx = ~idx;
        GrAssert(idx >= 0 && idx < fMSAACoverageModes.count());
        return fMSAACoverageModes[idx];
bool GrAAHairLinePathRenderer::onDrawPath(const SkPath& path,
                                          const SkStrokeRec&,
                                          GrDrawTarget* target,
                                          bool antiAlias) {

    int lineCnt;
    int quadCnt;
    GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry arg;
    if (!this->createGeom(path,
                          &arg)) {
        return false;

    GrDrawState::AutoDeviceCoordDraw adcd;
    GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState();
    // createGeom transforms the geometry to device space when the matrix does not have
    // perspective.
    if (!drawState->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective()) {
        if (!adcd.succeeded()) {
            return false;

    // TODO: See whether rendering lines as degenerate quads improves perf
    // when we have a mix

    GrDrawState::VertexEdgeType oldEdgeType = drawState->getVertexEdgeType();

    int lines = 0;
    int nBufLines = fLinesIndexBuffer->maxQuads();
    while (lines < lineCnt) {
        int n = GrMin(lineCnt - lines, nBufLines);
                            kVertsPerLineSeg*lines,    // startV
                            0,                         // startI
                            kVertsPerLineSeg*n,        // vCount
                            kIdxsPerLineSeg*n);        // iCount
        lines += n;

    int quads = 0;
    while (quads < quadCnt) {
        int n = GrMin(quadCnt - quads, kNumQuadsInIdxBuffer);
                            4 * lineCnt + kVertsPerQuad*quads, // startV
                            0,                                 // startI
                            kVertsPerQuad*n,                   // vCount
                            kIdxsPerQuad*n);                   // iCount
        quads += n;
    return true;
Esempio n. 13
void GrAARectRenderer::strokeAARect(GrGpu* gpu,
                                    GrDrawTarget* target,
                                    const GrRect& devRect,
                                    const GrVec& devStrokeSize,
                                    bool useVertexCoverage) {
    const SkScalar& dx = devStrokeSize.fX;
    const SkScalar& dy = devStrokeSize.fY;
    const SkScalar rx = SkScalarMul(dx, SK_ScalarHalf);
    const SkScalar ry = SkScalarMul(dy, SK_ScalarHalf);

    SkScalar spare;
        SkScalar w = devRect.width() - dx;
        SkScalar h = devRect.height() - dy;
        spare = GrMin(w, h);

    if (spare <= 0) {
        GrRect r(devRect);
        r.inset(-rx, -ry);
        this->fillAARect(gpu, target, r, useVertexCoverage);
    GrVertexLayout layout = aa_rect_layout(useVertexCoverage);
    size_t vsize = GrDrawTarget::VertexSize(layout);

    GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry geo(target, layout, 16, 0);
    if (!geo.succeeded()) {
        GrPrintf("Failed to get space for vertices!\n");
    GrIndexBuffer* indexBuffer = this->aaStrokeRectIndexBuffer(gpu);
    if (NULL == indexBuffer) {
        GrPrintf("Failed to create index buffer!\n");

    intptr_t verts = reinterpret_cast<intptr_t>(geo.vertices());

    // We create vertices for four nested rectangles. There are two ramps from 0 to full
    // coverage, one on the exterior of the stroke and the other on the interior.
    // The following pointers refer to the four rects, from outermost to innermost.
    GrPoint* fan0Pos = reinterpret_cast<GrPoint*>(verts);
    GrPoint* fan1Pos = reinterpret_cast<GrPoint*>(verts + 4 * vsize);
    GrPoint* fan2Pos = reinterpret_cast<GrPoint*>(verts + 8 * vsize);
    GrPoint* fan3Pos = reinterpret_cast<GrPoint*>(verts + 12 * vsize);

    set_inset_fan(fan0Pos, vsize, devRect,
                  -rx - SK_ScalarHalf, -ry - SK_ScalarHalf);
    set_inset_fan(fan1Pos, vsize, devRect,
                  -rx + SK_ScalarHalf, -ry + SK_ScalarHalf);
    set_inset_fan(fan2Pos, vsize, devRect,
                  rx - SK_ScalarHalf,  ry - SK_ScalarHalf);
    set_inset_fan(fan3Pos, vsize, devRect,
                  rx + SK_ScalarHalf,  ry + SK_ScalarHalf);

    // The outermost rect has 0 coverage
    verts += sizeof(GrPoint);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        *reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(verts + i * vsize) = 0;

    // The inner two rects have full coverage
    GrColor innerColor;
    if (useVertexCoverage) {
        innerColor = 0xffffffff;
    } else {
        innerColor = target->getDrawState().getColor();
    verts += 4 * vsize;
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
        *reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(verts + i * vsize) = innerColor;

    // The innermost rect has full coverage
    verts += 8 * vsize;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        *reinterpret_cast<GrColor*>(verts + i * vsize) = 0;

                        0, 0, 16, aaStrokeRectIndexCount());
Esempio n. 14
void GrGLCaps::init(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface* gli) {

    if (!ctxInfo.isInitialized()) {

    GrGLStandard standard = ctxInfo.standard();
    GrGLVersion version = ctxInfo.version();

     * Caps specific to GrGLCaps

    if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard) {
    } else {
        SkASSERT(kGL_GrGLStandard == standard);
        GrGLint max;
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &max);
        fMaxFragmentUniformVectors = max / 4;
        if (version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 2)) {
            GrGLint profileMask;
            GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, &profileMask);
            fIsCoreProfile = SkToBool(profileMask & GR_GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT);
        if (!fIsCoreProfile) {
            fFixedFunctionSupport = true;
            GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_COORDS, &fMaxFixedFunctionTextureCoords);
            // Sanity check
            SkASSERT(fMaxFixedFunctionTextureCoords > 0 && fMaxFixedFunctionTextureCoords < 128);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &fMaxVertexAttributes);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &fMaxFragmentTextureUnits);

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = true;
    } else {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
                                    ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8") ||

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fBGRAFormatSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(1,2) ||
    } else {
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
        } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
            fBGRAIsInternalFormat = true;
        SkASSERT(fBGRAFormatSupport ||
                 kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig != kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig);

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
    } else {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0);

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = false;
        fPackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fPackFlipYSupport = false;
    } else {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_CHROMIUM_flipy");
        fPackRowLengthSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
        fPackFlipYSupport =

    fTextureUsageSupport = (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard) &&

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        // The EXT version can apply to either GL or GLES.
        fTexStorageSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(4,2) ||
                             ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_storage") ||
    } else {
        // Qualcomm Adreno drivers appear to have issues with texture storage.
        fTexStorageSupport = (version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) &&
                              kQualcomm_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor()) ||

    // ARB_texture_rg is part of OpenGL 3.0, but mesa doesn't support it if
    // it doesn't have ARB_texture_rg extension.
    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        if (ctxInfo.isMesa()) {
            fTextureRedSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_rg");
        } else {
            fTextureRedSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
    } else {
        fTextureRedSupport =  version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||

    fImagingSupport = kGL_GrGLStandard == standard &&

    // ES 2 only guarantees RGBA/uchar + one other format/type combo for
    // ReadPixels. The other format has to checked at run-time since it
    // can change based on which render target is bound
    fTwoFormatLimit = kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard;

    // Known issue on at least some Intel platforms:
    if (kIntel_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor()) {
        fFragCoordsConventionSupport = ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration ||

    // SGX and Mali GPUs that are based on a tiled-deferred architecture that have trouble with
    // frequently changing VBOs. We've measured a performance increase using non-VBO vertex
    // data for dynamic content on these GPUs. Perhaps we should read the renderer string and
    // limit this decision to specific GPU families rather than basing it on the vendor alone.
    if (!GR_GL_MUST_USE_VBO &&
        (kARM_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor() || kImagination_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor())) {
        fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData = true;

    fDiscardFBSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer");

    if (kARM_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor() || kImagination_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor()) {
        fFullClearIsFree = true;

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) ||
    } else {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) ||

    if (kGLES_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
            fFBFetchType = kEXT_FBFetchType;
        } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_NV_shader_framebuffer_fetch")) {
            fFBFetchType = kNV_FBFetchType;

    this->initFSAASupport(ctxInfo, gli);

     * GrDrawTargetCaps fields
    GrGLint numFormats;
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &numFormats);
    if (numFormats) {
        SkAutoSTMalloc<10, GrGLint> formats(numFormats);
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, formats);
        for (int i = 0; i < numFormats; ++i) {
            if (formats[i] == GR_GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8) {
                f8BitPaletteSupport = true;

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        // we could also look for GL_ATI_separate_stencil extension or
        // GL_EXT_stencil_two_side but they use different function signatures
        // than GL2.0+ (and than each other).
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0));
        // supported on GL 1.4 and higher or by extension
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(1,4)) ||
    } else {
        // ES 2 has two sided stencil and stencil wrap
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = true;
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = true;

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fBufferLockSupport = true; // we require VBO support and the desktop VBO extension includes
                                   // glMapBuffer.
    } else {
        fBufferLockSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_mapbuffer");

    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        SkASSERT(ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0) ||
        fNPOTTextureTileSupport = true;
        fMipMapSupport = true;
    } else {
        // Unextended ES2 supports NPOT textures with clamp_to_edge and non-mip filters only
        // ES3 has no limitations.
        fNPOTTextureTileSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
        // ES2 supports MIP mapping for POT textures but our caps don't allow for limited MIP
        // support. The OES extension or ES 3.0 allow for MIPS on NPOT textures. So, apparently,
        // does the undocumented GL_IMG_texture_npot extension. This extension does not seem to
        // to alllow arbitrary wrap modes, however.
        fMipMapSupport = fNPOTTextureTileSupport || ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_IMG_texture_npot");

    fHWAALineSupport = (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard);

    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &fMaxTextureSize);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, &fMaxRenderTargetSize);
    // Our render targets are always created with textures as the color
    // attachment, hence this min:
    fMaxRenderTargetSize = GrMin(fMaxTextureSize, fMaxRenderTargetSize);

    fPathRenderingSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_NV_path_rendering");
    SkASSERT(!fPathRenderingSupport || fFixedFunctionSupport);

    fDstReadInShaderSupport = kNone_FBFetchType != fFBFetchType;

    // Disable scratch texture reuse on Mali and Adreno devices
    fReuseScratchTextures = kARM_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor() &&
                            kQualcomm_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor();

    // Enable supported shader-related caps
    if (kGL_GrGLStandard == standard) {
        fDualSourceBlendingSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
        // we don't support GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, just GL 3.2+ GS
        fGeometryShaderSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,2) &&
                                 ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration;
    } else {
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_standard_derivatives");

    if (GrGLCaps::kES_IMG_MsToTexture_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES_IMG, &fMaxSampleCount);
    } else if (GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES, &fMaxSampleCount);

Esempio n. 15
void GrGLCaps::init(const GrGLContextInfo& ctxInfo, const GrGLInterface* gli) {

    if (!ctxInfo.isInitialized()) {

    GrGLBinding binding = ctxInfo.binding();
    GrGLVersion version = ctxInfo.version();

     * Caps specific to GrGLCaps

    if (kES2_GrGLBinding == binding) {
    } else {
        GrAssert(kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding);
        GrGLint max;
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_FRAGMENT_UNIFORM_COMPONENTS, &max);
        fMaxFragmentUniformVectors = max / 4;
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS, &fMaxVertexAttributes);

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = true;
    } else {
        fRGBA8RenderbufferSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8") ||

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fBGRAFormatSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(1,2) ||
    } else {
        if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
        } else if (ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_format_BGRA8888")) {
            fBGRAFormatSupport = true;
            fBGRAIsInternalFormat = true;
        GrAssert(fBGRAFormatSupport ||
                 kSkia8888_GrPixelConfig != kBGRA_8888_GrPixelConfig);

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
    } else {
        fTextureSwizzleSupport = false;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = false;
        fPackRowLengthSupport = true;
        fPackFlipYSupport = false;
    } else {
        fUnpackRowLengthSupport =ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_unpack_subimage");
        fUnpackFlipYSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_CHROMIUM_flipy");
        // no extension for pack row length
        fPackRowLengthSupport = false;
        fPackFlipYSupport =

    fTextureUsageSupport = (kES2_GrGLBinding == binding) &&

    // Tex storage is in desktop 4.2 and can be an extension to desktop or ES.
    fTexStorageSupport = (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding &&
                          version >= GR_GL_VER(4,2)) ||
                         ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_storage") ||

    // ARB_texture_rg is part of OpenGL 3.0
    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fTextureRedSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3,0) ||
    } else {
        fTextureRedSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_texture_rg");

    fImagingSupport = kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding &&

    // ES 2 only guarantees RGBA/uchar + one other format/type combo for
    // ReadPixels. The other format has to checked at run-time since it
    // can change based on which render target is bound
    fTwoFormatLimit = kES2_GrGLBinding == binding;

    // Known issue on at least some Intel platforms:
    if (kIntel_GrGLVendor != ctxInfo.vendor()) {
        fFragCoordsConventionSupport = ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration ||

    // SGX and Mali GPUs that are based on a tiled-deferred architecture that have trouble with
    // frequently changing VBOs. We've measured a performance increase using non-VBO vertex
    // data for dynamic content on these GPUs. Perhaps we should read the renderer string and
    // limit this decision to specific GPU families rather than basing it on the vendor alone.
    if (!GR_GL_MUST_USE_VBO &&
        (kARM_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor() || kImagination_GrGLVendor == ctxInfo.vendor())) {
        fUseNonVBOVertexAndIndexDynamicData = true;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding && version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 2)) {
        GrGLint profileMask;
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, &profileMask);
        fIsCoreProfile = SkToBool(profileMask & GR_GL_CONTEXT_CORE_PROFILE_BIT);

    fDiscardFBSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer");

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = version >= GR_GL_VER(3, 0) ||
    } else {
        fVertexArrayObjectSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_vertex_array_object");

    this->initFSAASupport(ctxInfo, gli);

     * GrDrawTargetCaps fields
    GrGLint maxTextureUnits;
    // check FS and fixed-function texture unit limits
    // we only use textures in the fragment stage currently.
    // checks are > to make sure we have a spare unit.
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_IMAGE_UNITS, &maxTextureUnits);

    GrGLint numFormats;
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_NUM_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, &numFormats);
    SkAutoSTMalloc<10, GrGLint> formats(numFormats);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_COMPRESSED_TEXTURE_FORMATS, formats);
    for (int i = 0; i < numFormats; ++i) {
        if (formats[i] == GR_GL_PALETTE8_RGBA8) {
            f8BitPaletteSupport = true;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        // we could also look for GL_ATI_separate_stencil extension or
        // GL_EXT_stencil_two_side but they use different function signatures
        // than GL2.0+ (and than each other).
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0));
        // supported on GL 1.4 and higher or by extension
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(1,4)) ||
    } else {
        // ES 2 has two sided stencil and stencil wrap
        fTwoSidedStencilSupport = true;
        fStencilWrapOpsSupport = true;

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fBufferLockSupport = true; // we require VBO support and the desktop VBO extension includes
                                   // glMapBuffer.
    } else {
        fBufferLockSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_mapbuffer");

    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        if (ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(2,0) ||
            ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two")) {
            fNPOTTextureTileSupport = true;
        } else {
            fNPOTTextureTileSupport = false;
    } else {
        // Unextended ES2 supports NPOT textures with clamp_to_edge and non-mip filters only
        fNPOTTextureTileSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_texture_npot");

    fHWAALineSupport = (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding);

    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE, &fMaxTextureSize);
    GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_RENDERBUFFER_SIZE, &fMaxRenderTargetSize);
    // Our render targets are always created with textures as the color
    // attachment, hence this min:
    fMaxRenderTargetSize = GrMin(fMaxTextureSize, fMaxRenderTargetSize);

    fPathStencilingSupport = GR_GL_USE_NV_PATH_RENDERING &&

    // Enable supported shader-related caps
    if (kDesktop_GrGLBinding == binding) {
        fDualSourceBlendingSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,3) ||
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = true;
        // we don't support GL_ARB_geometry_shader4, just GL 3.2+ GS
        fGeometryShaderSupport = ctxInfo.version() >= GR_GL_VER(3,2) &&
                                 ctxInfo.glslGeneration() >= k150_GrGLSLGeneration;
    } else {
        fShaderDerivativeSupport = ctxInfo.hasExtension("GL_OES_standard_derivatives");

    if (GrGLCaps::kImaginationES_MSFBOType == fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES_IMG, &fMaxSampleCount);
    } else if (GrGLCaps::kNone_MSFBOType != fMSFBOType) {
        GR_GL_GetIntegerv(gli, GR_GL_MAX_SAMPLES, &fMaxSampleCount);
Esempio n. 16
bool GrAAHairLinePathRenderer::onDrawPath(const SkPath& path,
                                          GrPathFill fill,
                                          const GrVec* translate,
                                          GrDrawTarget* target,
                                          GrDrawState::StageMask stageMask,
                                          bool antiAlias) {

    int lineCnt;
    int quadCnt;
    GrDrawTarget::AutoReleaseGeometry arg;
    if (!this->createGeom(path,
                          &arg)) {
        return false;

    GrDrawTarget::AutoStateRestore asr;
    GrDrawState* drawState = target->drawState();
    if (!drawState->getViewMatrix().hasPerspective()) {
        // we are going to whack the view matrix to identity to remove
        // perspective.
        drawState = target->drawState();
        GrMatrix ivm;
        if (drawState->getViewInverse(&ivm)) {
            drawState->preConcatSamplerMatrices(stageMask, ivm);

    // TODO: See whether rendering lines as degenerate quads improves perf
    // when we have a mix
    int lines = 0;
    int nBufLines = fLinesIndexBuffer->maxQuads();
    while (lines < lineCnt) {
        int n = GrMin(lineCnt - lines, nBufLines);
                            kVertsPerLineSeg*lines,    // startV
                            0,                         // startI
                            kVertsPerLineSeg*n,        // vCount
                            kIdxsPerLineSeg*n);        // iCount
        lines += n;

    int quads = 0;
    while (quads < quadCnt) {
        int n = GrMin(quadCnt - quads, kNumQuadsInIdxBuffer);
                            4 * lineCnt + kVertsPerQuad*quads, // startV
                            0,                                 // startI
                            kVertsPerQuad*n,                   // vCount
                            kIdxsPerQuad*n);                   // iCount
        quads += n;
    return true;