Esempio n. 1
static void write (PBF *bf, int n)
  char str [512], *pstr = str;
  double d = (double)n;
  float f = (float)n;
  unsigned long ul = (unsigned long)n;
  long l = (long)n;
  unsigned int ui = (unsigned int)n;
  int i = n;
  unsigned short us = (unsigned short) (n % 32767);
  short s = (short) (n % 32767);
  unsigned char uc = (unsigned char) (n % 127);
  char c = (char) (n % 127);

  sprintf (str, "CURRENT NUMBER IS %d", n);

  /* output time */
  PBF_Time (bf, &d);

  /* write unlabled data */
  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);

  /* write labeled data */
  PBF_Label (bf, "STRING");
  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Label (bf, "DOUBLE");
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "FLOAT");
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "ULONG");
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "LONG");
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UINT");
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "INT");
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "USHORT");
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "SHORT");
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UCHAR");
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "CHAR");
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);
Esempio n. 2
/* write fracture state */
static void fracture_state_write (DOM *dom)
  char path [1024];
  double R[3], r, (*disp) [3];
  int i, n, dofs;
  MESH *msh;
  SET *item;
  BODY *bod;
  CON *con;

#if HDF5
  int numbod;
  PBF *f;

  snprintf (path, 1024, "%s/fracture", dom->solfec->outpath);
  ASSERT (f = PBF_Write (path, PBF_ON, PBF_ON), ERR_FILE_OPEN);

  PBF_Time (f, &dom->time);

  for (numbod = 0, bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next)
    if (bod->fracture)
      msh = bod->shape->data;
      dofs = 3 * msh->nodes_count;
      ERRMEM (disp = malloc (msh->nodes_count * sizeof (double [3])));
      for (i = 0; i < msh->nodes_count; i ++)
        SUB (msh->cur_nodes [i], msh->ref_nodes [i], disp [i]);

      PBF_Uint (f, &bod->id, 1);
      PBF_Int (f, &dofs, 1);
      PBF_Double (f, (double*)disp, dofs);

      n = SET_Size (bod->con);
      PBF_Int (f, &n, 1);
      for (item = SET_First (bod->con); item; item = SET_Next (item))
	con = item->data;
	r = sqrt (con->area/ALG_PI);
	PBF_Double (f, &r, 1);

	if (bod == con->master)
	  PBF_Double (f, con->mpnt, 3);
	  PBF_Double (f, con->spnt, 3);

        NVMUL (con->base, con->R, R);
	PBF_Double (f, R, 3);

      bod->fracture = 0;

      free (disp);
      numbod ++;

    PBF_Int2 (f, "numbod", &numbod, 1);

  PBF_Close (f);
  FILE *f;
  XDR x;

#if MPI
  snprintf (path, 1024, "%s/fracture%d.dat", dom->solfec->outpath, dom->rank);
  snprintf (path, 1024, "%s/fracture.dat", dom->solfec->outpath);
  ASSERT (f = fopen (path, "a"), ERR_FILE_OPEN);
  xdrstdio_create (&x, f, XDR_ENCODE);

  for (bod = dom->bod; bod; bod = bod->next)
    if (bod->fracture)
      msh = bod->shape->data;
      dofs = 3 * msh->nodes_count;
      ERRMEM (disp = malloc (msh->nodes_count * sizeof (double [3])));
      for (i = 0; i < msh->nodes_count; i ++)
        SUB (msh->cur_nodes [i], msh->ref_nodes [i], disp [i]);

      ASSERT (xdr_u_int (&x, &bod->id), ERR_FILE_WRITE);
      ASSERT (xdr_int (&x, &dofs), ERR_FILE_WRITE);
      ASSERT (xdr_vector (&x, (char*)disp, dofs, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double), ERR_FILE_WRITE);
      n = SET_Size (bod->con);
      ASSERT (xdr_int (&x, &n), ERR_FILE_WRITE);
      for (item = SET_First (bod->con); item; item = SET_Next (item))
	con = item->data;
	r = sqrt (con->area/ALG_PI);
	ASSERT (xdr_double (&x, &r), ERR_FILE_WRITE);

	if (bod == con->master)
          ASSERT (xdr_vector (&x, (char*)con->mpnt, 3, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double), ERR_FILE_WRITE);
          ASSERT (xdr_vector (&x, (char*)con->spnt, 3, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double), ERR_FILE_WRITE);

        NVMUL (con->base, con->R, R);
        ASSERT (xdr_vector (&x, (char*)R, 3, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double), ERR_FILE_WRITE);

      bod->fracture = 0;

      free (disp);

  xdr_destroy (&x);
  fclose (f);
Esempio n. 3
/* read fracture state */
FS* fracture_state_read (BODY *bod)
  FS *out = NULL, *item, *instance;
  char path [1024];
  unsigned int id;
  int i, n, dofs;
  double *disp;

#if HDF5
  PBF *f, *g;

  snprintf (path, 1024, "%s/fracture", bod->dom->solfec->outpath);
  g = PBF_Read (path);

    double time;

    PBF_Time (g, &time); /* unused, but could be useful at some point */

    for (f = g; f; f = f->next)
      int numbod;

      PBF_Int2 (f, "numbod", &numbod, 1);

      while (numbod > 0)
	PBF_Uint (f, &id, 1);
	PBF_Int (f, &dofs, 1);
	ERRMEM (disp = malloc (dofs * sizeof (double)));
	PBF_Double (f, disp, dofs);
	PBF_Int (f, &n, 1);
	for (i = 0, instance = NULL; i < n; i ++)
	  ERRMEM (item = MEM_CALLOC (sizeof (FS)));

	  PBF_Double (f, &item->radius, 1);
	  PBF_Double (f, item->point, 3);
	  PBF_Double (f, item->force, 3);

	  if (id == bod->id)
	    item->inext = instance;
	    instance = item;

	    if (i == (n-1))
	      item->disp = disp; /* put displacements into first element of instance list */
	      item->next = out;
	      out = item;
	  else free (item);

	if (!out || out->disp != disp) free (disp);  /* not used */

	numbod --;
  } while (PBF_Forward (g, 1));

  PBF_Close (g);
  FILE *f;
  XDR x;

  snprintf (path, 1024, "%s/fracture.dat", bod->dom->solfec->outpath);
  f = fopen (path, "r");
  /* TODO: read MPI mode data in case f == NULL but fractureRANK.dat exit */
  if (f)
    xdrstdio_create (&x, f, XDR_DECODE);

    while (! feof (f))
      if (xdr_u_int (&x, &id) == 0) break;
      ASSERT (xdr_int (&x, &dofs), ERR_FILE_READ);
      ERRMEM (disp = malloc (dofs * sizeof (double)));
      ASSERT (xdr_vector (&x, (char*)disp, dofs, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double), ERR_FILE_READ);
      ASSERT (xdr_int (&x, &n), ERR_FILE_READ);
      for (i = 0, instance = NULL; i < n; i ++)
        ERRMEM (item = MEM_CALLOC (sizeof (FS)));

	ASSERT (xdr_double (&x, &item->radius), ERR_FILE_READ);
        ASSERT (xdr_vector (&x, (char*)item->point, 3, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double), ERR_FILE_READ);
        ASSERT (xdr_vector (&x, (char*)item->force, 3, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double), ERR_FILE_READ);

	if (id == bod->id)
	  item->inext = instance;
	  instance = item;

	  if (i == (n-1))
	    item->disp = disp; /* put displacements into first element of instance list */
	    item->next = out;
	    out = item;
	else free (item);

      if (!out || out->disp != disp) free (disp);  /* not used */

    xdr_destroy (&x);
    fclose (f);

  return out;
Esempio n. 4
/* read new bodies data */
static void read_new_bodies (DOM *dom, PBF *bf)
#if HDF5
  double time, start, end;

  PBF_Time (bf, &time); /* back up time frame from outside of this function */
  PBF_Limits (bf, &start, &end);
  PBF_Seek (bf, start);

    for (PBF *f = bf; f; f = f->next)
      int ipos = 0, ints;
      int dpos = 0, doubles;
      double *d;
      int *i;
      int k, n;
      BODY *bod;

      if (PBF_Has_Group (f, "NEWBOD") == 0) continue; /* don't try to read if there are no new bodies stored */

      PBF_Push (f, "NEWBOD");

      PBF_Int2 (f, "count", &n, 1);
      PBF_Int2 (f, "ints", &ints, 1);
      ERRMEM (i = malloc (sizeof (int [ints])));
      PBF_Int2 (f, "i", i, ints);
      PBF_Int2 (f, "doubles", &doubles, 1);
      ERRMEM (d = malloc (sizeof (double [doubles])));
      PBF_Double2 (f, "d", d, doubles);

      for (k = 0; k < n; k ++)
	bod = BODY_Unpack (dom->solfec, &dpos, d, doubles, &ipos, i, ints);

	if (!MAP_Find (dom->allbodies, (void*) (long) bod->id, NULL))
	  MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->allbodies, (void*) (long) bod->id, bod, NULL); /* all bodies from all times */
	else BODY_Destroy (bod); /* FIXME: bodies created in input files at time > 0;
				    FIXME: perhaps there is no need of moving GLV to the fist lng_RUN call,
				    FIXME: but rather bodies created in Python should not be put into the 'dom->newb' set;
				    FIXME: this way, as now, all Python created bodies will be anyway read at time 0 */

      free (d);
      free (i);

      PBF_Pop (f);
  } while (PBF_Forward (bf, 1));

  dom->allbodiesread = 1; /* mark as read */

  PBF_Seek (bf, time); /* seek to the backed up time again */
  char *path, *ext;
  FILE *file;
  int m, n;
  XDR xdr;

  if (dom->solfec->verbose)
    printf ("Reading all bodies ...\n");

  dom->allbodiesread = 1; /* mark as read */

  path = SOLFEC_Alloc_File_Name (dom->solfec, 16);
  ext = path + strlen (path);
  for (m = 0; bf; bf = bf->next) m ++; /* count input files */

  for (n = 0; n < m; n ++)
    if (n || m > 1)
      sprintf (ext, ".bod.%d", n);
      if (!(file = fopen (path, "r"))) continue; /* no new bodies for this rank */
    else /* n == 0 && m == 1 */
      sprintf (ext, ".bod.%d", n);
      if (!(file = fopen (path, "r"))) /* either prallel with "mpirun -np 1" */
	sprintf (ext, ".bod");
	if (!(file = fopen (path, "r"))) continue; /* or serial */

    xdrstdio_create (&xdr, file, XDR_DECODE);

    int ipos, ints, *i, dpos, doubles;
    double *d;
    BODY *bod;

    for (;;)
      if (xdr_int (&xdr, &doubles))
	ERRMEM (d = malloc (sizeof (double [doubles])));
	if (xdr_vector (&xdr, (char*)d, doubles, sizeof (double), (xdrproc_t)xdr_double))
	  if (xdr_int (&xdr, &ints))
	    ERRMEM (i = malloc (sizeof (int [ints])));
	    if (xdr_vector (&xdr, (char*)i, ints, sizeof (int), (xdrproc_t)xdr_int))
	      ipos = dpos = 0;

	      bod = BODY_Unpack (dom->solfec, &dpos, d, doubles, &ipos, i, ints);

	      if (!MAP_Find (dom->allbodies, (void*) (long) bod->id, NULL))
	        MAP_Insert (&dom->mapmem, &dom->allbodies, (void*) (long) bod->id, bod, NULL);
	      else BODY_Destroy (bod); /* FIXME: bodies created in input files at time > 0;
					  FIXME: perhaps there is no need of moving GLV to the fist lng_RUN call,
					  FIXME: but rather bodies created in Python should not be put into the 'dom->newb' set;
					  FIXME: this way, as now, all Python created bodies will be anyway read at time 0 */
	      free (d);
	      free (i);
	      free (d);
	      free (i);
	    free (d);
	  free (d);
      else break;

    xdr_destroy (&xdr);
    fclose (file);

  free (path);
Esempio n. 5
static int read (PBF *bf, int n)
  char *pstr = NULL;
  double d;
  float f;
  unsigned long ul;
  long l;
  unsigned int ui;
  int i;
  unsigned short us;
  short s;
  unsigned char uc;
  char c;

  char _str [512];
  double _d = (double)n;
  float _f = (float)n;
  unsigned long _ul = (unsigned long)n;
  long _l = (long)n;
  unsigned int _ui = (unsigned int)n;
  int _i = n;
  unsigned short _us = (unsigned short) (n % 32767);
  short _s = (short) (n % 32767);
  unsigned char _uc = (unsigned char) (n % 127);
  char _c = (char) (n % 127);

  sprintf (_str, "CURRENT NUMBER IS %d", n);

  PBF_Time (bf, &d);
  if (d != (double)n) return 0;

  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);

  if (strcmp (pstr, _str) != 0 ||
      d != _d || f != _f || ul != _ul ||
      l != _l || ui != _ui || i != _i ||
      us != _us || s != _s || uc != _uc || c != _c) return 0;

  free (pstr); pstr = NULL;
  d = 0.; f = 0.; ul = 0; l = 0;
  ui = 0; i = 0; us = 0; s = 0;
  uc = 0; c = 0;

  PBF_Label (bf, "STRING");
  PBF_String (bf, &pstr);
  PBF_Label (bf, "DOUBLE");
  PBF_Double (bf, &d, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "FLOAT");
  PBF_Float (bf, &f, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "ULONG");
  PBF_Ulong (bf, &ul, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "LONG");
  PBF_Long (bf, &l, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UINT");
  PBF_Uint (bf, &ui, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "INT");
  PBF_Int (bf, &i, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "USHORT");
  PBF_Ushort (bf, &us, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "SHORT");
  PBF_Short (bf, &s, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "UCHAR");
  PBF_Uchar (bf, &uc, 1);
  PBF_Label (bf, "CHAR");
  PBF_Char (bf, &c, 1);

  if (strcmp (pstr, _str) != 0 ||
      d != _d || f != _f || ul != _ul ||
      l != _l || ui != _ui || i != _i ||
      us != _us || s != _s || uc != _uc || c != _c) return 0;

  free (pstr);

  return 1;