Esempio n. 1
File: chunk.c Progetto: kraused/pvo
void create_chunk( int N_u, int N_v, int N_r,
                   double r_min, double r_max, double gamma,
                   long nnodes, pvo_float3_t* pts,
                   long ncells, int* cia, int* cja, uint8_t* types,
                   double* U, float* V )
    int iu, iv, ir, i, k;
    double theta, phi, r, t, u, v, z;
    // Mesh spacing
    double dr = (r_max - r_min)/N_r;

    /* We compute the values on the sphere by projection from the
       plane with this z value on the sphere. The closer this value
       is to 1.0, the lower is the curvature
    z = sqrt(0.5*(1 - gamma*gamma));

    for( ir = 0; ir <= N_r; ++ir )
        for( iv = 0; iv <= N_v; ++iv )
            for( iu = 0; iu <= N_u; ++iu )
                u = -z + ( (2*z)/(double )N_u )*iu;
                v = -z + ( (2*z)/(double )N_v )*iv;
                r = r_min + ir*dr;

                t = sqrt(u*u + v*v + gamma*gamma);

                k = iu + (N_u+1)*iv + (N_u+1)*(N_v+1)*ir;
                pts[k][0] = u    *r/t;
                pts[k][1] = v    *r/t;
                pts[k][2] = gamma*r/t;

    for( ir = 0; ir < N_r; ++ir )
        for( iv = 0; iv < N_v; ++iv )
            for( iu = 0; iu < N_u; ++iu )
                k = 8*(iu + N_u*iv + N_u*N_v*ir);

#undef  INDEX
#define INDEX(iu,iv,ir) ( (iu) + (N_u+1)*(iv) + (N_u+1)*(N_v+1)*(ir) )
                cja[k+0] = INDEX(iu  ,iv  ,ir  );
                cja[k+1] = INDEX(iu+1,iv  ,ir  );
                cja[k+2] = INDEX(iu+1,iv+1,ir  );
                cja[k+3] = INDEX(iu  ,iv+1,ir  );
                cja[k+4] = INDEX(iu  ,iv  ,ir+1);
                cja[k+5] = INDEX(iu+1,iv  ,ir+1);
                cja[k+6] = INDEX(iu+1,iv+1,ir+1);
                cja[k+7] = INDEX(iu  ,iv+1,ir+1);

    for( i = 0; i <= ncells; ++i )
        cia[i] = 8*i;
    for( i = 0; i <  ncells; ++i )
        types[i] = PVO_VTU_HEXAHEDRON;

    srand( 0 );

    for( i = 0; i < nnodes; ++i ) {
        U[3*i+0] = (1.0*rand())/(1.0*RAND_MAX);
        U[3*i+1] = (1.0*rand())/(1.0*RAND_MAX);
        U[3*i+2] = (1.0*rand())/(1.0*RAND_MAX);

    for( i = 0; i < ncells; ++i )
        V[i] = (1.0*rand())/(1.0*RAND_MAX);
Esempio n. 2
/* Get the last set of updates seen, (last+1) to n is returned. */
ulog_get_entries(krb5_context context, const kdb_last_t *last,
                 kdb_incr_result_t *ulog_handle)
    XDR xdrs;
    kdb_ent_header_t *indx_log;
    kdb_incr_update_t *upd;
    unsigned int indx, count;
    uint32_t sno;
    krb5_error_code retval;
    kdb_log_context *log_ctx;
    kdb_hlog_t *ulog = NULL;
    uint32_t ulogentries;

    ulogentries = log_ctx->ulogentries;

    retval = lock_ulog(context, KRB5_LOCKMODE_SHARED);
    if (retval)
        return retval;

    /* If another process terminated mid-update, reset the ulog and force full
     * resyncs. */
    if (ulog->kdb_state != KDB_STABLE)

    ulog_handle->ret = get_sno_status(log_ctx, last);
    if (ulog_handle->ret != UPDATE_OK)
        goto cleanup;

    sno = last->last_sno;
    count = ulog->kdb_last_sno - sno;
    upd = calloc(count, sizeof(kdb_incr_update_t));
    if (upd == NULL) {
        ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_ERROR;
        retval = ENOMEM;
        goto cleanup;
    ulog_handle->updates.kdb_ulog_t_val = upd;

    for (; sno < ulog->kdb_last_sno; sno++) {
        indx = sno % ulogentries;
        indx_log = INDEX(ulog, indx);

        memset(upd, 0, sizeof(kdb_incr_update_t));
        xdrmem_create(&xdrs, (char *)indx_log->entry_data,
                      indx_log->kdb_entry_size, XDR_DECODE);
        if (!xdr_kdb_incr_update_t(&xdrs, upd)) {
            ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_ERROR;
            retval = KRB5_LOG_CONV;
            goto cleanup;

        /* Mark commitment since we didn't want to decode and encode the incr
         * update record the first time. */
        upd->kdb_commit = indx_log->kdb_commit;

    ulog_handle->updates.kdb_ulog_t_len = count;

    ulog_handle->lastentry.last_sno = ulog->kdb_last_sno;
    ulog_handle->lastentry.last_time.seconds = ulog->kdb_last_time.seconds;
    ulog_handle->lastentry.last_time.useconds = ulog->kdb_last_time.useconds;
    ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_OK;

    return retval;
Esempio n. 3
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
 Main MEX function - interface to Matlab.
-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] )
  char solver[20];   /* solver identifier */
  int exitflag;      /* output arg */
  int buf_len;       /* real length of the solver identifier */
  int verb;          /* input argument */
  long i,j ;         /* common use loop variables */
  long inx1, inx2;   
  long num_data;     /* number of input training examples */
  long tmax;         /* input arg - max number of iteration */ 
  long t;            /* output arg - number of iterations */
  double tolrel;     /* input arg */
  double tolabs;     /* input arg */
  double thlb;       /* input arg */
  double *tmp_ptr;  
  double *alpha;     /* output arg */ 
  double *History;   /* output arg */
  double *diag_H;    /* diagonal of matrix H */
  double *vector_c;  /* vector c */
  double *vector_y;  
  double aHa11; 
  double aHa22;
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Take input arguments                                               */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if( nrhs != 9) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of input arguments.");

  /* matrix H */
  matrix_H = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);   
  dim = mxGetM(prhs[0]);     

  if(dim != mxGetN(prhs[0])) mexErrMsgTxt("Matrix H mast be squared.");
  /* vector c */
  vector_c = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);   
  if((MAX(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])) != dim) ||
     (MIN(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])) != 1))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Vector is of wrong size.");

  /* vector y */
  vector_y = mxGetPr(prhs[2]);   
  if((MAX(mxGetM(prhs[2]),mxGetN(prhs[2])) != dim) ||
     (MIN(mxGetM(prhs[2]),mxGetN(prhs[2])) != 1))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Vector is of wrong size.");

  /* string identifier of QP solver to be used */
  if( mxIsChar( prhs[3] ) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Solver must be a string.");
  buf_len = (mxGetM(prhs[3]) * mxGetN(prhs[3])) + 1;
  buf_len = (buf_len > 20) ? 20 : buf_len;
  mxGetString( prhs[3], solver, buf_len );

  /* maximal allowed number of iterations */
  tmax = mxIsInf( mxGetScalar(prhs[4])) ? INT_MAX : (long)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]); 
  tolabs = mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);   /* abs. precision defining stopping cond*/
  tolrel = mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);   /* rel. precision defining stopping cond*/

  /* threshold on lower bound */
  thlb = mxIsInf( mxGetScalar(prhs[7])) ? DBL_MAX : (double)mxGetScalar(prhs[7]); 

  verb = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);  /* verbosity on/off */

  if( verb == 1 ) {
    mexPrintf("Settings of QP solver\n");
    mexPrintf("solver : %s\n", solver );
    mexPrintf("tmax   : %d\n", tmax );
    mexPrintf("tolabs : %f\n", tolabs );
    mexPrintf("tolrel : %f\n", tolrel );
    mexPrintf("dim    : %d\n", dim );

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
  /* Inicialization                                                     */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* output "solution" vector alpha [dim x 1] */
  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dim,1,mxREAL);
  alpha = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);

  /* allocattes and precomputes diagonal of virtual K matrix */
  diag_H = mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(double));
  if( diag_H == NULL ) mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory.");
  for(i = 0; i < dim; i++ ) {
    diag_H[i] = matrix_H[dim*i+i];

  /* counter of access to matrix H */
  access = dim;

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Call QP solver                                                     */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if ( strcmp( solver, "mdm" ) == 0 ) {  
     exitflag = gnpp_mdm( &get_col, diag_H, vector_c, vector_y, dim, tmax, 
         tolabs, tolrel, thlb, alpha, &t, &aHa11, &aHa22, &History, verb );
  } else if ( strcmp( solver, "imdm" ) == 0 ) {  
     exitflag = gnpp_imdm( &get_col, diag_H, vector_c, vector_y, dim, tmax, 
         tolabs, tolrel, thlb, alpha, &t, &aHa11, &aHa22, &History, verb );
  } else {
     mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown QP solver identifier!");

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Generate outputs                                                   */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* exitflag [1x1] */
  plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])) = (double)exitflag;

  /* t [1x1] */
  plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[2])) = (double)t;

  /* access [1x1] */
  plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[3])) = (double)access;

  /* History [2 x (t+1)] */
  plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(2,t+1,mxREAL);
  tmp_ptr = mxGetPr( plhs[4] );
  for( i = 0; i <= t; i++ ) {
     tmp_ptr[INDEX(0,i,2)] = History[INDEX(0,i,2)];
     tmp_ptr[INDEX(1,i,2)] = History[INDEX(1,i,2)];

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Free used memory                                                   */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  mxFree( History );
  mxFree( diag_H );

Esempio n. 4
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
    if(nrhs < 4 || nrhs > 5)
     mexErrMsgTxt("Improper number of input arguments.\n\n"
                  "ARGMAX_MEX estimates the position of landmarks.\n\n"
                  "Synopsis: \n"
                  "  [ \\hat{s} ]= argmax_mex(options, W, mapTable, lbp [, L]) \n"
                  "  Input: \n"
                  "    options [1 x 1 structure] detector options\n"
                  "    W [n x 1 (double)] joint parameter vector\n"
                  "    mapTable [M x 4 (double)] mapping table for joint parameter vector W\n"
                  "    lbp [1 x M (cell)] LBP sparse features\n"
                  "    L [M x 1 (cell)] precomputed losses, optional parameter (for learning stage)\n"
                  "  Output: \n"
                  "    \\hat{s} [M x 2 (double)] estimated landmark positions\n");
    // Load input
    double * W;
    uint32_t W_ROWS, W_COLS;
    FLANDMARK_Options options;
    uint8_t M;
    const mwSize *dims;
    double * tmp_ptr;
    mxArray *tmp_field_ptr, *cell_ptr;
    mxArray * psigs0 = mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "PsiGS0");
    dims = mxGetDimensions(psigs0);
    options.PSIG_ROWS[0] = dims[0];
    options.PSIG_COLS[0] = dims[1];
    mxArray * psigs1 = mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "PsiGS1");
    dims = mxGetDimensions(psigs1);
    options.PSIG_ROWS[1] = dims[0];
    options.PSIG_COLS[1] = dims[1];
    mxArray * psigs2 = mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "PsiGS2");
    dims = mxGetDimensions(psigs2);
    options.PSIG_ROWS[2] = dims[0];
    options.PSIG_COLS[2] = dims[1];

    int tsize = -1, rows = -1, cols = -1;
    double * result;    
    bool lossy = (nrhs > 4) ? true : false;
    // options ----------------------------------------------------------------
    //options.M = 7;
    tmp_field_ptr = mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "M");
    tmp_ptr = (double*)mxGetPr(tmp_field_ptr);
    options.M = (int)tmp_ptr[0];
    M = options.M;
    //int mapTable[7*4];
    int * mapTable = (int*)calloc(M*4, sizeof(int));
    options.S = (int*)calloc(4*M, sizeof(int));
    // options.S ---------------------------------------------------
    tmp_field_ptr = mxGetField(prhs[0], 0, "S");
    dims = mxGetDimensions(tmp_field_ptr);
    tmp_ptr = (double*)mxGetPr(tmp_field_ptr);
    for (int i = 0; i < 4*options.M; ++i)
        options.S[i] = (int)tmp_ptr[i];
    // W ----------------------------------------------------------------------
    dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
    W_ROWS = dims[0]; W_COLS = dims[1];
    bool WisSparse = mxIsSparse(prhs[1]);
    if (WisSparse)
        W = (double*)calloc(W_ROWS*W_COLS, sizeof(double));
        double * pr = (double*)mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
        mwIndex * ir = mxGetIr(prhs[1]);
        mwSize nzmax = mxGetNzmax(prhs[1]);
        for (int ii = 0; ii < nzmax; ++ii)
            W[ir[ii]] = pr[ii];
    } else {
        W = (double*)mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // mapTable
    tmp_ptr = (double*)mxGetPr(prhs[2]);
    dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[2]);
    if (dims[0]*dims[1] != M*4)
        mexErrMsgTxt("mapTable must be a matrix [M x 4 (double)]");
    for (int i = 0; i < M*4; ++i)
        mapTable[i] = (int)tmp_ptr[i];
    // prepare output matrix
    plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericMatrix(2, M, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
    result = (double*)mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
    // get Q, G
    double ** q = (double**)calloc(M, sizeof(double*));
    double ** g = (double**)calloc((M-1), sizeof(double*));

    int idx_qtemp = 0;

    double * L;
    for (int idx = 0; idx < M; ++idx)
        // Q
        tsize = mapTable[INDEX(idx, 1, M)] - mapTable[INDEX(idx, 0, M)] + 1;

        double * q_temp = (double*)calloc(tsize, sizeof(double));
        memcpy(q_temp, W+mapTable[INDEX(idx, 0, M)]-1, tsize*sizeof(double));

        // sparse dot product <W_q, PSI_q>
        cell_ptr = mxGetCell(prhs[3], idx);
        dims = mxGetDimensions(cell_ptr);
        cols = dims[1];
        rows = dims[0];
        uint32_t *psi_temp = (uint32_t*)mxGetPr(cell_ptr);
        if (lossy)
            L = (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(prhs[4], idx));
        q[idx] = (double*)malloc(cols*sizeof(double));
        for (int i = 0; i < cols; ++i)
            double dotprod = 0.0f;
            for (int j = 0; j < rows; ++j)
                idx_qtemp = psi_temp[(rows*i) + j];
                dotprod += q_temp[ idx_qtemp ];
            q[idx][i] = dotprod;
            if (lossy)
                q[idx][i] += L[i];

        // G
        if (idx > 0)
            tsize = mapTable[INDEX(idx, 3, M)] - mapTable[INDEX(idx, 2, M)] + 1;
            g[idx - 1] = (double*)malloc(tsize*sizeof(double));
            memcpy(g[idx - 1], W+mapTable[INDEX(idx, 2, M)]-1, tsize*sizeof(double));
    // compute argmax
    int * indices = (int*)malloc(M*sizeof(int));
    tsize = mapTable[INDEX(1, 3, M)] - mapTable[INDEX(1, 2, M)] + 1;

    // left branch - store maximum and index of s5 for all positions of s1
    dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(prhs[3], 1)); 
    int q1_length = dims[1];
    double * s1 = (double *)calloc(2*q1_length, sizeof(double));
    double * s1_maxs = (double *)calloc(q1_length, sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < q1_length; ++i)
        // dot product <g_5, PsiGS1>
        dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(psigs1, INDEX(i, 0, options.PSIG_ROWS[1])));
            &s1[INDEX(0, i, 2)], &s1[INDEX(1, i, 2)],
            q[5], g[4], (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(psigs1, INDEX(i, 0, options.PSIG_ROWS[1]))),
            dims[1], tsize);
        s1[INDEX(0, i, 2)] += q[1][i];
    for (int i = 0; i < q1_length; ++i)
        s1_maxs[i] = s1[INDEX(0, i, 2)];
    // right branch (s2->s6) - store maximum and index of s6 for all positions of s2
    dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(prhs[3], 2));
    int q2_length = dims[1];
    double * s2 = (double *)calloc(2*q2_length, sizeof(double));
    double * s2_maxs = (double *)calloc(q2_length, sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < q2_length; ++i)
        // dot product <g_6, PsiGS2>     
        dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(psigs2, INDEX(i, 0, options.PSIG_ROWS[2])));
                &s2[INDEX(0, i, 2)], (double*)&s2[INDEX(1, i, 2)],
                q[6], g[5], (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(psigs2, INDEX(i, 0, options.PSIG_ROWS[2]))),
                dims[1], tsize);
        s2[INDEX(0, i, 2)] += q[2][i];
    for (int i = 0; i < q2_length; ++i)
        s2_maxs[i] = s2[INDEX(0, i, 2)];
    // the root s0 and its connections
    dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(prhs[3], 0)); 
    int q0_length = dims[1];
    double maxs0 = -FLT_MAX; 
    int maxs0_idx = -1;
    double maxq10 = -FLT_MAX, maxq20 = -FLT_MAX, maxq30 = -FLT_MAX, maxq40 = -FLT_MAX, 
            maxq70 = -FLT_MAX;
    double * s0 = (double *)calloc(M*q0_length, sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < q0_length; ++i)
        // q10
        maxq10 = -FLT_MAX;
        dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 0, options.PSIG_ROWS[0])));
                &maxq10, &s0[INDEX(1, i, M)],
                s1_maxs, g[0], (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 0, options.PSIG_ROWS[0]))),
                dims[1], tsize);
        s0[INDEX(5, i, M)] = s1[INDEX(1, (int)s0[INDEX(1, i, M)], 2)];
        // q20
        maxq20 = -FLT_MAX;
        dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 1, options.PSIG_ROWS[0])));
                &maxq20, &s0[INDEX(2, i, M)],
                s2_maxs, g[1], (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 1, options.PSIG_ROWS[0]))),
                dims[1], tsize);
        s0[INDEX(6, i, M)] = s2[INDEX(1, (int)s0[INDEX(2, i, M)], 2)];
        // q30
        maxq30 = -FLT_MAX;
        dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 2, options.PSIG_ROWS[0])));
                &maxq30, &s0[INDEX(3, i, M)],
                q[3], g[2], (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 2, options.PSIG_ROWS[0]))),
                dims[1], tsize);
        // q40
        maxq40 = -FLT_MAX;
        dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 3, options.PSIG_ROWS[0])));
                &maxq40, &s0[INDEX(4, i, M)],
                q[4], g[3], (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 3, options.PSIG_ROWS[0]))),
                dims[1], tsize);
        // q70
        maxq70 = -FLT_MAX;
        dims = mxGetDimensions(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 4, options.PSIG_ROWS[0])));
                &maxq70, &s0[INDEX(7, i, M)],
                q[7], g[6], (double*)mxGetPr(mxGetCell(psigs0, INDEX(i, 4, options.PSIG_ROWS[0]))),
                dims[1], tsize);
        // sum q10+q20+q30+q40+q70
        if (maxs0 < maxq10+maxq20+maxq30+maxq40+maxq70+q[0][i])
            maxs0_idx = i;
            s0[INDEX(0, i, M)] = i;
            maxs0 = maxq10+maxq20+maxq30+maxq40+maxq70+q[0][i];
    // get indices
    for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        indices[i] = (int)s0[INDEX(0, maxs0_idx, M)+i]+1;

    // cleanup temp variables
    free(s1); free(s1_maxs);
    free(s2); free(s2_maxs);

    // cleanup W if it was created
    if (WisSparse)
    // cleanup q
    for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
    // cleanup g
    for (int i = 0; i < M - 1; ++i)
    // convert 1D indices to 2D coordinates of estimated positions
    int * optionsS = &options.S[0];
    for (int i = 0; i < M; ++i)
        int rows = optionsS[INDEX(3, i, 4)] - optionsS[INDEX(1, i, 4)] + 1;
        result[INDEX(0, i, 2)] = COL(indices[i], rows) + optionsS[INDEX(0, i, 4)];
        result[INDEX(1, i, 2)] = ROW(indices[i], rows) + optionsS[INDEX(1, i, 4)];
Esempio n. 5
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------
 Main MEX function - interface to Matlab.

 [x,exitflag,t,access,History] = qpbsvm_mex(H,f,UB,tmax,tolabs,tolrel,verb,x0,Nabla0)

-------------------------------------------------------------------- */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const mxArray*prhs[] )
  char solver[20];   /* solver identifier */
  int exitflag;      /* output arg */
  int verb;          /* input argument -- verbosity */
  int buf_len;       /* real length of the solver identifier */
  long i, j;         /* loop variable */
  long tmax;         /* input arg - max number of iteration */ 
  long t;            /* output arg - number of iterations */
  double tolrel;     /* input arg */
  double tolabs;     /* input arg */
  double tolKKT; 
  double *tmp_ptr;  
  double *x;         /* output arg -- solution*/ 
  double *x0;
  double *Nabla;
  double *History;   /* output arg */
  double *diag_H;    /* diagonal of matrix H */
  double *f;         /* vector f */
  double UB;         
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Take input arguments                                               */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if( nrhs != 11) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of input arguments.");

  /* matrix H */
  matrix_H = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
  dim = mxGetM(prhs[0]);

  if(dim != mxGetN(prhs[0])) mexErrMsgTxt("Matrix H mast be squared.");
  /* vector f */
  f = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);   
  if((MAX(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])) != dim) ||
     (MIN(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])) != 1))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Vector f is of wrong size.");
  UB = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);

  /* string identifier of QP solver to be used */
  if( mxIsChar( prhs[3] ) != 1) mexErrMsgTxt("Solver must be a string.");
  buf_len = (mxGetM(prhs[3]) * mxGetN(prhs[3])) + 1;
  buf_len = (buf_len > 20) ? 20 : buf_len;
  mxGetString( prhs[3], solver, buf_len );

  tmax = mxIsInf( mxGetScalar(prhs[4])) ? INT_MAX : (long)mxGetScalar(prhs[4]);

  tolabs = mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);   /* abs. precision defining stopping cond*/
  tolrel = mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);   /* rel. precision defining stopping cond*/
  tolKKT = mxGetScalar(prhs[7]);   /* rel. precision defining stopping cond*/
  verb = (int)(mxGetScalar(prhs[8]));  /* verbosity on/off */

 /* output "solution" vector alpha [dim x 1] */
  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dim,1,mxREAL);
  x = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
  x0 = mxGetPr(prhs[9]);
  for(i=0; i < dim; i++) x[i] = x0[i];

  /* Nabla = H*x + f */
  plhs[5] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dim,1,mxREAL);
  Nabla = mxGetPr(plhs[5]);
  tmp_ptr = mxGetPr(prhs[10]); 
  for(i=0; i < dim; i++) Nabla[i] = tmp_ptr[i]; 
  if( verb > 0 ) {
    mexPrintf("Settings of QP solver\n");
    mexPrintf("nrhs   : %d\n", nrhs);
    mexPrintf("solver : %s\n", solver);
    mexPrintf("UB     : %f\n", UB );
    mexPrintf("tmax   : %d\n", tmax );
    mexPrintf("tolabs : %f\n", tolabs );
    mexPrintf("tolrel : %f\n", tolrel );
    mexPrintf("dim    : %d\n", dim );
    mexPrintf("verb   : %d\n", verb );

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */ 
  /* Inicialization                                                     */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* allocattes and precomputes diagonal of virtual K matrix */
  diag_H = mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(double));
  if( diag_H == NULL ) mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory.");
  for(i = 0; i < dim; i++ ) {
    diag_H[i] = matrix_H[dim*i+i];

  /* counter of access to matrix H */
  access = dim;

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Call QP solver                                                     */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if ( strcmp( solver, "sca" ) == 0 ) {
     exitflag = qpbsvm_sca( &get_col, diag_H, f, UB, dim, tmax, 
                tolabs, tolrel, tolKKT, x, Nabla, &t, &History, verb );
  } else if (strcmp( solver, "scas" ) == 0 ) {
     exitflag = qpbsvm_scas( &get_col, diag_H, f, UB, dim, tmax,
                tolabs, tolrel, tolKKT, x, Nabla, &t, &History, verb );
  } else if (strcmp( solver, "scamv" ) == 0 ) {
     exitflag = qpbsvm_scamv( &get_col, diag_H, f, UB, dim, tmax,
                tolabs, tolrel, tolKKT, x, Nabla, &t, &History, verb );
  } else {
     mexErrMsgTxt("Unknown QP solver identifier!");

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Generate outputs                                                   */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* exitflag [1x1] */
  plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])) = (double)exitflag;

  /* t [1x1] */
  plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[2])) = (double)t;

  /* access [1x1] */
  plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[3])) = (double)access;

  /* History [2 x (t+1)] */
  plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(2,t+1,mxREAL);
  tmp_ptr = mxGetPr( plhs[4] );
  for( i = 0; i <= t; i++ ) {
     tmp_ptr[INDEX(0,i,2)] = History[INDEX(0,i,2)];
     tmp_ptr[INDEX(1,i,2)] = History[INDEX(1,i,2)];

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Free used memory                                                   */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  mxFree( History );
  mxFree( diag_H );
status_t ExynosCameraFrameFactory::initPipes(void)
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d])", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

    int ret = 0;
    camera_pipe_info_t pipeInfo[3];
    ExynosRect tempRect;
    int maxSensorW = 0, maxSensorH = 0, hwSensorW = 0, hwSensorH = 0;
    int maxPreviewW = 0, maxPreviewH = 0, hwPreviewW = 0, hwPreviewH = 0;
    int hwPictureW = 0, hwPictureH = 0;
    int bayerFormat = CAMERA_BAYER_FORMAT;
    int previewFormat = m_parameters->getHwPreviewFormat();
    int pictureFormat = m_parameters->getPictureFormat();
    struct ExynosConfigInfo *config = m_parameters->getConfig();

    m_parameters->getMaxSensorSize(&maxSensorW, &maxSensorH);
    m_parameters->getHwSensorSize(&hwSensorW, &hwSensorH);
    m_parameters->getMaxPreviewSize(&maxPreviewW, &maxPreviewH);
    m_parameters->getHwPreviewSize(&hwPreviewW, &hwPreviewH);
    m_parameters->getHwPictureSize(&hwPictureW, &hwPictureH);

    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): MaxSensorSize(%dx%d), HWSensorSize(%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, maxSensorW, maxSensorH, hwSensorW, hwSensorH);
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): MaxPreviewSize(%dx%d), HwPreviewSize(%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, maxPreviewW, maxPreviewH, hwPreviewW, hwPreviewH);
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): HWPictureSize(%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, hwPictureW, hwPictureH);

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* FLITE pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = maxSensorW + 16;
    tempRect.fullH = maxSensorH + 10;
    tempRect.fullW = hwSensorW + 16;
    tempRect.fullH = hwSensorH + 10;
    tempRect.colorFormat = bayerFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = config->current->bufInfo.num_bayer_buffers;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 0;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_NONE;

        /* packed bayer bytesPerPlane */
    pipeInfo[0].bytesPerPlane[0] = ROUND_UP(pipeInfo[0].rectInfo.fullW, 10) * 8 / 5;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    /* setParam for Frame rate */
    uint32_t min, max, frameRate;
    struct v4l2_streamparm streamParam;

    memset(&streamParam, 0x0, sizeof(v4l2_streamparm));
    m_parameters->getPreviewFpsRange(&min, &max);

    if (m_parameters->getScalableSensorMode() == true)
        frameRate = 24;
        frameRate = max;

    streamParam.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    streamParam.parm.capture.timeperframe.numerator   = 1;
    streamParam.parm.capture.timeperframe.denominator = frameRate;
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]:set framerate (denominator=%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, frameRate);
    ret = setParam(streamParam, PIPE_FLITE);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE setParam fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

#if 0
    /* setParam for Frame rate */
    int bnsScaleRatio = m_parameters->getBnsScaleRatio();
    int bnsSize = 0;
    ret = m_pipes[PIPE_FLITE]->setControl(V4L2_CID_IS_S_BNS, bnsScaleRatio);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): set BNS(%d) fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, bnsScaleRatio, ret);
    } else {
        ret = m_pipes[PIPE_FLITE]->getControl(V4L2_CID_IS_G_BNS_SIZE, &bnsSize);
        if (ret < 0) {
            ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): get BNS size fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
            bnsSize = -1;

    int bnsWidth = 0;
    int bnsHeight = 0;
    if (bnsSize > 0) {
        bnsHeight = bnsSize & 0xffff;
        bnsWidth = bnsSize >> 16;

        ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): BNS scale down ratio(%.1f), size (%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, (float)(bnsScaleRatio / 1000), bnsWidth, bnsHeight);

        m_parameters->setBnsSize(bnsWidth - 16, bnsHeight - 10);
Esempio n. 7
void updateGraph()
  if(dist) {
    dist = NULL;
  if(prev) {
    prev = NULL;
  if(graph) {
    graph = NULL;
int r= 0, s=0;
  dist = (int *) malloc(nl_nsites(nl) * sizeof(int));
  prev = (int *) malloc(nl_nsites(nl) * sizeof(int));
  graph = (int *) malloc(sizeof(int) * (nl_nsites(nl)) * (nl_nsites(nl)));
    		dist[r] = INFINITY;
    		prev[r] = UNDEFINED;
    		graph[INDEX(r, s, nl_nsites(nl))] = 0;

	struct gossip *g = gossip;

	while(g != NULL)
		int len = strlen(gossip_latest(g));
		char *lat = (char *) malloc(sizeof(char) * (len+1));
		strcpy(lat, gossip_latest(g));

		char *addr = lat;

		char *ctr = index(addr, '/');		
		*ctr++ = 0;

		char *payload = index(ctr, '/');		
		*payload++ = 0;

		char *token = strtok(payload, ";");	

		while (token) 
			//printf("Address = %s\n", addr);
			//printf("Token = %s\n", token);	
			set_dist(nl, graph, nl_nsites(nl), addr, token, 1);
			token = strtok(NULL, ";");
		g = gossip_next(g);
	char *my_addr_str = addr_to_string(my_addr);
	int my_index = nl_index(nl, my_addr_str);
	// update connections of immediate neighbours
	struct file_info *f = file_info;
	while (f) {
		char *addr = addr_to_string(f->addr);

		if(strcmp(addr,my_addr_str ) != 0 && (f->type == FI_INCOMING || (f->type == FI_OUTGOING && f->status == FI_KNOWN && f->u.fi_outgoing.status == FI_CONNECTED)))
			set_dist(nl, graph, nl_nsites(nl), addr, my_addr_str, 1);

		f = f->next;
	// call graph on updated graph
	dijkstra(graph, nl_nsites(nl), my_index, dist, prev);
	printf("PRINTING GRAPH\n");
    		printf("%d ", graph[INDEX(r, s, nl_nsites(nl))]);


	printf("\nPRINTING DISTANCE\n");
	  printf("Distance to Site [%d] %s = %d\n", r, nl_name(nl,r), dist[r]);

	printf("\nPRINTING PREV\n");
	  printf("Previous to Site [%d] %s = %d\n", r, nl_name(nl,r), prev[r]);
Esempio n. 8
Algorithm taken from Matrix Algorithms Vol. II by G.W. Stewart.

Given an upper Hessenberg matrix, H, hqr overwrites it iwth a unitary similar
triangular matrix whose diagonals are the eigenvalues of H.

I beleive this is called Schur form.

n is the size of the matrix H

-1 is returned if more than maxiter iterations are required to to deflate
the matrix at any eigenvalue.  If everything completes successfully, a 0 is

c, s, r1, r2, and t are arrays of length n, used for scratch work

int hqr(Complex *H, Complex *Q, Real *c, Complex *s, Complex *r1, Complex *r2, Complex *t, int n, int maxiter, Real epsilon)
	int i1, i2, iter, oldi2, i, j;
	Complex k, tmp;
	//2. i1 = 1; i2 = n
	i1 = 0;
	i2 = n-1;//this is used both as an index and an upper bound in loops, so
	//it must be n-1, but I must use <= in loops.
	//3. iter = 0;
	iter = 0;
	//4. while(true)
		//5. iter = iter+1
		iter += 1;
		//6. if(iter > maxiter) error return fi
		if(iter > maxiter)
			return -1;
		//7. oldi2 = i2
		oldi2 = i2;
		//8. backsearch(H, i2, i1, i2)
		backsearch(H, n, i2, &i1, &i2, epsilon);

		//9. if(i2 = 1) leave hqr fi
		if(i2 == 0)
			return 0;
		//10. if(i2 != oldi2)iter = 0 fi
		if(i2 != oldi2)
			iter = 0;//I suppose we moved to the next eigenvalue
		//11. wilkshift(H[i2-1,i2-1], H[i2-1,i2], H[i2,i2-1], H[i2,i2], k)
		wilkshift(&INDEX(H,n,(i2-1),(i2-1)), &INDEX(H,n,(i2-1),i2), &INDEX(H,n,i2,(i2-1)), &INDEX(H,n,i2,i2), &k);
		//12. H[i1,i1] = H[i1,i1] - k
		INDEX(H,n,i1,i1).real -= k.real;
		INDEX(H,n,i1,i1).imag -= k.imag;

		//13. for i = i1 to i2-1
		for(i = i1; i <= i2-1; i++)
			//14. rotgen(H[i,i], H[i+1, i], c_i, s_i)
			rotgen(&INDEX(H,n,i,i), &INDEX(H,n,(i+1),i), &c[i], &s[i]);
			//15. H[i+1, i+1] = H[i+1, i+1] - k
			INDEX(H,n,(i+1),(i+1)).real -= k.real;
			INDEX(H,n,(i+1),(i+1)).imag -= k.imag;
			//16. rotapp(c_i, s_i, H[i, i+1:n], H[i+1,i+1:n])
			//Unfortunately, we are now using a row.  Before we were looking at
			//single columns, so I indexed the arrays H[i,j] = H[i + j*n], so
			//that &INDEX(H,n,i,j) could be used to equal H[i:n,j].  I can't do
			//that with rows now.
			//I will be using the array r1 and r2 for these two rows
			//copy the contents fo the rows to r1,r2
			for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
				r1[j].real = INDEX(H,n,i,j).real;
				r1[j].imag = INDEX(H,n,i,j).imag;
				r2[j].real = INDEX(H,n,(i+1),j).real;
				r2[j].imag = INDEX(H,n,(i+1),j).imag;
			rotapp(&c[i], &s[i], &r1[i+1], &r2[i+1], t, n-i-1);
			//now copy the results back to H
			for(j = i+1; j < n; j++)
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).real = r1[j].real;
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).imag = r1[j].imag;
				INDEX(H,n,(i+1),j).real = r2[j].real;
				INDEX(H,n,(i+1),j).imag = r2[j].imag;
		}//17. end for i

		//18. for i = i1 to i2-1
		for(i = i1; i <= i2-1; i++)
			//19. rotapp(c_i, s_i_bar, H[1:i+1, i], H[1:i+1, i+1]
			tmp.real = s[i].real;
			tmp.imag = -s[i].imag;
			//I can use the column as a continuous array
			rotapp(&c[i], &tmp, &INDEX(H,n,0,i), &INDEX(H,n,0,(i+1)), t, i+2);
			//20. rotapp(c_i, s_i_bar, Q[1:n,i], Q[1:n,i+1)
			//I can use the column as a continuous array
			rotapp(&c[i], &tmp, &INDEX(Q,n,0,i), &INDEX(Q,n,0,(i+1)), t, n);
			//21. H[i,i] = H[i,i] + k
			INDEX(H,n,i,i).real += k.real;
			INDEX(H,n,i,i).imag += k.imag;
		}//22. end for i

		//23. H[i2,i2] = H[i2,i2] + k
		INDEX(H,n,i2,i2).real += k.real;
		INDEX(H,n,i2,i2).imag += k.imag;
	}//24. end while
}//25 end hqr
Esempio n. 9
Algorithm taken from Matrix Algorithms Vol. II by G.W. Stewart.

REturns the right eigenvectors of the upper tiangular matrix T in the matrix X.
T and X and n*n Complex matrices.
void righteigvec(Complex *T, Complex *X, int n)
    int k, i, j;
    Real dmin, tmp, s;
    Complex d, tmp_c;
    //fill X with zeros just in case
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
        for(j = 0; j < n; j++)
            INDEX(X,n,i,j).real = 0.0;
            INDEX(X,n,i,j).imag = 0.0;
	//4. for k = n to 1 by -1
	for(k = n-1; k >= 0; k--)
	    //5. X[1:k-1,k] = -T[1:k-1,k]
	    for(i = 0; i <= k-1; i++)
	        INDEX(X,n,i,k).real = -INDEX(T,n,i,k).real;
	        INDEX(X,n,i,k).imag = -INDEX(T,n,i,k).imag;	
	    //6. X[k,k] = 1
	    INDEX(X,n,k,k).real = 1.0;
	    INDEX(X,n,k,k).imag = 0.0;

	    //7. X[k+1:n,k] = 0
	    for(i = k+1; i < n; i++)
	        INDEX(X,n,i,k).real = 0.0;
	        INDEX(X,n,i,k).imag = 0.0;	    
	    //8. dmin = max{eps_M*|T[k,k]|,smallnum}
	    dmin = 0.0;
	    tmp = INDEX(T,n,k,k).real * INDEX(T,n,k,k).real + INDEX(T,n,k,k).imag * INDEX(T,n,k,k).imag;
	    tmp = EPS_M * sqrt(tmp);
	    if(tmp > SMALLNUM)
	        dmin = tmp;
	        dmin = SMALLNUM;
	    //9. for j = k-1 to 1 by -1
	    for(j = k-1; j >= 0; j--)
	        //10. d = T[j,j] - T[k,k]
	        d.real = INDEX(T,n,j,j).real - INDEX(T,n,k,k).real;
	        d.imag = INDEX(T,n,j,j).imag - INDEX(T,n,k,k).imag;
	        //11. if(|d| <= dmin) d = dmin fi
	        if(norm(&d,1) <= dmin)
	            d.real = dmin;
	            d.imag = 0.0;
	        //12. if(|X[j,k]|/bignum >= |d|)
	        if(norm(&(INDEX(X,n,j,k)),1)/BIGNUM >= norm(&d,1))
	            //13. s = |d|/|X[j,k]|
	            s = norm(&d, 1)/norm(&INDEX(X,n,j,k),1);
	            //14. X[1:k,k] = s*X[1:k,k]
	            for(i = 0; i <= k; i++)
	                INDEX(X,n,i,k).real = s*INDEX(X,n,i,k).real;
	                INDEX(X,n,i,k).imag = s*INDEX(X,n,i,k).imag;
	        }//15. endif
	        //16. X[j,k] = X[j,k]/d
	        tmp = INDEX(X,n,j,k).real;
	        INDEX(X,n,j,k).real = INDEX(X,n,j,k).real*d.real + INDEX(X,n,j,k).imag*d.imag;
	        INDEX(X,n,j,k).imag = INDEX(X,n,j,k).imag*d.real - tmp*d.imag;
	        tmp = d.real*d.real + d.imag*d.imag;
	        INDEX(X,n,j,k).real /= tmp;
	        INDEX(X,n,j,k).imag /= tmp;
	        //17. X[1:j-1,k] = X[1:j-1,k] - X[j,k]*T[1:j-1,j]
	        for(i = 0; i <= j-1; i++)
	            tmp_c = complexMult(INDEX(X,n,j,k), INDEX(T,n,i,j));
	            INDEX(X,n,i,k).real = INDEX(X,n,i,k).real - tmp_c.real;
	            INDEX(X,n,i,k).imag = INDEX(X,n,i,k).imag - tmp_c.imag;
	    }//18. end for j
	    //19. X[1:k,k] = X[1:k,k]/||X[1:k,k]||_2
	    tmp = norm(&INDEX(X,n,0,k),k+1);
	    for(i = 0; i <= k; i++)
	        INDEX(X,n,i,k).real /= tmp;
	        INDEX(X,n,i,k).imag /= tmp;
	}//20. end for k
}//21. end righteigvec
Esempio n. 10
	{NAME("prof_gdump"),		CTL(opt_prof_gdump)},
	{NAME("prof_final"),		CTL(opt_prof_final)},
	{NAME("prof_leak"),		CTL(opt_prof_leak)},
	{NAME("prof_accum"),		CTL(opt_prof_accum)}

static const ctl_named_node_t arena_i_node[] = {
	{NAME("purge"),			CTL(arena_i_purge)},
	{NAME("dss"),			CTL(arena_i_dss)}
static const ctl_named_node_t super_arena_i_node[] = {
	{NAME(""),			CHILD(named, arena_i)}

static const ctl_indexed_node_t arena_node[] = {

static const ctl_named_node_t arenas_bin_i_node[] = {
	{NAME("size"),			CTL(arenas_bin_i_size)},
	{NAME("nregs"),			CTL(arenas_bin_i_nregs)},
	{NAME("run_size"),		CTL(arenas_bin_i_run_size)}
static const ctl_named_node_t super_arenas_bin_i_node[] = {
	{NAME(""),			CHILD(named, arenas_bin_i)}

static const ctl_indexed_node_t arenas_bin_node[] = {
Esempio n. 11
Algorithm taken from Matrix Algorithms Vol. II by G.W. Stewart.

This function takes a vector A of order n  and reduces it to Hessenberg form
by Householder transformations.

In the future it may be possible to remove H entirely and do the transformation
in place.

A is an n*n matrix that I am transforming
H is an n*n matrix where I will put the result
Q is an n*n matrix where I will accumulate the transformations
u is a vector of length n for scratch work.
vH is another vector of length n for scratch work
void hessreduce(Complex *A, Complex *H, Complex *Q, Complex *u, Complex *vH, int n)
	int k, i, j, l;
	Complex tmp;
	if(n < 2)
	//Reduce A
	//H = A
	//3. for k = 1 to n-2
	for(k = 0; k < n-2; k++)
		//Generate the Transformation
		//5. Q[k+1:n,k] = u
		copyVect(u+k+1, &INDEX(Q, n, (k+1), k), n-k-1);
		//Premultiply the transformation
		//6. vH = uH*H[k+1:n,k+1:n]
		for(i = k+1; i < n; i++)
			vH[i].real = 0.0;
			vH[i].imag = 0.0;
			for(j = k+1; j < n; j++)
				tmp = INDEX(H,n,j,i);
				vH[i].real += u[j].real * tmp.real;
				vH[i].real += u[j].imag * tmp.imag;//minus minus for hermitian
				vH[i].imag += u[j].real * tmp.imag;
				vH[i].imag -= u[j].imag * tmp.real;//minus sign is for hermitian
		//7. H[k+1:n,k+1:n] = H[k+1:n, k+1:n] - u*vH
		for(i = k+1; i < n; i++)
			for(j = k+1; j < n; j++)
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).real -= u[i].real *vH[j].real;
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).real += u[i].imag *vH[j].imag;
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).imag -= u[i].real *vH[j].imag;
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).imag -= u[i].imag *vH[j].real;
		//H[k+2:n,k] = 0
		for(i = k+2; i < n; i++)
			INDEX(H,n,i,k).real = 0.0;
			INDEX(H,n,i,k).imag = 0.0;
		//Postmultiply the transformation
		//9. v = H[1:n, k+1:n]*u
		//I will use the variable vH for v (for space).
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			vH[i].real = 0.0;
			vH[i].imag = 0.0;
			for(j = k+1; j < n; j++)
				tmp = INDEX(H,n,i,j);
				vH[i].real += tmp.real * u[j].real;
				vH[i].real -= tmp.imag * u[j].imag;
				vH[i].imag += tmp.real * u[j].imag;
				vH[i].imag += tmp.imag * u[j].real;
		//10. H[1:n, k+1:n] = H[1:n,k+1:n] - v*uH
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			for(j = k+1; j < n; j++)
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).real -= vH[i].real * u[j].real;
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).real -= vH[i].imag * u[j].imag;
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).imag += vH[i].real * u[j].imag;
				INDEX(H,n,i,j).imag -= vH[i].imag * u[j].real;
	}//end k
	//Accumulate the Transformations
	//12. Q[:,n] = e_n; Q[:,n-1] = e_(n-1)
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
		INDEX(Q,n,i,(n-1)).real = 0.0;
		INDEX(Q,n,i,(n-1)).imag = 0.0;
		INDEX(Q,n,i,(n-2)).real = 0.0;
		INDEX(Q,n,i,(n-2)).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(Q,n,(n-1),(n-1)).real = 1.0;
	INDEX(Q,n,(n-2),(n-2)).real = 1.0;
	//13. for k = n-2 to 1 by -1
	for(k = n-3; k >= 0; k--)
		//14. u = Q[k+1:n,k]
		copyVect(&INDEX(Q,n,(k+1),k), u+k+1, n-(k+1));
		//15. vH = uH*Q[k+1:n,k+1:n]//Q[k+1:n,k] = u
		for(i = k+1; i < n; i++)
			vH[i].real = 0.0;
			vH[i].imag = 0.0;
			for(j = k+1; j < n; j++)
				tmp.real = u[j].real;
				tmp.imag = -u[j].imag;
				tmp = complexMult(tmp, INDEX(Q, n, j, i));
				vH[i].real += tmp.real;
				vH[i].imag += tmp.imag;
		//16. Q[k+1:n, k+1:n] = Q[k+1:n, k+1:n] -u*vH
		for(i = k+1; i < n; i++)
			for(j = k+1; j < n; j++)
				tmp = complexMult(u[i],vH[j]);
				INDEX(Q,n,i,j).real -= tmp.real;
				INDEX(Q,n,i,j).imag -= tmp.imag;	
		//17. Q[:,k] = e_k
		for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
			INDEX(Q,n,i,k).real = 0.0;
			INDEX(Q,n,i,k).imag = 0.0;
		INDEX(Q,n,k,k).real = 1.0;
	}// 18. end for k
}//end hessreduce
Esempio n. 12
static void cvm_oct_rgmii_poll(struct ifnet *ifp)
	cvm_oct_private_t *priv = (cvm_oct_private_t *)ifp->if_softc;
	cvmx_helper_link_info_t link_info;

	/* Take the global register lock since we are going to touch
	   registers that affect more than one port */

	link_info = cvmx_helper_link_get(priv->port);
	if (link_info.u64 == priv->link_info) {

		/* If the 10Mbps preamble workaround is supported and we're
		   at 10Mbps we may need to do some special checking */
		if (USE_10MBPS_PREAMBLE_WORKAROUND && (link_info.s.speed == 10)) {

			/* Read the GMXX_RXX_INT_REG[PCTERR] bit and
			   see if we are getting preamble errors */
			int interface = INTERFACE(priv->port);
			int index = INDEX(priv->port);
			cvmx_gmxx_rxx_int_reg_t gmxx_rxx_int_reg;
			gmxx_rxx_int_reg.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_REG(index, interface));
			if (gmxx_rxx_int_reg.s.pcterr) {

				/* We are getting preamble errors at 10Mbps.
				   Most likely the PHY is giving us packets
				   with mis aligned preambles. In order to get
				   these packets we need to disable preamble
				   checking and do it in software */
				cvmx_gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl_t gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl;
				cvmx_ipd_sub_port_fcs_t ipd_sub_port_fcs;

				/* Disable preamble checking */
				gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_FRM_CTL(index, interface));
				gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.s.pre_chk = 0;
				cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_FRM_CTL(index, interface), gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.u64);

				/* Disable FCS stripping */
				ipd_sub_port_fcs.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_IPD_SUB_PORT_FCS);
				ipd_sub_port_fcs.s.port_bit &= 0xffffffffull ^ (1ull<<priv->port);
				cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_IPD_SUB_PORT_FCS, ipd_sub_port_fcs.u64);

				/* Clear any error bits */
				cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_REG(index, interface), gmxx_rxx_int_reg.u64);
				DEBUGPRINT("%s: Using 10Mbps with software preamble removal\n", if_name(ifp));

	/* If the 10Mbps preamble workaround is allowed we need to on
	   preamble checking, FCS stripping, and clear error bits on
	   every speed change. If errors occur during 10Mbps operation
	   the above code will change this stuff */

		cvmx_gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl_t gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl;
		cvmx_ipd_sub_port_fcs_t ipd_sub_port_fcs;
		cvmx_gmxx_rxx_int_reg_t gmxx_rxx_int_reg;
		int interface = INTERFACE(priv->port);
		int index = INDEX(priv->port);

		/* Enable preamble checking */
		gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_FRM_CTL(index, interface));
		gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.s.pre_chk = 1;
		cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_FRM_CTL(index, interface), gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.u64);
		/* Enable FCS stripping */
		ipd_sub_port_fcs.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_IPD_SUB_PORT_FCS);
		ipd_sub_port_fcs.s.port_bit |= 1ull<<priv->port;
		cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_IPD_SUB_PORT_FCS, ipd_sub_port_fcs.u64);
		/* Clear any error bits */
		gmxx_rxx_int_reg.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_REG(index, interface));
		cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_REG(index, interface), gmxx_rxx_int_reg.u64);

	if (priv->miibus == NULL) {
		link_info = cvmx_helper_link_autoconf(priv->port);
		priv->link_info = link_info.u64;
		priv->need_link_update = 1;
Esempio n. 13
int cvm_oct_rgmii_init(struct ifnet *ifp)
	struct octebus_softc *sc;
	cvm_oct_private_t *priv = (cvm_oct_private_t *)ifp->if_softc;
	int error;
	int rid;

	if (cvm_oct_common_init(ifp) != 0)
	    return ENXIO;

	priv->open = cvm_oct_common_open;
	priv->stop = cvm_oct_common_stop;

	/* Due to GMX errata in CN3XXX series chips, it is necessary to take the
	   link down immediately whne the PHY changes state. In order to do this
	   we call the poll function every time the RGMII inband status changes.
	   This may cause problems if the PHY doesn't implement inband status
	   properly */
	if (number_rgmii_ports == 0) {
		sc = device_get_softc(device_get_parent(priv->dev));

		rid = 0;
		sc->sc_rgmii_irq = bus_alloc_resource(sc->sc_dev, SYS_RES_IRQ,
						      &rid, OCTEON_IRQ_RML,
						      OCTEON_IRQ_RML, 1,
		if (sc->sc_rgmii_irq == NULL) {
			device_printf(sc->sc_dev, "could not allocate RGMII irq");
			return ENXIO;

		error = bus_setup_intr(sc->sc_dev, sc->sc_rgmii_irq,
				       cvm_oct_rgmii_rml_interrupt, NULL,
				       &number_rgmii_ports, NULL);
		if (error != 0) {
			device_printf(sc->sc_dev, "could not setup RGMII irq");
			return error;

	/* Only true RGMII ports need to be polled. In GMII mode, port 0 is really
	   a RGMII port */
	if (((priv->imode == CVMX_HELPER_INTERFACE_MODE_GMII) && (priv->port == 0)) ||
	    (priv->imode == CVMX_HELPER_INTERFACE_MODE_RGMII)) {

		if (cvmx_sysinfo_get()->board_type != CVMX_BOARD_TYPE_SIM) {

			cvmx_gmxx_rxx_int_en_t gmx_rx_int_en;
			int interface = INTERFACE(priv->port);
			int index = INDEX(priv->port);

			/* Enable interrupts on inband status changes for this port */
			gmx_rx_int_en.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_EN(index, interface));
			gmx_rx_int_en.s.phy_dupx = 1;
			gmx_rx_int_en.s.phy_link = 1;
			gmx_rx_int_en.s.phy_spd = 1;
			cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_EN(index, interface), gmx_rx_int_en.u64);
			priv->poll = cvm_oct_rgmii_poll;

	return 0;
Esempio n. 14
   void mxmg_c ( const void    * m1,
                 const void    * m2,
                 SpiceInt        nrow1,
                 SpiceInt        ncol1,
                 SpiceInt        ncol2,
                 void          * mout   )


   --------  ---  --------------------------------------------------
   m1         I   nrow1 X ncol1 double precision matrix.
   m2         I   ncol1 X ncol2 double precision matrix.
   nrow1      I   Row dimension of m1 (and also mout).
   ncol1      I   Column dimension of m1 and row dimension of m2.
   ncol2      I   Column dimension of m2 (and also mout).
   mout       O   nrow1 X ncol2 double precision matrix.


   m1         is any double precision matrix of arbitrary size.

   m2         is any double precision matrix of arbitrary size.
              The number of rows in m2 must match the number of
              columns in m1.

   nrow1      is the number of rows in both m1 and mout.

   ncol1      is the number of columns in m1 and (by necessity)
              the number of rows of m2.

   ncol2      is the number of columns in both m2 and mout.


              mout is the product matrix defined by

                 mout = (m1) x (m2)

              mout is a double precision matrix of dimension nrow1 x

              mout may overwrite m1 or m2.  Note that this capability
              does not exist in the Fortran version of SPICELIB; in the
              Fortran version, the output must not overwrite either



   1) If dynamic allocation of memory fails, the error
      SPICE(MEMALLOCFAILED) is signalled.




   The code reflects precisely the following mathematical expression

   For each value of the subscript i from 1 to nrow1, and j from 1
   to ncol2:

      mout(i,j) = Summation from k=1 to ncol1 of  m1(i,k) * m2(k,j)



      m1 = | 1.0  4.0 |    and  m2 =  | 1.0  3.0  5.0 |
           |          |                               |
           | 2.0  5.0 |               | 2.0  4.0  6.0 |
           |          |
           | 3.0  6.0 |


      nrow1  = 3
      ncol1  = 2
      ncol2  = 3

   Then the call

      mxmg ( m1, m2, nrow1, ncol1, ncol2, mout );

   produces the matrix

      mout = |  9.0  19.0  29.0 |
             |                  |
             | 12.0  26.0  40.0 |
             |                  |
             | 15.0  33.0  51.0 |


   1) No error checking is performed to prevent numeric overflow or

   2) No error checking performed to determine if the input and
      output matrices have, in fact, been correctly dimensioned.




   N.J. Bachman       (JPL)
   W.M. Owen          (JPL)


   -CSPICE Version 1.1.2, 16-JAN-2008   (EDW)

      Corrected typos in header titles:
      Detailed Input to Detailed_Input
      Detailed Output to Detailed_Output
   -CSPICE Version 1.1.1, 10-NOV-2006   (EDW)

      Added Parameters section header. 

   -CSPICE Version 1.1.0, 28-AUG-2001 (NJB)

      Const-qualified input arrays.

   -CSPICE Version 1.0.0, 16-APR-1999 (NJB)


   matrix times matrix n-dimensional_case


{  /* Begin mxmg_c */

   Local macros

   We'd like to be able to refer to the elements of the input and output
   matrices using normal subscripts, for example, m1[2][3].  Since the
   compiler doesn't know how to compute index offsets for the array
   arguments, which have user-adjustable size, we must compute the
   offsets ourselves.  To make syntax a little easier to read (we hope),
   we'll use macros to do the computations.

   The macro INDEX(width, i,j) computes the index offset from the array
   base of the element at position [i][j] in a 2-dimensional matrix
   having the number of columns indicated by width.  For example, if
   the input matrix m1 has 2 rows and 3 columns, the element at position
   [0][1] would be indicated by

      m1[ INDEX(3,0,1) ]


   #define INDEX( width, row, col )     ( (row)*(width) + (col) )

   Local variables
   SpiceDouble             innerProduct;
   SpiceDouble            *tmpmat;
   SpiceDouble            *loc_m1;
   SpiceDouble            *loc_m2;

   SpiceInt                col;
   SpiceInt                nelts;
   SpiceInt                row;
   SpiceInt                i;

   size_t                  size;

   Allocate space for a temporary copy of the output matrix, which
   has nrow1 rows and ncol2 columns.
   nelts   =  nrow1 * ncol2;
   size    =  (size_t) ( nelts * sizeof(SpiceDouble) );

   tmpmat  =  (SpiceDouble *) malloc ( size );

   if ( tmpmat == (SpiceDouble *)0 )
      chkin_c  ( "mxmg_c"                                          );
      setmsg_c ( "An attempt to create a temporary matrix failed." );
      sigerr_c ( "SPICE(MEMALLOCFAILED)"                           );
      chkout_c ( "mxmg_c"                                          );

   Cast the input pointers to pointers to SpiceDoubles.  Note:  the
   original variables are pointers to void so that callers may
   supply the array names as arguments without casting them to
   SpiceDoubles.  The naked array name is considered by the compiler
   to be an incompatible pointer type with (SpiceDouble *), so we
   can't simply declare the arguments to be (SpiceDouble *).  On the
   other hand, every pointer type can be cast to (void *).

   loc_m1 = (SpiceDouble *) m1;
   loc_m2 = (SpiceDouble *) m2;

   Compute the product.  The matrix element at position (row,col) is
   the inner product of the row of m1 having index row and the
   column of m2 having index col.  We compute index offsets using
   the macro INDEX.

   for ( row = 0;  row < nrow1;  row++ )

      for ( col = 0;  col < ncol2;  col++ )
         innerProduct = 0.0;

         for ( i = 0;  i < ncol1;  i++ )
            innerProduct  +=    loc_m1[ INDEX(ncol1,  row, i  ) ]
                              * loc_m2[ INDEX(ncol2,  i,   col) ];

         tmpmat [ INDEX( ncol2, row, col ) ]  =  innerProduct;

   Move the result from tmpmat into mout.
   MOVED ( tmpmat, nelts, mout );

   Free the temporary matrix.
   free ( tmpmat );

} /* End mxmg_c */
status_t ExynosCameraFrameFactory::fastenAeStable(int32_t numFrames, ExynosCameraBuffer *buffers)
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): Start", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

    int ret = 0;
    ExynosCameraFrame *newFrame = NULL;
    ExynosCameraFrame *queueFrame = NULL;
    ExynosCameraFrameEntity *newEntity = NULL;
    ExynosCameraFrameEntity *prevEntity = NULL;
    ExynosCameraList<ExynosCameraFrame *> instantQ;
    frame_queue_t *instanceOnDoneQ = NULL;

    m_instanceOnMaxCnt = numFrames;
    m_instanceOnCurCnt = 0;
    instanceOnDoneQ = new frame_queue_t;

    /* TODO 1. setup pipes for 120FPS */
    camera_pipe_info_t pipeInfo[3];
    ExynosRect tempRect;
    int hwSensorW = 0, hwSensorH = 0;
    int hwPreviewW = 0, hwPreviewH = 0;
    int bayerFormat = CAMERA_BAYER_FORMAT;
    int previewFormat = m_parameters->getHwPreviewFormat();
    int pictureFormat = m_parameters->getPictureFormat();
    ExynosRect bayerCropSize;
    uint32_t frameRate = 0;
    struct v4l2_streamparm streamParam;
    sp<Thread> instanceOnThread;
    int count = 0;

#if 0
    m_parameters->getMaxSensorSize(&bayerCropSize.w, &bayerCropSize.h);
    frameRate = 30;
    bayerCropSize.w = 3248;
    bayerCropSize.h = 2438;
    bayerCropSize.x = 0;
    bayerCropSize.y = 0;
    hwSensorW  = bayerCropSize.w;
    hwSensorH  = bayerCropSize.h;
    hwPreviewW = hwSensorW;
    hwPreviewH = hwSensorH;
    frameRate = 30;
    m_parameters->getMaxSensorSize(&maxSensorW, &maxSensorH);
    m_parameters->getMaxPreviewSize(&maxPreviewW, &maxPreviewH);
    m_parameters->getHwPreviewSize(&hwPreviewW, &hwPreviewH);
    frameRate = FASTEN_AE_FPS;
    bayerCropSize.w = FASTEN_AE_WIDTH;
    bayerCropSize.h = FASTEN_AE_HEIGHT;
    bayerCropSize.x = 0;
    bayerCropSize.y = 0;
    hwSensorW  = bayerCropSize.w;
    hwSensorH  = bayerCropSize.h;
    hwPreviewW = hwSensorW;
    hwPreviewH = hwSensorH;

    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): hwSensorSize (%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, hwSensorW, hwSensorH);

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* FLITE pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = hwSensorW + 16;
    tempRect.fullH = hwSensorH + 10;
    tempRect.colorFormat = bayerFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = NUM_FASTAESTABLE_BUFFER;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 0;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_NONE;

    /* packed bayer bytesPerPlane */
    pipeInfo[0].bytesPerPlane[0] = ROUND_UP(pipeInfo[0].rectInfo.fullW, 10) * 8 / 5;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        goto cleanup;

    /* setParam for Frame rate */
    memset(&streamParam, 0x0, sizeof(v4l2_streamparm));

    streamParam.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    streamParam.parm.capture.timeperframe.numerator   = 1;
    streamParam.parm.capture.timeperframe.denominator = frameRate;
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]:set framerate (denominator=%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, frameRate);
    ret = setParam(streamParam, PIPE_FLITE);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE setParam fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        goto cleanup;

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* ISP pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = hwSensorW + 16;
    tempRect.fullH = hwSensorH + 10;
#if 0
    tempRect.w = hwSensorW + 16;
    tempRect.h = hwSensorH + 10;
    tempRect.x = 0;
    tempRect.y = 0;
    tempRect.colorFormat = bayerFormat;

    /* ISP pipe */
    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = numFrames;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 3;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_LEADER;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perframeInfoIndex = PERFRAME_INFO_ISP;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_ISP_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[0].perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_CAPTURE;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[0].perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SCC_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[1].perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_CAPTURE;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[1].perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SCP_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);

    /* packed bayer bytesPerPlane */
    pipeInfo[0].bytesPerPlane[0] = ROUND_UP(pipeInfo[0].rectInfo.fullW, 10) * 8 / 5;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):ISP setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        goto cleanup;

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* SCC pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = hwPreviewW;
    tempRect.fullH = hwPreviewH;
    tempRect.colorFormat = pictureFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = NUM_PREVIEW_BUFFERS;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 0;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_NONE;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCC)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCP setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        goto cleanup;

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* SCP pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = hwPreviewW;
    tempRect.fullH = hwPreviewH;
    tempRect.colorFormat = previewFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = NUM_PREVIEW_BUFFERS;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 0;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_NONE;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCP)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCP setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        goto cleanup;

    for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
        /* 2. generate instant frames */
        newFrame = new ExynosCameraFrame(m_parameters, i);

        ret = m_initFrameMetadata(newFrame);
        if (ret < 0)
            ALOGE("(%s[%d]): frame(%d) metadata initialize fail", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, i);

        prevEntity = new ExynosCameraFrameEntity(PIPE_FLITE, ENTITY_TYPE_OUTPUT_ONLY, ENTITY_BUFFER_FIXED);
        newFrame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, prevEntity);

        newEntity = new ExynosCameraFrameEntity(PIPE_ISP, ENTITY_TYPE_INPUT_ONLY, ENTITY_BUFFER_FIXED);
        newFrame->addChildEntity(prevEntity, newEntity);

        ret = m_initPipelines(newFrame);
        if (ret < 0) {
            ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_initPipelines fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, ret);

        camera2_node_group node_group_info_isp;
        int zoom = m_parameters->getZoomLevel();
        memset(&node_group_info_isp, 0x0, sizeof(camera2_node_group));
        node_group_info_isp.leader.request = 1;
        node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[0] = 0;
        node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[1] = 0;
        node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[2] = bayerCropSize.w;
        node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[3] = bayerCropSize.h;
        node_group_info_isp.leader.output.cropRegion[0] = node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[0];
        node_group_info_isp.leader.output.cropRegion[1] = node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[1];
        node_group_info_isp.leader.output.cropRegion[2] = node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[2];
        node_group_info_isp.leader.output.cropRegion[3] = node_group_info_isp.leader.input.cropRegion[3];
        newFrame->storeNodeGroupInfo(&node_group_info_isp, PERFRAME_INFO_ISP, zoom);



        /* set metadata for instant on */
        camera2_shot_ext *shot_ext = (struct camera2_shot_ext *)(buffers[i].addr[1]);
        if (shot_ext != NULL) {
            shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[0] = 0;
            shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[1] = 0;
            shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[2] = hwPreviewW;
            shot_ext->shot.ctl.scaler.cropRegion[3] = hwPreviewH;

        /* 3. push instance frames to pipe */
        ret = pushFrameToPipe(&newFrame, PIPE_FLITE);
        if (ret < 0) {
            ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): pushFrameToPipeFail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
            goto cleanup;
        /* 3. push instance frames to doneQ*/
        ret = setOutputFrameQToPipe(instanceOnDoneQ, PIPE_ISP);
        if (ret < 0) {
            ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): pushFrameToPipeFail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
            goto cleanup;

        ALOGD("DEBUG(%s[%d]): Instant shot - FD(%d, %d) frameCnt(%d) frame(%p)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, buffers[i].fd[0], buffers[i].fd[1], newFrame->getFrameCount(), newFrame);


    for( int k = 0 ; k < numFrames ; k++ )
        ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]->instantOnQbuf(&queueFrame, BUFFER_POS::DST);
        if (ret < 0) {
            ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): FLITE instantOnQbuf fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
            goto cleanup;

    /* 4. pipe instant on */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]->instantOn(numFrames);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): PIPE_FLITE On fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        goto cleanup;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP)]->instantOn(0);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): PIPE_ISP On fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        goto cleanup;

    instanceOnThread = ExynosCameraThreadFactory::createThread(this, &ExynosCameraFrameFactory::m_instanceOnThreadFunc, "InstanceOnThread", PRIORITY_URGENT_DISPLAY);

    /* 5. setControl to sensor instant on */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]->setControl(V4L2_CID_IS_S_STREAM, (1 | 1 << SENSOR_NOBLOCK_SHIFT | numFrames << SENSOR_INSTANT_SHIFT));
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): instantOn fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        goto cleanup;

    while( true ) {
        newFrame = NULL;
        ret = instanceOnDoneQ->waitAndPopProcessQ(&newFrame);
        if (ret < 0) {
            /* TODO: We need to make timeout duration depends on FPS */
            if (ret == TIMED_OUT) {
                ALOGW("WARN(%s):wait timeout", __FUNCTION__);
            } else {
                ALOGE("ERR(%s):wait and pop fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, ret);
                /* TODO: doing exception handling */
        ALOGE("Instance On wait Frame count(%d) numFrames(%d)", count, numFrames);
        if( numFrames <= count )


    /* 6. pipe instant off */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]->instantOff();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): FLITE Off fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP)]->instantOff();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("DEBUG(%s[%d]): ISP Off fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);

    newFrame = NULL;

    /* clean up all frames */
    for (int i = 0; i < numFrames; i++) {
        if (instantQ.getSizeOfProcessQ() == 0)

        ret = instantQ.popProcessQ(&newFrame);
        if (ret < 0) {
            ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): pop instantQ fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        if (newFrame == NULL) {
            ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): newFrame is NULL,", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

        delete newFrame;
        newFrame = NULL;

    if (instanceOnDoneQ != NULL) {
        delete instanceOnDoneQ;
        instanceOnDoneQ = NULL;

    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): Done", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    return ret;
Esempio n. 16
double timeTest(int num)
       //linux wall time
	struct timeval tvBegin, tvEnd, tvDiff;
	int i;
 #define N 8
	Complex A[N*N];
	Real c[N];
	Complex s[N], r1[N], r2[N], t[N];
   INDEX(A,8,0,0).real = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,0,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,0,1).real = 2.4;
	INDEX(A,8,0,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,0,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,0,2).imag = -1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,0,3).real = 3.6;
	INDEX(A,8,0,3).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,0,4).real = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,0,4).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,0,5).real = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,0,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,0,6).real = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,0,6).imag = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,0,7).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,0,7).imag = -2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,1,0).real = 1.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,0).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,1).real = -2.0;
	INDEX(A,8,1,1).imag = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,1,2).real = 3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,2).imag = 3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,1,3).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,1,4).imag = 0.9;
	INDEX(A,8,1,5).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,5).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,1,6).imag = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,7).real = 4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,7).imag = 0.0;

	INDEX(A,8,2,0).real = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,2,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,2,1).real = 2.4;
	INDEX(A,8,2,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,2,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,2,2).imag = -1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,3).real = 3.6;
	INDEX(A,8,2,3).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,2,4).real = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,4).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,5).real = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,2,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,2,6).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,6).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,7).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,2,7).imag = -2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,3,0).real = 1.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,0).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,1).real = -2.0;
	INDEX(A,8,3,1).imag = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,3,2).real = 3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,2).imag = 3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,3,3).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,3,4).imag = 0.9;
	INDEX(A,8,3,5).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,5).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,3,6).imag = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,7).real = 4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,7).imag = 0.0;

	INDEX(A,8,4,0).real = 1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,4,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,4,1).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,4,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,4,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,4,2).imag = -1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,4,3).real = 3.6;
	INDEX(A,8,4,3).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,4,4).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,4,4).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,4,5).real = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,4,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,4,6).real = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,4,6).imag = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,4,7).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,4,7).imag = -2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,5,0).real = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,5,0).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,1).real = -2.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,1).imag = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,2).real = 3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,2).imag = -3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,5,3).real = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,5,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,5,4).imag = 0.9;
	INDEX(A,8,5,5).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,5).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,5,6).imag = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,5,7).real = -4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,7).imag = 0.0;

	INDEX(A,8,6,0).real = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,6,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,6,1).real = -2.4;
	INDEX(A,8,6,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,6,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,6,2).imag = -1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,6,3).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,6,3).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,6,4).real = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,6,4).imag = 0.7;
	INDEX(A,8,6,5).real = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,6,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,6,6).real = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,6,6).imag = -1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,6,7).real = -0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,6,7).imag = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,7,0).real = 1.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,0).imag = 0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,1).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,7,1).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,7,2).real = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,2).imag = -3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,7,3).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,7,4).imag = 2.9;
	INDEX(A,8,7,5).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,5).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,7,6).imag = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,7).real = 4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,7).imag = 0.0;

	printf("Original Matrix:\n");

	Complex V[N*N];
	Complex Q[N*N];
	Real rv1[N];
	Complex cv1[N],cv2[N],cv3[N],eigenValues[N];
	Real epsilon = 0.000000001;
	gettimeofday(&tvBegin, NULL);//linux wall time
	for(i = 0; i < num; i++)
	      eigenDecomp(A, V, Q, eigenValues, rv1, cv1, cv2, cv3, N, epsilon, 50);

       INDEX(A,8,0,0).real = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,0,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,0,1).real = 2.4;
	INDEX(A,8,0,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,0,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,0,2).imag = -1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,0,3).real = 3.6;
	INDEX(A,8,0,3).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,0,4).real = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,0,4).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,0,5).real = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,0,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,0,6).real = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,0,6).imag = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,0,7).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,0,7).imag = -2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,1,0).real = 1.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,0).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,1).real = -2.0;
	INDEX(A,8,1,1).imag = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,1,2).real = 3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,2).imag = 3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,1,3).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,1,4).imag = 0.9;
	INDEX(A,8,1,5).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,5).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,1,6).imag = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,1,7).real = 4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,1,7).imag = 0.0;

	INDEX(A,8,2,0).real = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,2,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,2,1).real = 2.4;
	INDEX(A,8,2,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,2,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,2,2).imag = -1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,3).real = 3.6;
	INDEX(A,8,2,3).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,2,4).real = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,4).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,5).real = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,2,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,2,6).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,6).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,2,7).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,2,7).imag = -2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,3,0).real = 1.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,0).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,1).real = -2.0;
	INDEX(A,8,3,1).imag = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,3,2).real = 3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,2).imag = 3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,3,3).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,3,4).imag = 0.9;
	INDEX(A,8,3,5).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,5).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,3,6).imag = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,3,7).real = 4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,3,7).imag = 0.0;

	INDEX(A,8,4,0).real = 1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,4,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,4,1).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,4,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,4,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,4,2).imag = -1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,4,3).real = 3.6;
	INDEX(A,8,4,3).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,4,4).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,4,4).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,4,5).real = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,4,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,4,6).real = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,4,6).imag = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,4,7).real = 0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,4,7).imag = -2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,5,0).real = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,5,0).imag = -0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,1).real = -2.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,1).imag = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,2).real = 3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,2).imag = -3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,5,3).real = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,5,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,5,4).imag = 0.9;
	INDEX(A,8,5,5).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,5).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,5,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,5,6).imag = 2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,5,7).real = -4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,5,7).imag = 0.0;

	INDEX(A,8,6,0).real = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,6,0).imag = 3.1;
	INDEX(A,8,6,1).real = -2.4;
	INDEX(A,8,6,1).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,6,2).real = 0.3;
	INDEX(A,8,6,2).imag = -1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,6,3).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,6,3).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,6,4).real = 1.0;
	INDEX(A,8,6,4).imag = 0.7;
	INDEX(A,8,6,5).real = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,6,5).imag = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,6,6).real = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,6,6).imag = -1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,6,7).real = -0.4;
	INDEX(A,8,6,7).imag = 2.3;
	INDEX(A,8,7,0).real = 1.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,0).imag = 0.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,1).real = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,7,1).imag = 0.0;
	INDEX(A,8,7,2).real = -3.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,2).imag = -3.8;
	INDEX(A,8,7,3).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,3).imag = -1.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,4).real = 1.6;
	INDEX(A,8,7,4).imag = 2.9;
	INDEX(A,8,7,5).real = -2.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,5).imag = -0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,6).real = 1.3;
	INDEX(A,8,7,6).imag = 0.1;
	INDEX(A,8,7,7).real = 4.2;
	INDEX(A,8,7,7).imag = 0.0;
	gettimeofday(&tvEnd, NULL);//linux wall time
	// diff
    timeval_subtract(&tvDiff, &tvEnd, &tvBegin);
	for(i = 0; i < N; i++)
		printf("%1.4f + %1.4fi\n", eigenValues[i].real, eigenValues[i].imag);
	printf("max norm for Av-lv: %f\n",eigenTest(A,V,eigenValues,N));
   	//return elapsedTime;
	return tvDiff.tv_sec*1000 + tvDiff.tv_usec/1000; 	
ExynosCameraFrame *ExynosCameraFrameFactory::createNewFrame(void)
    int ret = 0;
    ExynosCameraFrameEntity *newEntity[MAX_NUM_PIPES] = {};
    ExynosCameraFrame *frame = new ExynosCameraFrame(m_parameters, m_frameCount);
    int requestEntityCount = 0;


    ret = m_initFrameMetadata(frame);
    if (ret < 0)
        ALOGE("(%s[%d]): frame(%d) metadata initialize fail", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, m_frameCount);

    /* set FLITE pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]);

    /* set ISP pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addChildEntity(newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)], newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_ISP)]);

    /* set SCC pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_SCC)]);

    /* set SCP pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_SCP)]);

    /* set GSC pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_GSC)]);

    /* set GSC-Picture pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_GSC_PICTURE)]);

    /* set GSC-Video pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_GSC_VIDEO)]);

    /* set JPEG pipe to linkageList */
    frame->addSiblingEntity(NULL, newEntity[INDEX(PIPE_JPEG)]);

    ret = m_initPipelines(frame);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s):m_initPipelines fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, ret);

    /* TODO: make it dynamic */


    return frame;
Esempio n. 18
    THING *obj;
    PLACE *pp;
    int y, x;
    char ch;
    int i;
    bool discardit = FALSE;
    struct room *cur_room;
    THING *orig_obj;
    static coord mp;

    obj = get_item("read", SCROLL);
    if (obj == NULL)
    if (obj->o_type != SCROLL)
	if (!terse)
	    msg("there is nothing on it to read");
	    msg("nothing to read");
     * Calculate the effect it has on the poor guy.
    if (obj == cur_weapon)
	cur_weapon = NULL;
     * Get rid of the thing
    discardit = (bool)(obj->o_count == 1);
    leave_pack(obj, FALSE, FALSE);
    orig_obj = obj;

    switch (obj->o_which)
	case S_CONFUSE:
	     * Scroll of monster confusion.  Give player that power.
	    player.t_flags |= CANHUH;
	    msg("your hands begin to glow %s", pick_color("red"));
	when S_ARMOR:
	    if (cur_armor != NULL)
		cur_armor->o_flags &= ~ISCURSED;
		msg("your armor glows %s for a moment", pick_color("silver"));
	when S_HOLD:
	     * Hold monster scroll.  Stop all monsters within two spaces
	     * from chasing after the hero.

	    ch = 0;
	    for (x = hero.x - 2; x <= hero.x + 2; x++)
		if (x >= 0 && x < NUMCOLS)
		    for (y = hero.y - 2; y <= hero.y + 2; y++)
			if (y >= 0 && y <= NUMLINES - 1)
			    if ((obj = moat(y, x)) != NULL && on(*obj, ISRUN))
				obj->t_flags &= ~ISRUN;
				obj->t_flags |= ISHELD;
	    if (ch)
		addmsg("the monster");
		if (ch > 1)
		    addmsg("s around you");
		addmsg(" freeze");
		if (ch == 1)
		scr_info[S_HOLD].oi_know = TRUE;
		msg("you feel a strange sense of loss");
	when S_SLEEP:
	     * Scroll which makes you fall asleep
	    scr_info[S_SLEEP].oi_know = TRUE;
	    no_command += rnd(SLEEPTIME) + 4;
	    player.t_flags &= ~ISRUN;
	    msg("you fall asleep");
	when S_CREATE:
	     * Create a monster:
	     * First look in a circle around him, next try his room
	     * otherwise give up
	    i = 0;
	    for (y = hero.y - 1; y <= hero.y + 1; y++)
		for (x = hero.x - 1; x <= hero.x + 1; x++)
		     * Don't put a monster in top of the player.
		    if (y == hero.y && x == hero.x)
		     * Or anything else nasty
		    else if (step_ok(ch = winat(y, x)))
			if (ch == SCROLL
			    && find_obj(y, x)->o_which == S_SCARE)
			else if (rnd(++i) == 0)
			    mp.y = y;
			    mp.x = x;
	    if (i == 0)
		msg("you hear a faint cry of anguish in the distance");
		obj = new_item();
		new_monster(obj, randmonster(FALSE), &mp);
	when S_ID_POTION:
	case S_ID_SCROLL:
	case S_ID_WEAPON:
	case S_ID_ARMOR:
	case S_ID_R_OR_S:
	    static char id_type[S_ID_R_OR_S + 1] =
		{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, POTION, SCROLL, WEAPON, ARMOR, R_OR_S };
	     * Identify, let him figure something out
	    scr_info[obj->o_which].oi_know = TRUE;
	    msg("this scroll is an %s scroll", scr_info[obj->o_which].oi_name);
	    whatis(TRUE, id_type[obj->o_which]);
	when S_MAP:
	     * Scroll of magic mapping.
	    scr_info[S_MAP].oi_know = TRUE;
	    msg("oh, now this scroll has a map on it");
	     * take all the things we want to keep hidden out of the window
	    for (y = 1; y < NUMLINES - 1; y++)
		for (x = 0; x < NUMCOLS; x++)
		    pp = INDEX(y, x);
		    switch (ch = pp->p_ch)
			case DOOR:
			case STAIRS:

			case '-':
			case '|':
			    if (!(pp->p_flags & F_REAL))
				ch = pp->p_ch = DOOR;
				pp->p_flags |= F_REAL;

			case ' ':
			    if (pp->p_flags & F_REAL)
				goto def;
			    pp->p_flags |= F_REAL;
			    ch = pp->p_ch = PASSAGE;
			    /* FALLTHROUGH */

			case PASSAGE:
			    if (!(pp->p_flags & F_REAL))
				pp->p_ch = PASSAGE;
			    pp->p_flags |= (F_SEEN|F_REAL);
			    ch = PASSAGE;

			case FLOOR:
			    if (pp->p_flags & F_REAL)
				ch = ' ';
				ch = TRAP;
				pp->p_ch = TRAP;
				pp->p_flags |= (F_SEEN|F_REAL);

			    if (pp->p_flags & F_PASS)
				goto pass;
			    ch = ' ';
		    if (ch != ' ')
			if ((obj = pp->p_monst) != NULL)
			    obj->t_oldch = ch;
			if (obj == NULL || !on(player, SEEMONST))
			    mvaddch(y, x, ch);
	when S_FDET:
	     * Potion of gold detection
	    ch = FALSE;
	    for (obj = lvl_obj; obj != NULL; obj = next(obj))
		if (obj->o_type == FOOD)
		    ch = TRUE;
		    wmove(hw, obj->o_pos.y, obj->o_pos.x);
		    waddch(hw, FOOD);
	    if (ch)
		scr_info[S_FDET].oi_know = TRUE;
		show_win("Your nose tingles and you smell food.--More--");
		msg("your nose tingles");
	when S_TELEP:
	     * Scroll of teleportation:
	     * Make player disappear and reappear
		cur_room = proom;
		if (cur_room != proom)
		    scr_info[S_TELEP].oi_know = TRUE;
	when S_ENCH:
	    if (cur_weapon == NULL || cur_weapon->o_type != WEAPON)
		msg("you feel a strange sense of loss");
		cur_weapon->o_flags &= ~ISCURSED;
		if (rnd(2) == 0)
		msg("your %s glows %s for a moment",
		    weap_info[cur_weapon->o_which].oi_name, pick_color("blue"));
	when S_SCARE:
	     * Reading it is a mistake and produces laughter at her
	     * poor boo boo.
	    msg("you hear wild laughter in the distance");
	when S_REMOVE:
	    msg(choose_str("you feel in touch with the Universal Onenes",
			   "you feel as if somebody is watching over you"));
	when S_AGGR:
	     * This scroll aggravates all the monsters on the current
	     * level and sets them running towards the hero
	    msg("you hear a high pitched humming noise");
	when S_PROTECT:
	    if (cur_armor != NULL)
		cur_armor->o_flags |= ISPROT;
		msg("your armor is covered by a shimmering %s shield",
		msg("you feel a strange sense of loss");
#ifdef MASTER
	    msg("what a puzzling scroll!");
    obj = orig_obj;
    look(TRUE);	/* put the result of the scroll on the screen */


    if (discardit)
status_t ExynosCameraFrameFactory::create(void)
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d])", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
    int ret = 0;
    int sensorId = getSensorId(m_cameraId);
    int32_t nodeNums[MAX_NODE] = {-1};
    int32_t sensorIds[MAX_NODE] = {-1};

    nodeNums[OUTPUT_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeFlite(m_cameraId, m_parameters, false, nodeNums);

    nodeNums[CAPTURE_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeISP(m_cameraId, m_parameters, false, nodeNums);

    nodeNums[OUTPUT_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCC)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeSCC(m_cameraId, m_parameters, false, nodeNums);

    nodeNums[OUTPUT_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCP)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeSCP(m_cameraId, m_parameters, false, nodeNums);

    nodeNums[CAPTURE_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_GSC)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeGSC(m_cameraId, m_parameters, true, nodeNums);

    nodeNums[CAPTURE_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_GSC_VIDEO)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeGSC(m_cameraId, m_parameters, false, nodeNums);

    nodeNums[CAPTURE_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_GSC_PICTURE)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeGSC(m_cameraId, m_parameters, true, nodeNums);

    nodeNums[OUTPUT_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[CAPTURE_NODE] = -1;
    nodeNums[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_JPEG)] = (ExynosCameraPipe*)new ExynosCameraPipeJpeg(m_cameraId, m_parameters, true, nodeNums);

    /* flite pipe initialize */
    sensorIds[OUTPUT_NODE] = -1;
                   | (sensorId << 0);
    sensorIds[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE)]->create(sensorIds);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_FLITE));

    /* ISP pipe initialize */
                   | (sensorId << 0);
    sensorIds[CAPTURE_NODE] = -1;
    sensorIds[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP)]->create(sensorIds);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):ISP create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_ISP));

    /* SCC pipe initialize
     * TODO: preview Frame dose not need SCC
     *       Will be removed after driver fix.
    sensorIds[OUTPUT_NODE] = -1;
                   | (sensorId << 0);
    sensorIds[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCC)]->create(sensorIds);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCC create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_SCC));

    /* SCP pipe initialize */
    sensorIds[OUTPUT_NODE] = -1;
                   | (sensorId << 0);
    sensorIds[SUB_NODE] = -1;
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCP)]->create(sensorIds);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCP create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_SCP));

    /* GSC pipe initialize */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_GSC)]->create(NULL);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):GSC create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_GSC));

    /* GSC pipe initialize */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_GSC_VIDEO)]->create(NULL);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):GSC create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_GSC_VIDEO));

    /* GSC pipe initialize */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_GSC_PICTURE)]->create(NULL);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):GSC create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_GSC_PICTURE));

    /* JPEG pipe initialize */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_JPEG)]->create(NULL);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):JPEG create fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;
    ALOGD("DEBUG(%s):Pipe(%d) created", __FUNCTION__, INDEX(PIPE_JPEG));

    return NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 20
void LoopUnroller::unroll(otawa::CFG *cfg, BasicBlock *header, VirtualCFG *vcfg) {
	VectorQueue<BasicBlock*> workList;
	VectorQueue<BasicBlock*> loopList;
	VectorQueue<BasicBlock*> virtualCallList;
	genstruct::Vector<BasicBlock*> doneList;
	typedef genstruct::Vector<Pair<VirtualBasicBlock*, Edge::kind_t> > BackEdgePairVector;
	BackEdgePairVector backEdges;
	bool dont_unroll = false;
	BasicBlock *unrolled_from;
	int start;

	/* Avoid unrolling loops with LOOP_COUNT of 0, since it would create a LOOP_COUNT of -1 for the non-unrolled part of the loop*/


	if (header && (ipet::LOOP_COUNT(header) == 0)) {
		dont_unroll = true;

	//if (header) dont_unroll = true;
	start = dont_unroll ? 1 : 0;

	for (int i = start; ((i < 2) && header) || (i < 1); i++) {

		workList.put(header ? header : cfg->entry());
		doneList.add(header ? header : cfg->entry());

		genstruct::Vector<BasicBlock*> bbs;

		while (!workList.isEmpty()) {

			BasicBlock *current = workList.get();

			if (LOOP_HEADER(current) && (current != header)) {
				/* we enter another loop */


				/* add exit edges destinations to the worklist */

				for (genstruct::Vector<Edge*>::Iterator exitedge(**EXIT_LIST(current)); exitedge; exitedge++) {
					if (!doneList.contains(exitedge->target())) {
			} else {
				VirtualBasicBlock *new_bb = 0;
				if ((!current->isEntry()) && (!current->isExit())) {
					/* Duplicate the current basic block */

					new_bb = new VirtualBasicBlock(current);

					/* Remember the call block so we can correct its destination when we have processed it */
					if (VIRTUAL_RETURN_BLOCK(new_bb))

					if ((current == header) && (!dont_unroll)) {
						if (i == 0) {
							unrolled_from = new_bb;
						} else {
							UNROLLED_FROM(new_bb) = unrolled_from;
					if (ipet::LOOP_COUNT(new_bb) != -1) {
						if (i == 0) {
						else {
							int old_count = ipet::LOOP_COUNT(new_bb);
							ipet::LOOP_COUNT(new_bb) = old_count - (1 - start);
							ASSERT(ipet::LOOP_COUNT(new_bb) >= 0);


					INDEX(new_bb) = idx;


					map.put(current, new_bb);

				/* add successors which are in loop (including possible sub-loop headers) */
				for (BasicBlock::OutIterator outedge(current); outedge; outedge++) {

					if (outedge->target() == cfg->exit())
					if (outedge->kind() == Edge::CALL)

					if (ENCLOSING_LOOP_HEADER(outedge->target()) == header) {
					//	cout << "Test for add: " << outedge->target()->number() << "\n";
						if (!doneList.contains(outedge->target())) {
					if (LOOP_EXIT_EDGE(outedge)) {
						/* Connect exit edge */
						VirtualBasicBlock *vdst = map.get(outedge->target());
						new Edge(new_bb, vdst, outedge->kind());


		while (!virtualCallList.isEmpty()) {
			BasicBlock *vcall = virtualCallList.get();
			BasicBlock *vreturn = map.get(VIRTUAL_RETURN_BLOCK(vcall), 0);

			ASSERT(vreturn != 0);
			VIRTUAL_RETURN_BLOCK(vcall) = vreturn;


		while (!loopList.isEmpty()) {
			BasicBlock *loop = loopList.get();
			unroll(cfg, loop, vcfg);

		/* Connect the internal edges for the current loop */
		for (genstruct::Vector<BasicBlock*>::Iterator bb(bbs); bb; bb++) {
			for (BasicBlock::OutIterator outedge(bb); outedge; outedge++) {
				if (LOOP_EXIT_EDGE(outedge))
				if (LOOP_HEADER(outedge->target()) && (outedge->target() != header))
				if (outedge->target() == cfg->exit())

				VirtualBasicBlock *vsrc = map.get(*bb, 0);
				VirtualBasicBlock *vdst = map.get(outedge->target(), 0);

				if (outedge->kind() == Edge::CALL) {
					CFG *called_cfg = outedge->calledCFG();
					int called_idx = INDEX(called_cfg);
					CFG *called_vcfg = coll->get(called_idx);
					Edge *vedge = new Edge(vsrc, called_vcfg->entry(), Edge::CALL);
					ENTRY(called_vcfg->entry()) = called_vcfg;
					CALLED_CFG(outedge) = called_vcfg; /* XXX:  ??!? */

				} else if ((outedge->target() != header) || ((i == 1) /* XXX && !dont_unroll XXX*/ )) {
					new Edge(vsrc, vdst, outedge->kind());
				} else {
					backEdges.add(pair(vsrc, outedge->kind()));

		if (i == start) {
			/* Connect virtual entry edges */
			if (header) {
				for (BasicBlock::InIterator inedge(header); inedge; inedge++) {
					if (Dominance::dominates(header, inedge->source()))
						continue; /* skip back edges */
					if (inedge->source() == cfg->entry())
					VirtualBasicBlock *vsrc = map.get(inedge->source());
					VirtualBasicBlock *vdst = map.get(header);
					new Edge(vsrc, vdst, inedge->kind());

		} else {
			/* Connect virtual backedges from the first to the other iterations */
			for (BackEdgePairVector::Iterator iter(backEdges); iter; iter++) {
				VirtualBasicBlock *vdst = map.get(header);
				new Edge((*iter).fst, vdst, (*iter).snd);
	if (!header) {
		/* add main entry edges */
		for (BasicBlock::OutIterator outedge(cfg->entry()); outedge; outedge++) {
			VirtualBasicBlock *vdst = map.get(outedge->target());
			new Edge(vcfg->entry(), vdst, Edge::VIRTUAL_CALL);
		/* add main exit edges */
		for (BasicBlock::InIterator inedge(cfg->exit()); inedge; inedge++) {
			VirtualBasicBlock *vsrc = map.get(inedge->source());
			new Edge(vsrc, vcfg->exit(), Edge::VIRTUAL_RETURN);

Esempio n. 21
 Stores OBJECT in the extra info entry of the  Heathen Code Block\n\
 Profile Buffer.\n\
 This is for mondo bizarro sampler frobnication purposes only.\n\
 Only officially designated moby wizards should even think of thinking of\n\
 using this most ultra super duper secret primitive. FNORD!\

  declare_primitive ("%PC-SAMPLE/SET-ZONE!",
		     Prim_pc_sample_set_current_zone, 1, 1,
Set current pc-sampling zone to INDEX (a small exact integer), returning \
the previous value if different, else #F if same.");

  declare_primitive ("%PC-SAMPLE/MAX-ZONE",
		     Prim_pc_sample_get_max_zone, 0, 0, 0);

  declare_primitive ("%PC-SAMPLE/CLEAR-ZONES!",
		     Prim_pc_sample_clear_zones, 0, 0,
		     "()\nZero zone counts.");

  declare_primitive ("%PC-SAMPLE/READ-ZONES!", Prim_pc_sample_read_zones, 1, 1,
Copy zone counts into FLONUM-VECTOR.  Returns the number copied, which \
is limited by either the number of zones to the capacity of FLONUM-VECTOR.");

Esempio n. 22
static void cvm_oct_rgmii_poll(struct net_device *dev)
	struct octeon_ethernet *priv = netdev_priv(dev);
	unsigned long flags;
	cvmx_helper_link_info_t link_info;

	spin_lock_irqsave(&global_register_lock, flags);

	link_info = cvmx_helper_link_get(priv->port);
	if (link_info.u64 == priv->link_info) {

		if (USE_10MBPS_PREAMBLE_WORKAROUND && (link_info.s.speed == 10)) {

			int interface = INTERFACE(priv->port);
			int index = INDEX(priv->port);
			union cvmx_gmxx_rxx_int_reg gmxx_rxx_int_reg;
			gmxx_rxx_int_reg.u64 =
					  (index, interface));
			if (gmxx_rxx_int_reg.s.pcterr) {

				union cvmx_gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl;
				union cvmx_ipd_sub_port_fcs ipd_sub_port_fcs;

				gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.u64 =
						  (index, interface));
				gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.s.pre_chk = 0;
					       (index, interface),

				ipd_sub_port_fcs.u64 =
				ipd_sub_port_fcs.s.port_bit &=
				    0xffffffffull ^ (1ull << priv->port);

					       (index, interface),
				DEBUGPRINT("%s: Using 10Mbps with software "
					   "preamble removal\n",
		spin_unlock_irqrestore(&global_register_lock, flags);


		union cvmx_gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl;
		union cvmx_ipd_sub_port_fcs ipd_sub_port_fcs;
		union cvmx_gmxx_rxx_int_reg gmxx_rxx_int_reg;
		int interface = INTERFACE(priv->port);
		int index = INDEX(priv->port);

		gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.u64 =
		    cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_FRM_CTL(index, interface));
		gmxx_rxx_frm_ctl.s.pre_chk = 1;
		cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_FRM_CTL(index, interface),
		ipd_sub_port_fcs.u64 = cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_IPD_SUB_PORT_FCS);
		ipd_sub_port_fcs.s.port_bit |= 1ull << priv->port;
		cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_IPD_SUB_PORT_FCS, ipd_sub_port_fcs.u64);
		gmxx_rxx_int_reg.u64 =
		    cvmx_read_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_REG(index, interface));
		cvmx_write_csr(CVMX_GMXX_RXX_INT_REG(index, interface),

	link_info = cvmx_helper_link_autoconf(priv->port);
	priv->link_info = link_info.u64;
	spin_unlock_irqrestore(&global_register_lock, flags);

	if (link_info.s.link_up) {

		if (!netif_carrier_ok(dev))
		if (priv->queue != -1)
			    ("%s: %u Mbps %s duplex, port %2d, queue %2d\n",
			     dev->name, link_info.s.speed,
			     (link_info.s.full_duplex) ? "Full" : "Half",
			     priv->port, priv->queue);
			DEBUGPRINT("%s: %u Mbps %s duplex, port %2d, POW\n",
				   dev->name, link_info.s.speed,
				   (link_info.s.full_duplex) ? "Full" : "Half",
	} else {

		if (netif_carrier_ok(dev))
		DEBUGPRINT("%s: Link down\n", dev->name);
Esempio n. 23
inline T& matrix<T>::operator() (int i, int j)
    assert(i >= 0 && i < m_rows && j >= 0 && j < m_cols);
    return p[INDEX(i,j)];
status_t ExynosCameraFrameFactoryFront::initPipes(void)
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d])", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

    int ret = 0;
    camera_pipe_info_t pipeInfo[3];
    ExynosRect tempRect;
    int maxSensorW = 0, maxSensorH = 0, hwSensorW = 0, hwSensorH = 0;
    int maxPreviewW = 0, maxPreviewH = 0, hwPreviewW = 0, hwPreviewH = 0;
    int maxPictureW = 0, maxPictureH = 0, hwPictureW = 0, hwPictureH = 0;
    int bayerFormat = V4L2_PIX_FMT_SBGGR12;
    int previewFormat = m_parameters->getHwPreviewFormat();
    int pictureFormat = m_parameters->getPictureFormat();

    m_parameters->getMaxSensorSize(&maxSensorW, &maxSensorH);
    m_parameters->getHwSensorSize(&hwSensorW, &hwSensorH);
    m_parameters->getMaxPreviewSize(&maxPreviewW, &maxPreviewH);
    m_parameters->getHwPreviewSize(&hwPreviewW, &hwPreviewH);
    m_parameters->getMaxPictureSize(&maxPictureW, &maxPictureH);
    m_parameters->getHwPictureSize(&hwPictureW, &hwPictureH);

    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): MaxSensorSize(%dx%d), HwSensorSize(%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, maxSensorW, maxSensorH, hwSensorW, hwSensorH);
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): MaxPreviewSize(%dx%d), HwPreviewSize(%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, maxPreviewW, maxPreviewH, hwPreviewW, hwPreviewH);
    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]): MaxPixtureSize(%dx%d), HwPixtureSize(%dx%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, maxPictureW, maxPictureH, hwPictureW, hwPictureH);

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* FLITE pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = maxSensorW + 16;
    tempRect.fullH = maxSensorH + 10;
    tempRect.colorFormat = bayerFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = FRONT_NUM_BAYER_BUFFERS;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 0;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_NONE;

    /* packed bayer bytesPerPlane */
    pipeInfo[0].bytesPerPlane[0] = ROUND_UP(pipeInfo[0].rectInfo.fullW, 10) * 8 / 5;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE_FRONT)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* ISP pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = maxSensorW + 16;
    tempRect.fullH = maxSensorH + 10;
    tempRect.colorFormat = bayerFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_OUTPUT_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = FRONT_NUM_BAYER_BUFFERS;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 3; /* ISP, SCP */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_LEADER;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perframeInfoIndex = PERFRAME_INFO_ISP;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_ISP_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[0].perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_CAPTURE;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[0].perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SCC_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[1].perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_CAPTURE;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[1].perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SCP_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);

    /* packed bayer bytesPerPlane */
    pipeInfo[0].bytesPerPlane[0] = ROUND_UP(pipeInfo[0].rectInfo.fullW, 10) * 8 / 5;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP_FRONT)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):ISP setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* SCC output pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = hwPictureW;
    tempRect.fullH = hwPictureH;
    tempRect.colorFormat = pictureFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = FRONT_NUM_PICTURE_BUFFERS;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 0;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_NONE;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCC_FRONT)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCC setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* SCP pipe */
    hwPreviewW = m_parameters->getHwPreviewStride();
    ALOGV("INFO(%s[%d]):stride=%d", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, hwPreviewW);
    tempRect.fullW = hwPreviewW;
    tempRect.fullH = hwPreviewH;
    tempRect.colorFormat = previewFormat;

    pipeInfo[0].rectInfo = tempRect;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.type = V4L2_BUF_TYPE_VIDEO_CAPTURE_MPLANE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.memory = V4L2_CAMERA_MEMORY_TYPE;
    pipeInfo[0].bufInfo.count = NUM_PREVIEW_BUFFERS;
    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 0;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_NONE;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCP_FRONT)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCP setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    m_frameCount = 0;

    return NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 25
 * Add an update to the log.  The update's kdb_entry_sno and kdb_time fields
 * must already be set.  The layout of the update log looks like:
 * header log -> [ update header -> xdr(kdb_incr_update_t) ], ...
static krb5_error_code
store_update(kdb_log_context *log_ctx, kdb_incr_update_t *upd)
    XDR xdrs;
    kdb_ent_header_t *indx_log;
    unsigned int i, recsize;
    unsigned long upd_size;
    krb5_error_code retval;
    kdb_hlog_t *ulog = log_ctx->ulog;
    uint32_t ulogentries = log_ctx->ulogentries;

    upd_size = xdr_sizeof((xdrproc_t)xdr_kdb_incr_update_t, upd);

    recsize = sizeof(kdb_ent_header_t) + upd_size;

    if (recsize > ulog->kdb_block) {
        retval = resize(ulog, ulogentries, log_ctx->ulogfd, recsize);
        if (retval)
            return retval;

    ulog->kdb_state = KDB_UNSTABLE;

    i = (upd->kdb_entry_sno - 1) % ulogentries;
    indx_log = INDEX(ulog, i);

    memset(indx_log, 0, ulog->kdb_block);
    indx_log->kdb_umagic = KDB_ULOG_MAGIC;
    indx_log->kdb_entry_size = upd_size;
    indx_log->kdb_entry_sno = upd->kdb_entry_sno;
    indx_log->kdb_time = upd->kdb_time;
    indx_log->kdb_commit = FALSE;

    xdrmem_create(&xdrs, (char *)indx_log->entry_data,
                  indx_log->kdb_entry_size, XDR_ENCODE);
    if (!xdr_kdb_incr_update_t(&xdrs, upd))
        return KRB5_LOG_CONV;

    indx_log->kdb_commit = TRUE;
    retval = sync_update(ulog, indx_log);
    if (retval)
        return retval;

    /* Modify the ulog header to reflect the new update. */
    ulog->kdb_last_sno = upd->kdb_entry_sno;
    ulog->kdb_last_time = upd->kdb_time;
    if (ulog->kdb_num == 0) {
        ulog->kdb_num = 1;
        ulog->kdb_first_sno = upd->kdb_entry_sno;
        ulog->kdb_first_time = upd->kdb_time;
    } else if (ulog->kdb_num < ulogentries) {
    } else {
        /* We are circling; set kdb_first_sno and time to the next update. */
        i = upd->kdb_entry_sno % ulogentries;
        indx_log = INDEX(ulog, i);
        ulog->kdb_first_sno = indx_log->kdb_entry_sno;
        ulog->kdb_first_time = indx_log->kdb_time;

    ulog->kdb_state = KDB_STABLE;
    return 0;
status_t ExynosCameraFrameFactoryFront::stopPipes(void)
    int ret = 0;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCC_FRONT)]->stopThread();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCC stopThread fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCP_FRONT)]->stopThread();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCP stopThread fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    /* stream off for ISP */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP_FRONT)]->stopThread();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):ISP stopThread fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE_FRONT)]->sensorStream(false);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE sensorStream fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP_FRONT)]->setControl(V4L2_CID_IS_FORCE_DONE, 0x1000);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):ISP setControl fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_FLITE_FRONT)]->stop();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):FLITE stop fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    /* stream off for ISP */
    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP_FRONT)]->stop();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):ISP stop fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCC_FRONT)]->stop();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCC stop fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_SCP_FRONT)]->stop();
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]):SCP stop fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    ALOGI("INFO(%s[%d]):Stopping Front [FLITE>3AA>ISP>SCC>SCP] Success!", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);

    return NO_ERROR;
Esempio n. 27
/* -------------------------------------------------------------
  The gateway routine.
------------------------------------------------------------- */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
                  int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[] )
  int exitflag;      /* status of the solution (output arg) */
  long t;            /* number of iterations (output arg) */
  double *x;         /* solution vector (output arg)*/
  double *History;   /* UB and LB history (output arg) */
  int verb;          /* verbosity (input arg)*/
  long tmax;         /* max number of iteration (input arg)*/
  double tolrel;     /* stopping condition (input arg) */
  double tolabs;     /* stopping condition (input arg) */
  double *x0;        /* initial solution (input arg)*/
  double *f;         /* vector f (input arg) */
  double b;          /* scalar b (input arg) */
  uint16_T *I;       /* vector of uint16_T (input arg) */
  double *diag_H;    /* diagonal of matrix H */
  long i ;           /* loop variable */
  double *tmp_ptr;

  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /* Take input arguments                                               */
  /*         [...] = qpssvm_mex(H,f,b,I,x0,tmax,tolabs,tolrel,verb)     */
  /*------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if( nrhs != 9) mexErrMsgTxt("Incorrect number of input arguments.");

  /* matrix H */
  matrix_H = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
  dim = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
  if(dim != mxGetN(prhs[0])) mexErrMsgTxt("Matrix H mast be squared.");

  /* vector f */
  f = mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
  if((MAX(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])) != dim) ||
     (MIN(mxGetM(prhs[1]),mxGetN(prhs[1])) != 1))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Vector f is of wrong size.");

  /* vector b */
  b = mxGetScalar(prhs[2]);

  /* vector I */
  I = (uint16_T*)mxGetPr(prhs[3]);
  if((MAX(mxGetM(prhs[3]),mxGetN(prhs[3])) != dim) ||
     (MIN(mxGetM(prhs[3]),mxGetN(prhs[3])) != 1))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Vector I is of wrong size.");

  /* vector x0 */
  x0 = mxGetPr(prhs[4]);
  if((MAX(mxGetM(prhs[4]),mxGetN(prhs[4])) != dim) ||
     (MIN(mxGetM(prhs[4]),mxGetN(prhs[4])) != 1))
      mexErrMsgTxt("Vector x0 is of wrong size.");

  /* maximal allowed number of iterations */
  tmax = mxIsInf( mxGetScalar(prhs[5])) ? INT_MAX : (long)mxGetScalar(prhs[5]);

  /* abs. precision defining stopping cond*/
  tolabs = mxGetScalar(prhs[6]);

  /* rel. precision defining stopping cond*/
  tolrel = mxGetScalar(prhs[7]);

  /* verbosity parameter */
  verb = (int)mxGetScalar(prhs[8]);  /* verbosity on/off */

  /* print input setting if required */
  if( verb > 0 ) {
    mexPrintf("Settings of QP solver:\n");
    mexPrintf("tmax   : %d\n", tmax );
    mexPrintf("tolabs : %f\n", tolabs );
    mexPrintf("tolrel : %f\n", tolrel );
    mexPrintf("dim    : %d\n", dim );
    mexPrintf("b      : %f\n", b );
    mexPrintf("verb   : %d\n", verb );

   ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* solution vector x [dim x 1] */
  plhs[0] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(dim,1,mxREAL);
  x = mxGetPr(plhs[0]);
  for(i=0; i < dim; i++ ) {
     x[i] = x0[i];

  /* make diagonal of the Hessian matrix */
  diag_H = mxCalloc(dim, sizeof(double));
  if( diag_H == NULL ) mexErrMsgTxt("Not enough memory.");
  /* to replace with memcpy(void *dest, const void *src, size_t n); */
  for(i = 0; i < dim; i++ ) {
    diag_H[i] = matrix_H[dim*i+i];

  /* counter of access to matrix H */
  access = dim;

   Call the QP solver.
/* exitflag = qpssvm_solver( &get_col, diag_H, f, b, I, x, dim, tmax,
      tolabs, tolrel, &t, &History, verb );

  exitflag = qpssvm_imdm( &get_col, diag_H, f, b, I, x, dim, tmax,
         tolabs, tolrel, &t, &History, verb );

    Set up output arguments
         [x,exitflag,t,access,History] = qpssvm_mex(...)
  ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  /* exitflag [1x1] */
  plhs[1] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[1])) = (double)exitflag;

  /* t [1x1] */
  plhs[2] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[2])) = (double)t;

  /* access [1x1] */
  plhs[3] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1,1,mxREAL);
  *(mxGetPr(plhs[3])) = (double)access;

  /* History [2 x (t+1)] */
  plhs[4] = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(2,t+1,mxREAL);
  tmp_ptr = mxGetPr( plhs[4] );
  for( i = 0; i <= t; i++ ) {
     tmp_ptr[INDEX(0,i,2)] = History[INDEX(0,i,2)];
     tmp_ptr[INDEX(1,i,2)] = History[INDEX(1,i,2)];

     Free used memory
  ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  mxFree( History );
  mxFree( diag_H );

    /* per frame info */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perframeSupportNodeNum = 3; /* ISP, SCP */
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_LEADER;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perframeInfoIndex = PERFRAME_INFO_ISP;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameLeaderInfo.perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_ISP_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[0].perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_CAPTURE;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[0].perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SCC_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[1].perFrameNodeType = PERFRAME_NODE_TYPE_CAPTURE;
    pipeInfo[0].perFrameNodeGroupInfo.perFrameCaptureInfo[1].perFrameVideoID = (FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SCP_NUM - FIMC_IS_VIDEO_SS0_NUM);

    /* packed bayer bytesPerPlane */
    pipeInfo[0].bytesPerPlane[0] = ROUND_UP(pipeInfo[0].rectInfo.fullW, 10) * 8 / 5;

    ret = m_pipes[INDEX(PIPE_ISP)]->setupPipe(pipeInfo);
    if (ret < 0) {
        ALOGE("ERR(%s[%d]): ISP setupPipe fail, ret(%d)", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ret);
        /* TODO: exception handling */
        return INVALID_OPERATION;

    memset(pipeInfo, 0, (sizeof(camera_pipe_info_t) * 3));

    /* SCC output pipe */
    tempRect.fullW = maxSensorW;
    tempRect.fullH = maxSensorH;
    tempRect.fullW = hwSensorW;
    tempRect.fullH = hwSensorH;
Esempio n. 29
static float GetNoiseValue( int x, int y, int z, int t )
	int index = INDEX( ( int ) x, ( int ) y, ( int ) z, ( int ) t );

	return s_noise_table[index];
Esempio n. 30
/* Get the last set of updates seen, (last+1) to n is returned. */
ulog_get_entries(krb5_context context, kdb_last_t last,
                 kdb_incr_result_t *ulog_handle)
    XDR xdrs;
    kdb_ent_header_t *indx_log;
    kdb_incr_update_t *upd;
    unsigned int indx, count;
    uint32_t sno;
    krb5_error_code retval;
    kdb_log_context *log_ctx;
    kdb_hlog_t *ulog = NULL;
    uint32_t ulogentries;

    ulogentries = log_ctx->ulogentries;

    retval = ulog_lock(context, KRB5_LOCKMODE_SHARED);
    if (retval)
        return retval;

    /* Check to make sure we don't have a corrupt ulog first. */
    if (ulog->kdb_state == KDB_CORRUPT) {
        ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_ERROR;
        (void)ulog_lock(context, KRB5_LOCKMODE_UNLOCK);
        return KRB5_LOG_CORRUPT;

     * We need to lock out other processes here, such as kadmin.local, since we
     * are looking at the last_sno and looking up updates.  So we can share
     * with other readers.
    retval = krb5_db_lock(context, KRB5_LOCKMODE_SHARED);
    if (retval) {
        (void)ulog_lock(context, KRB5_LOCKMODE_UNLOCK);
        return retval;

    /* If we have the same sno and timestamp, return a nil update.  If a
     * different timestamp, the sno was reused and we need a full resync. */
    if (last.last_sno == ulog->kdb_last_sno) {
        ulog_handle->ret = time_equal(&last.last_time, &ulog->kdb_last_time) ?
        goto cleanup;

    /* We may have overflowed the update log or shrunk the log, or the client
     * may have created its ulog. */
    if (last.last_sno > ulog->kdb_last_sno ||
        last.last_sno < ulog->kdb_first_sno) {
        ulog_handle->lastentry.last_sno = ulog->kdb_last_sno;
        ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_FULL_RESYNC_NEEDED;
        goto cleanup;

    sno = last.last_sno;
    indx = (sno - 1) % ulogentries;
    indx_log = (kdb_ent_header_t *)INDEX(ulog, indx);

    if (!time_equal(&indx_log->kdb_time, &last.last_time)) {
        /* We have time stamp mismatch or we no longer have the slave's last
         * sno, so we brute force it. */
        ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_FULL_RESYNC_NEEDED;
        goto cleanup;

    count = ulog->kdb_last_sno - sno;
    upd = calloc(count, sizeof(kdb_incr_update_t));
    if (upd == NULL) {
        ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_ERROR;
        retval = ENOMEM;
        goto cleanup;
    ulog_handle->updates.kdb_ulog_t_val = upd;

    for (; sno < ulog->kdb_last_sno; sno++) {
        indx = sno % ulogentries;
        indx_log = (kdb_ent_header_t *)INDEX(ulog, indx);

        memset(upd, 0, sizeof(kdb_incr_update_t));
        xdrmem_create(&xdrs, (char *)indx_log->entry_data,
                      indx_log->kdb_entry_size, XDR_DECODE);
        if (!xdr_kdb_incr_update_t(&xdrs, upd)) {
            ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_ERROR;
            retval = KRB5_LOG_CONV;
            goto cleanup;

        /* Mark commitment since we didn't want to decode and encode the incr
         * update record the first time. */
        upd->kdb_commit = indx_log->kdb_commit;

    ulog_handle->updates.kdb_ulog_t_len = count;

    ulog_handle->lastentry.last_sno = ulog->kdb_last_sno;
    ulog_handle->lastentry.last_time.seconds = ulog->kdb_last_time.seconds;
    ulog_handle->lastentry.last_time.useconds = ulog->kdb_last_time.useconds;
    ulog_handle->ret = UPDATE_OK;

    (void)ulog_lock(context, KRB5_LOCKMODE_UNLOCK);
    return retval;