Esempio n. 1
	void LoadSettings(const string &scPluginCfgFile)
		set_iRenameCost = IniGetI(scPluginCfgFile, "Rename", "RenameCost", 5000000);
		set_iRenameTimeLimit = IniGetI(scPluginCfgFile, "Rename", "RenameTimeLimit", 3600);
		set_iMoveCost = IniGetI(scPluginCfgFile, "Rename", "MoveCost", 5000000);
		set_bCharnameTags = IniGetB(scPluginCfgFile, "Rename", "CharnameTag", false);
		set_bAsciiCharnameOnly = IniGetB(scPluginCfgFile, "Rename", "AsciiCharnameOnly", true);
		set_iMakeTagCost = IniGetI(scPluginCfgFile, "Rename", "MakeTagCost", 50000000);

		char szDataPath[MAX_PATH];
		string scPath = string(szDataPath) + "\\Accts\\MultiPlayer\\tags.ini";

		INI_Reader ini;
		if (, false))
			while (ini.read_header())
				if (ini.is_header("faction"))
					wstring tag;
					while (ini.read_value())
						if (ini.is_value("tag"))
							ini_get_wstring(ini, tag);
							mapTagToPassword[tag].tag = tag;
						else if (ini.is_value("master_password"))
							wstring pass;
							ini_get_wstring(ini, pass);
							mapTagToPassword[tag].master_password = pass;
						else if (ini.is_value("rename_password"))
							wstring pass;
							ini_get_wstring(ini, pass);
							mapTagToPassword[tag].rename_password = pass;
						else if (ini.is_value("last_access"))
							mapTagToPassword[tag].last_access = ini.get_value_int(0);
						else if (ini.is_value("description"))
							wstring description;
							ini_get_wstring(ini, description);
							mapTagToPassword[tag].description = description;
Esempio n. 2
	void GiveCash::LoadSettings(const string &scPluginCfgFile)
		set_iMinTransfer = IniGetI(scPluginCfgFile, "GiveCash", "MinTransfer", 1);
		set_iMinTime = IniGetI(scPluginCfgFile, "GiveCash", "MinTime", 0);
		set_bCheatDetection = IniGetB(scPluginCfgFile, "GiveCash", "CheatDetection", true);
		set_iBlockedSystem = CreateID(IniGetS(scPluginCfgFile, "GiveCash", "BlockedSystem", "").c_str());
Esempio n. 3
	/** Return the number of unread messages. */
	int MailCountUnread(const wstring &wscCharname, const string &scExtension)
		// Get the target player's message file.
		string scFilePath = GetUserFilePath(wscCharname, scExtension);
		if (scFilePath.length()==0)
			return 0;

		int iUnreadMsgs = 0;
		for (int iMsgSlot = 1; iMsgSlot<MAX_MAIL_MSGS; iMsgSlot++)
			if (IniGetS(scFilePath, "Msgs", itos(iMsgSlot), "").length()==0)
			if (!IniGetB(scFilePath, "MsgsRead", itos(iMsgSlot), false))
		return iUnreadMsgs;
Esempio n. 4
		Delete a message
	bool MailDel(const wstring &wscCharname, const string &scExtension, int iMsg)
		// Get the target player's message file.
		string scFilePath = GetUserFilePath(wscCharname, scExtension);
		if (scFilePath.length()==0)
			return false;

		// Move all mail down one slot starting at the deleted message to overwrite it
		for (int iMsgSlot = iMsg; iMsgSlot<MAX_MAIL_MSGS; iMsgSlot++)
			wstring wscTmpMsg = IniGetWS(scFilePath, "Msgs", itos(iMsgSlot+1), L"");
			IniWriteW(scFilePath, "Msgs", itos(iMsgSlot), wscTmpMsg);

			bool bTmpRead = IniGetB(scFilePath, "MsgsRead", itos(iMsgSlot+1), false);
			IniWrite(scFilePath, "MsgsRead", itos(iMsgSlot), (bTmpRead?"yes":"no"));
		return true;
Esempio n. 5
/* copy pasta from playercntl as to provide independance*/
bool MailSend(const wstring &wscCharname, const string &scExtension, const wstring &wscMsg)
	// Get the target player's message file.
	string scFilePath = GetUserFilePath(wscCharname, scExtension);
	if (scFilePath.length() == 0)
		return false;

	// Move all mail up one slot starting at the end. We automatically
	// discard the oldest messages.
	for (int iMsgSlot = MAX_MAIL_MSGS - 1; iMsgSlot>0; iMsgSlot--)
		wstring wscTmpMsg = IniGetWS(scFilePath, "Msgs", itos(iMsgSlot), L"");
		IniWriteW(scFilePath, "Msgs", itos(iMsgSlot + 1), wscTmpMsg);

		bool bTmpRead = IniGetB(scFilePath, "MsgsRead", itos(iMsgSlot), false);
		IniWrite(scFilePath, "MsgsRead", itos(iMsgSlot + 1), (bTmpRead ? "yes" : "no"));

	// Write message into the slot
	IniWriteW(scFilePath, "Msgs", "1", GetTimeString(set_bLocalTime) + L" " + wscMsg);
	IniWrite(scFilePath, "MsgsRead", "1", "no");
	return true;
Esempio n. 6
void LoadUserCharSettings(uint iClientID)
	CAccount *acc = Players.FindAccountFromClientID(iClientID);
	wstring wscDir;
	HkGetAccountDirName(acc, wscDir);
	string scUserFile = scAcctPath + wstos(wscDir) + "\\flhookuser.ini";

	// read autobuy
	wstring wscFilename;
	HkGetCharFileName(ARG_CLIENTID(iClientID), wscFilename);
	string scSection = "autobuy_" + wstos(wscFilename);

	ClientInfo[iClientID].bAutoBuyMissiles = IniGetB(scUserFile, scSection, "missiles", false);
	ClientInfo[iClientID].bAutoBuyMines = IniGetB(scUserFile, scSection, "mines", false);
	ClientInfo[iClientID].bAutoBuyTorps = IniGetB(scUserFile, scSection, "torps", false);
	ClientInfo[iClientID].bAutoBuyCD = IniGetB(scUserFile, scSection, "cd", false);
	ClientInfo[iClientID].bAutoBuyCM = IniGetB(scUserFile, scSection, "cm", false);
	ClientInfo[iClientID].bAutoBuyReload = IniGetB(scUserFile, scSection, "reload", false);

Esempio n. 7
void LoadSettings()
// init cfg filename
	char szCurDir[MAX_PATH];
	GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szCurDir), szCurDir);
	set_scCfgFile = szCurDir;
	// Use flhook.cfg if it is available. It is used in some installations (okay just cannon's)
	// to avoid FLErrorChecker whining retardly about ini entries it does not understand.
	if (_access(string(set_scCfgFile + "\\FLHook.cfg").c_str(), 0) != -1)
		set_scCfgFile += "\\FLHook.cfg";
		set_scCfgFile += "\\FLHook.ini";

// General
	set_iAntiDockKill = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "AntiDockKill", 0);
	set_bDieMsg = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "EnableDieMsg", false);
	set_bDisableCharfileEncryption = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisableCharfileEncryption", false);
	set_bChangeCruiseDisruptorBehaviour = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "ChangeCruiseDisruptorBehaviour", false);
	set_iDisableNPCSpawns = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisableNPCSpawns", 0);
	set_iAntiF1 = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "AntiF1", 0);
	set_iDisconnectDelay = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisconnectDelay", 0);
	set_iReservedSlots = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "ReservedSlots", 0);
	set_fTorpMissileBaseDamageMultiplier = IniGetF(set_scCfgFile, "General", "TorpMissileBaseDamageMultiplier", 1.0f);
	set_iMaxGroupSize = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "MaxGroupSize", 8);

// Log
	set_bDebug = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "Debug", false);
	set_iDebugMaxSize = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "DebugMaxSize", 100);
	set_iDebugMaxSize *= 1000;
	set_bLogConnects = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogConnects", false);
	set_bLogAdminCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogAdminCommands", false);
	set_bLogSocketCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogSocketCommands", false);
	set_bLogLocalSocketCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogLocalSocketCommands", false);
	set_bLogUserCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogUserCommands", false);
	set_bPerfTimer = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogPerformanceTimers", false);
	set_iTimerThreshold = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "TimerThreshold", 100);
	set_iTimerDebugThreshold = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "TimerDebugThreshold", 0);

// Kick
	set_iAntiBaseIdle = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Kick", "AntiBaseIdle", 0);
	set_iAntiCharMenuIdle = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Kick", "AntiCharMenuIdle", 0);

// Style
	set_wscDeathMsgStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgStyle", "0x19198C01"));
	set_wscDeathMsgStyleSys = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgStyleSys", "0x1919BD01"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextPlayerKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextPlayerKill", "Death: %victim was killed by %killer (%type)"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextSelfKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextSelfKill", "Death: %victim killed himself (%type)"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextNPC = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextNPC", "Death: %victim was killed by an NPC"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextSuicide = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextSuicide", "Death: %victim committed suicide"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextAdminKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextAdminKill", "Death: %victim was killed by an admin"));

	set_wscKickMsg = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "KickMsg", "<TRA data=\"0x0000FF10\" mask=\"-1\"/><TEXT>You will be kicked. Reason: %s</TEXT>"));
	set_iKickMsgPeriod = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "KickMsgPeriod", 5000);
	set_wscUserCmdStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "UserCmdStyle", "0x00FF0090"));
	set_wscAdminCmdStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "AdminCmdStyle", "0x00FF0090"));

// Socket
	set_bSocketActivated = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Activated", false);
	set_iPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Port", 0);
	set_iWPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "WPort", 0);
	set_iEPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "EPort", 0);
	set_iEWPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "EWPort", 0);
	string scEncryptKey = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Key", "");
			set_BF_CTX = (BLOWFISH_CTX*)malloc(sizeof(BLOWFISH_CTX));
		Blowfish_Init(set_BF_CTX, (unsigned char *), (int)scEncryptKey.length());

// UserCommands
	set_bUserCmdSetDieMsg = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetDieMsg", false);
	set_bUserCmdSetDieMsgSize = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetDieMsgSize", false);
	set_bUserCmdSetChatFont = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetChatFont", false);
	set_bUserCmdIgnore = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "Ignore", false);
	set_iUserCmdMaxIgnoreList = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "MaxIgnoreListEntries", 30);
	set_bAutoBuy = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "AutoBuy", false);
	set_bUserCmdHelp = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "Help", false);
	set_bDefaultLocalChat = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "DefaultLocalChat", false);

// NoPVP
	for(uint i = 0;; i++)
		char szBuf[64];
		sprintf(szBuf, "System%u", i);
		string scSystem = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "NoPVP", szBuf, "");


		uint iSystemID;
		pub::GetSystemID(iSystemID, scSystem.c_str());

// read chat suppress
	for(uint i = 0;; i++)
		char szBuf[64];
		sprintf(szBuf, "Suppress%u", i);
		string scSuppress = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Chat", szBuf, "");



// MultiKillMessages
	set_MKM_bActivated = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", "Activated", false);
	set_MKM_wscStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", "Style", "0x1919BD01"));

	list<INISECTIONVALUE> lstValues;
	IniGetSection(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", lstValues);
	foreach(lstValues, INISECTIONVALUE, it)

		mkm.iKillsInARow = atoi(it->scKey.c_str());
		mkm.wscMessage = stows(it->scValue);

// bans
	set_bBanAccountOnMatch = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Bans", "BanAccountOnMatch", false);
	IniGetSection(set_scCfgFile, "Bans", lstValues);
		foreach(lstValues, INISECTIONVALUE, itisv)

// help
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set diemsg", L"<visibility>", L"Sets your death message's visibility. Options: all, system, self, none.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetDieMsg );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set diemsgsize", L"<size>", L"Sets your death message's text size. Options: small, default.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetDieMsgSize );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set chatfont", L"<size> <style>", L"Sets your chat messages' font. Options are small, default or big for <size> and default, bold, italic or underline for <style>.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetChatFont );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignore", L"<charname> [<flags>]", L"Ignores all messages from the given character.", L"The possible flags are:\n p - only affect private chat\n i - <charname> may match partially\nExamples:\n\"/ignore SomeDude\" ignores all chatmessages from SomeDude\n\"/ignore PlayerX p\" ignores all private-chatmessages from PlayerX\n\"/ignore idiot i\" ignores all chatmessages from players whose charname contain \"idiot\" (e.g. \"[XYZ]IDIOT\", \"MrIdiot\", etc)\n\"/ignore Fool pi\" ignores all private-chatmessages from players whose charname contain \"fool\"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignoreid", L"<client-id> [<flags>]", L"Ignores all messages from the character with the associated client ID (see /id). Use the p flag to only affect private chat.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignorelist", L"", L"Displays all currently ignored characters.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/delignore", L"<id> [<id2> <id3> ...]", L"Removes the characters with the associated ignore ID (see /ignorelist) from the ignore list. * deletes all.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/autobuy", L"<param> [<on/off>]", L"Auomatically buys the given elements upon docking. See detailed help for more information.", L"<param> can take one of the following values:\tinfo - display current autobuy-settings\n\tmissiles - enable/disable autobuy for missiles\n\ttorps - enable/disable autobuy for torpedos\n\tmines - enable/disable autobuy for mines\n\tcd - enable/disable autobuy for cruise disruptors\n\tcm - enable/disable autobuy for countermeasures\n\treload - enable/disable autobuy for nanobots/shield batteries\n\tall - enable/disable autobuy for all of the above\nExamples:\n\"/autobuy missiles on\" enable autobuy for missiles\n\"/autobuy all off\" completely disable autobuy\n\"/autobuy info\" show autobuy info", get_bAutoBuy );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ids", L"", L"Lists all characters with their respective client IDs.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/id", L"", L"Gives your own client ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/i$", L"<client-id>", L"Invites the given client ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/invite$", L"<client-id>", L"Invites the given client ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/credits", L"", L"Displays FLHook's credits.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/help", L"[<command>]", L"Displays the help screen. Giving a <command> gives detailed info for that command.", L"", get_bTrue );

	set_bLoadedSettings = true;
Esempio n. 8
void LoadSettings()
// init cfg filename
	char szCurDir[MAX_PATH];
	GetCurrentDirectory(sizeof(szCurDir), szCurDir);
	set_scCfgFile = szCurDir;
	// Use flhook.cfg if it is available. It is used in some installations (okay just cannon's)
	// to avoid FLErrorChecker whining retardly about ini entries it does not understand.
	if (_access(string(set_scCfgFile + "\\FLHook.cfg").c_str(), 0) != -1)
		set_scCfgFile += "\\FLHook.cfg";
		set_scCfgFile += "\\FLHook.ini";

// General
	set_iAntiDockKill = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "AntiDockKill", 0);
	set_bDieMsg = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "EnableDieMsg", false);
	set_bDisableCharfileEncryption = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisableCharfileEncryption", false);
	set_bChangeCruiseDisruptorBehaviour = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "General", "ChangeCruiseDisruptorBehaviour", false);
	set_iDisableNPCSpawns = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisableNPCSpawns", 0);
	set_iAntiF1 = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "AntiF1", 0);
	set_iDisconnectDelay = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "DisconnectDelay", 0);
	set_iReservedSlots = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "ReservedSlots", 0);
	set_fTorpMissileBaseDamageMultiplier = IniGetF(set_scCfgFile, "General", "TorpMissileBaseDamageMultiplier", 1.0f);
	set_iMaxGroupSize = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "General", "MaxGroupSize", 8);

// Log
	set_bDebug = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "Debug", false);
	set_iDebugMaxSize = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "DebugMaxSize", 100);
	set_iDebugMaxSize *= 1000;
	set_bLogConnects = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogConnects", false);
	set_bLogAdminCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogAdminCommands", false);
	set_bLogSocketCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogSocketCommands", false);
	set_bLogLocalSocketCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogLocalSocketCommands", false);
	set_bLogUserCmds = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogUserCommands", false);
	set_bPerfTimer = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "LogPerformanceTimers", false);
	set_iTimerThreshold = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "TimerThreshold", 100);
	set_iTimerDebugThreshold = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Log", "TimerDebugThreshold", 0);

// Kick
	set_iAntiBaseIdle = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Kick", "AntiBaseIdle", 0);
	set_iAntiCharMenuIdle = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Kick", "AntiCharMenuIdle", 0);

// Style
	set_wscDeathMsgStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgStyle", "0x19198C01"));
	set_wscDeathMsgStyleSys = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgStyleSys", "0x1919BD01"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextPlayerKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextPlayerKill", "Death: %victim was killed by %killer (%type)"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextSelfKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextSelfKill", "Death: %victim killed himself (%type)"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextNPC = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextNPC", "Death: %victim was killed by an NPC"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextSuicide = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextSuicide", "Death: %victim committed suicide"));
	set_wscDeathMsgTextAdminKill = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "DeathMsgTextAdminKill", "Death: %victim was killed by an admin"));

	set_wscKickMsg = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "KickMsg", "<TRA data=\"0x0000FF10\" mask=\"-1\"/><TEXT>You will be kicked. Reason: %s</TEXT>"));
	set_iKickMsgPeriod = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "KickMsgPeriod", 5000);
	set_wscUserCmdStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "UserCmdStyle", "0x00FF0090"));
	set_wscAdminCmdStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Style", "AdminCmdStyle", "0x00FF0090"));

// Socket
	set_bSocketActivated = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Activated", false);
	set_iPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Port", 0);
	set_iWPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "WPort", 0);
	set_iEPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "EPort", 0);
	set_iEWPort = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "EWPort", 0);
	string scEncryptKey = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Socket", "Key", "");
			set_BF_CTX = (BLOWFISH_CTX*)malloc(sizeof(BLOWFISH_CTX));
		Blowfish_Init(set_BF_CTX, (unsigned char *), (int)scEncryptKey.length());

// UserCommands
	set_bUserCmdSetDieMsg = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetDieMsg", false);
	set_bUserCmdSetDieMsgSize = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetDieMsgSize", false);
	set_bUserCmdSetChatFont = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "SetChatFont", false);
	set_bUserCmdIgnore = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "Ignore", false);
	set_iUserCmdMaxIgnoreList = IniGetI(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "MaxIgnoreListEntries", 30);
	set_bAutoBuy = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "AutoBuy", false);
	set_bUserCmdHelp = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "Help", false);
	set_bDefaultLocalChat = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "UserCommands", "DefaultLocalChat", false);

// NoPVP
	for(uint i = 0;; i++)
		char szBuf[64];
		sprintf(szBuf, "System%u", i);
		string scSystem = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "NoPVP", szBuf, "");


		uint iSystemID;
		pub::GetSystemID(iSystemID, scSystem.c_str());

// read chat suppress
	for(uint i = 0;; i++)
		char szBuf[64];
		sprintf(szBuf, "Suppress%u", i);
		string scSuppress = IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "Chat", szBuf, "");



// MultiKillMessages
	set_MKM_bActivated = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", "Activated", false);
	set_MKM_wscStyle = stows(IniGetS(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", "Style", "0x1919BD01"));

	list<INISECTIONVALUE> lstValues;
	IniGetSection(set_scCfgFile, "MultiKillMessages", lstValues);
	foreach(lstValues, INISECTIONVALUE, it)

		mkm.iKillsInARow = atoi(it->scKey.c_str());
		mkm.wscMessage = stows(it->scValue);

// bans
	set_bBanAccountOnMatch = IniGetB(set_scCfgFile, "Bans", "BanAccountOnMatch", false);
	IniGetSection(set_scCfgFile, "Bans", lstValues);
		foreach(lstValues, INISECTIONVALUE, itisv)

// help
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set diemsg", L"<visibility>", L"Sets your death message's visibility. Options: all, system, self, none.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetDieMsg );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set diemsgsize", L"<size>", L"Sets your death message's text size. Options: small, default.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetDieMsgSize );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/set chatfont", L"<size> <style>", L"Sets your chat messages' font. Options are small, default or big for <size> and default, bold, italic or underline for <style>.", L"", get_bUserCmdSetChatFont );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignore", L"<charname> [<flags>]", L"Ignores all messages from the given character.", L"The possible flags are:\n p - only affect private chat\n i - <charname> may match partially\nExamples:\n\"/ignore SomeDude\" ignores all chatmessages from SomeDude\n\"/ignore PlayerX p\" ignores all private-chatmessages from PlayerX\n\"/ignore idiot i\" ignores all chatmessages from players whose charname contain \"idiot\" (e.g. \"[XYZ]IDIOT\", \"MrIdiot\", etc)\n\"/ignore Fool pi\" ignores all private-chatmessages from players whose charname contain \"fool\"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignoreid", L"<client-id> [<flags>]", L"Ignores all messages from the character with the associated client ID (see /id). Use the p flag to only affect private chat.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignorelist", L"", L"Displays all currently ignored characters.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/delignore", L"<id> [<id2> <id3> ...]", L"Removes the characters with the associated ignore ID (see /ignorelist) from the ignore list. * deletes all.", L"", get_bUserCmdIgnore );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/autobuy", L"<param> [<on/off>]", L"Auomatically buys the given elements upon docking. See detailed help for more information.", L"<param> can take one of the following values:\tinfo - display current autobuy-settings\n\tmissiles - enable/disable autobuy for missiles\n\ttorps - enable/disable autobuy for torpedos\n\tmines - enable/disable autobuy for mines\n\tcd - enable/disable autobuy for cruise disruptors\n\tcm - enable/disable autobuy for countermeasures\n\treload - enable/disable autobuy for nanobots/shield batteries\n\tall - enable/disable autobuy for all of the above\nExamples:\n\"/autobuy missiles on\" enable autobuy for missiles\n\"/autobuy all off\" completely disable autobuy\n\"/autobuy info\" show autobuy info", get_bAutoBuy );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ids", L"", L"Lists all characters with their respective client IDs.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/id", L"", L"Gives your own client ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ids", L"", L"Lists all characters with their respective client IDs.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/invite$ ; /i$", L"<client-id>", L"Invites the given client ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
//	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/i$", L"<client-id>", L"Invites the given client ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/bountyhunt", L"<charname> <credits> [<minutes>]", L"Sets up a Bountyhunt on the given charname for the given credits, which last the given minutes.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/bountyhuntid", L"<id> <credits> [<minutes>]", L"Sets up a Bountyhunt on the given ID for the given credits, which last the given minutes.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/dock ; /d", L"", L"Docks your Ship at the targeted player. (If it is able to act as a mobile base)", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/cloak ; /c", L"", L"Starts the cloaking device of your ship.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/uncloak ; /uc", L"", L"Starts the cloaking device of your ship.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/list", L"<character>", L"Gives Information about the given character in the following order: [NAME] [FACTION] [SHIP]", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ping", L"", L"Shows ur current ping to the server.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/pingtarget", L"", L"Shows the ping of ur current target to the server.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/kills <charname>", L"", L"Shows the current amount of kills done by the given character. Leave it blank to see your own kills.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/kills$", L"<client-id>", L"Shows the current amount of kills done by the given ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/mark ; /m", L"", L"Visibly marks the selected object and let appear in the 'important' section of your scanner.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/unmark ; /um", L"", L"Unmarks the selected object.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/groupmark ; /gm", L"", L"Visibly marks the selected object for the entire group.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/groupunmark ; /gum", L"", L"Unmarks the selected object for the entire group.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ignoregroupmarks", L"<on|off>", L"Ignores marks from other people in your group.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/automark", L"<on|off> [<radius in KM>]", L"Automatically marks all ships in KM radius. If you want to completely diable automarking, set the radius to a number <= 0.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/groupmark ; /gm", L"", L"Visibly marks the selected object for the entire group.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L" ", L"", L" ", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/setmsg", L"<n=0-9> <text>", L"Saves a message for the variable 'n'.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/n", L"", L"Outputs the saved message for the variable 'n' in systemchat (n=0-9).", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/ln", L"", L"Outputs the saved message for the variable 'n' in localchat (n=0-9).", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/gn", L"", L"Outputs the saved message for the variable 'n' in groupchat (n=0-9).", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/tn", L"", L"Outputs the saved message for the variable 'n' diretly to the targeted player (n=0-9).", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L" ", L"", L" ", L"", get_bTrue );
	//HkAddHelpEntry( L"/sinfo", L"", L"Scan if you have anything stored in the current system", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/target ; /t", L"<text>", L"Sends the text to your current target.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/reply ; /r", L"<text>", L"Replies to the last incoming private message.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/privatemsg ; /pm", L"<character> <text>", L"Sends a text to the given character.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/privatemsg$ ; /pm$", L"<client-id> <text>", L"Sends a text to the given ID.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/factionmsg ; /fm", L"<faction> <text>", L"Sends a text to the given faction. All players in this faction will see it.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/factioninvite ; /fi", L"<faction>", L"Sends a group invite to the given faction. All players in this faction will see it.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/mail", L"", L"Checks ur current mail inbox.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/maildel ", L"<msgnum>", L"Deletes the mail labeled with the specified number.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/pos", L"", L"Prints ur current position in Space.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/stuck", L"", L"Towes ur ship if you got stucked. Use it with caution. If you are reported to use this feature for the disadvantage of other people, an admin will take care of you ;) .", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/beammeup", L"", L"Quickly beams you to a point of interest by the server admins. ", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L" ", L"", L" ", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/help", L"[<command>]", L"Displays the help screen. Giving a <command> gives detailed info for that command.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"/credits", L"", L"Displays FLHook's credits.", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L" ", L"", L" ", L"", get_bTrue );
	HkAddHelpEntry( L"=)", L"", L"This FLHook & the all of the used plugins were edited and recompiled by ***M.o.D.***", L"", get_bTrue );