Esempio n. 1
Poisson solver based on a multigrig algorithm. 
This routine solves a Poisson equation, remap result pixels to [0..1] and returns the solution. 
NB: The input image is first stored inside a square image whose size is (2^j + 1)x(2^j + 1) for some integer j, 
where j is such that 2^j is the nearest larger dimension corresponding to MAX(image width, image height). 
@param Laplacian Laplacian image
@param ncycle Number of cycles in the multigrid algorithm (usually 2 or 3)
@return Returns the solved PDE equations if successful, returns NULL otherwise
FreeImage_MultigridPoissonSolver(FIBITMAP *Laplacian, int ncycle) {
	if(!Laplacian) return NULL;

	int width = FreeImage_GetWidth(Laplacian);
	int height = FreeImage_GetHeight(Laplacian);

	// get nearest larger dimension length that is acceptable by the algorithm
	int n = MAX(width, height);
	int size = 0;
	while((n >>= 1) > 0) size++;
	// size must be of the form 2^j + 1 for some integer j
	size = 1 + (1 << (size + 1));

	// allocate a temporary square image I
	FIBITMAP *I = FreeImage_AllocateT(FIT_FLOAT, size, size);
	if(!I) return NULL;

	// copy Laplacian into I and shift pixels to create a boundary
	FreeImage_Paste(I, Laplacian, 1, 1, 255);

	// solve the PDE equation
	fmg_mglin(I, size, ncycle);

	// shift pixels back
	FIBITMAP *U = FreeImage_Copy(I, 1, 1, width + 1, height + 1);

	// remap pixels to [0..1]
	NormalizeY(U, 0, 1);

	// return the integrated image
	return U;
Esempio n. 2
Apply the Gradient Domain High Dynamic Range Compression to a RGBF image and convert to 24-bit RGB
@param dib Input RGBF / RGB16 image
@param color_saturation Color saturation (s parameter in the paper) in [0.4..0.6]
@param attenuation Atenuation factor (beta parameter in the paper) in [0.8..0.9]
@return Returns a 24-bit RGB image if successful, returns NULL otherwise
FreeImage_TmoFattal02(FIBITMAP *dib, double color_saturation, double attenuation) {	
	const float alpha = 0.1F;									// parameter alpha = 0.1
	const float beta = (float)MAX(0.8, MIN(0.9, attenuation));	// parameter beta = [0.8..0.9]
	const float s = (float)MAX(0.4, MIN(0.6, color_saturation));// exponent s controls color saturation = [0.4..0.6]


	if(!FreeImage_HasPixels(dib)) return NULL;

	try {

		// convert to RGBF
		src = FreeImage_ConvertToRGBF(dib);
		if(!src) throw(1);

		// get the luminance channel
		Yin = ConvertRGBFToY(src);
		if(!Yin) throw(1);

		// perform the tone mapping
		Yout = tmoFattal02(Yin, alpha, beta);
		if(!Yout) throw(1);

		// clip low and high values and normalize to [0..1]
		//NormalizeY(Yout, 0.001F, 0.995F);
		NormalizeY(Yout, 0, 1);

		// compress the dynamic range

		const unsigned width = FreeImage_GetWidth(src);
		const unsigned height = FreeImage_GetHeight(src);

		const unsigned rgb_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(src);
		const unsigned y_pitch = FreeImage_GetPitch(Yin);

		BYTE *bits      = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(src);
		BYTE *bits_yin  = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(Yin);
		BYTE *bits_yout = (BYTE*)FreeImage_GetBits(Yout);

		for(unsigned y = 0; y < height; y++) {
			float *Lin = (float*)bits_yin;
			float *Lout = (float*)bits_yout;
			float *color = (float*)bits;
			for(unsigned x = 0; x < width; x++) {
				for(unsigned c = 0; c < 3; c++) {
					*color = (Lin[x] > 0) ? pow(*color/Lin[x], s) * Lout[x] : 0;
			bits += rgb_pitch;
			bits_yin += y_pitch;
			bits_yout += y_pitch;

		// not needed anymore
		FreeImage_Unload(Yin);  Yin  = NULL;
		FreeImage_Unload(Yout); Yout = NULL;

		// clamp image highest values to display white, then convert to 24-bit RGB
		dst = ClampConvertRGBFTo24(src);

		// clean-up and return
		FreeImage_Unload(src); src = NULL;

		// copy metadata from src to dst
		FreeImage_CloneMetadata(dst, dib);
		return dst;

	} catch(int) {
		if(src) FreeImage_Unload(src);
		if(Yin) FreeImage_Unload(Yin);
		if(Yout) FreeImage_Unload(Yout);
		return NULL;