Esempio n. 1
static uint_t FindXMLMarker(const AString& str, uint_t p1)
	uint_t i, p2 = 0;
	int quote = 0;
	for (i = p1; str[i]; i++) {
		if		(quote && (str[i] == quote)) quote = 0;
		else if (!quote && IsQuoteChar(str[i])) quote = str[i];
		else if (!quote && (str[i] == '>')) {
			p2 = i;

	return p2;
Esempio n. 2
static char *FindQuotedEnd(char *s, int& len)
    char *start = s;
    if (IsQuoteChar(*s)) {
        char c = *s++;
        char *res = s;
        while (*s && *s != c)
        if (!*s)
            return NULL;
        *s++ = 0;
        len = s - start;
        return res;

    while (*s && *s != ' ')
    if (*s == ' ')
        *s++ = 0;
    len = s - start;
    return start;
Esempio n. 3
/** Split given line into a certain number of tokens. Data might be
  * split across multiple lines.
  * \param NexpectedCols Number of expected data cols.
  * \param infile File being read.
  * \param isSerial true if inside a serial data block.
int CIFfile::DataBlock::GetColumnData(int NexpectedCols, BufferedLine& infile, bool isSerial)
  const char* SEP = " \t";
  // Allocate for a line of data
  columnData_.push_back( Sarray() );
  // Tokenize the initial line
  int nReadCols = 0;
  int Ncols = infile.TokenizeLine(SEP);
  int idx = 0;
  bool insideQuote = false;
  bool insideSemi = false;
  while (nReadCols < NexpectedCols) {
    // Load up the next line if needed
    if (idx == Ncols) {
      if (infile.Line() == 0) break;
      Ncols = infile.TokenizeLine(SEP);
      idx = 0;
    const char *tkn = infile.NextToken();
    // Skip blanks
    if (tkn == 0) continue;
    //mprintf("DEBUG: Token %i '%s'\n", idx, tkn);
    if (isSerial && nReadCols == 0) {
      // First column for serial data is
      std::string ID, Header;
      if (ParseData( std::string(tkn), Header, ID )) return 1;
      //mprintf("  Ndata=%i  Data=%s\n", serialData.Nargs(), serialData[1].c_str());
      if (AddHeader( Header )) return 1;
      columnHeaders_.push_back( ID );
    } else if (insideQuote) {
      // Append this to the current data column.
      columnData_.back().back().append( " " + std::string(tkn) );
      // Check for an end quote.
      if (HasEndQuote( columnData_.back().back() )) {
        // Remove that end quote.
        columnData_.back().back() = RemoveEndQuote( columnData_.back().back() );
        insideQuote = false;
    } else if (insideSemi) {
      // End if line begins with semicolon, otherwise append.
      if (tkn[0] == ';') {
        insideSemi = false;
      } else
        columnData_.back().back().append( std::string(tkn) );
    } else {
      // Add new data column
      if (idx == 1 && tkn[0] == ';') {
        // Semicolon indicates more lines to be read.
        columnData_.back().push_back( std::string(tkn+1) );
        insideSemi = true;
      } else {
        columnData_.back().push_back( std::string(tkn) );
        // Check if column began and did not end with a quote.
        if (IsQuoteChar(columnData_.back().back()[0])) {
          // Remove leading quote.
          std::string tmps = columnData_.back().back().substr(1);
          columnData_.back().back() = tmps;
          if ( !HasEndQuote((columnData_.back().back())) ) {
            // Still need to look for the end quote.
            insideQuote = true;
          } else {
            // We have the end quote. Remove it.
            columnData_.back().back() = RemoveEndQuote( columnData_.back().back() );
      if (!insideSemi && !insideQuote) nReadCols++;
  if (nReadCols != NexpectedCols) {
    mprinterr("Error: Line %i: '%s': Read %i columns, expected %i\n",
              infile.LineNumber(), dataHeader_.c_str(), nReadCols, NexpectedCols);
    return 1;
  return 0;
Esempio n. 4
/// \return true if string has end quote. Skip any terminal whitespace.
static inline bool HasEndQuote(std::string const& strIn) {
  std::string::const_reverse_iterator it = strIn.rbegin();
  while (it != strIn.rend() && isspace(*it)) --it;
  if ( IsQuoteChar(*it) ) return true;
  return false;
Esempio n. 5
bool DecodeXML(AStructuredNode& root, const AString& str)
	AStructuredNode *pNode = &root;
	AKeyValuePair   *pAttr;
	ADataList       stack;
	uint_t p1 = 0, p2;
	while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++;
	while (!HasQuit() && pNode && (str[p1] == '<')) {
		bool popnode = false;

		if (str[p1] == '/') {
			if ((pNode != &root) && ((p2 = FindXMLMarker(str, p1)) > p1)) {
				uint_t p3 = p1;
				if (IsSymbolStart(str[p1])) p1++;
				while (IsXMLNameChar(str[p1])) p1++;

				AString name = str.Mid(p3, p1 - p3);
				if (name == pNode->Key) {
					if (debug_decode) debug("Closing node '%s'\n", pNode->Key.str());
					popnode = true;
					p1 = p2 + 1;
				else {
					debug("Unknown close object '%s' at %u\n", name.str(), p1);
			else {
				debug("Unknown close marker at %u\n", p1);
		else if (str.Mid(p1, 3) == "!--") {
			if ((p2 = str.Pos("-->", p1 + 3)) > p1) p1 = p2 + 2;
			else {
				debug("Unterminated comment marker at %u\n", p1);
		else if ((p2 = FindXMLMarker(str, p1)) > p1) {
			if (pNode) stack.Push((void *)pNode);
			if ((pNode = new AStructuredNode) != NULL) {
				uint_t p3 = p2;
				bool   complete = ((str[p3 - 1] == '/') || ((str[p1] == '?') && (str[p3 - 1] == '?')));
				if (complete) p3--;

				complete |= (str[p1] == '!');

				if ((str[p1] == '?') || (str[p1] == '!')) pNode->SetType(str[p1++]);
				while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++;

				uint_t p4 = p1;
				if (IsSymbolStart(str[p1])) p1++;
				while (IsXMLNameChar(str[p1])) p1++;

				pNode->Key = str.Mid(p4, p1 - p4).DeHTMLify();
				if (debug_decode) debug("Created new node '%s' (%s)\n", pNode->Key.str(), complete ? "complete" : "open");

				while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++;

				while (p1 < p3) {
					p4 = p1;
					if (IsSymbolStart(str[p1])) p1++;
					while (IsXMLNameChar(str[p1])) p1++;
					uint_t p5 = p1;
					while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++;
					if (str[p1] == '=') p1++;
					while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++;

					int quote = 0;
					if (IsQuoteChar(str[p1])) quote = str[p1++];

					uint_t p6 = p1;
					while (str[p1] && ((quote && (str[p1] != quote)) ||
									   (!quote && !IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])))) p1++;
					uint_t p7 = p1;

					if (quote && (str[p1] == quote)) p1++;
					while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++;

					if ((p5 > p4) && ((pAttr = new AKeyValuePair) != NULL)) {
						pAttr->Key   = str.Mid(p4, p5 - p4).DeHTMLify();
						pAttr->Value = str.Mid(p6, p7 - p6).DeHTMLify();
						if (debug_decode) debug("Added attribute '%s'='%s' to '%s'\n", pAttr->Key.str(), pAttr->Value.str(), pNode->Key.str());
					else break;
				AStructuredNode *pParent = (AStructuredNode *)stack.Last();
				if (pParent) pParent->AddChild(pNode);

				while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p2])) p2++;

				p3 = p1 = p2;
				while (str[p2] && (str[p2] != '<')) {
					if (!IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p2 - 1])) p3 = p2;
				if (p3 > p1) {
					pNode->Value = str.Mid(p1, p3 - p1).DeHTMLify();
					if (debug_decode) debug("Set value of '%s' to '%s'\n", pNode->Key.str(), pNode->Value.str());
				p1 = p2;

				popnode = complete;

		if (popnode) {
			if (stack.Count()) {
				pNode = (AStructuredNode *)stack.EndPop();
				if (debug_decode) debug("Back to node '%s'\n", pNode->Key.str());
			else {
				debug("Stack empty at %u\n", p1);
		while (IsXMLWhiteSpace(str[p1])) p1++;

	if (stack.Count()) debug("Unterminated XML entries at %u\n", p1);
	if (!pNode)		   debug("Extra XML termination at %u\n", p1);
	return (!str[p1] && (pNode == &root));
Esempio n. 6
AString ADVBPatterns::ParsePattern(const AString& _line, PATTERN& pattern, const AString& user)
	const ADVBConfig& config = ADVBConfig::Get();
	ADataList& list   = pattern.list;
	AString&   errors = pattern.errors;
	AString    line   = config.ReplaceTerms(user, _line);
	TERM   *term;
	uint_t i;

	pattern.exclude    = false;
	pattern.enabled    = true;
	pattern.scorebased = false;
	pattern.pri        = 0;
	pattern.user       = user;
	pattern.pattern    = line;

	if (pattern.user.Valid()) {
		pattern.pri = (int)config.GetUserConfigItem(pattern.user, "pri");


	i = 0;
	while (IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) i++;
	if (line[i] == '#') {
		pattern.enabled = false;
	else if (line[i] == ';') {
		return errors;

	while (IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) i++;

	if (line[i]) {
		while (line[i] && errors.Empty()) {
			if (!IsSymbolStart(line[i])) {
				errors.printf("Character '%c' (at %u) is not a legal field start character (term %u)", line[i], i, list.Count() + 1);

			uint_t fieldstart = i++;
			while (IsSymbolChar(line[i])) i++;
			AString field = line.Mid(fieldstart, i - fieldstart).ToLower();

			while (IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) i++;

			if (field == "exclude") {
				pattern.exclude = true;

			const FIELD *fieldptr = (const FIELD *)ADVBProg::fieldhash.Read(field);
			if (!fieldptr) {
				uint_t nfields;
				const FIELD *fields = ADVBProg::GetFields(nfields);

				errors.printf("'%s' (at %u) is not a valid search field (term %u), valid search fields are: ", field.str(), fieldstart, list.Count() + 1);
				for (i = 0; i < nfields; i++) {
					const FIELD& field = fields[i];

					if (i) errors.printf(", ");

			uint_t opstart = i;

			const char *str = line.str() + i;
			bool isassign = fieldptr->assignable;
			uint_t j;
			uint_t opindex = 0, opcode = Operator_EQ;
			for (j = 0; j < NUMBEROF(operators); j++) {
				if (((isassign == operators[j].assign) ||
					 (isassign && !operators[j].assign)) &&
					(operators[j].fieldtypes & (1U << fieldptr->type)) &&
					(strncmp(str, operators[j].str, operators[j].len) == 0)) {
					i      += operators[j].len;
					opindex = j;
					opcode  = operators[j].opcode;

			while (IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) i++;

			AString value;
			bool    implicitvalue = false;
			if (j == NUMBEROF(operators)) {
				if (!line[i] || IsSymbolStart(line[i])) {
					if (fieldptr->assignable) {
						switch (fieldptr->type) {
							case FieldType_string:

							case FieldType_date:
								value = "now";

								value = "1";

						opcode = Operator_Assign;
					else opcode = Operator_NE;

					for (j = 0; j < NUMBEROF(operators); j++) {
						if ((opcode == operators[j].opcode) &&
							((isassign == operators[j].assign) ||
							 (isassign && !operators[j].assign)) &&
							(operators[j].fieldtypes & (1U << fieldptr->type))) {
							opindex = j;

					implicitvalue = true;
				else {
					errors.printf("Symbols at %u do not represent a legal operator (term %u), legal operators for the field '%s' are: ", opstart, list.Count() + 1, field.str());

					bool flag = false;
					for (j = 0; j < NUMBEROF(operators); j++) {
						if (((isassign == operators[j].assign) ||
							 (isassign && !operators[j].assign)) &&
							(operators[j].fieldtypes & (1U << fieldptr->type))) {
							if (flag) errors.printf(", ");
							errors.printf("'%s'", operators[j].str);
							flag = true;

			if (!implicitvalue) {
				char quote = 0;
				if (IsQuoteChar(line[i])) quote = line[i++];

				uint_t valuestart = i;
				while (line[i] && ((!quote && !IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) || (quote && (line[i] != quote)))) {
					if (line[i] == '\\') i++;

				value = line.Mid(valuestart, i - valuestart).DeEscapify();

				if (quote && (line[i] == quote)) i++;

				while (IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) i++;

			bool orflag = false;
			if ((line.Mid(i, 2).ToLower() == "or") && IsWhiteSpace(line[i + 2])) {
				orflag = true;
				i += 2;

				while (IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) i++;
			else if ((line[i] == '|') && IsWhiteSpace(line[i + 1])) {
				orflag = true;
				i += 1;

				while (IsWhiteSpace(line[i])) i++;

			if ((term = new TERM) != NULL) {
				term->data.start   = fieldstart;
				term->data.length  = i - fieldstart;
				term->data.field   = fieldptr - ADVBProg::fields;
				term->data.opcode  = opcode;
				term->data.opindex = opindex;
				term->data.value   = value;
				term->data.orflag  = (orflag && !RANGE(opcode, Operator_First_Assignable, Operator_Last_Assignable));
				term->field    	   = fieldptr;
				term->datetype 	   = DateType_none;

				switch (term->field->type) {
					case FieldType_string:
						if (fieldptr->offset == ADVBProg::GetTagsDataOffset()) {
							value = "|" + value + "|";
						if ((opcode & ~Operator_Inverted) == Operator_Regex) {
							AString regexerrors;
							AString rvalue;

							rvalue = ParseRegex(value, regexerrors);
							if (regexerrors.Valid()) {
								errors.printf("Regex error in value '%s' (term %u): %s", value.str(), list.Count() + 1, regexerrors.str());

							value = rvalue;
						term->value.str = value.Steal();

					case FieldType_date: {
						ADateTime dt;
						uint_t specified;

						dt.StrToDate(value, ADateTime::Time_Relative_Local, &specified);

						//debug("Value '%s', specified %u\n", value.str(), specified);

						if (!specified) {
							errors.printf("Failed to parse date '%s' (term %u)", value.str(), list.Count() + 1);
						else if (((specified == ADateTime::Specified_Day) && (stricmp(term->field->name, "on") == 0)) ||
								 (stricmp(term->field->name, "day") == 0)) {
							//debug("Date from '%s' is '%s' (week day only)\n", value.str(), dt.DateToStr().str());
							term->value.u64 = dt.GetWeekDay();
							term->datetype  = DateType_weekday;
						else if (specified & ADateTime::Specified_Day) {
							specified |= ADateTime::Specified_Date;

						if (term->datetype == DateType_none) {
							specified &= ADateTime::Specified_Date | ADateTime::Specified_Time;

							if (specified == (ADateTime::Specified_Date | ADateTime::Specified_Time)) {
								//debug("Date from '%s' is '%s' (full date and time)\n", value.str(), dt.DateToStr().str());
								term->value.u64 = (uint64_t)dt;
								term->datetype  = DateType_fulldate;
							else if (specified == ADateTime::Specified_Date) {
								//debug("Date from '%s' is '%s' (date only)\n", value.str(), dt.DateToStr().str());
								term->value.u64 = dt.GetDays();
								term->datetype  = DateType_date;
							else if (specified == ADateTime::Specified_Time) {
								//debug("Date from '%s' is '%s' (time only)\n", value.str(), dt.DateToStr().str());
								term->value.u64 = dt.GetMS();
								term->datetype  = DateType_time;
							else {
								errors.printf("Unknown date specifier '%s' (term %u)", value.str(), list.Count() + 1);

					case FieldType_span:
					case FieldType_age: {
						ADateTime dt;
						term->value.u64 = (uint64_t)ADateTime(value, ADateTime::Time_Absolute);

					case FieldType_uint32_t:
					case FieldType_external_uint32_t:
						term->value.u32 = (uint32_t)value;

					case FieldType_sint32_t:
					case FieldType_external_sint32_t:
						term->value.s32 = (sint32_t)value;

					case FieldType_uint16_t:
						term->value.u16 = (uint16_t)value;

					case FieldType_sint16_t:
						term->value.s16 = (sint16_t)value;

					case FieldType_uint8_t:
						term->value.u8 = (uint8_t)(uint16_t)value;

					case FieldType_sint8_t:
						term->value.s8 = (sint8_t)(sint16_t)value;

					case FieldType_flag...FieldType_lastflag:
						term->value.u8 = ((uint32_t)value != 0);
						//debug("Setting test of flag to %u\n", (uint_t)term->value.u8);

					case FieldType_prog: {
						ADVBProg *prog;

						if ((prog = new ADVBProg) != NULL) {
							if (prog->Base64Decode(value)) {
								term->value.prog = prog;
							else {
								errors.printf("Failed to decode base64 programme ('%s') for %s at %u (term %u)", value.str(), field.str(), fieldstart, list.Count() + 1);
								delete prog;
						else {
							errors.printf("Failed to allocate memory for base64 programme ('%s') for %s at %u (term %u)", value.str(), field.str(), fieldstart, list.Count() + 1);

						errors.printf("Unknown field '%s' type (%u) (term %u)", field.str(), (uint_t)term->field->type, list.Count() + 1);

				//debug("term: field {name '%s', type %u, assignable %u, offset %u} type %u dateflags %u value '%s'\n", term->field->name, (uint_t)term->field->type, (uint_t)term->field->assignable, term->field->offset, (uint_t)term->data.opcode, (uint_t)term->dateflags, term->value.str);

				if (errors.Empty()) {
					pattern.scorebased |= (term->field->offset == ADVBProg::GetScoreDataOffset());
				else {
					__DeleteTerm((uptr_t)term, NULL);