Esempio n. 1
 * coalesce - boundary tag coalescing. Return ptr to coalesced block
 * Removes adjacent blocks from the free list if either one or both are free.
 * Merges block bp with these free adjacent blocks and inserts it onto list.
 * @return - bp - pointer to the merged block 
static void *coalesce(void *bp){
	size_t prev_alloc;
	prev_alloc = GET_FALLOC(PREV_BLK(bp)) || PREV_BLK(bp) == bp;
	size_t next_alloc = GET_HALLOC(NEXT_BLK(bp));
	size_t size = GET_HSIZE(bp);
	/* Case 1 next block is free */		
	if (prev_alloc && !next_alloc) {									
		size += GET_HSIZE(NEXT_BLK(bp));
		SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));
		SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));
	}/* Case 2 prev block is free */
	else if (!prev_alloc && next_alloc) {								
		size += GET_HSIZE(PREV_BLK(bp));
		bp = PREV_BLK(bp);
		SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));
		SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));
	}/* Case 3 both blocks are free */ 
	else if (!prev_alloc && !next_alloc) {								
		size += GET_HSIZE(PREV_BLK(bp)) + GET_HSIZE(NEXT_BLK(bp));
		bp = PREV_BLK(bp);
		SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));
		SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));
	}/* lastly insert bp into free list and return bp */
	return bp;
Esempio n. 2
/* Puts block of size asize at loc bp */
void place(void *bp, size_t asize){
  size_t csize = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
  size_t leftover = csize - asize;
  if ((leftover) >= 2 * DSIZE) {
    //make new block
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(asize, 1));
    //remove free from list
    //create new block and add it to the list
    //bp = NEXT_BLK(bp);
    //PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(csize-asize, 0));
    //PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(csize-asize, 0));
	insert_node(NEXT_BLK(bp), leftover);
  } else {
    PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(csize, 1));
    PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(csize, 1));
Esempio n. 3
 * Return a block of size >= newsize
 * that preserves all the data from the
 * payload of the block bp.
 * @param - a pointer to an allocated block
 * @param - size - a new size requested
 * @return - pointer to a block size >= newsize
void *mm_realloc(void *bp, size_t size){
	if(size <= 0){ 
		return NULL; 
	}else if(bp == NULL){
		bp = mm_malloc(size);
		return bp;
	if(size > 0){ 
		size_t currentsize = GET_HSIZE(bp); 
		size_t newsize = ALIGN(size + OVERHEAD); 
		/* newsize is less than currentsize just return bp */
		if(newsize <= currentsize){  
			return bp; 
		} /* newsize is greater than currentsize */ 
		else { 
			size_t next_alloc = GET_HALLOC(NEXT_BLK(bp)); 
			size_t csize;
			size_t asize;			
			/* next block is free and the size of the two blocks is greater than or equal the new size  */ 
			if(!next_alloc && ((csize = currentsize + GET_HSIZE(NEXT_BLK(bp)))) >= newsize){ 
				SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(csize, 1)); 
				SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(csize, 1)); 
				return bp; 
			} /* next block is free and the block is the last block before the epilogue */
			else if(!next_alloc && ((GET_HSIZE(NEXT_BLK(NEXT_BLK(bp)))) == 0)){
				csize = newsize - currentsize + GET_HSIZE(NEXT_BLK(bp));
				void *temp = extend_heap(csize);
				asize = currentsize + GET_HSIZE(temp);
				SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(asize, 1));
				SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(asize, 1));
				return bp; 
			} /* if bp is the last block before epilogue */
			else if(GET_HSIZE(NEXT_BLK(bp)) == 0){
				csize = newsize - currentsize;
				void *temp = extend_heap(csize);
				asize = currentsize + GET_HSIZE(temp);
				SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(asize, 1));
				SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(asize, 1));
				return bp;
			} /* last ditch attemp try to extend heap for additional size */
			else {  
				void *newbp = mm_malloc(newsize);  
				place(newbp, newsize);
				memcpy(newbp, bp, newsize); 
				return newbp; 
		} /* return NULL */
		return NULL;
Esempio n. 4
 * Place block of asize bytes at start of free block bp
 * and split if remainder would be at least minimum block size
 * @param - bp - pointer to a free block, not on the tree of free blocks
 * @param - asize - the requested size of free block
static void place(void *bp, size_t asize){
	size_t csize = GET_HSIZE(bp);

	if ((csize - asize) >= BLKSIZE) {
		SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(asize, 1));
		SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(asize, 1));
		bp = NEXT_BLK(bp);
		SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(csize-asize, 0));
		SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(csize-asize, 0));
	else {
		SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(csize, 1));
		SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(csize, 1));
Esempio n. 5
 * extend_heap - Extend heap with free block and return its block pointer
 * Allocates a new free block of size which is a multiple of 8 immediately after
 * the last block. Merges this new block with the last block if that block is free.
 * Rewrites an epilog block after the new block.
 * @param - words - extend head by size of words(4)
 * @return - bp - pointer to the new free block (not yet in the tree of free blocks)
static void *extend_heap(size_t words) {
	char *bp;
	size_t size;

	/* Allocate an even number of words to maintain alignment */
	size = (words % 2) ? (words+1) * WSIZE : words * WSIZE;
	if (size < BLKSIZE){
		size = BLKSIZE;
	/* call for more memory space */
	if ((int)(bp = mem_sbrk(size)) == -1){ 
		return NULL;

	/* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header */
	SET_HDRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));         /* free block header */
	SET_FTRP(bp, PACK(size, 0));         /* free block footer */
	SET_HDRP(NEXT_BLK(bp), PACK(0, 1)); /* new epilogue header */
	/* coalesce bp with next and previous blocks */
	return coalesce(bp);
Esempio n. 6
static void *extend_heap(size_t words) {
  char *bp;
  size_t size;

  /* Allocate an even number of words to maintain alignment */
  size = (words % 2) ? (words+1) * WSIZE : words * WSIZE;

  if ((long)(bp = mem_sbrk(size)) == -1){ 
    return NULL;
  /* Initialize free block header/footer and the epilogue header */
  PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));         /* free block header */
  PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));         /* free block footer */
  PUT(HDRP(NEXT_BLK(bp)), PACK(0, 1)); /* new epilogue header */
  /* Coalesce if the previous block was free */
  /*insert block into appropriate list*/
  insert_node(bp, size);
  return coalesce(bp);
Esempio n. 7
 * coalesce - Boundary tag coalescing. Return ptr to coalesced block
static void *coalesce(void *bp){

  size_t NEXT_ALLOC = GET_ALLOC(  HDRP(NEXT_BLK(bp))  );
  size_t PREV_ALLOC = GET_ALLOC(  HDRP(PREV_BLK(bp))  );
  //size_t PREV_ALLOC = GET_ALLOC(  FTRP(PREV_BLK(bp))  ) || PREV_BLK(bp) == bp;
  size_t size = GET_SIZE(HDRP(bp));
  /*return if the previous and next blocks are both allocated */
	return bp;
  /*Remove old block from list*/
	size += GET_SIZE(HDRP(NEXT_BLK(bp)));
	PUT(HDRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
	PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
  else if (!PREV_ALLOC && NEXT_ALLOC)
	size += GET_SIZE(HDRP(PREV_BLK(bp)));
	PUT(FTRP(bp), PACK(size, 0));
	PUT(HDRP(PREV_BLK(bp)), PACK(size, 0));
	bp = PREV(bp);
	PUT(HDRP(PREV_BLK(bp)), PACK(size, 0));
	PUT(FTRP(NEXT_BLK(bp)), PACK(size, 0));
	bp = PREV_BLK(bp);
  insert_node(bp, size);
  return bp;