Esempio n. 1
 void CEntity::Init(TConfigurationNode& t_tree) {
    try {
        * Set the id of the entity from XML or type description
       /* Was an id specified explicitly? */
       if(NodeAttributeExists(t_tree, "id")) {
          /* Yes, use that */
          GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "id", m_strId);
       else {
          /* No, derive it from the parent */
          if(m_pcParent != NULL) {
             UInt32 unIdCount = 0;
             while(GetParent().HasComponent(GetTypeDescription() +
                                            "[" + GetTypeDescription() +
                                            "_" + ToString(unIdCount) +
                                            "]")) {
             m_strId = GetTypeDescription() + "_" + ToString(unIdCount);
          else {
             THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("Root entities must provide the identifier tag");
    catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
       THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Failed to initialize an entity.", ex);
Esempio n. 2
 void CRABMedium::Init(TConfigurationNode& t_tree) {
    try {
       /* Check occlusions? */
       GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "check_occlusions", m_bCheckOcclusions, m_bCheckOcclusions);
       /* Get the positional index method */
       std::string strPosIndexMethod("grid");
       GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(t_tree, "index", strPosIndexMethod, strPosIndexMethod);
       /* Get the arena center and size */
       CVector3 cArenaCenter;
       CVector3 cArenaSize;
       TConfigurationNode& tArena = GetNode(CSimulator::GetInstance().GetConfigurationRoot(), "arena");
       GetNodeAttribute(tArena, "size", cArenaSize);
       GetNodeAttributeOrDefault(tArena, "center", cArenaCenter, cArenaCenter);
       /* Create the positional index for embodied entities */
       if(strPosIndexMethod == "grid") {
          size_t punGridSize[3];
          if(!NodeAttributeExists(t_tree, "grid_size")) {
             punGridSize[0] = cArenaSize.GetX();
             punGridSize[1] = cArenaSize.GetY();
             punGridSize[2] = cArenaSize.GetZ();
          else {
             std::string strPosGridSize;
             GetNodeAttribute(t_tree, "grid_size", strPosGridSize);
             ParseValues<size_t>(strPosGridSize, 3, punGridSize, ',');
          CGrid<CRABEquippedEntity>* pcGrid = new CGrid<CRABEquippedEntity>(
             cArenaCenter - cArenaSize * 0.5f, cArenaCenter + cArenaSize * 0.5f,
             punGridSize[0], punGridSize[1], punGridSize[2]);
          m_pcRABEquippedEntityGridUpdateOperation = new CRABEquippedEntityGridEntityUpdater(*pcGrid);
          m_pcRABEquippedEntityIndex = pcGrid;
       else {
          THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("Unknown method \"" << strPosIndexMethod << "\" for the positional index.");
    catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
       THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Error in initialization of the range-and-bearing medium", ex);
Esempio n. 3
 void CSimulator::InitControllers(TConfigurationNode& t_tree) {
     * Go through controllers, loading the library of each of them
     * and storing type, id and XML tree of each of them for later use
    if(! t_tree.NoChildren()) {
       try {
          std::string strLibrary;
          std::string strId;
          TConfigurationNodeIterator it;
          for(it = it.begin(&t_tree);
              it != it.end(); ++it) {
             /* Get controller id */
             try {
                GetNodeAttribute(*it, "id", strId);
             catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
                std::string strValue;
                THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Controller type \"" << strValue << "\" has no assigned id.", ex);
             /* Bomb out if id is already in map */
             if(m_mapControllerConfig.find(strId) != m_mapControllerConfig.end()) {
                THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION("Controller id \"" << strId << "\" duplicated");
             /* Optionally, process "library" attribute if present */
             if(NodeAttributeExists(*it, "library")) {
                /* Get library name */
                GetNodeAttribute(*it, "library", strLibrary);
                /* Load library */
             /* Store XML info in map by id */
             m_mapControllerConfig.insert(std::pair<std::string, TConfigurationNode*>(strId, &(*it)));
       catch(CARGoSException& ex) {
          THROW_ARGOSEXCEPTION_NESTED("Error initializing controllers", ex);