Esempio n. 1
void RageTexture::GetFrameDimensionsFromFileName( CString sPath, int* piFramesWide, int* piFramesHigh )
	*piFramesWide = *piFramesHigh = 1;	// set default values in case we don't find the dimension in the file name


	const CString sFName = SetExtension( sPath, "" );

	CStringArray arrayBits;
	split( sFName, " ", arrayBits, false );

	/* XXX: allow dims to be in parens */
	for( unsigned i=0; i<arrayBits.size(); i++ )
		CString &sBit = arrayBits[ i ];	
		// Test to see if it looks like "%ux%u" (e.g. 16x8)

		CStringArray arrayDimensionsBits;
		split( sBit, "x", arrayDimensionsBits, false );

		if( arrayDimensionsBits.size() != 2 )
		else if( !IsAnInt(arrayDimensionsBits[0]) || !IsAnInt(arrayDimensionsBits[1]) )

		*piFramesWide = atoi(arrayDimensionsBits[0]);
		*piFramesHigh = atoi(arrayDimensionsBits[1]);

void ActorFrame::LoadChildrenFromNode( const XNode* pNode )
	// Shouldn't be calling this unless we're going to delete our children.
	ASSERT( m_bDeleteChildren );

	// Load children
	const XNode* pChildren = pNode->GetChild("children");
	bool bArrayOnly = false;
	if( pChildren == NULL )
		bArrayOnly = true;
		pChildren = pNode;

	FOREACH_CONST_Child( pChildren, pChild )
		if( bArrayOnly && !IsAnInt(pChild->GetName()) )

		Actor* pChildActor = ActorUtil::LoadFromNode( pChild, this );
		if( pChildActor )
			AddChild( pChildActor );
Esempio n. 3
static void ReadTimeSigs( const NameToData_t &mapNameToData, MeasureToTimeSig_t &out )
	NameToData_t::const_iterator it;
	for( it = mapNameToData.lower_bound("#00000"); it != mapNameToData.end(); ++it )
		const RString &sName = it->first;
		if( sName.size() != 6 || sName[0] != '#' || !IsAnInt(sName.substr(1, 5)) )
		// this is step or offset data.  Looks like "#00705"
		const RString &sData = it->second;
		int iMeasureNo	= atoi( sName.substr(1, 3).c_str() );
		int iBMSTrackNo	= atoi( sName.substr(4, 2).c_str() );
		if( iBMSTrackNo == BMS_TRACK_TIME_SIG )
			out[iMeasureNo] = StringToFloat( sData );
Esempio n. 4
void Font::LoadFontPageSettings( FontPageSettings &cfg, IniFile &ini, const RString &sTexturePath, const RString &sPageName, RString sChars )
	cfg.m_sTexturePath = sTexturePath;

	/* If we have any characters to map, add them. */
	for( unsigned n=0; n<sChars.size(); n++ )
		char c = sChars[n];
		cfg.CharToGlyphNo[c] = n;
	int iNumFramesWide, iNumFramesHigh;
	RageTexture::GetFrameDimensionsFromFileName( sTexturePath, &iNumFramesWide, &iNumFramesHigh );
	int iNumFrames = iNumFramesWide * iNumFramesHigh;
	ini.RenameKey("Char Widths", "main");

//	LOG->Trace("Loading font page '%s' settings from page name '%s'",
//		TexturePath.c_str(), sPageName.c_str());
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "DrawExtraPixelsLeft", cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsLeft );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "DrawExtraPixelsRight", cfg.m_iDrawExtraPixelsRight );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "AddToAllWidths", cfg.m_iAddToAllWidths );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "ScaleAllWidthsBy", cfg.m_fScaleAllWidthsBy );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "LineSpacing", cfg.m_iLineSpacing );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "Top", cfg.m_iTop );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "Baseline", cfg.m_iBaseline );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "DefaultWidth", cfg.m_iDefaultWidth );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "AdvanceExtraPixels", cfg.m_iAdvanceExtraPixels );
	ini.GetValue( sPageName, "TextureHints", cfg.m_sTextureHints );

	/* Iterate over all keys. */
	const XNode* pNode = ini.GetChild( sPageName );
	if( pNode )
		FOREACH_CONST_Attr( pNode, pAttr )
			RString sName = pAttr->first;
			const XNodeValue *pValue = pAttr->second;


			/* If val is an integer, it's a width, eg. "10=27". */
			if( IsAnInt(sName) )
				cfg.m_mapGlyphWidths[atoi(sName)] = pValue->GetValue<int>();

			/* "map codepoint=frame" maps a char to a frame. */
			if( sName.substr(0, 4) == "MAP " )
				 * map CODEPOINT=frame. CODEPOINT can be
				 * 1. U+hexval
				 * 2. an alias ("oq")
				 * 3. a character in quotes ("X")
				 * map 1=2 is the same as
				 * range unicode #1-1=2
				RString sCodepoint = sName.substr(4); /* "CODEPOINT" */

				wchar_t c;
				if( sCodepoint.substr(0, 2) == "U+" && IsHexVal(sCodepoint.substr(2)) )
					sscanf( sCodepoint.substr(2).c_str(), "%x", &c );
				else if( sCodepoint.size() > 0 &&
						utf8_get_char_len(sCodepoint[0]) == int(sCodepoint.size()) )
					c = utf8_get_char( sCodepoint.c_str() );
					if(c == wchar_t(-1))
						LOG->Warn("Font definition '%s' has an invalid value '%s'.",
							ini.GetPath().c_str(), sName.c_str() );
				else if( !FontCharAliases::GetChar(sCodepoint, c) )
					LOG->Warn("Font definition '%s' has an invalid value '%s'.",
						ini.GetPath().c_str(), sName.c_str() );

				cfg.CharToGlyphNo[c] = pValue->GetValue<int>();


			if( sName.substr(0, 6) == "RANGE " )
				 * range CODESET=first_frame or
				 * range CODESET #start-end=first_frame
				 * eg
				 * range CP1252=0       (default for 256-frame fonts)
				 * range ASCII=0        (default for 128-frame fonts)
				 * (Start and end are in hex.)
				 * Map two high-bit portions of ISO-8859- to one font:
				 * range ISO-8859-2 #80-FF=0
				 * range ISO-8859-3 #80-FF=128
				 * Map hiragana to 0-84:
				 * range Unicode #3041-3094=0
				vector<RString> asMatches;
				static Regex parse("^RANGE ([A-Z0-9\\-]+)( ?#([0-9A-F]+)-([0-9A-F]+))?$");
				bool bMatch = parse.Compare( sName, asMatches );
				ASSERT( asMatches.size() == 4 ); /* 4 parens */

				if( !bMatch || asMatches[0].empty() )
					RageException::Throw( "Font definition \"%s\" has an invalid range \"%s\": parse error.",
						ini.GetPath().c_str(), sName.c_str() );
				/* We must have either 1 match (just the codeset) or 4 (the whole thing). */

				int iCount = -1;
				int iFirst = 0;
				if( !asMatches[2].empty() )
					sscanf( asMatches[2].c_str(), "%x", &iFirst );
					int iLast;
					sscanf( asMatches[3].c_str(), "%x", &iLast );
					if( iLast < iFirst )
						RageException::Throw( "Font definition \"%s\" has an invalid range \"%s\": %i < %i.",
							ini.GetPath().c_str(), sName.c_str(), iLast, iFirst );

					iCount = iLast - iFirst + 1;

				RString sRet = cfg.MapRange( asMatches[0], iFirst, pValue->GetValue<int>(), iCount );
				if( !sRet.empty() )
					RageException::Throw( "Font definition \"%s\" has an invalid range \"%s\": %s.",
						ini.GetPath().c_str(), sName.c_str(), sRet.c_str() );


			if( sName.substr(0, 5) == "LINE " )
				 * eg.
				 * line 0=ABCDEFGH
				 * This lets us assign characters very compactly and readably. */

				RString sRowStr = sName.substr(5);
				TrimLeft( sRowStr );

				ASSERT( IsAnInt(sRowStr) );
				const int iRow = atoi( sRowStr.c_str() );
				const int iFirstFrame = iRow * iNumFramesWide;

				if( iRow > iNumFramesHigh )
					RageException::Throw( "The font definition \"%s\" tries to assign line %i, but the font is only %i characters high.",
						ini.GetPath().c_str(), iFirstFrame, iNumFramesHigh );

				/* Decode the string. */
				const wstring wdata( RStringToWstring(pValue->GetValue<RString>()) );

				if( int(wdata.size()) > iNumFramesWide )
					RageException::Throw( "The font definition \"%s\" assigns %i characters to row %i (\"%ls\"), but the font is only %i characters wide.",
						ini.GetPath().c_str(), (int)wdata.size(), iRow, wdata.c_str(), iNumFramesWide );

				for( unsigned i = 0; i < wdata.size(); ++i )
					cfg.CharToGlyphNo[wdata[i]] = iFirstFrame+i;
Esempio n. 5
static bool LoadFromBMSFile( const RString &sPath, const NameToData_t &mapNameToData, Steps &out,
			     const MeasureToTimeSig_t &sigAdjustments, const map<RString,int> &idToKeySoundIndex )
	LOG->Trace( "Steps::LoadFromBMSFile( '%s' )", sPath.c_str() );

	out.m_StepsType = StepsType_Invalid;

	// BMS player code.  Fill in below and use to determine StepsType.
	int iPlayer = -1;
	RString sData;
	if( GetTagFromMap( mapNameToData, "#player", sData ) )
		iPlayer = atoi(sData);
	if( GetTagFromMap( mapNameToData, "#playlevel", sData ) )
		out.SetMeter( atoi(sData) );

	NoteData ndNotes;
	ndNotes.SetNumTracks( NUM_BMS_TRACKS );

	/* Read time signatures.  Note that these can differ across files in the same
	 * song. */
	MeasureToTimeSig_t mapMeasureToTimeSig;
	ReadTimeSigs( mapNameToData, mapMeasureToTimeSig );

	int iHoldStarts[NUM_BMS_TRACKS];
	int iHoldPrevs[NUM_BMS_TRACKS];
	for( int i = 0; i < NUM_BMS_TRACKS; ++i )
		iHoldStarts[i] = -1;
		iHoldPrevs[i] = -1;
	NameToData_t::const_iterator it;
	for( it = mapNameToData.lower_bound("#00000"); it != mapNameToData.end(); ++it )
		const RString &sName = it->first;
		if( sName.size() != 6 || sName[0] != '#' || !IsAnInt( sName.substr(1, 5) ) )

		// this is step or offset data.  Looks like "#00705"
		int iMeasureNo = atoi( sName.substr(1,3).c_str() );
		int iRawTrackNum = atoi( sName.substr(4,2).c_str() );
		int iRowNo = GetMeasureStartRow( mapMeasureToTimeSig, iMeasureNo, sigAdjustments );
		float fBeatsPerMeasure = GetBeatsPerMeasure( mapMeasureToTimeSig, iMeasureNo, sigAdjustments );
		const RString &sNoteData = it->second;

		vector<TapNote> vTapNotes;
		for( size_t i=0; i+1<sNoteData.size(); i+=2 )
			RString sNoteId = sNoteData.substr( i, 2 );
			if( sNoteId != "00" )
				vTapNotes.push_back( TAP_ORIGINAL_TAP );
				map<RString,int>::const_iterator it = idToKeySoundIndex.find( sNoteId );
				if( it != idToKeySoundIndex.end() )
					vTapNotes.back().iKeysoundIndex = it->second;
				vTapNotes.push_back( TAP_EMPTY );

		const unsigned iNumNotesInThisMeasure = vTapNotes.size();
		for( unsigned j=0; j<iNumNotesInThisMeasure; j++ )
			float fPercentThroughMeasure = (float)j/(float)iNumNotesInThisMeasure;
			int row = iRowNo + lrintf( fPercentThroughMeasure * fBeatsPerMeasure * ROWS_PER_BEAT );
			// some BMS files seem to have funky alignment, causing us to write gigantic cache files.
			// Try to correct for this by quantizing.
			row = Quantize( row, ROWS_PER_MEASURE/64 );
			BmsTrack bmsTrack;
			bool bIsHold;
			if( ConvertRawTrackToTapNote(iRawTrackNum, bmsTrack, bIsHold) )
				TapNote &tn = vTapNotes[j];
				if( tn.type != TapNote::empty )
					if( bmsTrack == BMS_AUTO_KEYSOUND_1 )
						// shift the auto keysound as far right as possible
						int iLastEmptyTrack = -1;
						if( ndNotes.GetTapLastEmptyTrack(row, iLastEmptyTrack)  &&
						    iLastEmptyTrack >= BMS_AUTO_KEYSOUND_1 )
							tn.type = TapNote::autoKeysound;
							bmsTrack = (BmsTrack)iLastEmptyTrack;
							// no room for this note.  Drop it.
					else if( bIsHold )
						if( iHoldStarts[bmsTrack] == -1 )
							// Start of a hold.
							iHoldStarts[bmsTrack] = row;
							iHoldPrevs[bmsTrack] = row;
							// We're continuing a hold.
							iHoldPrevs[bmsTrack] = row;
				if( iHoldStarts[bmsTrack] != -1 )
					// This is ending a hold.
					const int iBegin = iHoldStarts[bmsTrack];
					const int iEnd = iHoldPrevs[bmsTrack];
					if( iBegin < iEnd )
						ndNotes.AddHoldNote( bmsTrack, iBegin, iEnd, TAP_ORIGINAL_HOLD_HEAD );
						ndNotes.SetTapNote( bmsTrack, iBegin, TAP_ORIGINAL_TAP );
					iHoldStarts[bmsTrack] = -1;
					iHoldPrevs[bmsTrack] = -1;
				// Don't bother inserting empty taps.
				if( tn.type != TapNote::empty )
					ndNotes.SetTapNote( bmsTrack, row, tn );

	// We're done reading in all of the BMS values. Time to check for any unfinished holds.
	for( int iTrack = 0; iTrack < NUM_BMS_TRACKS; ++iTrack )
		const int iBegin = iHoldStarts[iTrack];
		const int iEnd = iHoldPrevs[iTrack];
		if( iBegin == -1 )
		if( iBegin < iEnd )
			ndNotes.AddHoldNote( iTrack, iBegin, iEnd, TAP_ORIGINAL_HOLD_HEAD );
			ndNotes.SetTapNote( iTrack, iBegin, TAP_ORIGINAL_TAP );

	out.m_StepsType = DetermineStepsType( iPlayer, ndNotes, sPath );
	if( out.m_StepsType == StepsType_beat_single5 && GetTagFromMap( mapNameToData, "#title", sData ) )
		/* Hack: guess at 6-panel. */
		// extract the Steps description (looks like 'Music <BASIC>')
		const size_t iOpenBracket = sData.find_first_of( "<(" );
		const size_t iCloseBracket = sData.find_first_of( ">)", iOpenBracket );
		// if there's a 6 in the description, it's probably part of "6panel" or "6-panel"		
		if( sData.find('6', iOpenBracket) < iCloseBracket )
			out.m_StepsType = StepsType_dance_solo;
	if( out.m_StepsType == StepsType_Invalid )
		LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "has an unknown steps type" );
		return false;

	// shift all of the autokeysound tracks onto the main tracks
			TapNote tn = ndNotes.GetTapNote( t, row );
			int iEmptyTrack;
			if( ndNotes.GetTapFirstEmptyTrack(row, iEmptyTrack) )
				ndNotes.SetTapNote( iEmptyTrack, row, tn );
				ndNotes.SetTapNote( t, row, TAP_EMPTY );
				LOG->UserLog( "Song file", sPath, "has no room to shift the autokeysound tracks." );
Esempio n. 6
// function that tokenizes the input, using a structure of conscell's, where each conscell has a car and a cdr,
// each car has two values, the type and the actual value.
ConsCell* tokenize(char *expression) {
  ConsCell *current =malloc(sizeof(ConsCell));
  ConsCell *Head = current;
  int i = 0;
  for (int i = 0; expression[i]; i++) {
    if (expression[i]==' ') continue;
      else if (expression[i] == '\n'){
    if (expression[i]== '\t'){
    Value *carVar = malloc(sizeof(Value));
    Value *cdrVar = malloc(sizeof(Value));
    if (expression[i]=='(') {
      carVar->type = 6;
      carVar->openValue = '(';

    else if (expression[i]==')') {
      carVar->closeValue = ')';
    else {
      if (IsAnInt(expression, i)) {
        carVar->intValue=GiveInt(expression, i);
        i = getNextTerminal(expression, i);
        i -=1;
      else if(IsSymbol(expression, i)) {
        int symbolLength=returnSymbolLength(expression, i);
        carVar->symbolValue=returnSymbol(expression, i, symbolLength);
        if (IsId(carVar->symbolValue)){
          carVar->type = 9;
          carVar->idValue = carVar->symbolValue;
        else if (IsPrimitive(carVar->symbolValue)) {
          carVar->type = 13;
          carVar->primValue = carVar->symbolValue;
      else if(IsString(expression, i)) {
        carVar->stringValue=returnString(expression, i);
        int lengthOfString = findLengthOfString(carVar->stringValue);
      else if(IsBoolean(expression,i)){
        carVar->type = 1;
        i +=1;
      else if(IsFloat(expression, i)) {
        carVar->floatValue=GiveFloat(expression, i);
        i = getNextTerminal(expression, i);
        i -=1;
      else if(expression[i] == ';') {
      else {
        printf("Error: Bad syntax.\n");
        ConsCell *emptyCons =malloc(sizeof(ConsCell));
        Value *Val = malloc(sizeof(Value));
        Val->type = 0;
        Val->intValue= 1;
        emptyCons->car = Val;
        Value *cdrVal = malloc(sizeof(Value));
        cdrVal->type = 0;
        cdrVal->intValue = 0;
        current->car = cdrVal;
        return emptyCons;

    ConsCell *newCell = malloc(sizeof(ConsCell));
    cdrVar->type = 8;
    cdrVar->cons = newCell;
    current = insertCC(current, carVar, cdrVar);
    current = newCell;

  Value *cdrVal = malloc(sizeof(Value));
  cdrVal->type = 0;
  cdrVal->intValue = 0;
  current->car = cdrVal;
  return Head;
