void TransitionObject::Initialize() { color = WHITE; state = NO_TRANSITION; for( int i = 0; i < numOfOverlays; i++ ) { transitionSprite[i].setUWidth( 480 ); transitionSprite[i].setUHeight( 320 ); transitionSprite[i].setSize( 480, 320 ); switch( i ) { case 0: transitionImage[i] = Iw2DCreateImage( "white.png" ); break; case 1: transitionImage[i] = Iw2DCreateImage( "black.png" ); break; case 2: break; } transitionSprite[i].setImage( transitionImage[i] ); transitionSprite[i].setDelayTime( 1 ); transitionSprite[i].setPosition( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); } }
void Game::Initialize() { IMAGE_CACHE.push_back(Iw2DCreateImage("question.png")); IMAGE_CACHE.push_back(Iw2DCreateImage("one.png")); IMAGE_CACHE.push_back(Iw2DCreateImage("moon.png")); IMAGE_CACHE.push_back(Iw2DCreateImage("begin.png")); }
Resources::Resources() { MenuBG = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/menu_bkg.jpg"); PlayButton = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/play.png"); // Load fonts settingsButtonImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/settings-button.png"); Font = Iw2DCreateFont("fonts/arial8.gxfont"); }
bool CIwGameImage::Init(void* memory_file, int memory_file_size) { CIwGameFile file; if (file.Open(memory_file, memory_file_size)) { // Load the image CIwImage image; image.ReadFile((s3eFile*)file.getFileHandle()); // if required format is different then convert it if (FormatSet && image.GetFormat() != Format) { CIwImage* new_image = ConvertToFormat(image, Format); Image2D = Iw2DCreateImage(*new_image); delete new_image; } else Image2D = Iw2DCreateImage(image); if (FilterSet) setFilter(Filter); if (Image2D == NULL || image.GetFormat() == CIwImage::FORMAT_UNDEFINED) { #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Error: CIwGameImage::Init() - Could not create image!"); #endif // _DEBUG return false; } else { Width = Image2D->GetWidth(); Height = Image2D->GetHeight(); #if defined(_DEBUG) CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Size = ", CIwGameString(memory_file_size).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Width = ", CIwGameString(Width).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Height = ", CIwGameString(Height).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Bit depth = ", CIwGameString(image.GetBitDepth()).c_str()); CIwGameError::LogError("Info: CIwGameImage::Init() - Format = ", CIwGameString(image.GetFormat()).c_str()); #endif // _DEBUG } } // Sanity check if (Width <= 0 || Height <= 0 || Width > 16384 || Height > 16384) return false; State = State_Loaded; return true; }
int main() { Iw2DInit(); CIw2DImage* g_AirplayLogo = Iw2DCreateImage("largeAirplayLogo.bmp"); while (1) { int64 start = s3eTimerGetMs(); if (s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) break; // Clear the screen Iw2DSurfaceClear(0xffffffff); CIwSVec2 topLeft = CIwSVec2((int16)(Iw2DGetSurfaceWidth() / 2 - g_AirplayLogo->GetWidth() / 2), (int16)(Iw2DGetSurfaceHeight() / 2 - g_AirplayLogo->GetHeight() / 2)); CIwSVec2 size = CIwSVec2((int16)g_AirplayLogo->GetWidth(), (int16)g_AirplayLogo->GetHeight()); Iw2DDrawImage(g_AirplayLogo, topLeft, size); Iw2DSurfaceShow(); // Attempt frame rate while ((s3eTimerGetMs() - start) < MS_PER_FRAME) { int32 yield = (int32) (MS_PER_FRAME - (s3eTimerGetMs() - start)); if (yield<0) break; s3eDeviceYield(yield); } } delete g_AirplayLogo; Iw2DTerminate(); return 0; }
Ground::Ground() { Background = Iw2DCreateImage("_ground/grass.jpg"); // Load background mWidth = Iw2DGetSurfaceWidth(); // Fetch screen dimensions mHeight = Iw2DGetSurfaceHeight(); Nullify(); }
void N2F::Iw3D::Image::setFile(const char *file) { this->file = file; this->img = Iw2DCreateImage(file); this->img->GetMaterial()->SetFiltering(false); this->size = CIwFVec2(this->img->GetWidth(), this->img->GetHeight()); return; }
void GameInit() { Iw2DInit(); grass = Iw2DCreateImage("0.png"); three = Iw2DCreateImage("1.png"); man = Iw2DCreateImage("2.png"); for(int i=0;i<10;i++) { for(int j=0;j<10;j++) { Map[i][j]=0; } } Map[0][0]=2; Map[3][0]=1; Map[3][2]=1; Map[5][1]=1; }
void MapViewInit() { Player* player = getGameState()->getPlayer(); lastLoses = player->getLoseCount(); lastWins = player->getWinCount(); playerTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_player.png"); healthTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_health.png"); healthLostTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_health_lost.png"); xpBarTexture = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/map_xp_bar.png"); mapTexture = new CIwTexture; mapTexture->LoadFromFile ("textures/map_template.png"); mapTexture->Upload(); mapInit(mapTexture->GetWidth(), mapTexture->GetHeight()); ghostInit(); }
CameraDefend::CameraDefend() { IwRandSeed((int32)s3eTimerGetMs()); for (int i = 0; i < DEFEND_TOUCHES_MAX; i++) { touch[i] = new DefendTouch; touch[i]->drawing = false; } dotTextureGreen = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/defending_dot/defending_dot.png"); dotTextureRed = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/defending_dot/defending_dot_red.png"); dotTexture = dotTextureGreen; dotAngle = 0; animTexturePress = new CIwTexture; animTexturePress->LoadFromFile("textures/defending_dot/defending_anim.png"); animTexturePress->Upload(); animMat = new CIwMaterial; animMat->SetTexture(animTexturePress); animMat->CreateAnim(); animMat->SetAnimCelW((double)animTexturePress->GetWidth()/cells); animMat->SetAnimCelH((double)animTexturePress->GetHeight()/rows); animMat->SetAnimCelPeriod(2); animTextureSuccess = new CIwTexture; animTextureSuccess->LoadFromFile("textures/defending_dot/defending_success.png"); animTextureSuccess->Upload(); animMatSuccess = new CIwMaterial; animMatSuccess->SetTexture(animTextureSuccess); animMatSuccess->CreateAnim(); animMatSuccess->SetAnimCelW((double)animTexturePress->GetWidth()/cellsSuccess); animMatSuccess->SetAnimCelH((double)animTexturePress->GetHeight()/rowsSuccess); animMatSuccess->SetAnimCelPeriod(2); reinit(); active = false; defended = false; }
SimpleResourceManager::SimpleResourceManager() { images[RESOURCE_CHARACTER] = Iw2DCreateImage("character.png"); images[RESOURCE_DIRT] = Iw2DCreateImage("dirt.png"); images[RESOURCE_GRASS] = Iw2DCreateImage("grass.png"); images[RESOURCE_STONE] = Iw2DCreateImage("stone.png"); images[RESOURCE_STONE_TALL] = Iw2DCreateImage("stone_tall.png"); images[RESOURCE_STAR] = Iw2DCreateImage("star.png"); images[RESOURCE_WATER] = Iw2DCreateImage("water.png"); }
/** * Constructor * @param pPos the position of the door * @param pFrames number of frames in the animation * @param pImageName the image to use for the animation * @param pScale the render scale */ Effect::Effect(CIwSVec2 pPos, int pFrames, const char* pImageName, float pScale): mPos(pPos), mFrameCount(pFrames), mCurFrame(0), mFrameDelay(0), mMaxFrameDelay(3), mFinished(false), mScale(pScale) { CIwImage img; img.LoadFromFile(pImageName); mImage = Iw2DCreateImage(img); }
int main() { // Initialise the 2D graphics system Iw2DInit(); // Set up input systems g_pInput = new Input(); // Create an image from a PNG file CIw2DImage* image = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/letter_A.png"); CIwFVec2 image_position = CIwFVec2::g_Zero; // Loop forever, until the user or the OS performs some action to quit the app while (!s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) { // Update input system g_pInput->Update(); // Clear the drawing surface Iw2DSurfaceClear(0xff000000); // Draw an image CIwFVec2 sz = CIwFVec2(50, 50); Iw2DDrawImage(image, image_position, sz); // Check for user tapping screen if (!g_pInput->m_Touched && g_pInput->m_PrevTouched) { // Move image to touched position image_position.x = (float)g_pInput->m_X - 25; image_position.y = (float)g_pInput->m_Y - 25; // Reset input g_pInput->Reset(); } // Show the drawing surface Iw2DSurfaceShow(); // Yield to the OS s3eDeviceYield(0); } // Clean-up delete image; delete g_pInput; Iw2DTerminate(); return 0; }
CIwGameImage* CIwGameImage::getCopy() { if (Image2D == NULL) return NULL; CIwGameImage* image = new CIwGameImage(); image->NameHash = NameHash; image->State = State; image->ResourceGroup = ResourceGroup; image->Width = Width; image->Height = Height; image->Image2D = Iw2DCreateImage(Image2D->GetMaterial()->GetTexture()->GetImage()); return image; }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ExampleInit() { Iw2DInit(); Iw2DSetColour(0xffffffff); g_Image = Iw2DCreateImage("Image.png"); // g_accumulator = 0.0f; g_prevTime = s3eTimerGetMs(); // create a box2d world if( !(g_world = new b2World(g_gravity)) ) { /*error*/ } // add a boundary at the edge of the screen b2BodyDef bodyDef; bodyDef.type = b2_staticBody; bodyDef.position.Set(0, 0); b2Body* boundaryBody = g_world->CreateBody(&bodyDef); const float hw = (float)Iw2DGetSurfaceWidth() * 0.5f / 8; const float hh = (float)Iw2DGetSurfaceHeight() * 0.5f / 8; b2Vec2 list[] = { b2Vec2(-hw, -hh), b2Vec2(hw, -hh), b2Vec2(hw, hh), b2Vec2(-hw, hh) }; const int numVerts = sizeof(list) / sizeof(b2Vec2); b2ChainShape loopShape; loopShape.CreateLoop(list, numVerts); boundaryBody->CreateFixture(&loopShape, 0.0f); // add a dynamic body // b2BodyDef bodyDef; bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody; bodyDef.position.Set(0, 0); g_body = g_world->CreateBody(&bodyDef); g_body->SetLinearDamping(0.1f); b2PolygonShape polygonShape; polygonShape.SetAsBox(0.5f * (8/2), 0.5f * (8/2)); b2FixtureDef fd; fd.shape = &polygonShape; fd.friction = 0.5f; fd.density = 10.0f; fd.restitution = 0.5f; g_body->CreateFixture(&fd); g_body->SetAngularVelocity(2.15f); // set the dynamic object initially spinning, so that it bounces more interestingly on the 'ground' }
CIw2DImage* Transitions2D::CaptureScreenBuffer() { int w = IwGxGetDeviceWidth(); int h = IwGxGetDeviceHeight(); int length = w * h * 4; uint8* buffer = new uint8[length]; glReadPixels(0, 0, w, h, 0x1908, 0x1401, buffer); uint8* buffer2 = new uint8[length]; int lineSize = w * 4; uint8* b1 = buffer; uint8* b2 = buffer2 + h * lineSize;; for(int y = h; y > 0; y--) { b2 -= lineSize; for(int x = w; x > 0; x--) { *b2++ = *b1++; *b2++ = *b1++; *b2++ = *b1++; *b2++ = *b1++; } b2 -= lineSize; } CIwTexture* texture = new CIwTexture; CIwImage& img = texture->GetImage(); img.SetFormat(CIwImage::ABGR_8888); img.SetWidth(w); img.SetHeight(h); img.SetBuffers(buffer2, length); img.SaveBmp("screenshot.bmp"); texture->SetMipMapping(false); //texture->Upload(); //delete buffer; delete buffer2; CIw2DImage* tmp = Iw2DCreateImage(img); return tmp; }
/** * Constructor * @param pImage the name of the image to use * @param pPos the position of the platform * @param pWidth the width of the platform * @param pExt1 the first of two points the platform moves between * @param pExt2 the second of two points the platform moves between * @param pWorld the physics world to add the pickup to */ Platform::Platform(const char* pImage, CIwSVec2 pPos, float pWidth, int pExt1, int pExt2, b2World* pWorld): mImage(Iw2DCreateImage(pImage)), xExtent1((((-(768/64)*4)+(0.5*4))+(pExt1*4)) + 0.5), xExtent2((((-(768/64)*4)+(0.5*4))+(pExt2*4)) + 0.5), mSpeed(10) { mDirection = 1; mWidth = pWidth*64; float X = -48 + (pWidth*4) + (pPos.x*4) + 0.5; float Y = 64 - (0.5*4) - (pPos.y*4) - 0.5; X = -(768/16) + (pWidth*4) + (pPos.x*4) + 0.5; Y = (1024/16) - (0.9*4) + (-pPos.y*4) - 0.5; yReset = Y; b2BodyDef bodyDef; bodyDef.type = b2_dynamicBody; bodyDef.position.Set(X, Y); mBody = pWorld->CreateBody(&bodyDef); mBody->SetLinearDamping(0.1f); mBody->SetFixedRotation(true); b2PolygonShape polygonShape; polygonShape.SetAsBox((pWidth * (8/2)), (0.5f * (8/2))); mType = "platform"; b2FixtureDef fd; fd.shape = &polygonShape; fd.friction = 10.0f; fd.density = 10.0f; fd.restitution = 0.0f; fd.userData = mType; fd.filter.categoryBits = Constants::PLATFORM; fd.filter.maskBits = Constants::PLAYER | Constants::ENEMY; mBody->CreateFixture(&fd); mBody->SetGravityScale(0.0f); mBody->SetUserData(this); }
void MapBackground::Init() { g_pThisAndTile = new ThisAndTile; ((ThisAndTile*)g_pThisAndTile)->pThis = this; gError = S3E_RESULT_SUCCESS; gResult = NULL; gResultLen = 0; pImage = 0; g_cursorIter = 1; g_bInProgress = false; g_bInitialLoad = true; g_bIsAnimating = false; g_latPerPixel = 1; g_lonPerPixel = 1; g_iTileCacheCount = 0; gLocation.m_Latitude = 47.7710083; gLocation.m_Longitude = -122.1588533; g_bLocationChanged = true; g_viewMatrix.SetIdentity(); g_viewMatrix.t.x = -0x200; g_bScaledMode = false; g_bShowCursor = true; gResult = NULL; CIwImage img; img.LoadFromFile("cursor.png"); bool a = img.UsesAlpha(); gCursor = Iw2DCreateImage(img); gScaler = new CoordinateScaler(Iw2DGetSurfaceWidth(), Iw2DGetSurfaceHeight(), NULL, 0, false); gScaledModeScaler = new CoordinateScaler(Iw2DGetSurfaceWidth(), Iw2DGetSurfaceHeight(), NULL, 0, true); }
/** * Constructor * @param pImgName the image to use * @param pPos the position of the enemy * @param pID the id number of the enemy * @param pDiff the difficulty setting of the game * @param pPatrolA first point which the enemy patrols between * @param pPatrolB second point the enemy patrols between */ Enemy::Enemy(const char * pImgName, CIwSVec2 pPos, int pID, int pDiff, int pPatrolA, int pPatrolB): mAlive(true), mHealth(100), mState(IDLE), mTarget(b2Vec2(0, 0)), mDirection(1), mDrawDirection(1), mID(pID), mCanMove(false), mStunTimer(0.0f) { mPatrolPointA = -(768/16) + (0.5*4) + (pPatrolA*4) + 0.5; mPatrolPointB = -(768/16) + (0.5*4) + (pPatrolB*4) + 0.5; mImg = Iw2DCreateImage(pImgName); mPos = CIwSVec2(pPos.x*32, (pPos.y*32)+4); mHealth = 100.0f*pDiff; mMaxHealth = mHealth; mPatSave1 = pPatrolA; mPatSave2 = pPatrolB; mDeathSoundSpec = (CIwSoundSpec*)IwGetResManager()->GetGroupNamed("Sounds")->GetResNamed("enemyDeath", IW_SOUND_RESTYPE_SPEC); }
void IntroPanel::initialize( char *filePath, int16 dir ) { position = CIwSVec2( 0, 0 ); image = Iw2DCreateImage( filePath ); sprite.setImage( image ); sprite.setUWidth( image->GetWidth() ); sprite.setUHeight( image->GetHeight() ); sprite.setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth(), IwGxGetScreenHeight() ); direction = dir; // directions can only be UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT // If the panel is moving upward, spawn it at the center bottom of screen if( direction == START ) { position = CIwSVec2( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); } else if( direction == UP ) { position = CIwSVec2( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 * 3 ); } // If the panel is moving downward, spawn it at the center top of screen else if( direction == DOWN ) { position = CIwSVec2( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 * -1 ); } // If the panel is moving left, spawn it at the right center of screen else if( direction == LEFT ) { position = CIwSVec2( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2 * 3, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); } // If the panel is moving right, spawn it at the left center of screen else if( direction == RIGHT ) { position = CIwSVec2( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2 * -1, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); } }
//-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Sprite Sprite::Sprite(char *src) { image = Iw2DCreateImage(src); position = new CIwSVec2(0, 0); size = new CIwSVec2(0, 0); }
/** * Constructor */ Game::Game(): physicsHz(60), timeStep(1.0f/physicsHz), velocityIterations(10), positionIterations(8), g_accumulator(0.0f), g_prevTime(s3eTimerGetMs()), loadCheckpoint(false), mPaused(false), mMultiplayer(false), mBytesRecieved(-1), timeSinceLastSend(0), mRDXVel(0), mRecRDXVel(0), mDiff(1), mTimeSinceLastRequest(0), mSelectedLevel("1"), mPlayersFinished(0), FACEBOOK_APP_ID("160040267492274"), FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET("b7d69cf0ef9e50a344d892df3c8c7fe6") { mRequestBuffer = NULL; mHost = true; mSock = NULL; mPlayerFound = false; mPlayersInLobby = 0; mStage = Constants::MAINMENU; ServerUrl = ""; g_GetUID = NULL; g_AddScore = NULL; mLevel = NULL; g_SelectedLvlScore = 0; g_Selectedlvl = "tutorial"; PostScoreRequest = NULL; mTimeTaken = 0.0f; mPlayerDeaths = 0; g_CurrentSession = NULL; crateSpawned = true; maxCrates = 1; moveLeftBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/ArrowLeft.png"); moveRightBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/ArrowRight.png"); jumpBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/ArrowJump.png"); kickBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/kick.png"); punchBtn = Iw2DCreateImage("Images/punch.png"); mMenuSystem = new MenuSystem(); mMenuSystem->init(this); mCollListener = new MyContactListener(); mCollListener->setGame(this); // Prepare the iwgxfont resource for rendering using Iw2D mFont = Iw2DCreateFontResource("font_large"); if (s3eAudioIsCodecSupported(S3E_AUDIO_CODEC_MP3)) { s3eAudioPlay("Audio/MainMenu.mp3", 0); } mMusic.push_back("Audio/gameMusic1.mp3"); mMusic.push_back("Audio/gameMusic2.mp3"); srand((unsigned)time(0)); }
int main() { // Initialise the 2D graphics system Iw2DInit(); // Create an image from a PNG file CIw2DImage* image = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/Tiles.png"); //Avatar bits AnimationData testData; testData.animationName = "Up"; testData.animationPosition = 0; testData.frameHeight = 64; testData.frameWidth = 32; testData.numberOfFrames = 4; AnimationData testData2; testData2.animationName = "Right"; testData2.animationPosition = 64; testData2.frameHeight = 64; testData2.frameWidth = 32; testData2.numberOfFrames = 4; Animation* animation = new Animation("textures/AvatarTest.png",testData); Animation* animation2 = new Animation("textures/AvatarTest.png",testData2); s3eFile* file = s3eFileOpen("tilemaps/tilemapdemo.json", "rb"); int len = s3eFileGetSize(file); char* rawTileJSON = new char[len]; if (file != NULL) { if (s3eFileRead(rawTileJSON, len, 1, file) != 1) { s3eFileGetError(); s3eDebugOutputString(s3eFileGetErrorString()); } s3eFileClose(file); } else { s3eFileGetError(); s3eDebugOutputString(s3eFileGetErrorString()); } cJSON *root = cJSON_Parse(rawTileJSON); int gridHeight = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"height")->valueint; int gridWidth = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"width")->valueint; int tileWidth = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"tileheight")->valueint; int tileHeight = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"tilewidth")->valueint; cJSON *layers = cJSON_GetObjectItem(root,"layers"); cJSON *tileData; int i; for (i = 0; i<cJSON_GetArraySize(layers); i++) { cJSON *layer = cJSON_GetArrayItem(layers,i); tileData = cJSON_GetObjectItem(layer,"data"); } // Loop forever, until the user or the OS performs some action to quit the app while (!s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) { // Clear the drawing surface Iw2DSurfaceClear(0xff000000); int x,y,tileIndex,tileType; for( y = 0; y < gridHeight; y++) { for(x = 0; x < gridWidth; x++) { tileIndex = (y * gridWidth) + x; tileType = cJSON_GetArrayItem(tileData,tileIndex)->valueint -1; // Draw an image Iw2DDrawImageRegion(image, CIwFVec2(x*tileWidth,y*tileHeight),CIwFVec2(tileWidth,tileHeight),CIwFVec2(tileType*tileWidth,0),CIwFVec2(tileWidth,tileHeight)); } } animation->render(50,50); animation2->render(150,200); // Show the drawing surface Iw2DSurfaceShow(); // Yield to the OS s3eDeviceYield(0); } cJSON_Delete(root); // Clean-up delete rawTileJSON; delete image; delete animation; delete animation2; Iw2DTerminate(); return 0; }
CGame::CGame() : m_Position(0,0) { m_ImgBG = Iw2DCreateImage("game-bg.png"); m_ImgKey = Iw2DCreateImage("key.png"); }
void MenuScreen::Initialize( int16 t ) { image = Iw2DCreateImage("splash.png"); quitConfirmationImage2 = NULL; //counter = 0; buttonCount = 0; type = t; // This is the actual pixel size of the image for stretching and tiling purposes sprite.setUWidth( 480 ); sprite.setUHeight( 320 ); //sprite.setSize( 480, 320 ); sprite.setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth(), IwGxGetScreenHeight() ); sprite.setImage( image ); sprite.setPosition( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, -IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); // menu screen position spawns off-screen by default!!! if( type == MENU ) { delete image; image = Iw2DCreateImage("black.png"); sprite.setPosition( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); // high score screen has back button, and Rate button buttonCount = 2; // make only 1 button for play for now. Add a 2nd button for credits. More button for more links. for( int i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 0: // PLAY button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("test.png"); //buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("rateButton_green.png"); // Load only one image for pressed and unpressed. button[i].setLocation( 50, 100 ); // these are irrelevant I believe, because locations are reset in Render() break; case 1: // High Score Screen button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("test.png"); //buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("backButton_green.png"); button[i].setLocation( 300, 100 ); // these are irrelevant I believe, because locations are reset in Render() break; } buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); } } else if( type == CHALLENGE ) { int row = 1; int column = 1; buttonCount = 21; // make 20 buttons for levels, 1 button to go back for( int i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ ) { // add if-condition here to create a different image for every button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("test.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( 40, 40 ); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("menuButton_Touched.png"); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 40, 40 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); button[i].setTouchSize( 40, 40 ); button[i].setLocation( column*buttonSprite[i].size.x + 30*(column) + 35, row*buttonSprite[i].size.y + 15*(row) + 5 - IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); // increment the rows/columns column++; if( column >= 6 ) { column = 1; row++; } } // end of for-loop creating buttons } // end of type == challenge menu else if( type == HIGH_SCORE ) { delete image; if( s3eDeviceGetInt( S3E_DEVICE_OS ) == S3E_OS_ID_IPHONE ) { image = Iw2DCreateImage("highscore_screen.png"); } else { image = Iw2DCreateImage("highscore_screen2.png"); } // high score screen has back button, and Rate button buttonCount = 13; // buttons 0-1 are rate, 2-6 are black trophies, 7-11 are trophies, 12 is game center for( int i = 0; i < NUM_OF_TROPHIES; i++ ) { trophies[i] = false; } for( int i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 0: // RATE button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("rateButton_red.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("rateButton_green.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); //button[i].setLocation( 50, 100 ); // not affected here. in render break; case 1: // BACK button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("backButton_red.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("backButton_green.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); //button[i].setLocation( 300, 100 ); // not affected here. in render break; case 2: // all the BLACK TROPHY buttons case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("trophyButton_black.png"); //buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("trophyButton_black.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 100 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 100 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 100, 100 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 100 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 100 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 80, 80 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .167, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .167 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .167, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .167 ); break; case 7: case 8: case 9: case 10: case 11: // all the REGULAR TROPHY buttons buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("trophyButton.png"); //buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("trophyButton.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); break; case 12: // GameCenter button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("gamecenter_64.png"); //buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("trophyButton.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); break; } } } // end of type == high score else if( type == CREDITS ) { delete image; image = Iw2DCreateImage("credits_screen.png"); // high score screen has back button, and Rate button buttonCount = 2; for( int i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 0: // RATE button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("rateButton_red.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("rateButton_green.png"); button[i].setLocation( 50, 100 ); break; case 1: // BACK button buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("backButton_red.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("backButton_green.png"); button[i].setLocation( 300, 100 ); break; } buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); } } else if( type == TUTORIAL ) { delete image; image = Iw2DCreateImage("tutorial.png"); // high score screen has back button, and Rate button buttonCount = 4; for( int i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 0: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("backButton_red.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("backButton_green.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 64 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 64 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); break; case 1: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("buttonBasic.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("buttonBasic.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); break; case 2: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("buttonDanger.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("buttonDanger.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); break; case 3: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("buttonDefuse.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("buttonDefuse.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 64, 64 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 50, 50 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .104 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 64, 64 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .133 ); break; } } } else if( type == QUIT_CONFIRMATION ) { delete image; image = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation.png"); quitConfirmationImage2 = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation2.png"); sprite.setUWidth( 480 ); sprite.setUHeight( 320 ); //sprite.setSize( 480, 320 ); sprite.setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth(), IwGxGetScreenHeight() ); sprite.setImage( image ); sprite.setPosition( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); // high score screen has back button, and Rate button buttonCount = 2; for( int i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 0: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_yes.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_yes.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 128, 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 100, 100 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 128, 128 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); break; case 1: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_no.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_no.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 128, 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 100, 100 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 128, 128 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); break; } } } else if( type == NEW_STORY_CONFIRMATION ) { delete image; image = Iw2DCreateImage("newstoryconfirmation.png"); sprite.setUWidth( 480 ); sprite.setUHeight( 320 ); //sprite.setSize( 480, 320 ); sprite.setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth(), IwGxGetScreenHeight() ); sprite.setImage( image ); sprite.setPosition( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); // high score screen has back button, and Rate button buttonCount = 2; for( int i = 0; i < buttonCount; i++ ) { switch( i ) { case 0: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_yes.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_yes.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 128, 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 100, 100 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 128, 128 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); break; case 1: buttonImageArray[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_no.png"); buttonImageArray_pressed[i] = Iw2DCreateImage("quitconfirmation_no.png"); buttonSprite[i].setImage( buttonImageArray[i] ); buttonSprite[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite[i].setSize( 128, 128 ); buttonSprite[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setImage( buttonImageArray_pressed[i] ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUWidth( 128 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setUHeight( 128 ); //buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( 100, 100 ); buttonSprite_pressed[i].setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .208 ); button[i].setUnpressedSprite( buttonSprite[i] ); button[i].setPressedSprite( buttonSprite_pressed[i] ); //button[i].setTouchSize( 128, 128 ); button[i].setTouchSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267, IwGxGetScreenWidth() * .267 ); break; } } } else if( type == QUESTION_MARK ) { delete image; image = Iw2DCreateImage("questionmarkinfo.png"); sprite.setUWidth( 480 ); sprite.setUHeight( 320 ); //sprite.setSize( 480, 320 ); sprite.setSize( IwGxGetScreenWidth(), IwGxGetScreenHeight() ); sprite.setImage( image ); sprite.setPosition( IwGxGetScreenWidth()/2, IwGxGetScreenHeight()/2 ); } } // end of initialize()
Resources::Resources(){ Blocks[0] = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/EmptyBlock.png"); Blocks[1] = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/Object 1.png"); Blocks[2] = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/Object 2.png"); Blocks[3] = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/Object 3.png"); BGiPhone4 = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/backiPhone4.png"); imgBlocks[0]= Iw2DCreateImage("textures/anim12.png"); imgBlocks[1]= Iw2DCreateImage("textures/anim13.png"); imgBlocks[2]= Iw2DCreateImage("textures/anim21.png"); imgBlocks[3]= Iw2DCreateImage("textures/anim23.png"); imgBlocks[4]= Iw2DCreateImage("textures/anim31.png"); imgBlocks[5]= Iw2DCreateImage("textures/anim32.png"); emtBlock = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/EmptyBlock.png"); imgButtonStart = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/buttonStart.png"); MenuBG = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/Swiperbackground.png"); Retry = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/Retry.png"); Info = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/Info.png"); //lightToMiddle = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/B-D.png"); //middleToLight = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/D-B.png"); backAfterDie = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/BackAfterDie.png"); Font = (CIwGxFont*)IwGetResManager()->GetResNamed("SansusWR", "CIwGxFont"); int frame_w = (int)(imgBlocks[0]->GetWidth() / 20.0); int frame_h = (int)(imgBlocks[0]->GetHeight()/1); for (int i = 0; i < 6; ++i){ animBetweenBlocks[i] = new CAtlas(frame_w,frame_h,20,imgBlocks[i]); } emptyBlock = new CAtlas(emtBlock->GetWidth(),emtBlock->GetHeight(),1,emtBlock); //animLightToMiddle = new CAtlas(frame_w, frame_h, 20, lightToMiddle); //frame_w = (int)(middleToLight->GetWidth() / 20.0); //frame_h = (int)(middleToLight->GetHeight()/1); //animMiddleToLight = new CAtlas(frame_w, frame_h, 20, middleToLight); /*// Create atlases int frame_w = (int)(Gems[0]->GetWidth() / 5); int frame_h = (int)(Gems[0]->GetHeight() / 3); for (int t = 0; t < MAX_GEM_TYPES; t++) GemAtlases[t] = new CAtlas(frame_w, frame_h, 15, Gems[t]); frame_w = (int)(Explosion->GetWidth() / 5); frame_h = (int)(Explosion->GetHeight() / 3); ExplosionAtlas = new CAtlas(frame_w, frame_h, 15, Explosion); */ }
void Resources::LoadGame() { manHit = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/manHit.png"); GameBG = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/bkg.png"); PauseIcon = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/pause_icon.png"); NewGame = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/new_game.png"); MenuButton = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/button_bg.png"); seaImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/sea.png"); birdImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/bird.png"); PooImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/poo.png"); ManImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/man.png"); highScoreImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/highscore.png"); hotDogImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/hotdog.png"); Boat = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/boat.png"); Splash = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/sprite-splash.png"); int frame_third = (int)(Splash->GetWidth() / 3); SplashAtlas = new CAtlas(frame_third, frame_third, 9, Splash); recalibrateImage = Iw2DCreateImage("textures/recal.png"); cloudImage = new CIw2DImage*[6]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { char str[16]; strcpy(str, "textures/cloud"); char strB[16]; snprintf(strB, 16, "%d", (i + 1)); strcat(str, strB); strcat(str, ".png"); cloudImage[i] = Iw2DCreateImage(str); } }
int main() { Iw2DInit(); image1 = Iw2DCreateImage("image1.png"); image2 = Iw2DCreateImage("image2.png"); while (!s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) { // Transition #1 // Fade in from black Iw2DSurfaceClear(0xff000000); Transitions2D::CaptureStartScreen(); DrawOnRed(); Transitions2D::CaptureEndScreen(); Transitions2D::Fade(); s3eDeviceYield(1000); if (s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) break; // Transition #2 // Cross fade from red image to blue image DrawOnRed(); Transitions2D::CaptureStartScreen(); DrawOnBlue(); Transitions2D::CaptureEndScreen(); Transitions2D::Fade(); s3eDeviceYield(1000); if (s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) break; // Transition #3 // Slide left DrawOnBlue(); Transitions2D::CaptureStartScreen(); DrawOnRed(); Transitions2D::CaptureEndScreen(); Transitions2D::SlideLeft(); s3eDeviceYield(1000); if (s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) break; // Transition #4 // Slide right DrawOnRed(); Transitions2D::CaptureStartScreen(); DrawOnBlue(); Transitions2D::CaptureEndScreen(); Transitions2D::SlideRight(); s3eDeviceYield(1000); if (s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) break; // Transition #5 // Slide up DrawOnBlue(); Transitions2D::CaptureStartScreen(); DrawOnRed(); Transitions2D::CaptureEndScreen(); Transitions2D::SlideUp(); s3eDeviceYield(1000); if (s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) break; // Transition #6 // Slide down DrawOnRed(); Transitions2D::CaptureStartScreen(); DrawOnBlue(); Transitions2D::CaptureEndScreen(); Transitions2D::SlideDown(); s3eDeviceYield(1000); if (s3eDeviceCheckQuitRequest()) break; // Transition #7 // Fade out to black DrawOnBlue(); Transitions2D::CaptureStartScreen(); Iw2DSurfaceClear(0xff000000); Transitions2D::CaptureEndScreen(); Transitions2D::Fade(); s3eDeviceYield(1000); } delete image1; delete image2; Iw2DTerminate(); }